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Nathan Poole is ready to become Sarah's Warden, but a long lost family heirloom changes his life and future.
Chapter 12 Amethyst |
Thanks as usual to Eof for a great universe to play in and to Eof, Maggie F and Donjo for their input. Thanks to my readers for reading what I put out here and being patient when new chapters are delayed.
The next morning Kayla picked us up for school again and this time she was dressed elaborately in a black dress with white lace that looked like it belonged in a history book, with white silk gloves, her choker, and red ribbons holding her hair up in twin pony tails. She still seemed to be the talk of the whole school when we got there. Three guys hit on her during lunch hour including Eric, but the Vampire just shook her head and snuggled up to Jason, “Sorry, I'm already taken.”
Eric grumbled, “Your loss, freak,” as he left the table.
Kayla held Jason back when he was about to go after the jerk. “Ignore him Jason, he's an ass. And it's his loss actually, but your gain.” We started eating again and talked about our classes and what we planned on doing after school. Kayla and I both had our part time jobs and Sarah and Jason weren’t sure what they were going to do, though Jason said he might swing by Sugar and Spice to see if his mom needed anything. Lunch passed too quickly and we had to return to class but at least I had my Pixies to keep me awake when classes got too boring.
Between my classes I ran into Moriko who was wearing very tight jeans and a black shirt with a scooping neckline that displayed the tops of her breasts. The top was a sharp contrast against her milky skin as was her dark hair, which framed her face. The night she had come here she had been trying to hide her face in her hair and wore one of my baggy hoodies to hide her figure. Hanging out with her cousin, Jackie and Jenny had changed that, as the three seemed determined to make her come out of her tomboy phase and embrace her feminine side. I wasn’t about to complain, it was a nice view.
It was kind of strange seeing her not in workout clothes or her gi. Most times when we got together we were sparring or we’d have our swords out and she would teach me some new tricks. “Hi Nat,” she said as she approached me, “Did you ask Sarah and Kayla about coming to the dojo on Friday?”
“I talked to Sarah. She’s up for it and she’s going to ask Kayla,” I replied.
She smiled and nodded, “Great, hopefully we’ll see them at seven on Friday then. The lesson starts at seven thirty but we’ll want them all there by seven for some pre-lesson stuff. Let them know that we’ll give them the first lesson free and if they decide they want to learn more we’ll give them both a discount rate on the lessons.” Then she added as she remembered something, “Oh, and tell them to ring the bell when they get there because the doors will probably be locked.”
“I’ll let them know,” I said with a nod.
She pulled out a few white business cards and handed them to me. “The address and phone number are on the cards. I need to get to class, I‘ll talk to you later Nat.”
I nodded as I took the cards and shoved them in my pocket. “See you later Moriko,” I called out before heading to class myself.
After school Jason and Sarah walked with me to Nature’s Blessings with Sarah and I holding hands almost the entire way while Dani and Vina kept an eye out for anyone who might be trouble. When we arrived at the shop we talked for a bit while I took an inventory list. “So what are you two doing after this? Are you going home for your lessons with your mom Sarah?”
Jason smiled as he said, “I’m going to go visit Kayla at the bookstore for a bit. I promised her I’d stop in and visit. Do you want to come by with me Sarah?”
Sarah nodded enthusiastically, “Sure Jason, I can visit her for a bit before I have to head home.”
I looked up from my inventory list after marking down that we were running low on Vervain. “Do you think you can ask her about the Friday lesson at Moriko’s family dojo? I keep forgetting. She told me it’s at seven o’clock and they’ll give you the first lesson free and a discounted rate if you decide you want to keep learning.” I fished around in my pocket and pulled out the business cards and seeing that there were three I gave two of them to Sarah. “The address and phone number are on here and she said to ring the doorbell because the door might be locked.”
“Cool,” Sarah replied as she took the cards. “I’ll make sure to ask her Nat.” She looked around to make sure that my mom or anybody else was looking and gave me a quick kiss before moving to catch up with Jason, who was already half out the door. I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing off the inventory and practicing magic with my mom.
