Fancy Dress / Prom / Evening Gown

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 3

"...And the emergency exits can be found here, here and here," Marie announced in English and in French as all four stewardesses on board the luxurious aeroplane performed the hand and arm gestures.

Nikki, part 13

“Ugh,” I moan as my alarm clock wakes me at 7am for what feels like the millionth consecutive day.

“Morning babe,” Sarah tiredly moans, wrapping her arms around my naked body and giving me a slow, soft kiss on my neck.

“Hey,” I reply, blinking the tiredness out of my eyes. “Looking forward to today?”

“Been looking forward to it since I left in June,” Sarah giggles. “Just wish you were coming with me…”

“I know,” I sigh. “Kinda wish I was coming too…”

“No you don’t,” Sarah says, giving me a playful push. “You know EVERYONE would kill to have your job!”

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 11


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter XI
The Second Week
Saturday morning - The Beauty Shop
Saturday afternoon - The Wedding

Today’s the big day. Well Linda’s big day. Yesterday we met the guys that we’re paired with for the wedding. The rehearsal went well, and the dinner afterwards was fun. But, jealousy reared its ugly head for the first time in our relationship. But, was quickly put to rest.

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 8


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter VIII
The Second Week
Monday - Dresses and the Girls
Tuesday - Some Glue

Last week was really a roller coaster. On Saturday when I woke up I was a typical geeky boy. And, now I look more like a pretty teenaged girl. I even talk like a girl, act like a girl, and walk like a girl. Being a cross-dresser at heart, I was in heaven. And, everyone in my family and my girlfriend’s family accept this. That’s everyone in my family except for my brother. And, that was a major downer.

I’m also going to be a bride’s maid in my girlfriend Sara’s sister’s wedding. A very big wedding. This was all because one of the bride’s maids had backed out at the last minute, and they couldn’t find anyone to fill in. But, me.

Well, lets see where this goes.

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 5


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter V
The First Week
Monday - A dress and more


My ears are pierced. I now own more girls’ clothes. And, have a supply of makeup that will last me a year. Then Becka met her father and Sara’s father. It was scarey to start with. But, I was surprised that they accepted me, and why I was doing it. What more can happen?

Laura, part 2

"Show me! Show me!" Nicole eagerly giggles. Also giggling happily, I take the mirror from the kitchen table and show my new friend the glittery highlights me and my other friends have applied to her eyelids. "So cool!"

"Me next!" Megan insists. Giggling almost feverishly, Nicole, Suriya, Priya, Harriet and myself take our glittery make-up brushes and set about giving my best friend a make-over just as pretty as Nicole's.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XXIX(a)

Chapter 87

Rach had an ache in her side, like she had laid down wrong on something. Uhh, what a…

The pain in her side was explained away as the misshapen lump of blue clay, Rach looked at it and…

Wait a minute, that dream. Her eyes fluttered open to a beautiful shade of blue; when she moved to get up, the blue moved with her. A quick glance at the mirror over her dresser confirmed her suspicions.

Fucking magic shit. Rach sighed as she remembered everything else.

Nikki, part 11

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and wring my hands together to stop them from shaking.

“Remember,” the studio researcher says, placing a calming hand on my hands. “Just stay calm, answer each question you’re asked clearly. Everyone out there WILL be on your side. And don’t forget to smile!” I nod and take another deep breath, returning the young woman’s comforting smile. I take one final second to prepare myself before hearing the words that tell me that preparation time is over.

Charlotte, part 8


“Oww…” Charlotte moans as I pull the laces of her corset ever tighter. “Whose stupid idea was this again?”

“Yours,” I laugh as I give the laces one final pull before tying them in a bow.

“I wish I had less imagination,” Charlotte laughs as she pulls on the remaining layers of her elaborate Victorian-style ball gown. “Is it at least closed at the back?”

“Of course,” I say with pride. “If your corset-maker is to be believed, we’re both now proud owners of 20 inch waists!”

