Bloodlines Chapter 8

When Keith Roseberry meets Genevieve
his life and his world are changed forever and home will never be the same.


Chapter 8


Thanks as always to EoF for giving us such a great Universe to play in and to EoF, Maggie F, and Donjo for their input. Also thanks to my readers for reading my work and patiently waiting for new chapters as my life gets sorted out.

Chapter 8

I turned to look up at him, wondering how I didn’t notice he was that close. I had to look up to speak to him, but then as he stared down to look at me I couldn’t speak. We just stood there for long seconds as we stared at one another uncertain what to say, and then our lips met.

I leaned into the kiss, allowing Jason to pull me into his arms. He kissed me firmly, deeply, just on the borderline of being possessive, but it wasn't. I kissed him back just as firmly wrapping my arms around him and giving as good as I got. It felt good to be held and, if not loved yet, at the very least wanted, desired. I could the proof of his desire growing against my belly and it summoned a warmth between my own legs. I wanted, no I needed him and I knew he felt the same. I could feel it in his lips, hear it in the rapid beating of his heart, smell it on him like the hot blood coursing through his veins. Yes,the hot blood in his neck which was oh so very close.

I broke the kiss, pushing away from Jason and gasping for air I didn't need. “I'm sorry Jason... I... can't...” I half ran inside the cabin shutting the door behind me, working to squash the hunger as I all but tore through my backpack searching for what I needed. My hand met the rough surface of the small insulated beverage cooler I had packed. I withdrew it and opened it to reveal a stainless steel water bottle amongst the half melted ice, which I quickly opened. It wouldn't have been enough after I had healed Marie but I was hoping it would help now.

I slowly swallowed the ambrosia it contained, feeling it work it's way down my throat, soothing it like liquid velvet and slaking my thirst. When I had calmed down enough to lick my lips clean and take in the room around me I was acutely aware of every eye in the room being focused on me. “You okay Kayla?” Sarah asked, her voice touched with concern.

“Fine, peachy, nothing wrong here,” I blurted out. I was a bit ashamed that they had seen me drinking blood even if it was from a water bottle that didn't show the actual contents. “I just thought I would have a quick drink before I check on Marie. You know, to make sure I got all the poison, can't be too careful.” I tried to casually make my way to the bed to check on the baby as if nothing was wrong.

“Are you sure?” Natalie asked. It sounded like she wanted to say more but she didn't.

“Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?” I didn't give anyone a chance to answer though as I sat on the edge of the bed and busied myself scanning Marie. After a few minutes of losing myself in making sure she was alright I looked up and managed a weak smile, “Seems like I got it all. I didn't detect anything this time.”

Lisianne smiled at me but I could see the questions in her eyes as she said, “Thank you Kayla, are you sure you're all right?”

“I'm just tired,” I said, telling a half truth, “Healing takes a lot out of me. I think I'm gonna try to get some sleep.” I returned to my pack to get my sleeping bag and set about getting settled in for some rest. Without another word to anyone I closed my eyes. I heard Jason come in after a while but he said nothing and everyone soon followed my lead and went to bed. It was a long time before I fell asleep.


It was still dark outside when I awoke to the sound of a baby crying. As consciousness slowly reclaimed me and the events of the previous night came back to me I crawled out of my sleeping bag to find Lisianne sitting on the bed feeding Marie. Paul was still asleep beside her and most of what room was left on the bed was occupied by a tangled mass of sleeping Pixies. A quick look around the room as I got to my feet showed Natalie and Sarah curled up together asleep on the couch and Jason still dozing in his own sleeping bag by the fireplace.

“Morning,” I grumbled as I stood and stretched.

The Aos Sidhe looked up from her baby to smile at me, “Good morning Kayla. It would seem you were right about Marie waking up hungry. And how are you this morning? Did you rest well?”

“I slept like the dead,” I joked with a weak smile as I tried to shake off my shame and awkwardness over the events of the previous night.

Her smile grew slightly at that even as she asked, “Do you often make light of your situation when you're distressed?”