Maorg watched Titania’s witchling go about her business in the store from a bench across the street. The sleepwalker had been fortunate this time as a teenage boy had fallen asleep in a park bench which gave her a good view of the shop. Keeping tabs on this girl without alerting her tiny protectors was child’s play for her. She would merely occupy the body of a sleeping human and use their eyes to watch her while she was in public. The only problem was that sleeping humans were not always readily available near the girl and she no longer had the power to possess a human with power. She wished that one had been available so that she could have seen what had happened to cure the abomination. She knew the girl and her friends were involved but was it the witchling or one of her friends that had done the healing?
Whoever had done it had cost her a great deal of time and effort. She had bided her time and caught the human father of the abomination asleep and used his body while his mind slept to poison his own daughter. The irony had been delicious. But now all that effort had been wasted, the child was healthy, and the Summer Court was even more guarded than before. She knew that she must find out who the Healer is. Not only would their existence complicate any further plans of hers but she could use someone with such a talent.
She would have to expand her surveillance to include the witchling’s friends as well. If the witchling wasn’t the Healer then she would give her to Ly Erg. The possibility of her being the Eochair didn’t interest Maorg. She wanted the Healer. With the Healer in her hands her deteriorating body could be healthy once more and she wouldn’t suffer such limits to her power. Yes, the Healer would be hers and then Ly Erg and Prince Sarric would bow to her power. Her thoughts were interrupted as the human’s mind began to stir and she was forced to return to her own withering body. She expanded her senses once again to find a sleeping human near the witchling or one of her friends.
I was tired when Mom and I got home so I decided t help Mom make dinner rather than do training in the cellar. As she was working on the pasta and sauce and I was putting together a salad I thought about Sarah. “A penny for your thoughts,” I heard Mom say once I had been quiet for several minutes.
I shrugged, “I was just thinking about Sarah Mom, and our relationship since I got the Glove.”
“It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four months that you’ve been Natalie now. Try not to worry too much. Anyone can see how much you and Sarah still care for one another. If it’s meant to be you’ll work things out and be together again,” she said giving me an encouraging smile.
“I know,” I replied as I shredded some lettuce. “How would you feel if Sarah and I did get back together?”
She gave me a curious look and kept smiling. “I would be very happy for you if that happened honey. I know how much you love her and she still cares for you too. Your father and I just want you to be happy and Sarah is like a second daughter to us.”
“So you would be okay with me being a lesbian then?” I asked.
Mom burst out laughing at that and it took a moment for her to finally get control of herself. “Sorry honey, but since you’ve gotten the Glove you’ve never acted like a heterosexual girl so I’ve never given a second thought to you still liking girls. Of course I wouldn’t have a problem with you being a lesbian, it’s all part of the wonderful girl I have as a daughter. One of the first things I told you when you became this way was that there are other ways for you to have children and carry on the Poole line.”
“Oh yes, that wonderful conversation we had about me having babies. How could I forget,” I commented dryly.
Mom giggled again. “None of us in this house have a problem with or would be terribly surprised with you and Sarah getting back together and Katherine and Oliver feel the same. We all just want you both to be happy whether that’s together or with someone else. Sarah will come around or she won’t. Until she does just value what time you do have with her.”
After dinner Sarah came over so we could work on our Chemistry together. I know what you’re probably thinking but it was Chemistry homework or at least it started out that way. Finally I remembered to ask, “Did you ask Kayla about the class on Friday?”
Sarah nodded and smiled as she responded, “Yep, she said she’d go with me. I was wondering if you have plans for Saturday night though Nat.”
I shook my head, “I’ve got nothing planned. Did you have something in mind?”
She just stared at me for a moment, “You mean you haven’t heard? I’d have thought Melissa would have told everyone in school, well I guess Kara only just told her the other day so maybe they’re gonna put up posters or something.”
“Heard what?” I asked. “I don’t really get much of a chance to talk to Melissa Graves, much less her sister Kara.”
“Do you remember the old warehouse that was used for the cannery before it burnt down?” She asked.
The cannery had burnt down when we were both really small and the town had decided not to rebuild it since it had been losing money anyway. There was a warehouse that had been next to it that had escaped the fire unscathed but it had been pretty much abandoned until someone bought it from the town a few months ago. “Yeah, I heard that someone bought it a few months back,” I replied.
