Last Regrets - Part 1 of 5

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection (Link)". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first.


Brad swallowed hard as he stood before her door. He had stood before it several times and none of those ended well. Behind this door lives Sarah. He had a crush on her for years.

A few months back he hatched the plan to gift her a present that was enchanted. Once presented she had to accept it. By the laws of this universe, it would have made Sarah like him more. Artificially raising her affection for him. But it hadn't been her that opened the door. It was her mother, who foiled his plan.

It had taken Brad weeks to find the courage for a second try. That time a divine creature of sex and allure had opened the door. Again his plan to win Sarah's heart was thwarted.

Worse yet was that in that moment of weakness he decided to pursue Valerie. The woman that had opened the door. She had been sexy yet strong and an aura of dominance around her. Back then he hadn't known that Valerie was Sarah's father. Changed by an unfortunate incident. Brad still didn't know the details, but in hindsight, he cursed his own raging hormones that led him to focus on Valerie instead of Sarah.

The third time Brad had been before this door played out very anti-climactic. No one opened, yet when he listened to it just a bit he heard moaning. Voices of passion that haunted his dreams for weeks.

It took quite a while for Brad to try again. When the door opened a very tall and muscular woman had stood there. She looked similar to Sarah's mother that he had assumed her to be Sarah's aunt. How wrong he had been. Later Brad found out that she had been Sarah's mother. Changed by her new class. With her spectacular physique and massive bosom, she was fuel for his teenage wet dreams.

How fickle had been his will at that time. Sarah and Valerie had been forgotten and the fifth time Brad had stood before this door he chose to pursue the Amazonian beauty. This time Sarah had opened the door, but she was unlike he remembered her. She had matured into a confident young woman, who radiated strength and confidence.

Sarah had made clear what she had thought of Brad and his enchanted presents. He still could hear her taunting him. Sarah had become a necromancer. Capable of ordering the undead and spirits. She had vowed to order a ghost to haunt him if he would ever show up here with a present again.

Maybe that moment would have been a good a good time for Brad to reflect on his misdeeds. To grow as a person. But it needed yet another woman to do just that. Cathy Bates had been pursuing Brad like Brad had pursued Sarah. Silently from afar with wishful thinking.

Cathy shared another similarity with Brad. Just like Brad, she showed up one day with an enchanted present at his door.

Unlike Sarah, he hadn't a person who opened the door for him. His parents always traveling the world for pleasure or work. So as he opened the door she gave him a present that was enchanted. He couldn't refuse as the magic made its work. One might be tolerable, but Cathy gave Brad present after present.

With each gift, Brad's affection grew for Cathy. Such was the world and rules he lived in. Cathy soon got her wish and both started dating. The relationship lasted a little longer as Cathy's money to buy gifts. The moment the artificial affection wore off Brad could think clearly again and broke it off.

Brad was angry at Cathy, but not as angry as with himself. Just a few months before he had tried the same trick. The same loophole in the rules of the universe. First to woe Sarah. Then her parents. He knew the damage was done. The dream to get together with Sarah forever shattered.

Yet he found himself before her door again. Brad rung with himself to finally find the strength to ring the doorbell. As his finger hovered over the button the door suddenly opened.

"Brad. What brings you here?", Sarah demanded. Not angry, but with a strength in her voice.

He needed a moment to take her all in. Sarah stood confidently in a pink dress overlaid with black lace. Her hair up in an elaborate braid. She looked young and beautiful, yet mature and with a presence.

When Brad found his voice he quickly blurred out his reason, before she could cut him off. "I am here to apologize. To you. And to your parents. Are they here?"

A single eyebrow rose and Brad was smitten with her yet again. How such a simple gesture could convey so much was beyond him. Brad saw the curiosity in it, yet a playful amusement.

A moment later she turned her head and Brad saw the delicate braiding on her head in detail. "Moms! Here is someone to see us," she said with confidentiality and a strong voice. A string of regrets tore through Brad yet again. Through his own means, he had destroyed any hope to ever get to know her better.

A moment later two figures appeared that had haunted his dreams. Valerie. A beautiful, supple and sexy Empusa. A type of Succubus. And Bethany. The tall and muscular perfection of an athletic female body. Both their faces darkened as they saw Brad.

