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When Keith Roseberry meets Genevieve
his life and his world are changed forever and home will never be the same. Chapter 2 Amethyst |
The two vampires holding me froze and I heard them both say at the same time “Shit.”
I looked up at Genevieve, my face and her blouse bloodied from my tears, “What’s wrong Mother? Did I do something wrong?” Let’s see, I’m sobbing like a little girl, I got myself all bloody after just finishing a shower, I ruined her blouse most likely… she was probably wishing she never turned me. I was probably a Dud to her too. I looked down at my lap and started crying again.
A cool hand cupped my chin, raising my face so I was looking directly into Genevieve’s eyes. There was worry there, just a little, but there was so much love. “Kayla dear, do you know what a Dud is? Did you know anything about the Unseen before you met me?” She wiped my eyes, getting her fingers bloodied as she looked at me expectantly, awaiting my answer.
“Not really, I only heard my mom say it that once when she thought I was asleep, but it sounded bad, like I was a big disappointment to her. My dad said something about an unseen secret but that could be anything.” I wondered what was wrong, still unsure if it was something I had done.
“You have done nothing wrong my dear; your living mother wronged you by not telling you all this before and now it could very well place the three of us in a lot of danger.” She sighed, shaking her head sadly, “Now it is up to me to tell you what she should have. Then I’ll have to call Carmilla and get her thoughts on all this.”
“Well I think this is going to be a long, Mother-daughter talk, what with the Unseen birds and the bees and such,” Carly interjected. “I think I should go get us some takeout, it’s going to be a long night. I better call and let the office know I won’t be in for a few days too.” She faked a cough and winked at me, obviously trying to cheer me up, “I feel like death.” She gave a little wave and left us alone as she went to go get us some dinner.
Genevieve cracked a smile at that, calming some. She squeezed my hand reassuringly and looked down at me; it was still weird having to look up to look her in the eyes. “There are other creatures, magical and supernatural out there besides vampires,” she began. “There are various types of Weres, Spirits, and all sorts of other creatures normal humans, or Norms as we call them, don’t know about. There are also Witches. Are you with me so far my dear?”
I chewed on my lower lip in thought for a moment before answering. “So you’re saying that a lot of the things we’re told are myths are actually out there and we just don’t know about them? I guess that makes sense, if there are Vampires it’s not a stretch to think other things might be out there too.”
She nodded, “Exactly, Norms don’t know about us and we often live right under their noses, which is why all these creatures, including us, are referred to as Unseen. Witches are human and can use magic, a gift passed down through entire families from mother to child and usually only girls are Witches. People born to a witch family who don’t inherit any magic, usually boys, are referred to as Duds.”
I’m pretty sure I was gaping at her at this point. “You’re saying my mom is a witch?” I probably would have felt the color leave my face if I weren’t dead.
“Yes and since your father apparently knows about the Unseen he’s probably her Warden.” The confusion must have been written all over my face for she quickly clarified, “Wardens are Norms or Duds who are trained in fighting to become the sworn guardian of a Witch. If that woman,” her words dripped with venom, “had enlightened you about your family background you could have been a Warden yourself and we wouldn’t be sitting here having this discussion.”
I couldn’t blame Genevieve for being angry with my mom, I was pretty pissed off myself, but something still bothered me. “If I didn’t do anything wrong, why did you react like you did when I said I was a Dud? How could it put us into danger?”
“We usually try to keep our fangs off Weres or people from witch families and we certainly don’t turn them. In Ravencrest we had an agreement not to touch the Weres and there are reasons most of us other than maybe Wisteria wouldn’t touch those with witch blood.” She shrugged sadly, “First Vampires and Witches aren’t exactly famous for getting along, and second, Witches command powerful magic so it’s not a good idea to piss one off. Lastly, since we’re not exactly getting those of witch blood to switch teams often, if at all, we can’t be certain how the change might affect them. There’s a chance that you having witch blood may have been what caused your age regression, though I can’t think of why it would have.”
“So then the problem isn’t me being a Dud, it’s my mom being a Witch?” Personally I thought that the worst she could do is turn us into bloodsucking toads if she ever found out, but really how would she find out? Genevieve and Carly seemed worried though and since they were more experienced with all this than I was I should probably trust their judgement.