“That someone was Melissa’s older sister Kara,” Sarah explained. “She was off last year taking business courses in Vancouver and she bought the place when she came back. They’ve been renovating for months in there to convert it into a dance club and they’re going to be having a grand opening on Saturday.”
“Sena is getting a dance club?” I asked in shock.
Sarah nodded eagerly, “Melissa said that one of Kara’s big beefs about growing up here was that there was nothing for young people to do for fun besides outdoorsy stuff, so she wanted to do something about it.”
“That’s awesome! Are Jason and Kayla gonna come with us?”
She shook her head, “No, though we’ll probably see them there. Jason’s taking her there on a date. So I was wondering if you might want to dress up and get a nice dinner, just the two of us, and go together as well.”
I blinked as I tried to process what she just said. “Whoa, you’re talking about us going on a date? With all those people around? What happened to making sure this was right for you before making it public?”
“Yes I want to go as a date, me and you,” she replied, seriously. “I was thinking about it after we kissed last night. I’m still in love with you and I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. You are still the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and if it turns out that I’m not attracted to you physically as a girl then I will damn well find a spell to change that. I don’t want to lose you.” She leaned over and took my hands in hers, kissing me softly.
“I guess I’ll see if I can borrow the car and pick you up at six then,” I answered breathless before kissing her back. We spent the next half hour working on a completely different type of chemistry until Sarah had to head home.
I was kind of in a daze for most of the day on Wednesday as I kept thinking back to the night before and the promised date on Saturday. I needed to ask Mom if I could borrow the car and I would need something nice to wear. I only had dark hoodies and jeans though. What was I going to wear? I considered this all throughout the school day and finally decided that I might need to do the unthinkable. I would have to go shopping.
Lunch came around and both Sarah and I were having trouble not openly showing affection. We had decided that we would publicly unveil our relationship on Saturday night. Verbina and Dani watched us and occasionally Dani would let out a giggle but neither of them let on anything about Sarah and I to Jason or Kayla. I kind of felt bad for Kayla. It seemed that all she was doing this week was coming to school, working or studying. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad for her if she could test out of History like she was hoping.
Finally the end of the school day rolled around and while Sarah and Jason headed home I went to the shop. Mom was going through a shipment that had arrived earlier in the afternoon and set me to arranging flowers into bouquets and putting them in the flower cooler. Once Mom had finished her work she came to check on mine. “Those are lovely bouquets honey; you’re getting pretty good at that. I couldn’t have done better myself.”
“Thanks Mom, could I ask you a favor or two?” I asked as I finished another bouquet and set it aside.
Mom raised an eyebrow. “What kind of favors?”
“I was wondering if I could borrow the car Saturday night,” I admitted. “I kinda have a date.”
The other eyebrow rose to join it’s companion, “A date? I suppose I could allow you to borrow the car. Who are you going out with?”
I beamed at her, “Sarah. We’re going to go for a nice dinner and then to the new dance club Kara Graves is opening.”
Mom beamed back and wrapped me in hug. “I’m so happy for you honey! You finally decided to ask her huh?”
“Actually Mom, she asked me,” I replied. “So I was figuring I would need the car, maybe a nice bouquet for her, and something else. That brings me to the other favor.”
Mom nodded along as I spoke, “It’s good that she feels she’s ready for this. So what’s the other favor?”
I looked at the counter and sighed before I looked back up to her. “I have nothing to wear! I want to look my best for her so I really need you to take me shopping Mom!” Mom stared at me for a long moment before breaking down into giggles. That of course set Dani into a fit of giggles as well and even Vina had a smirk on her face.“ This isn’t funny Mom! I really need your help here.
When she finally managed to get control of herself she wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “Sorry honey but you sounded just like a normal teenage girl there. I never thought I’d hear you say that. There’s not much to do here Friday so I’ll see if we can get Rick to mind the shop while we go shopping after school.”
“Mom we close at six on Fridays and the other stores stay open until nine won’t that give us plenty of time?” I asked.
Mom patted my hand. “You poor deluded girl, we need to find you the perfect outfit, plus accessories, shoes, figure out something to do with your hair. I’m not sure if six hours is going to be enough. We’ll save your hair for Saturday since you probably don’t want to mess with it beforehand. “
I groaned and placed my head in my hands. “What have I gotten myself into?”
