Serial Chapter

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 2

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 1

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


The Tribe of the Mountains – Chapter 6 – The Blessed Ones


How do you convince a heterosexual male to become a woman?
Well, a heterosexual male will do almost anything for a woman.

From the teachings of the blessed ones as originally kept in the Library of the Mountains.

The Chalice and the Wand, Part 7

The Chalice and the Wand

by poetheather
Story ideas by poetheather and Wintermoon3
Beta by Redpiratemel

Chapter Seven

After a very long hiatus it returns.

Luna and Rhonda continue to search for the Lair of Helga Hufflepuff and Hermione is still coping with the transformation of her fiance and their breakup.

Kit and Kin 12


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Bridges 33

Bridges 33

Chapter 33


And I’m actually at the point with the way that I’m feeling that I could go and cry in the bathroom right now or just as likely ask her what the hell does she want.

The second feeling actually sort of surprises me into smiling a little bit. I actually had been through enough with her and had been so post war screwed up that when we were together she was a complete bitch…one of those man hating lesbians that was chique lesbian and all la-te-da with here clique of friends and stuff and honestly…I was scared of her and I ran from the relationship.

And I’m kind of smiling that right now after the guys…after Brandon and now Cass I’m actually considering just telling her off if she’s going to act like the complete bitch she used to be.

I’m not really used to being all empowered as a woman really it’s kind of heady.

Snakes and Ladders-24

Snakes and Ladder-24

Chapter 24

My nose crinkles with the smell and I feel sweat trickling down in places. The whole situation has my senses just throbbing going from that all out fight to us moving through the halls and sort of calming down to this. My adrenaline is pumping pretty nuts and I feel like I mixed some of those wake up tablets they used to sell at some of the truck stops with Redbull.

Oh by the way Redbull is kinda ick.

Like they took Mountain dew and added medicine tasting stuff and then a bit of battery acid.

Deep breath Erendae.

Through the years: Two against the world part 24

“Molly? Assaulted....she assaulted a child?” Lionel asked, now very confused. He leaned back in his seat, stunned. The only time she had ever struck a child was when Scotty wouldn't mind her. Then he remembered the day his daughter had left, he knew Molly had slapped her a couple of times, but that was at home and not some stranger. “What happened?”

“Well, we have some questions and we need some answers to fill in the blanks.” Deputy Cooley said.

“Okay. I answer what I can.”

The deputy opened up a small note pad. “First of all, has your wife had any contact with a woman named Maggie Patterson, or her child, Troy?”


Edited by Djkauf

This time I focus on Molly Hallmark,and her children. Tracy shall be back next post.


The world through grains of sand -- Chapter 3

This is the story of Aiden Sampsa and how his life changes after his bout with MORFS. Aiden used to be a pretty average guy going through his freshman year in high school. After MORFS, things change. Read on to find out how he and everyone around him cope with that change.


Chapter 3 - Morning Ritual.

Kit and Kin 11


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Jem...Chapter 70

Jem…Chapter 70
by Bailey Summers

I lean back against the couch pulling my knee up and holding it with my hands as I stare at the screen. It’s just over thirty two hundred dollars with I tunes having taken their cuts and there’s still the cash we have to pay out on our covers.

And then there’s taxes.

Oh I so need to get myself to school. I can get through this but tomorrow, tomorrow we’ll have to go to our bank and get our things set up with our accounts manager and get walked through all of this.

I’m not going to lose this chance. For myself and for us too.

The Tribe of the Mountains – Chapter 5 – The Goddess

The Tribe of the Mountains — Chapter 5 — The Goddess

God or devil, spirit or creature, male or female, usually the distinction is easy to make and it is utilitarian.
If it is powerful and helps me it is a God.
If it is powerful and hinders me it is a Devil.
If it does not have flesh but was never a human being, it is a spirit.
If it has flesh, is a creature.
If has a penis and can`t bear children is a male.
If has a vagina and can get pregnant is female.

But what happens when all definitions get mixed up? When male does not have a penis but still can`t get pregnant, when a god has flesh and has its own objectives, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering my work?
Can our minds survive the chaos? Can it become Kaos, the creative force of mythology?

From the teachings of the blessed ones as originally kept in the Library of the Mountains.

The Tribe of the Mountains – Chapter 4 – Daylight?

The Tribe of the Mountains — Chapter 4 — Daylight?

From the Seventh Sermon to the Dead — Written by Young (real life)

Man is a portal that allow us to go, from the external world of gods demons and souls into the interior world; from the bigger world to the smallest one. Small and insignificant is man; soon we leave him behind and so we enter again in the infinite space in the microcosm, in the interior reality.

