Femdom / Humiliation

Gold Digger

Gold Digger
By Vilastis

Marcus sighed. There was no way he was going to manage to make his rent this month.

Women had it so easy. They just had to flutter their eyelashes and some asshole with more money than sense would throw cash at them.

He had come to a decision. He opened a dating site and created a new profile. “Marcia.”

Reversals - Ch13

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Eric feels compelled to accept difficult truths. (Mature Audience Only Please)

Cinder Elli - Preview

Involuntary Cross Dressing/TG - For two years, Elliot's wicked stepmother and horrible stepbrothers have been forcing him into to clean the house, dressing him in his mother's old clothes and working him to the bone without rest....

Now, on the night of the Princess's Ball, the 20 year old orphan dreams of escaping to the palace and ingratiating himself with a well-to-do woman.

When a bumbling fairy godmother bursts through the window, he thinks his dreams have been answered! Of course, they're actually just beginning.

The Ninth Fold

The Ninth Fold

by Angela Rasch

Chapter One

Jenny had been brushing my hair for over ten minutes. Hanging to the middle of my back, it felt sensuous as her soft but insistent caressing lulled me into quiet reflection of the peaceful way of life we had created.

"The strangest thing happened to me after church on Sunday," Jenny said in a wandering voice that told me she was concentrating more on my hair than she was on her words. Jenny had her church and I had mine, which I picked based on its acceptance of transgendered members, even though no one in the congregation knew of my inclinations.

Although I maintained a feminine appearance more often than not, my totally feminine expression occurred only within the confines of our home. When I went out for groceries or other household necessities, I pulled my hair into a low ponytail, wore at least a top layer of male clothing, and removed all my make-up.

Jenny stopped brushing for a few seconds, as if collecting her thoughts had exhausted her energy. "I'd just pulled out of the church parking lot when I heard that bloop-bloop noise police cars make -- you know -- instead of a siren. When I looked in my rearview mirror, all I could see were blinking red and white lights."

Something distracted her. "I absolutely love your new fragrance," she said. She nuzzled my neck from where she sat behind me on the bed. Her nostrils found the spot where I'd placed a small drop of Cashmere Mist. Its subtle, elegant blend of jasmine, lily of the valley, sandalwood, amber, and musk affirmed my self-image.

She buried her nose in my neck and breathed deeply. "You smell like sexy baby powder. I have this over-whelming urge to mother you."

That wasn't exactly the response I'd wanted; I wanted to be ravished.




Audience Rating: 


There are some girls that are born with an indescribably powerful senuality and sexiness that cannot be taught. You have to be born with it to have it. These are girls who move through the world with a rare feminine beauty that creates a chemical reaction in the boys who cross their path. Boys like myself are agog when we encounter such girls. We feel an instant churning attraction in our gut. Often we force ourselves to look the other way because girls like this are out of our reach. They are destined for some other kind of guy. A-list guys who are to boys what these rare beautiful girls are to girls.


By Pamela

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 17

17 Canada new country of the Amazon Empire

They all left the meeting and headed home back to their countries or for Prime minster Lilly was heading back to Washington with her secretaries of certain departments. The only one left were Shego and Kim. Kim had decided to make Amazon Middleton her Royal Headquarters and Palace for the empire.

Reversals - Ch12

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Samantha comes to dinner and Eric serves.

Reversals - Ch11

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Eric struggles with new duties while Julia further embraces her dominant side.

Reversals - Ch10

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Eric is shocked at what Julia did to him but she assures him he really wanted it and explains why.

One of the Divorce Pawns

.One of the Divorce pawns

Written by Dauphin
Letters to a wife, on a sons change after a hard divorce
"This story made me mad, and that is because so many children are used as pawns" Diana
"This took me a day to write, and I am so happy i did not use my children as pawns when i was divoced" Dauphin

Nine Months (Month 2)

Nine Months (Month Two)

Kelly is stranded in Iceland in a female body suit while Jamie, now James, is off shooting a film. Her friendship with Siggy develops, but is she hiding a secret? Why does Siggy have such a problem with Kelly drinking, and if she keeps getting sick every morning should Kelly listen to her?

