Fancy Dress / Prom / Evening Gown

Stephanie, part 9

“Thank you all!” Becca yells into her microphone to the screaming crowd as we all wave happily. “Thank you all so, so much!”

“Thank you Glasgow!” I scream into my microphone, taking several deep breaths (despite my tight clothing) to rest my tired voice.

“We love you all!” Lauren yells into the microphone, her long, ginger hair pinned to her face with sweat thanks to our two hour long concert- our tenth in twelve days, and thankfully, our last for the time being.

Charlotte, part 19

“So… Yeah,” I say as the professional make-up artist applies a layer of adhesive to the tops of my ears. “Why, exactly, again?”

“It’s his favourite show,” Charlotte explains. “He’s done so much for us over the years, it’s only fair we throw him a party for once.”

“And he’s 55 this year, it’s as good a time as any,” Hannah says. “And the show’s celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, it just makes sense, really.”

Art Project – 3 The Prom

Andrew’s attention deficit and being a little spoiled and getting his way, finally catches up with him… The result bears unexpected fruit when it surfaces in an Advanced Art class… Making a prom dress and work helps to bring out a hidden part of him… His mother and father are about to help dreams come true. A new life will become possible…

In Too Deep - Ch 14

Gabriel, Matt, and Danielle receive a visit from Brandin Jessup's agent, Thomas Dern. The agent is pushing to get his client back into the film project, while Matt and Danielle have already decided to use Sloan. In Hollywood power plays between producers, directors, and agents, who's will is stronger?

The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

Here is another older story I thought I'd knock the dust off of.


piano-keys.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."
- Rod Serling

The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Chris Blake had one wish, to appear on stage in front of a large crowd and experience the thrill of their applause and adoration. Chris is about to find out what happens, when you open the door to... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

He wanted stardom, and headed west with Hollywood as his destination. Hoping all of time and money spent on singing, piano and acting lessons would surely pay off. Confidant of his abilities, he decided that the time was right for the move.

Motoring along a dusty back-road, Chris happened to glance down into a small tree lined valley and spied what looked like an old town. His curiosity being what it was, he began to look for a way down into the well hidden little town.

The Princess and the Painting

Princess_0.jpgThe Princess and the Painting
A Twisted Glen Story

by TGTrinity

Paul finds a portrait that transports him to the fantasy realm of Twisted Glen, and transforms him into a rather perky Princess. A new adventure awaits as the newly made Princess learns of her new abilities, and some rather enticing responsibilities.

Author's Note: This story has been posted on other sites, but is new to BigCloset TopShelf. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 42d

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 42d Katrinia speaks up for Odin

Galadriel spoke, “Katrina I take it that it is of your own free will you ask to sleep with my Great Granddaughter & your cousin Gaby.”

Grandma Galadriel had I been still a boy I would have been proposing to Gaby and asking if she would be my partner.” Gaby smiled.

Galadriel said, “Exactly what would you have said and done young lady?”

Welcome to Windy City, Chapter 2

I punched the cat-thing again, and a sparkly, silvery liquid burst out from its body.

It was beautiful.

The scene around me was of devastation - the street was pockmarked with crater, and a good chunk of them literally burned with high-precision laser. The buildings were similarly devastated - cut-apart by laser, smashed by thrown chunks of asphalt, or hollowed out by cat-thing’s ear.

It was surprisingly capable. Why did it need to contract magical girls at all?

Jenny’s Story – 5 Blossoms of Spring

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. Most of all he wanted to see himself look like a convincing girl in his own way of thinking. He never imagined or planned what happened. Brian likes being Jenny too much to stop. He is now justifying in his own what he’s doing. He still tries at times to persuade himself he’s not really Jenny.

Alex & Chris Chapter 19

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 19 Jade & Girls dance at Leeds Grand Theatre.

Jade, “Astrid the dance they want you to do is the one where I spin then you spin and I catch you in the air.”

Astrid, “Like we did for the old lady in the shop.”

Jenny, “Could you do it for me now?”

Jade spun & so did the other three followed by Astrid's leap into Jades arms.”

Stuart, part 6

I smirk as I rush into the generously-sized dance studio that has been Krystie's second home for almost two years. Between the ages of 4 and 10, I would find myself in such a place twice a week, with my legs clad in the same pink tights and my body covered by the same style of leotard as the fifteen women currently dancing in the studio. Back then, I would have paid anything to never have to set foot in one of these places again, but today, someone else's needs come before my own.

"Oh, hi Stu!" Krystie teases. "Sorry, but today's class is GIRLS ONLY!"

South of Bikini 3: Episode 10- Proving Ground

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth’s fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to ‘step back’ to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes?

Robin's Heart

This story has been on Storysite for many years, and quite a few readers said it was their favorite story. With Storysite no longer accessible, I am posting it here. I hope the readers here enyoy it, too. In the story a man slowly adopts feminine clothes and appearance to help the business he and his wife have. Suzi Page

Mother's Child - Chapter 7

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

Nikki, part 17

“Come on, hurry up!” Katie urges Sarah, Lauren and myself as we stand in front of her long mirror, fixing our make-up.

“Oh relax,” Sarah laughs. “It’s not like the night’s going anywhere…”

Stuart, part 5

“Jamie?” I ask as I open the door. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here,” Jamie says breathlessly, “because I love you, Stuart.” My legs start to wobble as I hear the words I’ve longed to hear, but in my head, I know what I’m hearing is too good to be true. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, steadying my nerves before replying.

“You love me… but?” I ask.

Stephanie, part 3

"I should get going," I sigh as I watch the clock tick over to 9pm. "Flatmates get kinda paranoid about leaving the front door unlocked this late..."