We were eating dinner when Mom turned to Rick and asked, “Do you have any flights booked for Friday Rick?”
My brother shook his head, “No, did you need to head onto the mainland or something Mom?”
Mom smiled, “Great, and no I don’t need you to fly me anywhere, I was just hoping you could mind the shop on for us that afternoon and close up when it’s time. I need to pick your sister up from school and we have a busy afternoon and evening planned.”
Rick groaned. He hated watching the shop as much as I used to. “I guess I can do it for you, but what’s so important that neither one of you can be there?”
“We’re going shopping,” Mom explained.
He looked at Mom incredulously, “Shopping? You’re asking me to mind the store so you can drag poor Nat on a shopping trip?”
“Ummm Rick,” I quickly put in, “I asked her to take me. I have a big date Saturday night and I have nothing to wear.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my sister?” Rick deadpanned. Then he shrugged, “I’ll watch the shop since it seems important to you Nat. So who’s this big date with? It’s not Kayla is it? Moriko? I never thought I’d see you date again unless it was…”
“Sarah,” I answered. “She asked me to go out to dinner and to that new club that’s opening.”
I didn’t need to say anything more than her name before Rick nodded. “I’ll do it. I know how much you still love her and If she asked you on a date that means a lot.”
I gave him a big smile. “Thanks Rick, I owe you one.”
Friday finally came around and I was sitting having lunch with Sarah, Kayla, and Jason. Though the Pixies were eating Kayla’s lunch very subtly while she pretended to take small bites and studied. “So Kay, you think you’re ready for your History test?” I asked.
She shrugged as she looked up from her book. “I hope so. I’ve read the textbooks from cover to cover and I already knew quite a bit of the material. I’m looking forward to being able to relax a bit tonight once this test is behind me. Are you and Jason coming with me and Sarah to the dojo tonight?”
I shook my head, “No I can’t. I’m doing something with my Mom after school and she thinks it will likely take all evening. We had to get Rick to watch the shop for us this afternoon. You’re both in good hands with Moriko though.”
Jason nodded, “I’d come with you but I think I’ll just let you both enjoy some girl time together.”
“It should be interesting and it is a good idea for me to learn how to defend myself,” Sarah admitted. “And spending a bit of time with Kayla and Moriko will be a nice change. Are you still picking me up after you get off work Kay?”
“Yup. After work I’ll go grab a quick bite,” the Vampire said with a wink. “Then I’ll swing by to pick you up for a fun night of getting knocked on our butts.”
“Sounds good,” Sarah said with a laugh.
Lunch was over far too quickly and we all headed to our respective classes. As my classes went by I tried to figure out what kind of look I wanted to go with for my date with Sarah. She intended to get dressed up so I felt that I should do the same. I considered various types of suits or slacks with maybe a nice long sleeved blouse as ways to cover up the Glove. I shook my head as I thought about that. Why should I hide the Glove? Most people just think it’s a slave bracelet anyway and those aren’t that uncommon from what I’ve heard. Besides Sarah planned to use this date to show who we are and what we mean to one another so hiding a part of myself would be stupid.
I wanted to look my best for Sarah but maybe my best is different than it used to be. I was lost in thought about this as I made my way to my locker after class and nearly bumped into Moriko. The Japanese girl was looking hot in a pair of really tight jeans and a midriff baring halter top. “Oops, sorry Moriko, I was kinda lost in thought there.”
“That’s okay Nat. Is something bothering you?” She looked concerned as she asked in a quieter tone, “It’s not something with the Winter Court again is it?”
I shook my head. “No it’s nothing like that Moriko.” I looked over her obviously feminine clothes and asked, “What made you change your style? I’ve kinda been wondering for a while now.”
“You mean what made me start dressing like a girl?” she asked with a laugh. “I guess I figured that changing what I am doesn’t change who I am. It helped that I had a lot of encouragement from Erin, Jackie and Jenny. I can dress to reflect being a girl but that doesn’t mean I have to change who I am in here,” she said while tapping her head. She seemed to think a moment before pulling out a pack of gum. “This is my favorite gum, I love the cinnamon flavor. The packaging is pretty nice and I’ve gotten used to it over the past several months. If they changed the packaging would I suddenly feel different about the gum?”