Month 2

The day after the 'men' left, Siggy woke me up early.

"Urgh, what time is it?" I moaned, putting the pillow over my head. The light hurt my eyes and my mouth felt woolly.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 41

Synopsis. When Aunty Cath learns from her sister that David raped Baby Jennie, she decides to set a trap to catch the sexual predator.

Chapter 41. Truth Will Out

Alternative Reality 1

.Alternative Reality 1

Written by Dauphin
An 8 year old boy wakes up in the hospital and find out he has lost everything, including his identity

"You enter the mind of a boy and get frustrated that no one can understand him." Diana
"I wanted to do a F2M story, as there are very few of them!" Dayphin

Once a Prince

A prince leads a battle of his mortal human fighters against the Fae. A war that started over one hundred years before. The prince is captured and punished by the Fae. In revenge for Fae lives lost and the rape and death of the Fae king's daughter, the prince is transformed into a slave girl to be handed over to the king's sons for punishment. Can the prince find freedom, love, and stop the war?

Shattered Glass


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Rona is from the novella "Never", and Ruth is from the novella "How Far", both of them have been in very bad situations previous to this story, and it will really help to read both of them before reading this one. Don't worry, this story isn't as quite as dark as their origin stories.

Undercover Exposure Tiara

.Undercover Exposure Tiara

Written by Dauphin
My aunt needs help to expose the evil world of pageants and she wants me to help!
"Child abuse for ambition? Sometimes we have to question adults and how we think!" Diana
"An attempt to write something original and ask why are there not many boy pageants" Dauphin

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 3

3 Drakken, Shego and Ann Capture

Ron asked “ your daughter who?”. Keria walked up and hit him in the stomach he fell down and said “you will call our queen mistress slave”. Ron was getting up Jay saw one of the scientist it was former Dr Garrett he was now a woman. Ron asked “ who is your daughter?”. Kim said “ I am the queen daughter slave”.

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 2

2 Gaia and the new Princess of the Amazons

The Amazon Village

The Amazon queen has walked into Gaia /Dr Possible room/ lab. James said “ hello my queen” Kira asked “ Gaia are we ready for our first male test?” James said “ yes my queen I have notice your military warriors are now in Black leather uniform and black leather thigh boots”.

Changing Dynamics - 4

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

Reversals - Ch09

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Eric makes an important decision that alters his destiny and leaves him changed forever. Be careful what you ask for…

Changing Dynamics - 3

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Changing Dynamics - 2

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Changing Dynamics - 1

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 22

Please leave a message after you read this chapter telling me what you think? I'm desperate for some feedback from my readers.
Baby Jennie

Synopsis; Baby Jennie can't seem to stop wetting and soiling her nappies. Frustrated with her new baby girl's failure to potty-train, Mummy decides to increase Baby Jennie's infantile status by using the big baby furniture Aunty Cath has put aside.

Chapter 22. Act Like a Baby…

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 20

Thank you for posting those comments after the last chapter. I really appreciate your thoughts. Sorry for not posting for so long, but I moved house two weeks ago and the internet wasn't connected until today. (Bloody Telstra NBN!)
Synopsis'; Aunty Cath decides to become more involved with Baby Jennie's diaper-discipline and potty-training.

Chapter 20. New Furniture for an Old Baby

The Registry


Audience Rating: 


The story deals with a future world where things are very different and it involves harsh language, harsh realities and unexpected civil and sexual behaviours. In this not too distant future, in a new type of society, there are citizens and then there are numbers; servants, maids and other registered slaves and then the officially non-existant ''wild ones''. This is their story. There is use of some coarse language and the readers are warned that the content is sometimes unpleasant and disturbing.

The Registry

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 19

Synopsis; Connie comes back to visit, to check on Baby Jennie. She offers to stay and help babysit the toddlers, and offers to help them start potty-training. Privately, Connie threatens Baby Jennie she will tell her Mummy about what David did to her - unless Baby Jennie tells her Mummy first. Baby Jennie fears she has truly lost control of her bladder and bowels - like a real toddler.