Genevieve became very focused, “Kayla, we need to get rid of everything you brought into this house as Keith, especially anything personal. That woman could use those types of things to find you if she hasn’t already. Hopefully your change will confuse things a bit and make it hard to locate you. If she thinks you’re dead we’re screwed, if she finds out I’ve turned you we’re royally screwed.” She turned to look at me, “You said you’re not close to your parents, how often were you in contact with them?”
I shrugged, “Mom sent me emails often, but I was usually too busy to respond quickly.”
A sigh of relief slipped through her lips, “Good, we may have some time then. Did you phone home regularly?”
I rolled my eyes, “I was a guy at University the only times I called home with any certainty were when I needed money, birthdays, or Christmas…” My hand flew up to my neck, my fingertips brushing lightly the choker from Genevieve, my Christmas present. “Shit.”
Carly was back quickly with dinner and for the second time I drank blood not cold and bagged, but pumping warm into my mouth from the neck of a man. Once we were finished our meal Carly sent them along their merry way with Mesmered instructions to go home, sleep, forget everything that happened and have erotic dreams about their best friends. Once dinner had left and Carly made the obligatory joke about the convenience of take-out food that took itself out when finished, the three of us discussed our options given what we knew.
Option one was to run like hell now and not look back. Option two was to wait things out but be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Option three, Carly’s favorite, was to have “Keith” leave a cryptic email for his mom saying he’s fine and to include one of those E-cards with balloons and a teddy bear saying, “It’s a girl!.” And then we’d run like hell. Finally there was option four, which was to somehow try to find out what my parents were doing about my disappearance. Much to Carly’s disappointment we decided on a combination of option two and option four.
We began getting duffel bags ready; placing them by the door in case we needed to leave in a hurry. There wasn’t much that would fit me so we planned on doing some shopping for me the next day, an experience I wasn’t sure whether to look forward to or dread with the evil smile plastered upon Carly’s face when she mentioned it. Carly went out briefly to dispose of all of Keith’s things, discarding them in a dumpster in another part of town. As for keeping tabs on my mom, we decided it would be best to quietly approach my cousin Gwen or possibly her mother Helen, my mom’s older sister, since I had been somewhat close to them before leaving for University. Before I was turned I had still spoken to Gwen occasionally via Instant Message chats.
So after another shower and changing into a dress that was too big for me, as Genevieve was phoning her Carmilla to apprise her of our situation, I sat down in front of Carly’s computer booting it up and logging into the IM chat. Carly sat beside me and watched the computer and then the IM program boot up. It was late here, but just after midnight on the west coast so I was hoping she’d be the only one of my few contacts online. I was wrong. She wasn’t online but Pete was.
LovrboyPete: Hey dude you’re up late. I should be back on the 3rd.
“Damn,” I cursed aloud.
Keith_Roseberry: Hi Pete, I may not be here when you get back, some family stuff has come up and I may need to leave town.
LovrboyPete: Okay dude, so how’d things go with that Jennifer chick? You bang her yet? How was she?
Keith_Roseberry: It’s Genevieve, and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.
Carly snickered beside me. She was such a bad influence on me.
LovrboyPete: Awesome dude!
Keith_Roseberry: Yeah I really like her. When I’m with her I’m giddy as a schoolgirl.
Carly started giggling hysterically beside me. “I knew there was something I liked about you,” she managed to get out between giggling fits.
LovrboyPete: Cool dude, I’m happy for you. I’m gonna go crash I’ll see ya whenever you get back.
Keith_Roseberry: Yeah, I’ll see you later.
I felt bad for misleading him as I closed the IM, but the more people who thought Keith was still alive and himself at this point the better. Genevieve came in to join us giving us a strange look as Carly tried to stop giggling. Once she was calmed down she gave Genevieve a grin, “Oh you were right Gen, she is special.” Me, I just tried to look innocent as Genevieve looked from one of us to the other and shook her head, trying not to smile. Hey I’m a kid now; it’s my prerogative to try to look innocent when I’m up to mischief. We waited another 20 minutes and were about ready to give up for the night when Gwen logged in. I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves and started typing a message.