I shook my head, “Probably not if they didn’t change the flavor.”
“Exactly,” she said with a grin. “It’s still the same gum inside. Sure the new package might take some getting used to but I might grow to like that package too because it still contains my favorite gum. Clothes and even our bodies are the same. Wearing a different style may take some getting used to but you’re still the same you inside. Changing the package doesn’t necessarily change your flavor but it might make someone want to try a taste.” She said the last with a wink.
“Thanks Moriko for the ancient wisdom,” I joked.
“You’re welcome Nat,” she said as she popped a piece of gum in her mouth and offering me one before putting it away. “Are Sarah and Kayla coming tonight?”
I took the offered piece of gum and popped it in my mouth. It was just gum, sweet and with a bit of cinnamon but just gum, and yet the package had been meant to catch the eye. “Yeah, Kayla’s going to pick her up after she gets off work and they’ll head over. I should get going; I’ve got to meet my mom. I’ll see you later.”
“Cool, I’ll see you later Nat,” she said with a wave.
Mom had decided not to go to Denman’s since we both really wanted something nice for me to wear on this date and Denman’s didn’t really cater much to the teen crowd except for casual wear. She decided that first we would go to Danica’s, a local clothing store that is pretty popular with teenage girls. To my utter embarrassment I discovered that Bailey O’Brien was working there. When she saw us she immediately came over smiling, “Hi Nat, it’s good to see you outside school. What brings you here? We don’t stock many grey hoodies,” she joked.
I groaned as I replied, “I have a hot date tomorrow night and I have absolutely nothing to wear.”
Bailey looked at me and then to my mom grinning. “Who is this teenage girl and what has she done with Natalie?’
“Oh very funny,” I retorted, “It’s even better the third time I’ve heard it.”
Bailey giggled and hugged me. “Sorry Nat, I shouldn’t tease but I am a bit surprised. I thought you only had eyes for Sarah.” Then she seemed to put two and two together and nodded. “I’ll help you find something perfect. We don’t have many slacks for girls though, mostly skirts and dresses.”
“If we can find something nice enough a skirt or dress should be fine though I’m not really used to wearing anything like that.” Both Bailey and my mother stared at me in shock.
Mom turned to Bailey, “I think I heard her wrong. I could have sworn she just said a skirt or dress would be fine.”
Bailey shook her head, “No that’s what I heard too. Nat what’s up? You’ve been hiding your body and refusing to accept anything girly since you got that fancy piece of jewelry.”
“I had a talk with Moriko about gum today,” I answered cryptically. Then I went on to add, “I’m still the same person I always was. I just figure it won’t hurt too much to dress more femininely. I should stop fighting this and just be me. And apparently I’m a girl who has a big date so what’s the harm in wearing a dress for a special occasion. I want to make her eyes pop out of her head.”
Bailey grinned at me. “Well you in any dress will make the eyes pop out of her head or anyone else’s that knows you. Don’t worry Nat, I’m gonna make you look hot. How about we try a sheath first?”
I shook my head, “I’m hoping for a night without any Unseen madness so I don’t think I’ll need to bring a sword.”
Bailey just gaped at me for a moment before turning to my mom, “She’s serious isn’t she?”
Mom sighed and patted my hand. “I’m afraid so.” Then she looked to Bailey, “Do you want to explain it or shall I?”
“Explain what?!” I asked, somewhat exasperated.
Bailey led us to a rack of dresses and pulled a dark red one. “A sheath is a type of dress that hugs the curves of your body. I know you’re used to hiding it Nat but you have a great figure and a sheath would really help show it off.” She turned back to my mom, “What size is she?”
Mom shrugged, “How should I know? This is the first time she’s shown any interest in clothes.”
Bailey gave my mom a look that seemed to say ‘you poor woman’. “I’m going to guess she’s about a size four. What about her bra size?”
Finally a question I knew the answer to. “I’m a 28C though those are a bit tight.”
“Are they tight in the band or the cups?” she asked.
“In the umm… cups,” I said with a blush. “The band seems to fit fine.”
Bailey grinned at me, “Well if you’re going to make Sar… your date’s eyes pop out of their head we’ll need to flaunt those assets.” She turned back to my mom, “What do you think with her coloring? Black or red? We don’t want the Glove to clash.”