I shrugged, “A good friend taught me that, dead or alive, as long as we're here we might as well enjoy our time on this earth. Sure I may be stuck as a teenage girl for all of eternity but if I can't get a little mileage out of the death and kid jokes then I'd just be depressing to myself and everyone around me. I might as well get what laughs I can out of this. If I can't I'm not really living, I'm just existing, My friend died and I couldn't save her, but she did save me. I owe it to her to get the most out of my life.”

She nodded, taking a moment to shift Marie from one breast to the other before saying, “It's not my place to ask you what upset you so much last night, but your friends are concerned.. Especially Jason, I think he fears he did something to frighten you.”

“He didn't,” I answered with a sigh. “He kissed me and I liked it. I just didn't like my reaction to it. I was ready to feed on him. I... don't want him or my other friends to see that side of me. The blood-thirsty predator part, I mean.”

The Aos Sidhe patted a spot beside her on the bed that was clear of Pixies. I took the invitation and sat down as she spoke. “Your dual nature must be hard on you. Yes you are a predator and probably a very dangerous one if you did not take care to rein in that side of you, but your nature as a Healer will help temper that. Do not think of yourself as a predator but rather as a protector. You can protect your friends, family and everyone in your town, both your natures make that possible so long as you live.”

“I guess so,” I said as I looked over toward my still slumbering friends. “But my healing nature only seems to be present when I see someone sick or injured.”

“Is it?” Lisianne asked, and suddenly she placed Marie in my arms. I quickly shifted my position so as not to drop the infant girl and unthinkingly started to gently rock her from side to side. She smiled, “Your healing powers may only manifest when they are needed, but your powers are not the only thing that makes up that side of your nature. So far you have shown yourself to value the lives of others and to want to protect and preserve those lives. When you took Marie just now you immediately moved her to the safest position and started to rock her in an attempt to comfort her. Maternal instinct plays a large part in your nature as a Healer.”

“Maternal instinct? Me?” I laughed. “I think you've got the wrong Healer. Didn't I offer last night to help you hunt down and violently kill whoever poisoned Marie? Doesn't sound very maternal to me.”

“There is not much in this world more deadly than a mother who feels her child is in danger,” said the Aos Sidhe grimly. “There is nothing more maternal than wanting to protect or avenge those you care for.”

I looked at the baby in my arms and thought again of what I would do to whomever had tried to kill her. It wasn't a pretty picture. “I guess you're right.” I smiled at the cooing infant and tickled her toes causing her to giggle. My movement must have woken Paul as I heard him stir behind me.

Lisianne must have heard him too as she turned around and kissed him, “Good morning my love.”

He smiled sleepily before kissing her, his eyes briefly looking over to Marie and I after breaking the kiss, “Good morning Lisi, and you too Kayla.” He gave his wife a searching look, “I see you two have been talking, and Marie seems to have taken well to Kayla. Have you asked her yet?” he asked.

“Asked me what?” I wondered aloud as I continued to tickle Marie.

“I'll take that as a no,” Paul said with a nervous chuckle.

The blonde elfin woman shook her head, “Not yet Paul, I was just about to ask her.”

“Ask me what?” I repeated, now a bit nervous.

“In light of recent events,” Lisanne began, “We are worried about Marie's continued safety. We will protect her as best we can and Queen Titania's protection keeps her safe from those in the Summer Court.” She looked lovingly at the infant in my arms before continuing, “But if something should happen to Paul and I, we fear she would not be well protected from the Winter Court, Except for Her Majesty and those close to her, Marie is barely tolerated by the Summer Court.”

I stared at the pair, a bit confused. “You want me to be your bodyguard or something? I don't think I have time for that, I've got school and work and I have to learn to control my powers.”

Paul shook his head, “Not exactly, you see my family are long dead and Lisianne's parents are of the same opinion about Marie as the rest of the Summer Court. Queen Titania has taken an interest in Marie but Court matters keep her very busy. So we...” he looked to his wife for support.