Keith_Roseberry: Hi cuz how are things in the most boring town on the continent?
Sena_Gwen: Keith!! We’ve been worried sick, are you okay? Your mom is going to be so happy, why haven’t you called?
Keith_Roseberry: Gwen, do not tell my mom you’ve talked to me yet. I need to ask you some questions.
Sena_Gwen: Sure but we’ve all been worried. Is something wrong? What kind of questions?
Keith_Roseberry: I’m fine. I have questions about our family. And the Unseen.
There was a long pause and I was afraid I had blown it. I bit my lip as I looked from the screen to Genevieve and Carly and then back to the screen. I did a quick web search as I waited nervously and Carly raised an eyebrow at me when I found what I was looking for. I had a feeling it might be needed. Finally she began typing again and I waited eagerly for the message to appear.
Sena_Gwen: Keith this is your aunt Helen. You know about the Unseen? How? I never approved of your mother’s decision to keep you in the dark about this. How much do you know?
Keith_Roseberry: I know about Vampires, Weres, and a few other things. I also know our family are Witches. How I know isn’t important, I should have been told by my family. I need to know if mom or anyone else has been using magic to try to find me.
Sena_Gwen: Yes we have. But all we could tell is that your belongings are still in Toronto. You have been hard to focus on Keith. Some of us were getting ready to go to Toronto to look, hoping we could find you if we were closer.
Keith_Roseberry: Maybe you can’t find me because you’re looking for Keith.
Sena_Gwen: ???
Keith_Roseberry: Before I tell you any more I want you and Gwen to promise me that nobody in our family will harm me or those I am with.
Sena_Gwen: Why would we harm you?
Keith_Roseberry: Just promise me.
I knew that if they gave their word they would keep it, my aunt and cousin had always been very good about keeping promises, and if she said they never approved of my mother keeping me in the dark about things it likely meant they were on my side. Still, I was about to do something that was probably very foolhardy if I misjudged them. There was another pause as I awaited her answer.
Sena_Gwen: Gwen and I both promise that we will not harm you or those with you and that we will do our best to prevent your mother or any other Witches here from harming you so long as you’re not a threat to us.
The last bit I wasn’t expecting at all. Apparently our family weren’t the only witches on the island and my aunt and cousin had some kind of pull with them if she was going to promise something like that. It was more than I had been hoping for. Thinking that we should be relatively safe now, I breathed sigh of relief, smiling at Carly and Genevieve.
Sena_Gwen: Now will you please tell us what’s going on?
I couldn’t help myself, grinning at Carly, I selected the image I had found earlier and hit send.

Sena_Gwen: Are you trying to tell us you have a child?
Keith_Roseberry: Something like that.
Sena_Gwen: You’re not making much sense Keith. What’s all of this have to do with you and the Unseen?
Keith_Roseberry: You’re right; I’ve been a bit cryptic until now. A picture is worth a thousand words Aunt Helen.
I motioned for Carly and Genevieve to back away from the range of webcams sight and clicked to request a video chat. Then I smiled real big, making sure to show just a bit of fang as the request was accepted and gave a small wave to the two shocked-looking familiar faces on the other end. “Hi Aunt Helen, hi Gwennie-bee,” I said using the nickname only I ever used for Gwen. “I guess you can call me Kayla now. As you can probably tell, my life has been pretty interesting the last few weeks.”
They had of course wanted to test me to make sure I was who I said I was. Would you have believed somebody who pulled that stunt on you? I didn’t think so. After playing 20 questions for a while they finally believed me and we began to talk about my current situation, namely why I was a kid. They wanted to examine me and since I wasn’t going to go back to Sena Island unless my life depended upon it and Aunt Helen said she couldn’t be away for a lengthy period of time at the moment, it was decided that Gwen would come and examine me. She would leave in the morning, getting a pilot friend of hers to take her to Vancouver where she would catch a plane to Toronto and arrive in the late evening. They both assured me that my mom wouldn’t think anything was up since Gwen had already volunteered to be the one to come to Toronto to search for me.
After that Genevieve and Carly were brought into the conversation. Genevieve and my aunt seemed to size one another up for a moment before my Maker spoke. “I’m Genevieve; I must apologize for turning one of your family. I only did so because I thought Keith was very special and I would have kept my fangs off him had I known he had witch blood. Kayla is my first child and very special to me and I swear that I have only had her best interests at heart.”
