Fancy Dress / Prom / Evening Gown

Fracta Sole


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Fracta Sole

Arsan isn’t the only star system within the Kormault League the Shadow Hegemon actively works to subvert. It is 2025. On Earth, the United States of America, after decades of the Shadow’s efforts, is considered by most, to be a pale imitation of the bastion of democracy and freedom it used to be. Following a disastrous false flag operation that left Hawaii almost uninhabitable and a government who now acts in the belief that the majority of its own citizens are a threat to itself, the US finds about to shatter. Six individuals will be put to the test over the next year. Events that can build them up or tear them apart.

Angel Season Two Episode 6 (Incarceration)

Angel Season Two,
Episode 6 (Incarceration)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2014 G.M. Shephard

Tension is running high amongst HPD which results in a mistaken identity and officer involved shooting. Desperate to end the deadly manhunt, warrants are issued for Broderick's parents and Karen volunteers to be incarcerated in Dallas County Women's Detention Center in hopes of learning Seth's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Megan and Gene's relationship blossoms as they spend their first day together since his return to the U.S.

Atalanta's Story- Chapter 6

Atalanta's Story - Chapter 6 This chapter involved a lot of rework and back and forth with William Durr. My grammar skills are not the best so any errors that I left are mine. This is also longer than most of the chapters and the hardest to get right.

A lot happens in this chapter, some discoveries, some mysteries and Atalanta has her first date. She starts to grow up and assert herself a little bit.

Unconsummated Love

1950 ldy2.jpg

Matt Hodgson predicted that the Annual General Meeting of the Hillary Hodgson Museum and Literary Appreciation Society, formed to preserve the memory of his great-aunt, was going to be the most boring day of his life; instead, it proved the opposite. So many new experiences in one day, it was difficult to say which was the most precious.

Author's Note: There's no explicit sex in here - not quite - but lots of fun. I have turned off comments but if you enjoy the story, please click on the Good Story button, and you can always PM me. Best wishes and Enjoy


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


Education of a Sissy - Ch 3. Magical School Girl Sailor Sissy

Michael has made it to the office. All he needs to do is walk in, grab the data, and walk out again.

If he knew he would succeed, but also knew the cost of success, would he dare to enter?

Tabloid TV: Chic Lit

Chick Lit Author is Actually a Dude!
[email protected]

NEW YORK: The literary world was rocked this week when world famous author Christine Ericson announced that she was actually Christopher!

Severance Pay (Chapters 73 through 78 of 78)

Patricia and Jessica, having completed what they set out to do, must now try to return home and pick up their lives. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance. I appreciate the perseverance of all those readers who stuck with me to the completion of this story. See my authors page for information about my next story and the possibility of a sequel to "Severance Pay"

Severance Pay (Chapters 67 through 72 of 78)

Patricia is now a totally free agent. She pursues her own agenda with ruthless efficiency. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance. My heartfelt thanks to those who have stuck with this rather lengthy story. The final chapters will be posted either very late Friday night or Saturday morning.

Severance Pay (Chapters 60 through 66 of 78)

Everything has gone off the rails for Patricia and Cardoza has the Controller. Can she escape and, if so, what kind of life will she have? Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and and Robyn Hoode for their editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 55 through 60 of 78)

Gretchen and Patty attend the New Years Eve Dance where Patty has a disturbing realization. Cardoza's hit team strikes. Lipscomb begins Phase Two of his plan. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 49 through 54 of 78)

The Girls play in the Catholic Holiday Tourney with spectacular but dangerous results. Raymond Hobbes hosts a Christmas Party over Cardozas strenuous objections. Escaban chooses his hit team. Patricia and Gretchen negotiate the terms of the New Years Dance. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 43 through 48 of 78)

After talking her way out of trouble with X-ray Hobbes, Patricia and Gretchen start the weekend as regular girlfriends but the relationship deepens. Jessica has a traumatic epiphany. Hobbes implements Patricia's plan. Listed Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 37 through 42 of 78)

An undercover agent's worst fear occurs and Patricia must change the rules of the game to survive. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 31 through 36 of 78)

Patricia's discovery stresses the relationships among the team. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for their editorial assistance.

Halloween at the Old Infirmary


Estate Agent, Tim Dudley, went to the old Infirmary on Halloween hoping to sell it to a client, but the client quickly left and he was left to wander the building by himself. The old manuscript was in a hidden laboratory next to the mortuary. It proved to be compelling reading!

Author's Note: There is no explicit sex in this story, but it does tell of certain activities with dead bodies. But then, if you read Halloween stories, you should expect nothing less.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Severance Pay (Chapters 25 through 30 of 78)

Peter/Patricia final gets her face to face meeting with Raymond Hobbes. Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 19 through 24 of 78)

Peter/Patricia tires of Caitlin McBride's antics and decides to remove her as queen bee. Gretchen's father takes notice of her new best friend. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 13 through 18 0f 78)

Jessica puts Patricia to the test, as does Sister Carmela of St. Ann's. Patricia returns the favor and makes initial contact with her target, Gretchen Hobbes. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly for editing assistance.

NewHalf Chapter 3 & 4

Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.



Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 3 Part 2

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 3 Part 2

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.

So sorry for the delay had several new projects come up.

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 3 Part 1

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 3 Part 1

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.

The Bronze Maiden Chapter 2 Part 3

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 2 Part 3

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.


I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.

The Bronze Maiden Chapter 2 Part 2

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 2 Part 2

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.

The Bronze Maiden Chapter 1 part 3

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 1 part 3

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most
wonderful muse.

Debriefings 6

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

You Chose the Wrong Store - Part 4

Ronnie's life took an unexpected turn for the different

when he picked the wrong store to shoplift!

You Chose
the Wrong Store
Part 4

By Jessica C
Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Sarcasm: Becomes Her Again

Evan Sky, lay cuddled in Mysty's arms covered by the satin sheets on Mysty's very comfortable bed. She had been very nervous when She was announced last night upon her arrival, “Miss Eva Skye and her escort Mister Cloud” Her Name and Mysty's, both had new age parents Evan Clear Sky, and Mystery Silver Cloud. Hmm, so easy to think in the feminine pronoun. It was wonderful to be treated so nice.

Sarcasm: Becomes Her

Sarcasm: Becomes Her

Just a little piece of fluff I thought of as I watched a kid pull off his wetsuit

Evan Sky had not been to busy to get his haircut for about four months. So today he had started out with a morning of surfing before heading to the barber. He peeled off the green XSPAN Wetsuit Jacket and pulled on a dark green tank over his green speedo. It only stung a little as it pulled off the little hair that had sprouted since he last wore it. Made the short drive to the strip mall where his favorite barber at 'Great Sports' used to be. He had just been paid for delivery of new software package. So Evan was planning on getting the works done, looking forward to having his hair off his collar again. Evan did not notice that the 'Great Sports' had moved, In it's place was Gray's Spa.

White Witch Chapter 2

White Witch




White Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Fountain.

White Witch Chapter 1

White Witch




Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Scepter.


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