The Aos Sidhe nodded as she turned to look back at me. “We already owe you a debt Kayla, but we were hoping you might consider becoming Marie's... what did you call it again my love?”

“Godmother,” Paul said. “We want someone to care for and protect her if something should happen to us.”

If it was physically possible for my jaw to have hit the floor I think it would have. “I don't think I'm the best person for that. For all we know I probably have the Winter Court after me and I'm not sure I can even protect myself at the moment, let alone a baby.”

Lisianne gave a weak chuckle, “We don't plan on dying any time soon, this is only in case the worst does happen. It is very likely this isn't the last attempt that will be made on Marie's life and it is very possible that attempts will be made to kill us as well as her. Hopefully we'll see her become a healthy happy adult and all we'll ever need you for is to babysit on occasion. We would both feel better though if we had someone to protect and nurture her in our absence.”

I sighed and took a long look at Marie who was starting to fall asleep in my arms. I had no problem with protecting her and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. But these people barely know me, I thought, they don't know what a monster I could be. Maybe they do though, and what better than a monster to keep someone safe? Could I really raise a child if it came to that? What kind of life would she have with me? “Why me?” I asked.

Paul looked at me sadly, “For several reasons. For one, who better to keep her healthy than a Healer? Secondly, you are protective of others and you have the strength, speed and abilities of a Vampire, if it came down to a fight with a non human you could do a better job of protecting her than I or any other human could. Lastly, you more than any of us can understand what it is to be of two worlds and not be fully part of either. Marie will need someone who understands that, someone she can talk to, whether we live to see her through to adulthood or not.”

I looked from Marie to her parents and back again to the slumbering infant. “I'll do it, but you two better do your damnedest to stay alive.”


It was some time later that Natalie and the others awoke. Since I was already awake I watched Marie while her parents set upon making breakfast for everyone from what I found in our camping supplies. I would have made breakfast myself but the only method of cooking we had available was over the fire and I was a bit leery about getting to close to one of the few things in the world that could actually kill me. The others awoke and ate their breakfasts while talking back and forth, even the Pixies dug into the meal with gusto.

While everyone else ate I sat quietly holding Marie and thinking about the Eochair, the baby I held in my arms, my new Pixie bodyguard and the kiss. The last may have seemed to be the least important of the three, but it was the one which most occupied my thoughts. Why did I react the way I did? Sure Jason is attractive, but do I like him that way? Could a relationship between a Were and a Vampire even work? It seemed that all I had in my life lately was questions and not enough answers.


We parted company late in the morning, not long before lunchtime. Lisianne, Paul and Marie left for the Valley under the protection of the swarm of Pixies, while Natalie, Sarah, Jason and I headed back to town. Dandelion, Verbina and Silphia kept a close eye out for trouble as we made our way through the woods. None of us spoke much and found myself trying to keep my distance from Jason without looking like I was doing it. It made for a long and awkward walk. Finally we all arrived at Natalie's house and I turned down an offer to stay and hang out, choosing instead to head home with the promise to pick them all up for school in the morning.

Silphia might not have been to eager to become my guardian but she took the job very seriously. She kept a careful eye out as we made the short walk to my house and gave the back of the house a very thorough inspection as I took my time fishing out my keys and letting myself in. I found myself hoping Genevieve wasn't home but also hoping she was. I had a lot I wanted to talk to her about, but how much should I tell her and how she would react?

It turned out she was home. As I let myself in and made my way through the kitchen I heard her talking in the living room. Making a shushing motion to my Pixie companion I made my way into the living room hoping to make the stairs before my Maker could stop me. No, I was not trying to sneak past her. With our heightened senses that is a near impossible prospect and Genevieve likely knew I was home from the moment I unlocked the door, if not before. I was not surprised to hear her call out, “Kayla, you're home? Please come and join us.”

“Okay Genevieve, I'm coming,” I responded as I made my way toward her. 'We' turned out to be Genevieve, Dr. Dennis and Sandra Brand from the unseen council, with the latter two seated on our couch while Genevieve sat across from them in one of the armchairs. I put on a smile and greeted the pair with a nervous, “Hello.”