“I believe you Vampire, and I accept your apology. I am afraid my sister will be harder to convince of that though. Lena’s always been a bit selfish. I told her that her decision to keep Keith in the dark would come back to haunt her. She will likely refuse to see how any of this is her fault. If Keith had known what to look for this could have been prevented. I don’t trust your kind but I have promised that I would not let any harm come to you and for Kayla’s sake I will accept your word that you are not a threat to us.”
Genevieve smiled, nodding her head, “I assure you we are no threat, nor am I turning her into some ravenous killer, we don’t kill our meals and the only time we do kill is when our lives depend upon it.”
“That shows remarkable restraint.” I could see Aunt Helen mulling that over in her mind. “And what has my neph…. niece said about her situation?”
“Hey! I’m an adult!” I snapped crossing my arms and rolling my eyes and probably looking to all the world like a teenage girl pouting for not getting her way. “Err I was anyway, but I think I can speak for myself. I am just fine thank you very much, and the girl thing and the Vampire thing really aren’t bothering me as much as being stuck as a kid. I’m doing my best to adjust.”
Genevieve smiled at me, putting her hand on my shoulder and nodding to Helen. “She can’t lie with me here, so you have assurance from both she and I that she is doing well and adjusting. I am a psychologist and believe me when I say she wouldn’t lie to me. I would know if she wasn’t adjusting well and I will do my best to help her if and when she needs it. I can’t speak for all my kind but the three of us are a lot like you, we try to stay unnoticed and blend into society. Although some of us,” She looked at Carly and I suggestively, “have a strange sense of humor about it all.”
Carly grinned at Genevieve, “Bite me.”
“What I would like to know is how my nephew became your daughter. I’ve seen enough Vampires in my day to know that a gender change isn’t standard issue when they are turned.” Helen spoke up, stressing the final word.
“I cannot tell you how she became female, that is a secret we share only with Vampires in our family and very few of those even. I myself was sworn to secrecy. I assure you though I did it in her best interests.”
“How was it in his best interests to turn him into a fifteen year old girl?” Helen snapped.
Genevieve responded calmly, “The age regression was unexpected,” she admitted. “She should have been somewhere between 18 and 25.”
“That’s understandable, but why female in the first place?” Helen pressed.
I was growing tired of my aunt pressing the issue so I decided to end it now. “Because I wanted it,” I said, interrupting the two. Yes on some level I had wanted it, ever since I heard that conversation between my parents. “Mom never wanted a son and we both know it Aunt Helen, and I was miserable growing up being unwanted because of my gender. I guess I thought if I could be female it would make everything better. She may have been the one to make me feel like I was nothing because of my gender, but you could have done something about it. Instead you just let it happen!” I was screaming now, bloody tears running down my cheeks and everyone went silent.
After my emotional explosion a somewhat shaky truce was made and assurances were given that neither party was going to knife the other in the back and we all said our good nights. Gwen had to be up in the morning for her flight; Aunt Helen had matters requiring her attention including what to do about my mom; and we had a lot of shopping to do the next day to see if I could handle being in public yet.
I wish I could say I had pleasant dreams that night but sadly Vampires don’t dream. I will say that I slept well though, waking around noon at the cool touch of Genevieve’s hand caressing my cheek. “Wake up Kayla it’s time to get ready to go.” I may have thought I was adjusting pretty well to the being a girl thing but apparently I had a lot to learn about my new role. Getting ready to go out was no longer just rolling out of bed and throwing on whatever clothes smelled clean. Girls are a lot more focused on personal hygiene on a daily basis rather than just when they want to impress someone.
First I showered, making sure to get clean everywhere, though I was still a bit awkward with certain new parts of my anatomy. Once out of the shower I had to take a lot longer than normal toweling my hair dry as there was a lot more of it and it seemed thicker. After brushing my teeth and checking my appearance for any imperfections, not that there were any, I thought it would be a simple matter to get dressed and head out the door. I was so wrong. Girls don’t just throw on whatever they find that’s clean, it’s all got to complement their looks and be properly coordinated.
I was lucky that so far I had very little to choose from, being so much smaller than Genevieve and Carly. We found a pair of panties and a sports bra that fit alright and then after some searching found a pair of Carly’s skin tight jeans that fit decently once the pant legs were rolled up a bit. Shirts were easier to find, but then we had to find the right shirt to go with the jeans. We settled on a slightly loose black baby tee of Carly’s that said “Boy Magnet” on the chest. She thought it was terribly funny. I was told we would work on make-up later, since none of us really needed it to look good, but it would be important for me to know for when I needed to be able to blend in.
We threw what money I had in a clutch purse and I stepped into a pair of loose sandals. I was heading to the door when Genevieve said, “Aren’t you forgetting something young lady?” I turned around slightly confused and Genevieive tossed a bottle at me. I reacted much quicker than I thought possible, my hand moving in the blink of an eye, and snagging the bottle out of the air. It was quickly identified as sunblock and I stared at it a moment before the realization hit me.
“Oh.” I said sheepishly as I started applying it to all the parts of my body that would be exposed. Genevieve and Carly were doing the same and once Genevieve was finished she came to make sure I did a thorough job. I know she was worried about me, but the act made me feel even more like a little kid. Once I passed inspection we all put the sunblock in our purses and headed out the door.
I was fine on the cab ride to the mall, after all it was just us and the cabbie, but once we got into the mall itself I felt suddenly overwhelmed. It was Friday afternoon and the mall was crowded, mostly with teenagers still on winter break and trying to enjoy it while they could. At first it was the stares that bothered me, boys and even some girls looking unabashedly at the trio of beauties in their midst. They weren’t just staring at Genevieve and Carly. They were staring at me.
I felt a rush of anxiety hit me as I had no clue how to deal with the kind of attention I was receiving. Anxiety turned to thirst and I licked my lips at all the people surrounding me, blood pulsing through their necks, just waiting for me to have a drink, like so many walking juice boxes. I felt Genevieve’s hand tighten around my wrist, “Kalya.” I blinked, my eyes now focused on her as she spoke, “I know it’s hard dear, if you need a break let me know, I have something in my purse if you should need it.”
I nodded, licking my dry lips once more. “I think that would be a good idea, there are so many people here and the way they’re looking at me… I’m not used to it.”
“You’ll get used to it in time, just as you’ll get used to the thirst. Now that you’ve gotten it under control for the most part you should only really need to feed once a day or so.” She smiled fondly at me and led me to a ladies room near the food court and handed me a stainless steel water bottle from her purse. It was still a bit cool from the fridge and I took it thankfully and slipped into the ladies room and then into one of the empty stalls. The awkwardness of my first time in a ladies room was thankfully lost on me as at the moment my thirst had my almost complete attention.
I unscrewed the top from the water bottle and took a few sips, practically sighing in relief as the cold blood made its way down my throat. I was so tempted to give in to the thirst and drink the whole bottle but I was trying to learn to control the thirst and I thought it wise to save some for later in case it was needed again. For now my thirst was slaked and that was enough. Re-capping the bottle, I licked my lips of any remaining blood and stood, making sure to flush for the sake of appearances as I exited the stall. I headed to the sink, splashed a bit of water on my face and washed my hands. Then after making like I was checking my make-up in case anyone happened to be looking my way I stepped away from the sink and exited the ladies room.
After that first little problem the rest of the shopping expedition went fairly well as I started to feel more comfortable knowing I had some measure of control over the thirst. Well fairly well so far as my thirst and discomfort were concerned anyway. I felt a completely different type of discomfort as we got me measured, 32C from what I was told, and shopped for undergarments for me. Genevieve and Carly were having way too much fun with this. There was nothing plain at all in the mountain of undergarments we purchased for me, everything was lacy, silky and ranged from cute to damn sexy. My breasts did feel somewhat better properly supported though.
I stood in a store called After Midnight with Carly, staring at the dress she was holding up as she smiled that evil grin of hers. “You can’t be serious.”
Carly shoved the black, white and lace garment at me still grinning “Try it on. The style is called Gothic Lolita and I think it’s perfect for you given your current situation.” I had of course heard of that style before and sadly Carly was right. Gorgeous as she and Genevieve were they didn’t appear the right age to really pull it off. I on the other hand could. I went into the change room and after taking a while to figure out the bloomers and petticoat meant to go underneath the dress I put the dress over top and added the knee high boots and white gloves Carly handed me over the door. I stepped out of the tiny room and Carly grinned at me, tying a ribbon in my hair as the finishing touch.
“You know,” I said conversationally, “you really are a bad influence on me. Most people would avoid dressing teenagers in anything with the word Lolita associated with it.” I looked at my reflection and admitted to myself that it did look pretty good on me and it was a lot more modest than the name impies. My choker from Genevieve looked good with it too.
Carly merely grinned at me again, “You know you love it, and it looks really good on you. Granted, it’s not every day wear, just for special occasions.” She hailed a sales girl, “We’ll take it all and she’ll wear it out.” I just sighed and tried not to smile at her enthusiasm as she paid for my admittedly cool outfit.
We bought 2 more outfits in the Gothic Lolita style and some jeans and baby-tees for casual wear, but most of my everyday wardrobe seemed to range between goth and cyberpunk. I just let Carly enjoy the experience, while I enjoyed played Barbie doll and Genevieve watched us and occasionally added her own two cents. Without a threat of Witch retaliation looming over our heads we were all able to relax and just enjoy ourselves. I have to admit, it was the most fun I had had in a long time.
They even took me to the salon where Carly introduced me as her favorite niece, claiming I was coming out of a tomboy phase and wanted my ears pierced and my hair dyed a nice dark purple. I knew she was trying to help me adjust, and she had been goading me all day, keeping the upper hand and trying to see how far I would go with all of it. This time I decided to up the ante and show her that I was adjusting just fine thank you. I giggled (yes actually giggled) as I beamed up at her, playing the adoring niece ready to embrace her femininity, Oooh Aunt Carly! You think I could get my belly button pierced too?!”
Carly looked at me in surprise and a bit of confusion, trying to read my face while Genevieve hid her smile behind her hand. Once she had managed to get control of herself she gave Carly a look that said, “I told you so” and asked me, “Are you sure that’s what you want Kayla?”
“Yes, I’m sure, I’ve seen it on other girls before and I was kind of wondering how it would look on me. I thought if I was going to change my look I might as well go all the way.”
As we left the mall, me with my long hair now purple and my new piercings in place Carly, who ended up carrying all the bags due to some bet she made with Genevieve, mumbled, “Remind me never to play poker with you Kayla.”
I giggled at her again, it seemed to be becoming a habit, “You should have seen the look on your face Carly, I had trouble keeping a straight face, I thought I would die laughing.”
“I think I’ve created a monster,” she said, shaking her head and trying not to grin as she placed the bags in the trunk of the cab.
We sat waiting in a pizza parlour on Young Street. We had agreed to meet Gwen here rather than at Carly’s house so we could all feel comfortable on neutral ground and they could all get to know each other a bit as she ‘examined’ me. Gwen was 28 years old and looked a lot like I did before my change. She had long brown hair and brown eyes and she was pretty I guess, though she couldn’t hold a candle to any of us. I recognized her as soon as she walked in, after all it had only been a few years since I had left home.
We waved her over and she sat across from me just staring for several long seconds before shaking it off. “Wow, is that really you K?”
I shrugged, giving her a long look of my own, “Yeah, it’s me Gwennie-bee. You’re looking good, you haven’t changed a bit. Life in boring-ville must agree with you.” It was an old argument between us, I’d knock our hometown and she would say it wasn’t as boring as it seems.
Right on cue she responded, “It’s not as boring as it seems.” I actually believed her this time. She was staring at me again, but caught herself, “Sorry K but it’s like ummm, wow. You look so much better in that than the dresses I used to put you in when we were kids. I thought I’d been imagining things when I saw you last night but you really are a teenaged girl. I like the hair by the way.” She paused a moment, “So are you all really ummm…?”
“Are we really what Gwen?” I spoke quietly as I watched her face for her reactions, “Women? Incredibly beautiful? Vampires? Yes to all three. Let’s not spend all night dancing around topics, it’s been a long day and I’m dead tired.”