Mom seemed to think about it for a long moment, “I think a nice crimson, it will make her black hair stand out more.”
Bailey nodded and looked through some dresses until she found a red one in the right size. “Here Nat, try this one on while your mom and I look through some others for you to try.”
With a sigh I took the dress Bailey was holding out and made my way over to the change room with Dani and Vina following me. Once inside I locked the door and pulled off my shoes, jeans, and hoodie. “Aw damn, how the hell do I put this thing on?” I managed to figure out what side was the front and stared at the dress in my hands. Bailey must have chosen the wrong size this dress was way too small. I discovered that the material was fairly stretchy and that there was a zipper along one side which I promptly unzipped to about halfway down the dress. Then I stepped into the dress making sure that the front was facing forward.
After some pulling and shimmying I had the dress in what I thought was the right location, though it only seemed to cover me to about halfway down my thighs. I struggled with the zipper on the side and once I had it zipped I noticed it was very tight on me. It was sleeveless and I couldn’t even seem to find any straps to keep it secured. Dani whistled and giggled while Vina tried to keep her quiet. Then I heard Bailey on the other side of the door. “Hey Nat, have you got it on yet?”
“Uh… I think so,” I replied.
“Come on out and show us,” my mom called out. “We have a few others here for you to try on as well.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened the door to step out. “I think you got the wrong size Bailey.” I looked up from my feet to see both of them staring at me.
Bailey shook her head with a stunned expression on her face, “Nope that’s a perfect fit.”
I gestured at my very bare legs, the hem at mid-thigh, and my breasts nearly spilling out the top. “But this hardly covers anything, I feel naked.”
“And you look hot,” Bailey replied. “Trust me Nat, that dress was made for you. Though, if I know you we’re going to have to show you how to sit down in it. So have a look in the mirror and tell me what you think. Is that the dress or would you rather try on a few more?”
I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at the mirror. “Holy shit,” I said as I stared at the girl in the strapless red dress looking back at me. I did look hot. “Sarah would never expect me to wear something like this.”
Bailey giggled as she nodded slowly, “I’m right here and I’m still trying to make myself believe it’s you Nat.”
Mom gave me a long look, “It does look gorgeous on you Natalie. With most girls I’d be worried about them wearing something like that on a date, but you’re going with Sarah and I know you can defend yourself. Try the other three on though and we’ll decide which one we like best.”
I tried on the other three dresses. There was a knee length black number with a scooped neck and short sleeves, a backless sequined black gown that showed even more leg and cleavage than the red one (and that was saying something), and a dark blue pantsuit that I really didn’t care for at all. Finally after looking through and trying on more outfits I decided on the red sheath dress, much to Bailey’s delight. “Okay Nat,” she said. “That dress is strapless so you’ll need to have a strapless bra with it and I think you should have a nice belt to bring attention to your slim waist.”
“Why would I need a belt?” I asked, somewhat perplexed. “Belts are used to keep one’s pants up. I won’t be wearing pants and I’m more worried about keeping the hem down in this dress.”
“Honey,” my mom explained. “You need to learn that girls outfits come with girls accessories. The right accessories help to complete the look of an outfit and that includes belts.”
“I think I have just the thing,” Bailey announced before heading off to the other side of the store. She came back a moment later with a gold chain and a black leather purse. “Let’s fasten this around your waist Nat.” she wrapped the chain around me and used the end clip to fasten it loosely around my waist with the end hanging down in the center. “There, that will tie it together nicely with the right shoes and maybe a necklace and some bracelets. And this purse matches it.” I noticed then that the shoulder strap of the black purse was the same gold chain as the belt. “What do you think Mrs. Poole? Nat?”
I looked over the outfit with the belt around my waist and the purse hanging off my shoulder. “I have to admit it looks pretty good and they go pretty well with the Glove.”
Mom nodded, “Let’s see if we can find a nice pendant and a bracelet or watch to go with it.” I actually started to get into it a bit at that point and helped Mom and Bailey look for something suitable. We settled on a nice bronze watch and a gold teardrop pendant that fell to just above my breasts, seeming to call attention to my cleavage. There was also a matching pair of earrings that mom insisted I get too. Once we had the look put together we bid farewell to Bailey for the night.