“Dr Dennis and Dr. Brand have a proposal to make regarding your Healing ability.” Genevieve began, gesturing for me to sit in the free armchair. “They were wanting to speak with me first as your legal guardian but since you're back early you might as well join us.”

I took the seat as I looked over our guests, “What type of proposal?”

Dr. Brand smiled at me, “We were wondering if you might agree to a working relationship with Dr. Dennis and myself. Basically this would consist of us calling you in when we have a medical emergency that we can't handle. We would also give you hands on experience with some minor wounds and ailments, first aid training and as much medical training as you like. Think of it as an internship.”

I considered the offer for a moment before frowning, “I'd like to but I'm already really busy with school and now working at the bookstore. Besides won't my skills be a bit hard to hide if the Norms see them? Also there's the matter of me needing blood whenever I heal someone.”

Dr Dennis nodded, “Genevieve tells us school won't be a problem for you with your memory. But what we're proposing is to be training you during school time. We've discussed it with Principal Lawson and she will see to it that you can spend the last hour of your school day at the clinic with us if you agree. You would have been scheduled to take science then, so she would put it as credits for science class on your transcript and records. It will be viewed as an advanced science class and we'll have a story ready for other students in case they ask about it.”

“As for the norms,” Dr. Brand put in, “Don't worry, we'll make sure nobody sees you who shouldn't. We'll keep you with mostly Unseen patients and if there is a Norm in need of your skills, we'll see that they are sedated. Also, we only intend to call you outside of our internship time when the patients need is dire or there is some sort of large scale medical emergency.”

I looked at the pair, wondering just how well they had thought this out. “What about blood?”

Dr. Brand patted a cooler which was sitting beside the couch. “We've got some blood here for you in this cooler for you to keep here and to carry some on you for emergency needs outside your regular nightly feedings. We'll also keep some at the clinic and in the school nurses office. When you run out of your emergency supply here at home let us know.”

“You seem to have this all planned out.” I replied as I looked from one doctor to the other. I thought about how I would likely be needed on the island soon, and it would be better if I were prepared. With a sigh I asked, “So what do I tell the other students when I skip science class at the end of the day?”

Genevieve chuckled, “With your Vampire memory you'll easily be able to get straight A grades. So the good doctors here decided you should be a child prodigy. You're gifted at science and want to pursue a career in medicine so, to keep you from being bored in a regular science class, this internship was decided on.”

I stared at her, my mouth agape. “Child prodigy? Oh that's not going to make me stand out at all,” I grumbled sarcastically. “I thought I was supposed to try to blend in.”

“You are. This may make you stand out a bit, but this story won't scream out that you're not normal either,” Dr. Dennis cut in. “In fact, people will likely attribute any other odd behaviour or habits to your unusually high intellect. Geniuses often behave oddly. So hopefully we'll be deflecting any people who find you a bit too unusual away from thinking 'she's a Vampire' and thinking instead that you're just gifted and quirky.”


I reluctantly agreed to the plan, though I wondered just how my life had gotten so far outside my control since I'd become a Vampire. The good doctors left with promises to see me the next afternoon and once they were gone I turned to head upstairs. I was stopped by Genevieve's hand on my shoulder. I turned and she pointed to her office, “Lets have a talk Kayla, you look like you need one.”

We both sat down in the comfortable chairs her office boasted and for a moment neither of us said a word. Then Genevieve looked me in the eye and asked, “So did anything happen while you were out in the woods?”

“What didn't happen while I was out in the woods,” I grumbled. “I healed a half human, half Aos Sidhe baby from a poison, I may have become that baby's godmother, I found out that being a Healer may make me the target of the same 'people' who have been after Natalie for months, I was assigned a Pixie as my bodyguard, and Jason kissed me!” I said it all in a rush and as I got to the last part I even sounded panicked to myself.

Genevieve nodded, “It sounds like you had an eventful night Kayla. You're clearly upset and feeling a bit overwhelmed. What is it that's bothering you the most?”

