Girls' School / School Girl

I Woke, Part 6

I Woke
Part 6
By Dorothy Colleen


I rode. I was in my “mother’s” car, going to the home of Allison Allen. Only problem with that was I had woken up as Allison two days ago, and before that I was a 40 year old man named Mark Collins. I had stopped to help a girl, who turned out to be Allison, when I had been hit by a truck, which I had learned was being driven by Allison’s attacker.

I Woke, Part 5

I Woke
Part 5
By Dorothy Colleen


I walked. I was still in the hospital, trying to regain my strength, and demonstrate that I was well enough to go home. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to be to my own home, because against all reason, I was somehow stuck in the body of a teenage girl.

I Woke, Part 4

I Woke
Part 4
By Dorothy Colleen


I watched my “parents” leave. It wasn’t bad enough that I seemed to be stuck in the body of a teenage girl. Now I seemed to be remembering her life, channelling her feelings.

I Woke, Part 2

I Woke
Part 2
By Dorothy Colleen


I slept. While I slept I dreamed. I saw images, snapshots. An accident. Being taken to the hospital, feeling my spirit leave my body. Going into the next room where more doctors and nurses were working.

Skipper! Chapter 21

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This story explores the progress of Sian's project to create a trekking centre. In searching for custom she manages to persuade a large inner city social services unit to bring some children for a short respite, trekking. The project proves a success and there are some unexpected developments for Mac,Skipper's old shipmate when one of the social workers proves to be his nephew.

Skipper! Chapter 20

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


In this Chapter, Sian's Pony trekking venture starts to take off by offering brief respites and trekking holidays to disadvantaged chilodren. Meanwhile Beverly suffers a harrowing inquisition by the Social worker who is bringing the business to Sian.

Andy's Strange Summer Or How A Guy Learned To Relax And Love The Panties

In a world where social morals are disintegrating faster than the price of Toyota's stock shares comes the true story of a boy and his quest to shock the world. His name is Andy and he has a plan, one so shocking, so evil, the FCC won't let me tell you what it is on TV, Andy is going to become a girl... for no good reason at all! So without further adieu,

Andy's Strange Summer Or How A Guy Learned To Relax And Love The Panties

Skipper! Chapter 19

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


Chapter 19 describes Sissie's assimilation into the group and subsequent experiences. This is my first effort at getting stories uploaded from my laptop. Please be patient. There's a lot of stuff going on in my personal life at the moment. Nothing serious.

Skipper! Chapter 18

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter addresses Chrissies eventual arrival at Skipper's cottage and then deals with some of the preliminary issues surround Chrissie's adjustments to finding herself in a liberal and all importantly, supportive environment.

The Journey is the Destination 23

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 23

By poetheather

Now the training begins and Ukyo and Akane get a taste of the kind of training Ranma did while growing up.

Skipper! Chapter 15

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter is a complete re-write of the old chapter 15 and it explores new developments in Skipper's life. From here on there are new chapters that take the story beyond what is posted on Fictionmania.

Skipper! Chapter 8

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter dwells upon Sian And Margaret's decision to live at the 'cottage' The logistics prove to be perfect and the 'family' begins to grow. All in all a very sweet chapter with some surprising developments towards the end.

The Journey is the Destination 22

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 21

By poetheather

The trip went off well so far and they have reached their training site. What are they going to do now with three girls and one sort of boy?

The Vampiress: A Lovingly Stolen Idea

First a few words, I did not write the first version of this story, this is merely an unauthorized rewrite of the original. JR wrote the original version and the basic idea’s, plot, and setting belongs to JR, not me. I took the liberty to make any changes I saw fit to make this story more to my liking. I changed the names of those involved but the plot remains basically unchanged. Any and all continuations are my work but based upon the work of JR, not mine. So without further adieu I give you “The Vampiress: 12,000 Words”!