"Well, that makes me feel all the better about you travelling on the tube this late," mum sighs as I grab my backpack and head to the front door. "Are you SURE you don't want to stay over tonight, Steve?" I sigh again as I catch a glance of my make-up free, unshaven face in the hallway mirror.

"Nah... Need to be up early tomorrow," I say.

Nikki, part 16

“Happy birthday!” Everybody in the packed ballroom yells at the top of their lungs. I can’t help but giggle at some of the bizarre costumes being worn by some of the party attendees, myself included- there are very few places you could get away with wearing a skin-tight green thong leotard, a pair of brown booty shorts and combat boots, but a videogame-themed birthday party is one of those occasions.

“Hey Miss Croft,” Sarah giggles as she gives me a tight cuddle. “Want to go and ‘raid’ me a drink?” I smile as Sarah adjusts her own tight white top and loose over shirt.

The Reunion

The Reunion

© 2015 by Nom de Plume

I never set foot in Grover Cleveland High School again. My spectacular appearance as a boozy, topless bimbo at the senior prom touched off a near riot which got me suspended for the rest of the year, and it was only because the powers-that-be never wanted to see me again that they let me graduate with my class. My “date” enlisted in the Marines, I headed west to make my fortune, and Dullsville USA was soon forgotten.

The Prom

The Prom

© 2015 by Nom de Plume

Twenty years! It’s hard to believe that much time has gone by since I limped out of Grover Cleveland High, at the bottom of my class, prospects zero. My sole achievement was the dubious designation as Class Clown, in recognition of outrageous pranks which got me suspended twice and almost expelled. The last, which nearly ruined the senior prom for everyone, featured me disguised as a girl in a long halter gown. More on that later.

South of Bikini 3: Episode 6- Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts

With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis-Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit’s plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger?

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer - Part 5


My Dreams of Spirit Dancer
by Teddie S.


Part 5

Luke's brother, Steven, came home and found out about his brother being two spirited. He also met Little Fawn and Laughing Maiden, and it wasn't a good thing. Steven left the house after an argument with his dad, and vowed to never come back. Then we found out about Luke's school and how his counselor found out about him being a two-spirit person. And, how she started talking with White Antelope and learning about the Native American people.

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer - Part 4


My Dreams of Spirit Dancer
by Teddie S.


Part 4

Little Fawn now has her own dance regalia. Her mother, aunt, and Laughing Maiden had gone behind her back and had a dress made for her. Also behind her back, they set up and held a Give Away Ceremony for Little Wolf at a Pow Wow. Something that she, or even he, really didn't want. Then, a meeting at the police department was very interesting. Everyone found out a lot about the man that attached Caley and murdered Spirit Dancer.

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer - Part 3


My Dreams of Spirit Dancer
by Teddie S.


Part 3

Caley had been abducted, and Luke, because of a dream, was able to save her. And, with Luke's help, and maybe even Sprit Dancer's, the cops were able to apprehend the guy. Caley, Little Fawn, and Little Fawn's mother spend a day shopping. Then Caley needed to face her fears, and she and Luke go visit where she was attacked. And, the gay question was asked and answered.

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer - Part 2


My Dreams of Spirit Dancer
by Teddie S.


Part 2

After a visit to the Island of Dreams, Luke has found that he does have two spirits. His male spirit is the wolf, and his female spirit is the fawn. He's danced at a Pow Wow as his girl spirit, Little Fawn. And, had thoughts of becoming a girl. But, is his dance partner his special partner?

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 4

Jessica stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac at Charles De Gaulle airport with an ache in her feet from standing in high heels all day, and an ache in her head from dealing with needy, insulting passengers all day. She longed for nothing more than to strip out of her painful shoes, her tight skirt and her restrictive corset and lay in a warm bath for the next 24 hours, but as she changed back into her sleek black dress to head home, she knew that wasn't an option.

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer - Part 1

My Dreams of Spirit Dancer
by Teddie S.

This is my take on a Native American boy, who finds, through his dreams, that he’s a two-spirt person, and has a very special Guardian Angel. How he and the Guardian Angel help each other. How he's treated by his people. And, how he also finds a very understanding and special partner.

First Night at the Brilliant Basilisk

First Night at the Brilliant Basilisk
By Paul Calhoun

From my story queue.

A man who dresses as a sexy lady to get free drinks at a club sees his best friend and roommate come in. Since he's always told his friend to let him know before he tried the club, the drink vamp decides to make sure he has an unforgettable night by playing to the desires he knows he has.

Nikki, part 14

I straighten my short black pencil skirt and my clingy, translucent tights as I jump in the back of the pink London cab. I slip my stiletto heels off and stretch my tired toes, satisfied that a hard day’s work is complete.

“Don’t let those toes get too comfortable,” Viks teases as she gets in the driver’s seat. “Aren’t they going to be supporting your entire bodyweight later tonight?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” I mock-groan. “I mean, it’s not that I DON’T like ballet, it’s just- haven’t I worked hard enough today?”

Laura, part 4

My alarm clock wakes me up as normal at 7:30am, but even though today's a school day, it's no ordinary school day, not for me. As I skip down the stairs in my pink dressing gown and slippers, I'm immediately greeted by my mum, who wraps me in a tight hug before giving me a loving kiss and leading me into the living room, where I find a huge pile of carefully-wrapped presents sat on the sofa.

"Happy birthday, my special girl!" Mum coos, giving me another hug. "Twelve today! You're really not a little girl any more, another year and you'll be a fully-fledged teenager!"


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