"Relax," Sarah said with a cool tone. "He is here to talk, right?"

Brad quickly nodded and words sprout from his mouth like a waterfall. "I am here to apologize. To say I am sorry. Recently things happened that made me realize that ... I had been an asshole. A fool and an ass. I do not expect any of you to forgive me, but if my father taught me anything then it is to own your mistakes. It was wrong of me to try to buy your affection. I see that now. I am here to say I am sorry and that I regret my past actions."

Silence followed for a moment and Brad drew in a nervous breath. It was Valerie who broke it. "Damn, I guess no stabby stab stab," she said with a grin. Brad's mind immediately returned to the very sharp spear Valerie owned and the thread where she will put it if he ever showed up again.

"What my wife means to say is that we accept your apology," Bethany chimed in and then led her wife away. "Come on. You can do some other stabby things with your tail in our bedroom," she promised Valerie as she lured her wife away.

A moment later Brad was alone with Sarah again. He was painfully aware that Sarah had chosen to be silent till now. Finally, she pointed at his hands. "What is that?" she asked. Brad thought to hear a hint of amusement.

He looked down and noticed the small bouquet of flowers. They completely had slipped his mind.

"Flowers," he replied and immediately wished to take that obvious statement back. "My mother taught me to always bring flowers if you apologize to someone. Not sure if they are the right ones-" he trailed off.

To his amazement, she took them from him. "Maybe there is hope for you yet-" she simply said before closing the door.

Stunned Brad needed a few seconds. He had given up all hope of ever winning Sarah's heart. Yet her words just now stroked a fire in him. Maybe the was a chance. Small as it might be. Grinning like a fool he walked to the elevator.

A ding announced the cabin and the door opened. In it was a refined older woman who reminded Brad of Sarah. If he hadn't just met Sarah's mothers he would have mistaken her for just that. She appeared to be around mid-forties and dressed a tad old-fashioned. Most of all her braided hair threw Brad off. It was made up the same way as Sarah's.

She gave Brad a warm smile, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of being prey under the gaze of a predator. "Come on in Brad. I am Miss Kirin," she said with a strong voice.

Brad did as told, but was flabbergasted nonetheless. "How do you know my name?"

She gave him an enigmatic smile. "You could say I recently moved in close to Sarah. For the past few months, I have been a friend and advisor to her. A close one at that. Now be a dear and push the button for the ground floor."

Brad pushed it on instinct. Distracted by his own thoughts. What she had told certainly explained why Miss Kirin gave off a similar vibe as Sarah.

"Do you think your apology went well?" she inquired.

"I think so," he admitted.

"Well, you made a big mistake. But one that offers a chance for both of us." Again she gave him that smile that vexed him.

"What do you mean?" Brad asked confused.

"The flowers Brad. It was a fortunate mistake on your part," she stated.

"Did I get the wrong ones?"

With a ding, the elevator doors opened and Miss Kirin walked out. "No Brad. The flowers in general. Loosely interpreted they are a present, right? Do you remember what Sarah swore last time you came to her home with a present."

It only took a moment for Brad's mind to catch up. "Oh no! She told me she would get a ghost to haunt me!"

"Bingo," confirmed Miss Kirin. Just as she walked through the apartment buildings front doors without opening them.

"You are a ghost?" Brad half shouted.

"Stop being so dramatic and come on. Yes, I am a ghost and yes you are stuck with me. Let's head home, your home, and I'll clue you in."

"Shit," Brad muttered. He had to agree. This was a big fuck up. As he walked out he recalled another detail of Sarah's rant that day. "Wait. Are you that ghost that wants me as a baby girl? Sarah said that-"

Her immediate loud laughter made him cringe. "Don't tell me you believed that. Yes, my last regret had been that I have never raised a baby girl. That is what creates a ghost. Regret."

As Brad was still standing like a statue she urged him on. "Come on. Use your brain. Okay, gender changes can happen. Just ask Sarah's new mother. But have you ever heard of a way to regress someone's age? If I had known a spell like that I would have been rich when I had been alive. Besides. Ghosts can't use magic. You know that, right?"