The Governess

In a world run by dominatrices, someone has to be in charge...

The Governess

A Cresswell Industries Story.

After her husband's transformation had been completed Lady Melissa Cresswell had decided that his wife should be given what she deserves.
She had spent many years in her domineering husband's shadow and now with her own transformation complete, Lorna Trewick was going to play an important role in Her Ladyship's plan for a world where women were to become the more dominant species of the human race.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 88)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

88 Princess Arianna of Amazonia

Truth's Purity: Chapter 5-6

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He finds out why he's there, but refuses to accept his feelings

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

Chapter 5

I jolted awake from a tangled mass of fuzzy dreams and stared around at the unfamiliar bedroom around me. Where was I? What…this place was…oh god…

Truth's Purity: Chapter 4

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He is scared and confused, and slowly learns why he is there and what plans lay in store for him. He meets a young woman who

Chapter 4

‘Hey, stop spacing out.’ Tegan said and I realised she’d gone over to the other desk and placed the tray there. ‘Time to eat!’

I hurried over and she pulled the seat out for me to sit on, and then pushed it back in once I was on. ‘Oh, you don’t have to do that.’

Truth's Purity: Chapters 1-3

Truth's Purity

Synopsis: A young man awakens in a strange room, in the body of a younger girl. He is scared and confused, and slowly learns why he is there and what plans lay in store for him

Chapter 1

I was floating in oily darkness, feeling it swirl thickly around me as if it were trying to drag me away with it. A strange warmth was embracing me, so hot that it felt like it was burning me away, but it felt nice somehow, as if I was just slipping into a warm bath.

Cresswell Industries -48-49-50-51-

Charlie had dreams...

Cresswell Industries

48 - Fulfilled
49 - Just Rewards
50 - Winter Blues
51 - Girls' Meeting

by Keshara

Chapter Forty Eight


Charlie Saddler had always considered himself intelligent even if those around him did not. He thought his life was his own and that every decision he made would bring him closer to his dream of being a rich man with girls surrounding him wherever he went.

Cresswell Industries -44-45-46-47-

Cresswell Industries III

How The Mighty Fall

Chapters 44-47

by Keshara


Bernard Falconer ran his hand over his bald-head, he had decided to look more in with it than he usually did, for his greying hair, what he had of it, was showing his age. He had outlived many of his adversaries and now that they had been replaced with younger and fitter ones, he knew that staying as fit and young as possible was just as important.

Cresswell Industries -40-41-42-43-

Cresswell Industries:
40 - The New Year's Ball
41 - Night's End
42 - Future Females
43 - New Year's Day

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara
Chapter Forty

The New Year's Ball

Annabelle reveled in her newfound freedom, especially when she had been so desperate to be treated as girl for so long. Wendy had taken her to the mall to fill her wardrobes and draws with all the female items she had once thought she would never ever get to touch let alone wear.

Cresswell Industries -36-37-38-39-

Cresswell Industries:
36 - Autumn Winds
37 - Half-Term
38 - Three Girls and a Boy
39 - Christmas Presence

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara

Chapter Thirty Six

Autumn Winds
Wendy sat in the 4x4 waiting for Michelle to hurry up, before when Michelle was Michael she would have been at her tether and would have been yelling at him to get ready, but not today.

Michelle was excited and had got up early to get dressed, despite last night's lack of sleep through excitement.

Cresswell Industries -32-33-34-35-

Cresswell Industries
32 - Envy
33 - A Change of Mind
34 - New Awakenings
35 - Summer's End

Cresswell Industries

by Keshara

Chapter Thirty Two


Monday morning brought more frustration for Allan, his chores were endless and now that he was even having to wash Michelle's underwear, dresses and tops and it was beginning to show on his face.

"I know washing and ironing is tiresome Allan, but believe me you will thank me one day for letting you do the job," Wendy noticed her son's change of mood.


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