Tribe of the Mountains
Chapter 8
How to be a Man
For centuries the Free People were the only ones able to survive in the space between the northern and southern mountain ranges. The poor yellowish grassland was full of weirdly shaped small hills, deformed beasts and poisonous plants. Not that the land was completely devoid of it's blessings though, it had a huge diversity of animals living both above and below ground and a kind twisted ironwood tree so strong that nowadays a few of the wagons made using it remain, as if untouched by time.In this land they not only survived but thrived. They killed the worst of the monsters, learned to shape the hard wood and learned the hard way what to eat and what to avoid.
For a while things seemed to be getting better, the land was less poisonous, the monsters were defeated and feared man. The numbers of the people started to increase. Their neighbors, the soft people of the cities, were considered weak and easy to plunder.
Pride really comes before the fall.
Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy