The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 61

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 61

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


As I fly to the Dragon Valley, I see the army and air force mobilizing to make their way into the valley. I don’t see the two dragons guarding the entrance to the valley. Hopefully, they retreated deep into their valley. Croin and I fly into the valley to find the dragons.

The helicopters are winding up to take flight. “Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! . . .” “Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! . . .” “Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! . . .” “Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! . . .” “Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! . . .”

The vertical lift jets are firing up their engines. “eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE . . . .!!!” “eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE . . . .!!!” “eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE . . . .!!!” “eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE . . . .!!!” “eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE . . . .!!!”

The soldiers are moving in several groups into the valley.

Once we get around a hill rise, Croin and I get a big surprise. We see twelve castles in the mountainous valley. However, there is one that is larger than the rest of them. It is located at the end of the valley. We look on the ground and see the five impact craters from the missiles. We see a deathly pallor fog lingering on the ground throughout the valley floor. Fortunately, we don’t see any dead dragons laying on the ground.

“Croin, are all of the dragons inside the largest castle?”

“They are, Richard. I hear moaning and groaning within the largest castle.”

“We must disperse this toxin cloud first, Croin.”

“I agree, Richard. Call up your dragon memories.”

I fly to the largest castle. I see two dragons watching the valley from a large high window. They are sitting at the porch landing.

Help us quickly, Omega Dragon!!

I will dragons. But first, I must disperse this toxin cloud. With a wave of my arm and hand, I have the dragon memories come out of me, except for Leviathan and Eingana. There are thirty dragons looking at me.

“Dragons of Twainor! Use your wings to gather up the toxin cloud. Use your flames to burn it up!!”

They all shout out loud in one voice, “Yes, Omega Dragon!!”

They quickly fly around the valley to create a whirlwind of wind. They gather the toxin cloud into a large mass in front of the largest castle. Then they use their hot flames to burn it up. The flames rise up high in the air and become smoke as the toxin cloud is burned up. It looks like a large explosion.

The two dragons on watch are amazed to see it happen. Thank you, Omega Dragon!!

You’re welcome, dragons. We are coming to the front door.

Then the dragon memories stay watch over the castle while Croin and I fly to the main entrance of the castle. As soon as we land, the two large double stone doors open up. We get another surprise. We see people on two feet with arms and legs. They have five fingers, when I look at their feet, it is like a typical lizard or dragon. However, we do see they have dragon wings folded back, but their tails are shorter and smaller to about two feet long. Their scaly skin remains as dragons. Their faces have a dragon appearance despite looking a bit human with a flatter face profile. There is no hair on top of their head. I can imagine them metamorphing into real dragons.

“Come in quickly, Omega Dragon!! We all are here for protection from the toxin attack. It is under this castle we have the Ethereal Space ore vein. We will explain more later for our appearance.”

We follow our hosts quickly down the main hall. We see dragons helping and nursing other dragons. All of them have the same human type appearance. We enter their main hall. We see many dragons on either side. Some of them crack a smile at us as we walk past them. Up front we see their Dragon King and Queen sitting on their thrones.

“You have come at last, Omega Dragon. Please help us now. We are weak from the toxin attack. We did all we can, to keep it out of the castle.”

I open the gold visor and the mouth guard. “I will Dragon King. Dragons of Twainor, Leviathan and Eingana, your Great Father and Great Mother, come before me in this castle!! These are memories of the real dragons that I have met in my life time. They are still alive to this day!!”

The Twainor dragons outside the castle come quickly into the castle and hover around me. All of the Romanian Dragons are smiling in seeing the other dragons, especially their Great Father and Great Mother.

“Dragons of Twainor! Enter into me, take the drop of Eingana’s Blood within me! Use it and fly into every dragon in this Castle!!” I quickly and mentally replicate the drop of Eingana’s blood within me as the dragon memories pass through me.

The Twainor dragons quickly fly into me and back out. They fly throughout the castle to find every single dragon. I estimate about seven hundred dragons inside the castle. As soon as the Twainor dragons enter a dragon, they are immediately revived.

“AAAHHHhhhh . . .!! Yes!! We are alive once more!!” All of the Romanian dragons quickly come to the main hall before their Dragon King and Dragon Queen.

They are all shouting praises to the Creator with loud roars!!! “RRRROOOOAAAaaaRRRRR!!!” “RRRROOOaaaaAAAARRR!!!”

Then the Dragon King lifts his hand to quiet everyone down. “Thank you Omega Dragon. We are now ready to face the soldiers. Bring forth the basilisk egg. Set it down in front of me.”

The Dragon King stands up and walks down the steps to the main floor. I place the egg before him. He gently opens the burlap bag to reveal the egg. He places his hands on the egg.

“Rise!! Basilisk of the Dragon Valley, Rise up and be born again!!”

The egg develops a crack. “Crrraaa . ..aaaaccckkk!!!” Soon, the egg is totally broken apart into two pieces. We see a baby serpent coiled up in fluid as it drains from the broken egg. The basilisk quickly coils itself together, it looks at the Dragon King. The Dragon King places his hands on both sides of the serpent’s head. He looks into his eyes.

“Remember, Basilisk!! Remember!!”

The Basilisk speaks out loud, “I do remember, Dragon King!! I remember my past!! I remember where I’m from! I remember I’m the greatest protector for your dragons! AHHHHH . . ..!!”

The Dragon King takes his hands off the serpent’s head. The serpent soon sprouts legs to walk on and wings to fly. His arms and hands grow out from his body. The basilisk is now about four feet high when standing on its legs. His face changes to a serpent faced dragon. He then changes his face to appear like the others, however it has a childlike appearance. “AAAHHHH . . .!!!” He bends the knee before the Dragon King. “I’m ready to serve, my King.”

Everyone else roars in approval!!! “RRRROOOOAAAaaaRRRRR!!!” They quiet down on their own quickly.

The Dragon King and everyone else looks at me. “What is the situation in the Valley, Omega Dragon?”

“The soldiers are approaching the valley. The helicopters and the vertical air lift jets are taking off into the air. The army will try to kill any remaining dragons that are left alive from the toxin assault. However, there is a double cross from King Azazel, the true enemy. There are werewolves and vampires coming in to feast on the soldiers so they can be added to their numbers.”

“I sense you have a plan to fight them.”

“I do, Dragon King. I intend to save the rogue army group and the Eleven who took down the magical barrier. Once they are safe, then I will face the werewolves and the vampires. My memory images will contain traces of silver and dragon blood. Hopefully, this will curb their animal instincts and revert the vampires so they are not blood thirsty again.”

“That’s a worthy goal to achieve. We’ll let you do as you say. We’ll be here as backup if it gets out of hand. If they enter the castle, they will become stone statutes.”

The Basilisk smiles when he hears that last statement.

“Please remove your helmet so we can see you.”

I push the button to remove my helmet. The dragons are amazed to see a human face.

“How is it you have a human face and dragon wings?”

“It is a bit of a long story. But, I will say this to everyone here. I thought I was a normal boy growing up. When my parents died in the plane and car crash, it was then revealed in my medical records I am intersexual. I have been invited to the planet of Twainor, to reconnect the First Ones there back to our Earth. It is there that I met Eingana, the dragons, the twelve unicorns, centaurs, dwarfs, the people of Twainor and the other Outside Helpers from eleven other worlds. It was there I received a drop of dragon blood that is related to Eingana. Brianna, my fairies and I can speak to the animals' mind to mind. I am one of the twelve ambassadors for that planet. When I came back, I discovered I am a true descendant of King Arthur, the Pendragon of the British Isles. My wife is a true daughter of Queen Guinevere. I have given birth to my own fairies like a male unicorn. They are currently staying at Charles Weasley’s cabin near your valley. I became the Omega Unicorn on Twainor. I became the Omega Dragon when Leviathan breathed upon me. I can project out feathered wings or dragon wings, depending on the situation. I have earned the third degree black sash of ten that leads to the Shaolin Dragon Master title. I have total control of the air and water bending elements. I have yet to learn how to do the earth, fire and spirit bending elements. I am an animal fighter. My real name is Richard Moore. I am the one who stopped the Euro Scam.”

Everyone has a proud smile on their faces.

“Well, we are honored to have the Son of Arthur here in our midst. Go, and stop this invasion into our valley. Once they are cleared out, we’ll reset the magical field to be stronger so it won’t be taken down again. Only dragons can fly through the magical barrier field. Even your fairies and your Brianna can enter as well because Leviathan has breathed upon them like you.”

I put the helmet on again. I push the buttons to keep the helmet on, the gold visor down and mouth guard into place. I draw out the Caledfwlch and lift it up high above me. “The Son of Arthur will protect the Dragon Valley!! For I have the Caledfwlch with me!!”

Everyone roars at once, “RRRROOOaaaaAAAARRR!!!” They make space for me as I walk back to the front the doors. I retract my dragon wings. The doors are opened up. I walk through it, then the doors are closed behind me. The Basilisk is positioned inside, near the front doors.

I look down the valley. I see ten helicopters and ten vertical lift jets hovering in the valley. I see the soldiers grouped in ten groups of twenty. I also see the Eleven magi as well. I yell out really loud to be heard using the same deep voice when I pulled out the Caledfwlch. “You have been double-crossed by another enemy. There are werewolves and vampires behind you! They are coming for you! They want to add you to their numbers!”

Then someone uses a megaphone to be heard. “That’s a lie! There is no such thing as werewolves and vampires! Who are you?!!”

“I am the Son of Arthur!! I am here to protect this Dragon Valley!! I know of an event in the future that is called the Ultimate Last Battle!! Dragons will be needed to help defend this Earth!!”

“That’s another lie! Now die Son of Arthur!!”


The Eleven magi quickly look at each other with concern faces.

Wizard Traysen is astonished to see me here. “Wh . . .what? How did he get here so fast, Thrashtin?”

Wizard Thrashtin has a scowl on his face, “We don’t know, Traysen. But, we now have our chance to defeat him and take the Caledfwlch from him by force. Everyone, get ready.”

All Eleven magi line up side by side. The five men and six women have a look of determination to do some serious damage.