I looked at the floor, slightly embarrassed. “The kiss. I can deal with being a target, I mean I can defend myself fairly well and Dad has offered to teach me all he knows about fighting so between that and my Vampire abilities I'm not really worried about that. I was more than happy to save the baby, in fact I wanted to find and rip the head off of whoever poisoned her. I can even deal with having a Pixie hanging around me all the time, I mean Natalie has two of them.”

“So what is it that bothered you about the kiss?” my Maker asked. “Are you not attracted to Jason?”

I shook my head, “No! I am attracted to him. I really enjoyed it and I was getting really turned on but...”

“But what?” Genevieve prodded when I didn't finish.

“But I was ready to feed on him.” I responded, ashamed of myself. “And I know I shouldn't have been, I had just drank my fill after healing Marie.”

Genevieve took my hand in both of hers. “Kayla, you've been doing very well with dealing with your thirst. Let me ask you this, did you feed on him?”

“No,” I replied, my head still hung low, “But I only barely stopped myself and got my emergency bottle.”

“You stopped yourself Kayla, there is no need to be ashamed. Many new Vampires wouldn't have in that situation. Strong sexual desire can cause Vampires to feel another desire, a desire to feed. The two are linked and often we use sex to get our meals, you haven't so you were unprepared for this.”

I frowned at that, “You mean any time I get turned on I'm gonna want to feed?”

She nodded, “Now that you're aware of it though you should be able to control it better. “Just be aware of your limits and don't push them, and if you do have sex make sure you have blood on hand or that our partner is agreeable to a long love bite.” She chuckled and gave me a wink.

“But I don't want my friends or anyone I'm close to seeing that side of me, the killer part.”

“Kayla,” Genevieve's voice was suddenly stern. “Have you ever killed one of your meals, outside of the time the Hunters attacked?”

“No,” I answered grudgingly.

She squeezed my hand. “You only kill when lives are in danger, and in that sort of situation nobody is going to blame you. You are not some bloodthirsty killer, you are in control of yourself. You need to feed to live don't be ashamed of that. Your friends accepted you knowing you are a Vampire you don't need to hide yourself from them. If Jason is taking a romantic interest in you then this is something that will come up at some point. Make sure he knows about this part of you, because he deserves to know so that he can decide for himself whether or not to pursue a relationship with you knowing everything. By pulling away and trying to hide an important part of yourself you're making that decision for him and that's not fair to either of you.”

I hugged Genevieve tightly, “Thanks Mother, I'll talk to him tomorrow when I get a chance.”

Genevieve smiled, hugging me back, “You're welcome dear one, now I want you to tell me everything that happened while you were in the woods and I want to meet this Pixie of yours.”


After revealing everything that occurred to my Maker and getting a short lecture on Vampire sex education, I spent the afternoon in my room reading the books that Gwen had found for me. I managed to get through a quarter of them that afternoon and I was amazed at just how well I was remembering everything I was reading. Not long before four o'clock I called it quits as I finished the book on biology I had been reading. I looked over at Silphia who was sitting on my pillow and decided we should probably try to break the ice between us. “I know guarding some Vampire probably isn't what you want to be doing.”

The Pixie blushed, her cheeks almost turning the color of her hair. “It is an honor to be guardian to the Healer. I don't know why they chose me though. I am not a great warrior like Verbina, and I'm not gifted in magic... I am not even certain how to be your guardian.”

I tried to give the Pixie a friendly smile. It seemed she had self confidence issues. “Well let's try to figure that out then. I hear you're a fast flier and that you Pixies can stay invisible to even most of the Unseen if you want.”

The red headed Pixie nodded, “Yes, that's right.”

“Okay then,” I said as I thought it over, “Here's how we will work this then: I can handle most threats if I know about them so what I want you to do is stay hidden and keep an eye out for danger. If you see danger or anything suspicious tell me and I will take it from there. If either one of us thinks it's too much for me to handle then you fly as fast as you can to go get help. Does that sound good to you Silphia?”