The Tribe of the Montains - Chapter 3 – Hammocks and Mysteries

Chapter 3 — Hammocks and Mysteries

IMG_0512.jpg There are two ways to survive a night in the woods:

- Keep your fire hot and sit close to it. Remember to wake up and feed the fire or build a huge fire capable of lasting the night.
- Tie a hammock to many of the thinnest branches of a tree, so that a jaguar can`t reach you without breaking a branch and falling. You need to be a good climber to use this one.

The second way is more complicated, but was used by many travelers in the past, with usual success. Or, perhaps, we simply never learn of the ones that fail.

Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy

Sweet Dreams-44

Sweet Dreams-44

Chapter 44

There are things that I’m discovering out of life that I never thought that I’d discover or that would even matter to me and they’re little things but they’re so huge too. Oh this is going to sound so girly but they feel like they’re huge things inside for me. Like in my heart.

This dance, being with Alex. Him saying stuff like that to me. All these little PDA’s between us and being out on something date like with my boyfriend. Yeah boy friend…I’m not even sure that we should even use that. He’s my partner, my significant other he’s the guy that I love.

The world through grains of sand -- Chapters 1 & 2

This is the story of Aiden Sampsa and how his life changes after his bout with MORFS.
Aiden used to be a pretty average guy going through his freshman year in high school.
After MORFS, things change.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-24

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-24

Chapter 24

“I’m here Dylan…I’ll help you ride through this…and things will be better in the morning.”


She snuggles so close to me.

“Yes, better…I promise.”

The Tribe of the Mountains - Chapter 1

The Wolf Tribe of the Free People is being destroyed.
Their last survivors are fleeing for their lives.
But amid the chaos a girl sees her hopes rising.
And, sometimes an end is just a new beginning in disguise.

But SHE waits for her children.

Kit and Kin 10


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Jem...Chapter 69

Jem…Chapter 69

Chapter 69

I’m laughing on the bed my hands over my face and knees pulled up trying to catch my breath but every time I look at Rayne and the…

It’s hot pink and jiggly silicone!

“Hey, what are you laughing at?” Rayne was smiling though and put her hands on her hips.

I do a few more giggles and take a few deep breaths and look at her. “I’m laughing at that. I’m sorry honey I know this was supposed to be fun. But that is way too lesbian girl advanced for me right now.”

Amazing Grace

Grace Carson was just your ordinary everyday slightly introverted transgendered woman trying to make her way through life. She never expected to be tested, ran through the fires of hell, and face the very worst humanity has to offer. But, who does? This is her story.

FTL-15...Faster Than Life.

FTL-15…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 15

I guess that part of me wants to say that like any good girlfriend I pined away and mourned our relationship and the parting of ways. But I guess there was still too much of the old me still lingering in the fringes of my head and the first thing I did was go back to our cabana and packed my things and went and rented a single.

I just couldn’t face the rest of my time here in the place we had so much fun in and made love in so many times.

Seren Dee Petty: Chapter 5

Hey everybody, am back from my travels n I guess folks took note I was away as I got less comments n PMs on the last chapter, although all those I did get were lovely again thank you. Y’all still bein so nice to me. Well, here’s the fifth slice n I’m sorry, but it’s still Friday…. Take care my baby.

Joseph blushed. He’d completely forgotten what he was wearing under his tights and dress and suddenly had a renewed awareness of the tight lacy fabric caressing the tender areas of his body. “Thank goodness Ms Wilson never measured down there,” he thought with a shudder.

Seren Dee Petty
by k-jo

My Super Secret Life...Villain-12

My Super Secret Life…Villain-12

Chapter 12

Kiss her.

She’s certainly attractive enough.

“The last time I kissed you Link, I had quite the reaction.”

“I know.” She smiles and dimples.

“Not that funny.”

“Did I laugh?”

“Okay, no kisses?”

I sit back sideways in the seat. “How’s about an explanation then?”

She grins and sits facing me but cross legged. “I’m called Link not just for my look but for the fact that I can feed off of your powers.”

“So you’re a Dracula.”

“I’m not a vampire.”

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-13.


Chapter 13

Three days later.


Yeah big sigh…

I’m just looking at Nikki as she’s biting her lip as she’s sweeping through the stacks looking for a book to add to the research she’s doing for one of her term papers and I’m there watching her and I’m here as the guy version of me but it really doesn’t mean that I’m appreciating Nikki like that.

Okay as Dale I can, on a physical level sure no problem even with her being VG as well not a deal breaker as far as dale’s concerned. But Nikki’s not into guys…and I’m not saying this as a commentary on stuff in my head but I’m lesbifantiszing about Nikki.


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