Gwen groaned at my joke. “That’s awful K, Really though I’ve never met any Vampires and I’m dying to know more about them.” She gave me a nervous smile.
“Just try not to ask for personal experience, it would be a grave mistake.”
She nodded solemnly, “Yes but it would be an experience to die for.” We just stared at one another for a few seconds and then broke into giggling fits as all the tension dissolved.
“I like her, can we keep her?” Carly spoke up, winking at Genevieve.
Genevieve face palmed theatrically, “You would, I can’t believe there are three of you.”
With the mood somewhat lighter a small pizza and a round of beer was ordered. We all chatted and Gwen really seemed to hit it off with Genevieve and Carly, she was genuinely interested and asked several questions, but respected it when they couldn’t or wouldn’t answer. Gwen ate and at one point tried to examine me by holding my hand under the table while the rest of us drank beer. Her examination was inconclusive though as there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with me, even after she examined Carly and Genevieve for a comparison. Knowing there wasn’t much we could really do after that we continued talking, having fun and often injecting morbid humor, much to Genevieve’s chagrin.
Genevieve, Carly and I each left briefly on our own to feed and when my turn came I managed to Mesmer for the first time, taking the teenaged boy with me into an alley and drinking enough to sate my thirst before licking his wound closed and sending him on his way. I was so happy with my control that I failed to see the man in the black SUV watching me from the alley on the other side of the street as I slipped cautiously out of the alley and re-entered the pizza parlor.
With all of us having eaten and the beers finished the four of us all climbed into a cab, laughing merrily and relaxed in one another’s company, to head back to Carly’s house. It turned out we were too relaxed. If we hadn’t let our guard down, if I had been more careful, if we had noticed we were being followed there could have still been four of us.
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again wonderful
I can't help but say that this story just gets better and better i also enjoy the cliffhangers.
"Will you step into my parlor," said the spider to the fly.
the cold hand of morbid curiosity clutches my brain. eager and fearful anticipation drip down my soul not knowing when I will have my anxiety
please maam may I have some more?
capital revolt
Bloodlines reminds me of Singing to the Moon
Amethyst's ability to keep me on my toes and stay a step a head of where I think I am reminds me of Maggie F., high praise to be sure. Great beginning to this story. Not sure where it will go, interesting to be outside of Ravencrest. Professional courtesy vamps don't bite witches or other Unseens. I guess every rule has its exceptions.
Hughs, JessieC
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Indeed high praise
I have been a huge fan of Maggie F for a while now and am honored that my work reminds you of hers. When I pitched this story I was a bit nervous about the reaction it might get but I was extremely pleased when I was permitted to break a few rules to bring this story to you all. I've really enjoyed writing it so far and chapter 3 is already half finished.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I did think
Amethyst, That you could not beat the cliffhanger from the first part of Bloodlines, It seems i was wrong... Can't wait for the next episode now, You have me well and truly hooked...
Glad you're enjoying it
so far. I'm trying to keep you all interested and throw a few surprises your way as I go along. I'm happy to see I'm doing it.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Bloodlines part 2
I am guessing that a certain witch who has kept her child in the dark about the Unseen is about to cause trouble.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Doesn't anyone else find it odd ...
That Keith shows no anger about being turned into a vampire and a girl, that it's immediately all love and kisses. Admittedly he drank the potion voluntarily, but she had to know he didn't believe her and she certainly didn't tell him about the becoming a girl part. There was no hint that he was in any way TG, so I would think he'd be mad as hell at the change, not to mention the fact that the girl he fancied has now IDed herself as "mother".
BE a lady!
Okay ...
I should have read the rest of this chapter before commenting.
BE a lady!
was actually a gender variant, his gender was never really important to him other that being male made his birth mother reject him. He did at some level want to be female, and more than that to be wanted. Genevieve gave him both those things he desperately needed. Also all Keith's and now Kayla's angst about gender has always been directed at her birth mother and old habits are hard to break. Kayla is a bit pissed about being a teenager but she also knows that it wasn't Genevieve's fault.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Its a girl!!
Wait, how did I miss this one? Lots of fun so far, looking forward to the rest of the story.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
the nice thing about older stories
is when you get to a cliffhanger, you can just keep reading!