“I think I can do that Kayla,” she replied.

With that decided the two of us left for my parents house for a combat lesson from my father. The combat lesson covered hand to hand, some martial arts basics and using weapons like staffs and swords and Dad seemed happy with how well I was taking to it. After that he showed be the 69 Charger he had bought for us to work on. The car needed a lot of work and the parts might be hard to find but I was looking forward to working on it. Finally, my mom asked me how the Healing was coming along and offered a few more pointers on how to make controlling it easier.

Silphia remained unseen for the whole visit and once it was over we hit the road so I could feed before
returning home for some more reading before bed. Having an invisible friend to keep an eye out for me while I fed in the alley outside the Lighthouse eased my nerves a lot. Silphia didn't even comment on my feeding, she just accepted it as a part of my life. It's not like I was violently killing people. I just feed and send them on their way with a happy memory. Maybe I really shouldn't be so self conscious about it around my friends after all.


I was quiet when I picked the others up for school at Natalie's place. I wanted to say something about the kiss but I wasn't sure how to bring it up. I started to say something once but I didn't get the words out before Sarah complimented me on my outfit. I was in full Goth mode, wearing my favorite boots, a short plaid pleated skirt with black lace, torn black leggings, a blood red and black corset, elbow length fingerless black lace gloves, and I had changed my eye color to blood red.

“Ummm Kay?” Sarah asked as we piled out of the car in the school parking lot. “How are you going to explain that eye color?”

I fished a contact lens case from my purse and grinned, “I bought contacts of course, and I have them in so many colors.”

Natalie shook her head, chuckling as I shouldered my backpack. “Come on guys, let's show Kayla to the office so she can get her schedule.”

We made our way to the office amongst the stares and hushed voices of other students, most of them asking one another who the hell I was. Some had seen me around town over the holidays but most had not. As we entered the office, with our Pixie patrol invisible and at a discreet distance, the secretary looked up and upon seeing me nearly fell out of her chair. “Hi,” I said with a friendly smile, “I'm Kayla Dunn, I'm supposed to be picking up my schedule and stuff.” I pulled out my new identification papers and the falsified transcripts from my former school. “I think I have everything you need here.”

The secretary looked over the paperwork and smiled, “Oh! You're the prodigy! Mrs. Lawson mentioned you'd be registering today. Welcome to Sena Island, I hope you'll enjoy it here. I'm afraid we're not quite as exciting as Toronto.” She said the last as she once again looked over my outfit. Then she set herself to getting my paperwork filed and providing me with a schedule and locker assignment. “The Principal has arranged for you to spend your last class of the day at the Sena Island Clinic. Do you know where that is or would you like another student to accompany you today?”

I shrugged as I got into character, “Oh the clinic was one of the first places I went to see when I got here. I'm looking forward to studying there and I hope it will look good when I apply for medical school in the future.”

Natalie and Jason were looking at me strangely during this exchange and I guessed they weren't in on this part of the plan. Sarah winked at me as we walked down the hall with my new paperwork in hand and gave the pair a look of confusion. “Oh silly me. I didn't tell you both when I introduced you to her that Kayla is going to be studying at the clinic with my Dad. The doctors are all excited to be teaching such a smart girl with an interest in medicine, it's all Dad talks about.”

I made a show of shushing Sarah as we passed through a crowd of students, “Sarah! I told you I just want to be a normal student here. I got way more attention than I was comfortable with at my last school.”

“But Kayla,” Sarah mock-whined, “It's so cool that I'm friends with a child prodigy. And despite your strange fashion sense you're probably one of the prettiest girls in school. Who wouldn't want to brag about a friend with beauty and brains.”

We approached my locker and I quickly unlocked it and placed my school stuff inside, taking out only what I needed for the first class on my schedule. Meanwhile the crowd had dispersed and word about the strange new girl genius was being spread. Sarah grinned, “Mission accomplished.”

I just shook my head, whispering, “You're evil Sarah. I take it your Dad told you to spread the word about me.”