Nikki, part 8


“Stop being so nervous!” Dad admonishes me as I nearly hyperventilate on the back seat of his car. “This is something you want to do, it’s something you know you’ll be good at, so the sooner you relax and start enjoying it, the better.”

“I know, I know,” I breathe, fanning myself with my hands. “It’s just- it’s just all so new!”

“Well get used to it, because that’s life for you,” dad states bluntly.

Charlotte, part 7


I blink my eyes awake and roll over in bed, only to be stopped by an unexpected face full of blonde hair that isn’t my own. Turning my head to the other side, another long mop of blonde hair- again, not my own- blocks my view. Once I’ve blinked the early morning tiredness- and a moderate hangover- out of my eyes, the previous night’s events return to my memory.

“Krys,” I whisper, gently nudging the sleeping woman on my left-hand side. “Han, wake up!” I whisper to the slumbering figure on my right.

Nikki, part 5

I brush my shoulder-length hair out of my eyes and tuck it behind my ears as I listen to the middle-aged woman talk as she makes notes on the whiteboard. I fidget a little in my seat- I've been wearing my school uniform all day and even though three months from now I'll have worn it for the very last time, I'd pay anything to go home and slip into something more comfortable... Like a cute skirt and a pair of warm tights, as opposed to my itchy cotton shorts and polyester trousers.

Nikki, part 4

I pout my deep red-coloured lips for the camera as I take shot after shot of me in various poses. My dark brown hair has been styled into a feminine bob, framing my immaculately made-up face.

Charlotte, part 5

"Beautiful, Jamie," the photographer calls to me as I turn my head and look off into the middle distance, giving the photographer a perfect view of the necklace and earrings I'm wearing- not to mention the exquisite white wedding dress! The dress is strapless, but doesn't show off too much cleavage, and hugs my curves beautifully. I have incredibly long fake nails- extending over an inch from my fingertip- attached to each digit and my make-up is applied flawlessly.

Nikki, part 2

Nikki, part 1

Ever since I was a little kid I've known I was... different from other boys. Known that deep down, I'm not what I appear to be on the surface. My name is Nick Thomas, and every day of my life, I wish I'd been born a girl.

The Craigslist Killer Part Two

The Craigslist Killer Part 2
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

“Missy, are you still there? Please don’t hang up on me!”

“I’m here.”

“I really want to see you.”

“I don’t know, Ron…let me sleep on it, okay?”

“Sure, Missy, whatever you say. Can I call you tomorrow?”

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 6

Will our heroes and heroines be able to convince the Earth Alliance that there will be war if they don't support the treaty? This is the penultimate chapter in the story. Strap in, settle back and rejoin UF-2 Seeds Of War.

FROM LAST TIME: "Our daughters were going in harms way because I had brought Jeeter and Bunny to our home.

Bunny stepped up in front of me and took my hand. “We won’t let anything happen to them. I promise they won’t be harmed. They can’t trade directly with the slavers. They would become slaves themselves. They are too beautiful and not experienced enough to handle slavers, even if they are telepathic. Jeeter and I will make sure they stay safe.”


He pulled me in tighter as he held me without answering. His pain was evident. In true Pash form, he was willing to let our daughters do what they knew was right. Even if it cost them their lives."

And NOW>>>

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 5
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda MIchel

Our heroes continue to try to enlist allies in case of a war with the Earth Alliance. They run into slavers, pirates and worse, oh my! A return to UF-2 leads to clues to an old acquaintance and a new ally. Family joins the resistance, against family wishes, but welcome. More action in this chapter than you can shake a stick at.

FROM LAST CHAPTER: "In my heart I knew that millions of lives were going to be lost. Humans had a very nasty record of making and breaking treaties as it suited them. There had to be a way out of this mess. The Earth Alliance had to understand that they could not ignore this treaty."

And NOW...

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 4

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 4
By Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Things are heating up for out heroines and their mates. Is war inevitable? Will they best the slavers, pirates and the rest of the scum who are breaking the treaties? Plenty of action in this chapter so Strap in, settle back and prepare for more UF-2, now!