A Splintered Life - Chapter 14

Deirdre is busy cleaning the house and thinking about all the things she has to be thankful for. She is not filled with regrets, but contentment.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 14
Maternal Reflections

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 13

Megan is just happy about life. She is surprised about what she feels for Deirdre and instead of confusing her it makes her feel good. It's new and different and different is good.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 13
Angelic Embrace

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 12

David is simply trying to help his confused brother, that’s why he has hit him and why he is planning to rape him. It is purely looking out for him.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 12
A Bitter Concern

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather.
All Rights Reserved.

A Splintered Life - Chapter 11

Just a nice comfortable evening at home, cuddling on the couch with the one you love, talking about family.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 11
The Stuff of Love

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 10

The fight with David continues and Deirdre starts yelling back. Can this end well?

A Splintered Life

Chapter 10
The Hammer Falls

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 9

John was filled with nothing but regrets and his future was hopeless, there was nothing left to do but prepare the bath and reminisce.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 9
A Bath Before Dying

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 8

What do you do when things come to a head and conflict is your only option?

A Splintered Life

Chapter 8
The Sword of Damocles

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 7

Deirdre is worriedly talking to her mother about all of the things that have been bothering her lately. Why is it that parents don't really listen?

A Splintered Life
Chapter 7 -
Maternal Worries

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 6

Megan is nervous and unsure what to do. She has had a lot of dating fail lately and she really wants Deirdre to like her favorite restaurant. She is nervous and worried and hoping the night ends well.

A Splintered Life
Chapter 6 -

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

The Journey is the Destination 21

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 21

By poetheather

Things have calmed down some but Ranma is still worried because the Amazons have not made their move yet. She is worried that Akane and Ukyo might not have the strength to survive what is coming. The only solution? Training Trip.

A Splintered Life - Chapter 5

Deirdre has found more people to hang out with, people with whom she had something in common, gaming. She goes to her first meeting a little nervous and gets home after a little scare.

A Splintered Life
Chapter 5 -
Let the dice fall where they may!

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 4

David just couldn't wrap his head around his brother's choice to live as a girl. It disgusted him and he felt betrayed. Drivning around and drinking were his only refuge. What else could he do?

A Splintered Life
Chapter 4 -
A Bitter Brotherhood

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

Sorority Boy 23

After the party it is the day of Initiation and Caitlin is excited. All the pledge class girls head over to Alison's to relax before they take this next big step.

Sorority Boy
Chapter 23

By poetheather

Copyright © 2009 poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 3

Deirdre just wants to make friends and reached out with a phone call. Now she is heading to a 50's diner with no clue what to expect, but heading into the unknown is certainly better than being around her brother.

A Splintered Life
Chapter 3 - Meetings

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 2

John goes to share what has been going on with his Coven. Things have been really rough and he is looking for support.
Will anyone understand what he is going through?


A Splintered Life
Chapter 2 - Covening

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather

A Splintered Life - Chapter 1

Deirdre is trying really hard to deal with a lot of things that are all overwhelming: transition, starting College, a surly brother, parents who don't get it yet and a suicide event that haunts her. She is trying to pick up the broken pieces of her life and put them back together in some sort of order, but it isn't easy.

A Splintered Life
Chapter 1 - Welcome to My Life

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather


A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.


The Journey is the Destination 19

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 19

By poetheather

Ranma's mother teaches her daughter something new. Ukyo is propositioned by two girls and more of the usual Nerima insanity descends upon the girls. What exactly is this about fish?

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 24-Surgery

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 24-Surgery
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly discovers that Johnny is there for her surgery that finally turns her into a woman, and is there for her as she recovers from it. Yet he leaves before he can claim her physically which causes her to wonder about their Love because she wanted to consummate their Love.
Then Johnny gets hurt,and Kelly rushes to him, where she learns that she finally can control her passion for him.
Upon awakening, Johnny confesses why he has stayed away since the betrayal, and confesses his love for her.

The Center: Chapter 8

The Center: Chapter 8
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Kelly's Journey Chapter 21: Reunion

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 21: Reunion
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly meets alumni from her old Alma Mater who know all about her journey. In meeting each, she finds renewed friendship and blessings in their return.

The Center: Chapter 7

The Center: Chapter 7
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

The Center: Chapter 6

The Center: Chapter 6
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

The Center: Chapter 5

The Center: Chapter 5
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.


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