Girls' School / School Girl

Angel's Tale - part 1

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

When Angel O'Connor and his family move to Colorado, he changes more than his address. Driving across the country with his mother, he comes down with MORFS.

Part 1

Jake's story Part 1-3

Pt 1

16 Year old Jacob Edwards finds that harsh words have even harsher consequences. Will he find happiness in his new life or will hate and a lust for revenge overtake him. Let’s find out.

“This is team one standing by“, “team two standing by“.
“This is alpha operation Edwards is go” The radio chatter ended and two black SUV'S started rolling toward an old Chevy pickup truck stopped at a red light.

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 7

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 7

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


A Sweets Life-Chapter 9

A Sweets Life-Chapter 9

At last! I apologize for the delay! Too many personal issues, and a muse on “vacation”. Hah! As if.

High school life tends to be a bit dramatic sometimes, and “cliques” form fairly early. The popular kids, the brains, the slackers, and all the smaller subgroups would be recognizable to anyone who has ever attended an American high school. There are always cross-overs, like a Jock who is popular and brainy, or a cheerleader that understands math and computers. This is generally accepted and normal.

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 6

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 6

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


I was hoping to sneak into the house and gather my thoughts, but of course, no such luck. Mom cornered me the second I walked in the door.

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 5

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 5

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


Aunt Adele's Niece -- Part 1

Aunt Adele’s Niece — Part 1

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2011)
(This is the third in a series of Aunt Adele stories that tell the story of how a dance teacher raised her 12-year-old orphaned nephew during World War II. The boy discovers how marvelous it is to be a girl. This is a four-part series, based on earlier Aunt Adele stories, “Aunt Adele’s Christmas Gift” and “Aunt Adele’s Easter Pageant.” The reader need not read the earlier stories, but it is recommended by the author.)

Masque in D Major: I. Allegro non troppo

Masque in D Major

To an audience, the conductor's technique & art are the most mysterious of all the orchestra. Whether it be a world-class philharmonic orchestra, or a youth orchestra of yet-blossoming talent, only a small part of the conductor's work is visible on-stage, glimpses seen perhaps now, as a wave of the hand or baton & maybe then, as a wild dance atop the podium. And the conductor must always perform turned away from the audience, appearing to the outside world as if his or her face were hidden behind a mask…

A Sweets Life-Chapter 8

A Sweets Life-Chapter 8

I know, I know, all that wait, and it’s a short, sad chapter. Sorry! I have my reasons! This gets a bit nasty, so I bumped up the rating to mature. Do kids really read these?

Candy was starting to realize there were too many windows in her room. The old fashioned regular glass windows really did almost nothing to stop the cold. Her room was so cold, her fingers hurt!

The Center: Tester - Part 15

The Center: Tester - Part 15

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Thanks Zip for editing. Now that I finally was able to finish this story to a good point I will work on elemental awakening and edit some more. Enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 15

I am Nobody

.I am nobody

Written by Dauphin
Alex is a girl! Why is society so cruel that they cannot accept this?
"A typical theme in a Dauphin story about a boy that is different and feels weird and alone. I just wanted to give the boy a hug " Diana
"This was written after the flower story, and is quite the opposite. I am surprised how many can relate to it" Dauphin

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 4

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 4

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


The Center: Tester - Part 14

The Center: Tester - Part 14

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Thanks Zip for expert editing. I hope to get another chapter in soon to finish this story off. It's almost done but I am getting a new computer so I may not have computer access for a little while.

Chapter 14

Jenny Lee & the Stranger ~ Part 3

Laika Pupkino ~ 2011


Peace Assessor Epsilon Tau stood with his back against a big rock, trembling. He needed to calm down. Taking a slow deep breath, he asked for the blessing of the Atom Heart Mother and reached out with his senses, connecting. He could feel the solidness of the house-size boulder behind him. The shape of it where it extended below the ground. The soil around it, a tumult of microscopic life and death and new birth .......... Beneath that he could feel the planet's brittle crust---mere kilometers thick---and then the horribly liquid mantle and core beneath...

This exercise would have quickly soothed his soul back at home, but here it just made him aware of how horribly alien this planet was. Green trees. A yellow sun in a blue sky…

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 2

A Senior Year to Remember. Chapter 2

By Bethany Starr
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around.


A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 1

A Senior Year to Remember. Chapter 1

By Bethany Starr

This is my first story here so please go easy on me. Comments are appreciated and edits/constructive criticism are welcome. This is the first part to a much longer story that I have in mind. I'll try to finish it quickly but I'm a slave to my muse and can only move as fast as she lets me.

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around.

The Center: Tester - Part 13

The Center: Tester - Part 13

By Blackout

Supreme Editor: Zip

Ok to show my thanks to Zip for editing I decided for this chapter to name Zip the supreme editor. Treat Zip like the supreme editor with thanks and applause! I have started writing part 14 and hope to have it up sooner or later. Like with other projects I need to get done. P.s. I am really hoping to get another Elemental Awakening up soon!


The Center: Tester - Part 12

The Center: Tester - Part 12

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

As all ways a big thanks is to be awarded to Zip. Sorry its been a while. I finally got this out though. This is a chapter with both Rachael's and Claire's point of view. Chapter 13 is already written and should be coming out soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

All In the Day of a Mother

All In the Day of a Mother

by Maggie O'Malley

dedicated to Momma Shelly, all my sisters, and all my family. Special dedication to my big sister Steffi. Thanks for the ball game and the hotdog. I will never forget that day.