FROM BEFORE: "Dan was shaking his head no, as Sandy answered. “They took over the Control Center by pad six. Most of the time that’s where you will find the majority of them. They can keep an eye on the spacers coming and going and what everyone is shipping. Kind of like a help yourself buffet. You like what’s moving in front of you, then you take it. If it’s not worth the trouble or it belongs to another slaver let it pass.”

“How many?” Meliss waited for an answer.

“I’m not sure. Forty or so from what I’ve heard.” Sandy figured the conversation was over. Two men going up against forty were not good odds."

And NOW...

UF-2 Book 2 Chapter 3


FROM BEFORE: Vin had been watching, along with everyone else in the bar. “Those girls are deadly. They handle those swords as good or better than any bounty hunters I’ve seen.” She looked over at Toni. “The chair by the Blonde disappeared when her sword touched it. It’s been a long time since I heard stories about the Sword of the Queen. I’m guessing I just saw the sword in action?”

A hint of a smile crossed Toni’s face. “It’s possible.”

Loads of action in chapter three. Brandy, Sherry, Tony and Meliss try to gather forces to help if war becomes inevitable, while fighting off slavers, pirates, and general scum. Strap in and settle back. UF-2 continues now!

Proxy 2 Jeff Returns



Synopsis: The original story released in 2014 left the fate of Jeff unknown. In this version Jeff returns and meets Chad his understudy while sharing with his sister's that fateful night his father dragged him from their home. Meanwhile, Chad, hired to play the Wentworth's cross dressing little brother is laying in bed with the dominate who was training him wondering what's going to happen next.

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 6 By Barbie Lee, Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


She made the motions of drawing an X over her heart. “Nope, God’s own truth. He turned of age yesterday. That meant two things for him. He was allowed to marry without his parents permission, and he ascends to command of his clan. His dad, your father in law, has stepped down as leader of the clan.”

“Honey, you married into the Number One Clan. Toni is head or leader of all Pash as of yesterday.”

FROM THE EDITOR: So now we know who Toni actually is. In this final chapter we will witness Brandy's acceptance of the life that fate has brought her, the final showdown with the Trag, and Brandy's rise to Queen of the Pash.

Book 2 of this great space opera is about done with editing and will follow as soon as possible.

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 4


As promised, here's Chapter 4, a longer chapter than chapter 3. In this one we get answers to a lot of questions. Who is Toni, really? Who released the virus that changed Bill and Sherri? What are Toni's plans for Bill/Brandy? All that and more in this chapter.

FROM BEFORE: "Sherry managed to push me to the bottom of the ramp and walked around me. “Plus, some dimensional side travel tossed in for good measure. We couldn’t phone home if we wanted to. We aren’t in our dimension any longer. Earth and all the worlds mankind has populated don’t exist any longer.”

“WHAT! YOU’RE KIDDING!” I was thinking about a hologram and some weird joke between Toni and Sherry.

“Brandy, don’t get me wrong. Humanity still exists, but not in this dimension. Toni’s species travel not only from star to star but through dimensions as well.” She motioned me to follow. “Let’s go see Toni’s home. It’s a rare invite. We are the only humans to be invited to a Pash home.”

“O… kay.” I followed Toni and Sherry into what I would call an Ivy covered entry."

AND NOW.....

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 3

The thot plickens. Our heroine and her friend are about to have all their realities torn apart and replaced by things they never even imagined. Secrets are brought out, changes occur and Brandy and Sherry are introduced to Toni's home world and culture.

This is a short chapter, because there simply wasn't any other good place for the chapter break. The next chapter will be considerably longer. Look for it on Monday.


“Oh God…!” The idea I could have a baby had never entered into my psyche. The idea I was a woman was tolerable as a short term concept. We were the most advanced intelligent race ever, at least that we knew about. I was positive medical could find a cure. Now, Sherry was telling me I could possibly not only have a baby, I was designed as a baby factory! Damn those who did this!"