"Normally they can't," he interjected, but quickly had to agree. It was ridicules. There was no way a ghost could make him an infant or a girl. "So why haunt me then?" he finally asked.

"That is a little complicated. I tell it to you on your drive home. While driving it might also be less suspicious." Miss Kirin confidently walked towards his car. A bright red sports-car he had gotten for his last birthday. Personally, he would have preferred something less flashy, but it was hard to tell that to his parents.

He swiftly took his seat and started the engine. Then he hesitated as he saw Miss Kirin take a seat beside him. "How can you sit there? Shouldn't you be immaterial?" he wondered out loud.

"Oh, please. I have been a ghost for centuries. You pick up some tricks. Like floating in place as if you sit somewhere. I learned that free-floating freaks living people out. Now drive and I tell you the answers to the really important questions. Why do I haunt you and not somebody else."

After he pulled out of the parking lot she started to explain. "Well, my last desire or wish was for a baby girl. Not that I am very fond of babies or so. It sprung forth from my wish to pass down my knowledge to someone worthy. And someone worthy I found. Sarah is for most purposes an ideal candidate. I saw her raw potential and I mean not just based on her class."

Miss Kirin fell silent. Just as Brad wanted to urge her she continued. "Once she will have proven that she learned all that I could offer I will be free. I will finally go into the real afterlife. With all the time I spend teaching her I grew fond of her. I want her to be not just powerful, but also happy. For that, I need someone in her life that could fill the role of being her partner. I think that could be you."

At once Brad's heart started beating harder. "So you want to help to get Sarah to like me?"

Her loud laugh made him twitch and a slight blush crept on his face. "No, you fool. She already likes you. Why else would she send her most important and trusted advisor after you? It is just the way you handled things before are seriously lacking in ... Well, everything."

He could hardly disagree. He had fucked up royally and he knew it. Still, hope blossomed in his heart. "So you can tell me what she likes and I'll-"

"No!" came the strong objection from Miss Kirin. "I may have had my faults when I had been alive, but a lack of loyalty hadn't been one of them. If I would be to tell you all her secrets and desires I would betray her. That is out of the question. However-"

She turned towards him and gave him a devious smile. "I can teach you. Form you into something worthy of her. But don't be too quick to sign up. My teaching might be the hardest you ever have to endure. Do you know why?"

Brad shook his head and Miss Kirin continued. "Sarah is confident and strong-willed. Dominant if you so will. There are two ways for her to be an ideal partner. The first one you truly ruined for yourself. To be nearly or as dominant as her. The very fact that you showed up with enchanted gifts tells all. Even you don't think you are worthy of her on your own. No. Dominant is right out. The second best way, the only one left for you, would be to go the opposite way."

"You mean to go submissive?" Brad asked. "To become someone weak-willed? I am not-"

"Oh no no no. You are jumping to conclusions again. Submissive yes, but a weak-willed person will never earn her respect," Miss Kirin corrected him.

"Isn't a strong-willed submissive person paradoxical?" he asked skeptically.

"Absolutely not. I admit there are many submissive people out there who lack will and favor giving their freedom for that reason to someone else. But there are others. People with a strength of will that chose to surrender their freedom. For them, it is not giving up. It is a way to give the ultimate present."

"A romantic gesture that can't be topped," Brad concluded.

Miss Kirin gave him a bright smile. "Now you are showing the reason I saw potential in you. Yes. You are right. But there is more. A strong-willed submissive can go deeper than a weak-willed one. To endure more. Because they have the will to do it not for themselves, but for the person they love."

Several heartbeats passed in silence before Brad found his voice.

"I am not sure I am that strong," he admitted quietly.

"Of course not. No one is born that strong-willed. But it can be taught. That is why I am here. If you accept me as your teacher I will teach you the strength you need to fully embrace your own submissiveness. The choice is yours. Sarah set up the haunting in a way that allows me to break it up. If you want I'll be gone from your life in a heartbeat. Or I can teach you. The choice is yours."

Brad's mind raced. It was so much to stomach. The whole day had been a rollercoaster so far. Now before him was a unique opportunity. One he could reject or embrace. Was it worth it? He didn't know. However, he knew that Sarah was worth it. For years he had longed to be with her. Now he had a chance. Did he have the will to do so? If not he would be giving up. Always be a half measure.