She nodded, whispering back, “Yup and I'm so glad you dressed up all Goth today. The red eyes are particularly great for when Becky Lawson starts her part of the plan later today.”

“Am I missing something?” I asked, a bit confused.

Natalie and Jason apparently hadn't missed whatever it was as they both broke out laughing. “Oh that's so perfect!” Natalie grinned as she tried to keep her voice down. “We'll let you know later Kay, for now we'll let it be a surprise.”


My morning classes were boring. I dutifully took down notes like a good genius while my classmates stared at me. Most of what we covered in those classes I already remembered clearly from my previous stint in high school. At least I had Silphia for company. She sat on my shoulder showing a far greater interest in what was being taught than I did. The math teacher Mr. Phelps caught me not paying attention at one point and asked me to solve an equation on the board but after several years of university level math and science courses the 'difficult' equation took very little effort to solve.

My last class before lunch turned out to be P.E. At least I enjoyed that class. We played volleyball and I did well despite holding myself back a lot to make myself appear human. After the showers while I was changing a few of the girls noticed the piercing in my navel and asked how I convinced my parents to let me get it. I told them my parents died in a car accident and I lived with my cousin who is pretty cool about stuff like that. The subject was quickly changed as some of the girls tried to convince me to try out for the volleyball team.

I was glad when the bell signalled lunchtime and made my way quickly to my locker. Two of the girls on the volleyball team, Tara Hill and Janice Meyers walked with me, trying to convince me to try out as we walked. I told them I had a lot going on but that I would think about it and the pair seemed happy with that as we parted ways. The rest of the gang was waiting for me as I got to my locker and put my gym bag away and pulled out my bottle of blood in case I needed it. Sarah grinned at me and pulled out a stainless steel water bottle identical to my own gesturing for me to put mine in my purse and take hers. I shrugged and did so, closing my locker as the four of us headed to the cafeteria.

There was whispering and pointing as a walked down the hall and I heard people talking about how hot I was, how I lived with my cousin, how I'd shown up Mr. Phelps in math class, and how I was some sort of super genius. It seemed like the people were taking it all at face value. We made our way through the lunch line and I took the smallest portions I could. As the others ate I ate what small amount I could, but mostly just moved stuff around on my plate, putting some to the side for the Pixies to eat.

Just as I was about to quietly broach the subject of our aborted kiss to Jason I became aware of a presence at our table. I looked up to see a tall girl with short black hair dressed in skinny jeans and a pink sweater. I could hear Jason and Sarah chortling quietly as Natalie smiled at the girl and asked, “What's up Becky?”

'Becky' pointed right at me and half yelled, loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear, “That new girl is a Vampire!”

The cafeteria went from hushed silence to maniacal laughter. Natalie too was laughing as she said, “It's daytime Becky.”

“But it's cloudy and rainy today, there's no sun!” The other girl exclaimed triumphantly. “Just look at her, she probably came here in a hearse and what's with those red eyes!”

Jason chimed in, “Becky, she drove us to school in her convertible, what kind of Vampire has a convertible?”

I suddenly realized what was going on and pulled the empty contacts case from my purse. “See, contact lenses. My eyes are really blue. I get bored with them so since I need to wear contacts or glasses anyway I just got contacts in a whole bunch of different colors.”

Becky put on a determined look and snatched the stainless steel water bottle sitting in front of me. “I'll bet that you're using this bottle to hide the blood you need to drink.” She quickly opened the bottle and poured some of the reddish liquid within into an empty cup. “See!”

Sarah rolled her eyes and said, “Does somebody want to drink some of this 'blood' and tell Becky what it really is?”

Tara Hill, who was sitting at the next table, stood up and came over to take the cup. She took a sip and smiled, rolling her eyes at Becky. “Becky this is tomato juice. Try it yourself.”

Becky took a cautious sip, “Ugh, I hate tomato juice.” She frowned at all of us and walked off in a huff as the cafeteria erupted into more laughter.

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