Steffi was sitting all alone on the swing in the backyard. Momma Shelly glanced out the kitchen window as she was preparing afternoon lunch, and saw her thirteen-year-old with her ball cap pulled down over her eyes. She watched the young teen sitting slumped and dragging her feet back and forth across the ground as the swing slowly rocked.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12:
(Author's note. Well, this is the end of Rock Star Makeover, folks. I hope you enjoyed it. Will Noah, Gabbi, and company be back? You never know....)
After church, we were hanging around, when Adam came into the living room and asked, “Would it be okay if Lisa came over for supper?”

“Sure, Adam.” My mom said

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11:


(Author's note: I hope that if you are enjoying this series, you will take the time to leave a comment. Kudos are good too...)

My brother Adam came from the kitchen, and Lisa flinched.

“Its okay. Adam was just here in case something wasn’t on the up and up.” Gabbi said.

“I... I heard you introduce yourself, Lisa. I promise, you are safe in this house, okay?”

“Th....thank you.”

Rock Star Makeover, Part 10

Rock Star Makeover, Part 10.


Author's note: enjoy part 10, folks. It might have to sustain you for a while.

We went home, and I told my mom what happened.

“That’s good news about the concert, Noah. But who do you think might have sent Gabbi the note?”

“Not a clue, Mom.”

“What about you, Gabbi, any ideas?”

“Actually, I have one. But it means you have to make a sacrifice, Noah.”

“Sacrifice?” I asked.

“Yes. I … I want you to give up your seat to the concert,”

“But why, Gabbi?”

Rock Star Makeover, Part 9

Rock Star Makeover, Part 9:
Author's note: Here's chapter 9. Enjoy, and make sure you tip your waitress, er, I mean, leave a comment....

Monday, during lunch, Gabbi had a pensive expression, “Whats up?” I asked.

“This note got left in my locker this morning.” She handed me the note, and I read it.

“‘I’m like you’? What do you think it means?” I asked.

“The only thing that makes sense is that they are transgendered.” she said.

“I guess that would be cool. But who, and why send you the note?”

Rock Star Makeover, Part 7 & 8

Rock Star Makeover, Parts 7 & 8
Author's note: As promised, here is both parts 7 and 8. I hope the bit of darkness in part 7 doesn't scare too many people off. All comments, even negative ones, are appreciated.


Part 7:

Rock Star Makeover, part 6

Rock Star Makeover, Part 6:
Authors note: No summary, the audience has spoken. If you have not read the first 5 parts, (or if you have forgotten them) read those first.

The next morning,. I phoned Gabbi, and said, “Gabbi, I should hang around here today, I’ve … kinda missed my family.”

She said, “That’s cool Noah. I’m sure my sis and I can find some girly stuff to do.”

I chuckled. “Have fun, Gabbi.” I said.

The Journey is the Destination 28

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 28

By poetheather

The aftermath of the night before. And what is Ryoga doing disturbing their discussion of parfait? Doesn't everyone love parfait?

The Center: Tester - Part 11

The Center: Tester - Part 11

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

This chapter is told through Claire's point of view (POV). Also again big thanks to Zip for the great editing!



Rock Star Makeover, Part 5

Rock Star Makeover, Part 5
Authors note: I'm not sure if not supplying a summary is annoying people. If it is, let me know, okay? I'm sorry that this chapter is so short.

The next morning, we were woken early by a message from the front desk, saying there was a message for us. We dressed, and went down The message turned out to be from Cathy, and it said, “Here is everything you will need for a good time at Disneyland. There is also an outfit for Gabbi included.”

The outfit turned out to be a copy of Cinderella’s dress.

The Center: Tester - Part 10

The Center: Tester - Part 10

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Give a thanks to Zip for the great editing! Zip thanks for doing such a great job editing!
Also I am happy to say this story has finally reached double digits in chapters!

Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 4

Rock Star Makeover, Part 4:
(Author's note: Nope, not doing a summary. If you need to know what happened before, read the first 3 chapters.)
I was so far into my work I had no idea how much time passed. The next time I was really aware of the outside world was when Gabbi, her mom, and Cathy came up to me. They were each carrying a couple of bags, and it looked like both Gabbi and her mom had taken the opportunity to get a new hairstyle and makeup. The effect on Gabbi was … electric, at least for me.

“Wow.” Is all I could manage.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 3

Rock Star Makeover, Part 3


(Author's note: Its probably a good idea to read parts 1 and 2 first)


The next morning, I was happy to see Gabbi with her mom waiting for us to come to church.

“You both look fantastic!” I said.

Gabbi blushed, and her mom smiled.

We went to church, and it was pretty good. After it was over, I whispered to Gabbi “I think your mom is impressed by how everyone here is so cool with you.”

“Yeh, well, before I came here as Gabbi for the first time, I talked with the pastor.”

Rock Star Makeover, Part 2

Rock Star Makeover, Part 2

(Author's note: Its probably a good idea to read part 1 first)


We walked to my house hand in hand. We didn’t say much, but the contact seemed to say all we needed to say at that moment. We went inside, and told my mom what happened. My brother came in the room in time to hear Gabbi tell my mom about the card, and he grinned.

“Pretty mushy, Noah.” He said.

“It worked. I got my girl.” I said, grinning back.

Gabbi slipped her arm around me, and said, “And I got my guy.”

Rock Star Makeover, Part 1

Rock Star Makeover, Part 1

“You can't be serious!”

“Why not enter the contest? ”

“Well, duh, its for girls?”

“Doesn't say that anywhere. Says you have to be 15 or older, that's it.”

“Come on! I know you like Cathy Mason, and that the contest winner gets a meting with her, as well as a trip to Hollywood for the winner, their parents and a friend. But it also includes a new wardrobe, as well as a 'makeover'. You know, like makeup and stuff?”

He just grinned at me.

The Center: Tester - Part 9

The Center: Tester - Part 9

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

I must give a giant thanks to Zip for this chapter. #1 editor in my book right now. THANKS ZIP!

Also there is a new picture for the release of this chapter!


Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.


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