Miss Kirin was right. Only dedicating oneself full was the way to Sarah's heart. In this moment that he decided he also realized in part what Miss Kirin had talked about. The strength and will to go through with it. He had found it. He took his eyes for a moment from the street before him and looked her with resolve into the eyes. "Sarah is worth it. Please. Will you be my teacher?"

"There is the spark I had anticipated. Of course. Now. Let's start right away. Take the next exit on the right. We make a detour to the mall."


It didn't take long for them to arrive. Miss Kirin steered him towards the big department store.

"To the lingerie section. Now, remember. Only you can see me, so be a bit guarded about how you talk to me. We don't want people to think you are crazy."

"Why the lingerie section?" asked Brad while trying to be inconspicuous.

"We are here for your first task and lesson. Women need panties for one of two reasons. For daily wear and for times when they want to be sexy. I want you to pick out five for the latter reason. Chose the ones you think would be best for Sarah."

Brad nodded but couldn't help himself. He had to ask. "How will that help me? I don't think they would make a fitting gift. Well, not as the first one."

"Right you are. The reason is simple. I see how uncomfortable you are with the task. Besides. If you manage to win Sarah's love the ability to buy her undergarments without turning beet red is a plus. Don't you agree?"

Brad nodded and started his search. There were a lot of attractive choices and he needed a while. If he would have shopped for himself he would be out of the store by now. Miss Kirin, however, urged him to take his time. In the end, he found five he liked. Four were very lacy and slightly see through. One was more on the frilly cute side. Miss Kirin held back her opinion. Only correcting him on the size. Personally, he thought Sarah wore smaller ones, but Miss Kirin surely knew her stuff.

As he walked to the cashier Miss Kirin gave him a last tip. "Now don't embarrass yourself. If you hand the panties over don't try to explain yourself. Many men buy Dessous for their women. However, if you explain yourself then you appear guilty of something. Just act if you buy the underwear you normally buy for yourself."

Brad gave her a slight nod. He was nervous but did as told. The bored cashier rung up and packed away Brad's purchase in seconds. Just as Miss Kirin had predicted.

Walking out of the store he felt strangely proud. It had been a tad scary for a moment. Yet afterward he knew how stupid it had been.

"Okay. Next step. Go to the restroom," came Miss Kirin's instruction.

Brad was a trifle confused but did as told. On her instruction, he entered the last stall. He was a little freaked out that she followed him in.

"Relax. Now take your purchases out," she told him. As he did she continued. "Now I want you to feel the material. I bet it feels a lot different than your normal underwear, right?"

"Yeah, it's pretty soft," he agreed.

"Well, time for the next step. Drop your pants!" she firmly ordered him.

"What?" asked a flabbergasted Brad.

"There is nothing I haven't seen yet. I mean ghosts can see everything. Many are more undead voyeur spectators than specters. Believe me, I know what you are packing. I even know the silly faces you make when you are masturbating."

"Holy shit. Hell no!" Brad half shouted.

"I know how that is. Gotta watch what you eat, right? Hang in there buddy," came a shout back from another stall.

Brad quickly held his mouth shut with both his hands. In shock, he didn't notice that he held the soft panties right under his nose.

"Don't make a big deal out of it," Miss Kirin chastised him. "I had to research you before I could be certain that you are right for Sarah."

Slowly Brad calmed down. Right. Sarah. He was doing all this for her. He guessed a ghost couldn't go gossiping about him anyway. The only living person she could talk to was Sarah. If she wanted to do that she would probably already have done that by now. He wasn't happy about it, but in the end, he complied nonetheless.

"Your boxer shorts too," she admonished and reminded him of the task at hand. Once bare naked below his waist she continued. "Now pick one of the panties and wear it."

That gave Brad several seconds of pause. He gave her an unsure lopsided smile. "Are you sure this isn't an elaborate plan to make me a girl?"

"Look. I am a ghost. There are only so many things I can do as I can't take a more hands-on approach. Excuse the pun. The fact that you are so weary of girly stuff makes it a good challenge. Why else would I suggest this?"