We had spent over three hours in there with Bailey trying stuff on and finding the accessories. Once we left we headed to Inside Out, a lingerie store where the sales lady helped us to find a crimson colored strapless bra and matching panty set. They were silk and lace and looked like something that someone would want to see their girlfriend in. The only problem was that I was the girlfriend in question. They felt nice though and she had found a slightly larger C cup that didn’t feel so tight.
After that we were off to Sole Train, where we had to find a pair of shoes to go with the dress. We eventually settled on what Mom called “a pair of crimson pumps” with a modest one inch heel. I was worried about walking and dancing in heels but they weren’t that bad. The heel was really no higher than the cowboy boots I used to wear sometimes as Nathan. I promised myself I would practice in them a bit tomorrow before the date though to make sure I would be alright at the club.
Our next stop was Snippets, where mom made an appointment for me for after lunch the next day to get my hair and nails done. Then it was off to Kiss and Make-Up, a store that caters toward teenage girl casual clothing, accessories, and of course make-up. We did some more clothes shopping there; a few pairs of tight jeans, a skirt, and some more feminine blouses. Mom was trying to get me into more girl clothes while my resistance was low I think. I shrugged it off and just tried on the clothes, it couldn’t hurt to look feminine once in a while, especially after I end up going all out for the date with Sarah. Finally, after we had gotten the make-up that Mom had said we’d gone in for to have the right coloring for tomorrow night, we went to Gino’s for some pizza and to chat.
“I told you we’d need all the time we could get,” Mom said. “I hope it wasn’t too horrible for you honey.”
I shook my head as I nibbled on a slice of pizza and practiced sitting with my legs together. “No Mom, I actually had a bit of fun. It’s not something I want to do all the time, but I think I can manage shopping in small doses. Besides it will be worth it to see the look on Sarah’s face.”
Mom giggled on response, “I’ll have to warn Katherine to have her video camera ready.” Then she turned serious, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“I think I am Mom,” I admitted. “I’ve been fighting this long enough and I think I can take the girly stuff once in a while. And if I’m going to start I might as well jump in the deep end. Besides if Sarah doesn’t freak out about this then I think our relationship can take anything that comes along.”
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Looks like it is going to take me a while to update the Gazetteer with all the new stuff...Shakes fist at Amethyst :)
I thought you'd like that. I was writing all this and thinking Payter is going to want to kill me :)
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
The deep end......
Sarah and everyone else at the dance are going to be blown away!!!!
It is cool that Nat is starting to accept her new life!! It is so cool
when you find something that makes you look hot!! I so appreciate
being able to look pretty now!! I just feel nice about myself when
I do!!
"So I’ve been a boy and I’ve been a girl and, trust me, being a girl is better"
Glad to see Sarah stepping up, they make a cute couple. I know that its been hard for Nat. Love the chapter, dress sounds fun.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
So, a new villain
A sleepwalker. Whose aim is to eventually take power, usurp Ly Erg and everyone else. This is why thieves fail. There's no honor among them.
LOVE the "getting dressy" awkwardness with Nat.
"Sole Train". HA! I love it. Kayla should work there, since she's a heeler. Get it? A 'heel' ... oh, never mind.
LOVE the double update! Makes it real easy to keep track of what's going on!
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
She has been mentioned in passing once before, just no information about her was given other than Maorg was a messenger for Prince Sarric.
Also... the latest Bloodlines, Kayla mentions that when doing the ward rounds at the clinic, she felt as though some of the sedated patients were watching her.
No doubt that wasn't her imagination...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
What about the witch
spying on her? Can she take over Nat's mind/body?
May Your Light Forever Shine
If you are talking about Maorg
Then no, she can not take over Nat's mind/body. Maorg is a type of Unseelie (Winter Court) and just from the known facts about her, because of some unknown cause, her body is wasting away and she is no longer able to affect anyone who has any kind of power of any kind. So, basically, she can only affect Norms. Also, as she is Unseelie, she is not a Witch.
Growing up
Looks like Natalie is growing up poor Kayle can’t.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Omg the store names were purrfect.
I might steal the gun wrapper idear to explain my transition th so much for sharing your muse