And now;

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 1

Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

This is a long one, folks. There are two books to this story and the total comes to just under 75,500 words, counting both books. Both books are complete and chapters will be posted three times a week through the end of Book 2.

So settle in and strap in for a space drama/love story/mystery that will transport you to a distant future and other dimensions. If you're not a big "info dump" fan, you can skip the first few paragraphs and go right to the story beginning, referring to the foreword as you find the info there relevant. There IS a lot of info there and you will probably be able to answer some of your "tech" questions by doing so.

South of Bikini 2: E6- Out of the fire, a hero

Continuing her mission to 1945 Poland, Alex must find a way to safely secret the Meridian Spacecraft and her team out of the heavily defended Wonderwerks facility and preserve the precious timeline. Will she be able to rescue the hundreds of lost souls locked away in the Wenceslas Mine? Can Alex rescue one very lost, very confused soul in particular?

White Rabbit -4-

When we last left our hero(ine) Dana had just been introduced to his new self. Now Dana begins to learn what is in store for him/her for the rest of his/her life. This is the final chapter. Barbie and I wish to thank all of you for reading, commenting and clicking the little "kudo" button. Your interest, suggestions and thoughts meant a lot to Barbie and me.

White Rabbit -2-

FROM THE EDITOR: Chapter Two. Our Trooper is being held(?) by the alien in a cabin that has gotten snowed in. He's WAY out of his element and is about to learn more than he ever dreamed, or feared, he would. Again, please remember to comment or kudo... preferably both, and thank you for reading. Barbie and I hope you are enjoying the tale.

White Rabbit -1-

Well... here's a golden oldie from the talented imagination of Barbie Lee. There isn't much, if any, of the "guy becomes girl" in this first part, but it's a fun beginning. The "good" stuff comes a bit later in another chapter or so. All tags refer to the whole story as opposed to each chapter separately. The story is complete and will be posted one chapter at a time roughly two or three days apart

Almost A Girl Chapter 10

So... we've finally reached the end of this story. Barbie and I want to thank everyone who read, commented on and/or kudoed the story. We have both been very gratified to see that a lot of you enjoyed it and stuck with it to the end. There is some mild violence in this part but it's crucial to the plot and the story and will explain further what and who was behind Barbara's transformation and the reasons for it.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 10 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This is the final chapter in the complete story, which has been published in ten parts.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 09 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 08 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Jack and Jill by Trudy – 22 – Almost There

Jack and Jill by Trudy
– 22 – Almost There

It began as something fun for Halloween and work... A misunderstanding caused Melvin to get caught in something bigger... No one expected Jill or Melanie to take on lives of their own.

Almost A Girl Chapter 9

Things are coming to a head. There are decisions to make, secrets to reveal and fences to mend, and one or two more challenges to overcome. This is the penultimate chapter, with one more to go. Barbie and I want to thank all of you who have followed, commented on, and kudoed the story. We both appreciate it very much. The final chapter will be posted on Friday, this week.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 06 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 05 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 04 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 03 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 02 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt - Chapter 01 of 10

charleys aunt deb.jpg
It started as a simple, if strange, request: "I want you to play the part of my great-aunt," said Charley Hawkins, the sexiest girl at Seacombe University.

It turned into a hunt for Charley's Aunt, who had disappeared almost fifty years ago.

This story is complete and will be published in ten chapters at approximately daily intervals.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted, cross-dressing mystery story, written in my normal style, which I hope you enjoy. It does contain references to adult themes, and some of its characters have little sympathy with the Catholic Church. Please don't read if you feel this will upset you.

Whatever Happened to Charley's Aunt
by Charlotte Dickles


Audience Rating: 


TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Almost A Girl Chapter 6

Not all tags are relevant to every chapter.

Barbara is drawn or maybe forced into further confusion. Will she regain her male persona, or succumb to the temptations of the femme side? Only the author knows for sure, and she ain't telling.


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