"For revenge?" Brad volunteered.

"I taught Sarah better than to be after petty revenge," she squatted his idea aside.

Brad had to make a decision. Should he continue? Once again he had to remind himself for whom he did all this. He took a long look at the panties in his hand and chose the frilly one. It was the one that was the least see-through. He quickly stepped into it before he could lose his resolve. A moment later he had settled it in its place.

"Well done. Now wear your pants over it. Then put on your shoes and meet me at the food court. Don't forget to flush the toilet."

She was gone before he could reply. Quickly he followed her instructions and headed out. Once outside paranoia made itself know. To him, everyone looked at him and just knew what he was wearing. Of course, that was a stupid assumption. With a racing heart, he arrived at the court and saw Miss Kirin a moment later.

"Get yourself some lunch and then join me," she told him before he could settle down.

She sat at a table that was slightly away from other tables. Or to be more precise she floated in a way that made it appear to him that she was sitting there. The smell of fast food woke the hunger in him. By now it was nearly noon. He got a burger menu and then made his way over.

"By all means start," she urged him.

He wanted to, but a question burned in him. Maybe to distract himself he blurted it out. "Don't you miss it? Eating I mean."

"A little, but my last bite had been so long ago that I barely remember what it's like. Don't worry. I don't mind seeing you eating."

He nodded and took his first bite. After swallowing he had to ask another question. "So. How does one become a ghost?"

"Haven't they taught you this in school? Very well. I shall enlighten you. There are two ways to die permanently. One is to be of old age. Not even being bound to a respawn stone will save you. If your time is up then it is time to go. The second is the one that has the chance to make you a ghost. You see if you die by any other means then old age you respawn. At that moment the connection to the respawn stone is severed. If you get killed before you can rebind yourself you are dead for real too. Now here is the thing. If you harbor in your soul a strong wish, desire or regret it could bind you to the world of the living. In that case, you go through a natural class change. What class of ghost you end up is random or beyond my knowledge of reason."

"I didn't know that ghosts have classes," admitted a baffled Brad.

"Yes, they have. You could say they are stuck in the ultimate undesirable class. Now. I see your lunch is gone. Time for your next task." She must have seen the uncertainty in his eyes as she quickly expanded on it. "This one is a pure mental hurdle. No risky business. I want you to tell me honestly how you feel right now and how it feels to wear such feminine panties."

Brad took a moment to collect himself and search his own feelings. "Nervous I would say. At first, my heart did beat like crazy. I was convinced everyone knew. That settled for now. Instead, I feel jittery right now. In my arms and legs."

"That is the adrenaline, my dear. The rush put you right between your fight or flight reflex responses. Now the adrenaline wears off. That causes your slight trembling," Miss Kirin explained. "How do the panties themselves feel?"

"Very soft and maybe a bit cool? It's hard to describe. They also... Well, they don't offer much support for ... You know. Also, the edges dig a little into my skin.”

"Well, that is to be expected. After all, they are designed for the female anatomy. Anything else?"

Brad hesitated and then remained quiet. Miss Kirin knew she had to push a bit more. "Look. One of the goals is that in the end, you have the strength to be completely open to Sarah. That there is no secret between you two. You have to trust her. Right now Sarah isn't here. So to train it I have to be the substitute. Do not worry. I won't laugh or do anything disrespectful. I promise."

Brad nodded after a moment. Despite reaching a decision he blushed. "My little guy is-"

"Saluting," finished Miss Kirin for him. "Don't worry. That is quite normal. Just now a lot of blood rushed through your system. Some of it was bound to end up down there. That doesn't mean you have a fetish for wearing girly stuff. It could as well be the excitement of the moment itself. And honestly, I could tell you for your chances with Sarah it wouldn't make a difference if you have or have not such a fetish."

She took a moment to muster him. Sure enough he looked like he had been through a lot today. But she also saw a hint more of self-confidence. Not much. Maybe not even enough that Brad noticed. "Well done Brad. So far I am glad I took a chance with you. I think that is enough for now. Time to head home wouldn't you say so too?"

Brad nodded. The relief may be a little too evident on his face.

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