A homing missile is launched from a helicopter. “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!”

I put the Caledfwlch back into the scabbard. I draw out the Twainor sword and point it at a thunder cloud that is building.

A lightning strike is emitted from the cloud right at me. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! CRRRRaaaaaCCCCkkklllEEEE!!!” The lightning blast gets absorbed into the sword. It is glowing brightly.

I then point the sword at the homing missile. The lightning blast shoots out from the sword right at the missile. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! CRRRRaaaaaCCCCkkklllEEEE!!!” It blows up in the air. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ A huge plume of smoke radiates out in pieces from the exploding missile and falls to the ground.


The Colonel and his leadership are looking through their binoculars. They see the result of the exploding missile.

“Oh crap, this is a turn of events. Colonel, what’s the call?”

“Fire ten homing missiles. Let’s see how he handles that. Some of them have to hit the castle. If he defends them all, everyone goes in.”

“Right.” The Captain speaks into his radio piece mounted on his shoulder. “Fire ten missiles, if all ten get defended, then we all go in.”

A voice is heard on the ear piece,“Roger that, Captain.”


Then I see two homing missiles launched from five helicopters. “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!”

“Oh boy, here we go.” I raise my right arm and hand up with a wave. I raise up left arm and hand up with a wave. From behind the castle come out the dragon memories. Eingana and Leviathan are guarding the front part of the castle. Then five more dragons appear on either side of the castle. Then twenty more dragons appear in a half-circle, ten on either side, including Ryujin and Marcon. Croin is hovering above me. All of the dragon memories appear solid and not as ghosts.

The Dragon King is standing behind a parapet crenel in complete dragon form. He has two other dragons on either side of him. Then more dragons appear on the parapet.

Yes!! Take that!!!

All of the real dragons are smiling.


The Colonel and the Captain are alarmed in seeing this new development!!!

“Where did these flying dragons come from, Colonel?”

“I don’t care, kill them all!!”


Nine fire blasts are shot out from the dragon memories. “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!!” “FWWWOO-OSSSHHH!!! Ryujin sends out a lightning blast from his mouth!!! . “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! CRRRRaaaaaCCCCkkklllEEEE!!!”

Each one is right on target with the fire blast and the lightning strike!! They all explode in the air. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “

Then I see all of the army and air force move into the Dragon Valley at once. “All dragon memories help me now!!” Ten more land and sea dragons appear, including Uktena with her two children. “Absorb their missiles and bombs as they explode. Force the helicopters and the vertical lift jets to the ground safely and back to their encampment. Go after any stray missiles that are aimed at any other castle. Twainor ground force, engage the invading ground force! Do not kill the soldiers, only subdue them and disarm them.” Then a force of five hundred soldiers and dwarf warriors appear crouched low to the ground. Sir Halgren is next to me on a horse. “Hengroen, come forth behind the statute.” Hengroen comes out of me invisibly. He appears behind the statute. He walks up to me. I quickly mount him. I sheathe the Twainor sword. I put on my two small arm shields. I take out the Caledfwlch. Hengroen is stepping from side to side, waiting for his next command. “Hengroen and Sir Halgren, we must engage the Eleven magi first. Let’s do this as we discussed it in the meeting this morning.”

Hengroen and Sir Halgren’s horse snorts and move their heads up and down. Sir Halgren responds, “Yes, Richard.”

I point my left hand out. I create five ice darts on the finger tips. Ice darts shadow the Eleven magi twenty feet behind them. Ice darts are set to the freeze spell and are invisible. The ice darts quickly shoots out from my finger tips. I send out five more ice darts, then one more ice dart. The ice darts quickly become invisible and flies around the landscape of the valley toward the Eleven magi. No one can see the ice darts flying about. Once the darts are near the Eleven magi, they move into position and hover twenty feet behind them. They shadow the Eleven magi wherever they go.

“Now, Hengroen and Sir Halgren!”

Both horses take off running from the castle toward the Eleven.


“He’s on the move, Colonel!”

“What’s his goal?”

The Captain scans the direction of the horse running through the fields. “He’s after the ones who took down the shield, sir.”

Then a message comes in on the ear piece. “SSHHH . . .Captain, we have a problem. We are being engaged by the ground troops. We can’t kill them!!”

“What?!! Repeat, sergeant!!”

“AACCCKK!!! . . .” The line goes dead.

“Sir, I was just told the soldiers can’t be killed.”

“They must have the latest armor on. All right, focus our war birds on the castles.”

“Yes, sir. Attention all war birds!!! Attack all of the castles!!!”

“Yes, sir!!!”


The sun has finally set behind the mountain range. The full moon is rising at the horizon. Then everyone hears the howling of the wolves!!! “Wooooo-ooooo!!!” “Wooooo-ooooo!!!” “Wooooo-ooooo!!!” “Wooooo-ooooo!!!” “Wooooo-ooooo!!!” Packs of wolves are now running from their encampment.

Bats are seen flying through the air from their encampments. The vampires are running very fast in a blur toward the battle field.


A hail of gun fire rains on the castles from the helicopters. “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!”

The dragon images quickly flies into position to stop the gun fire from hitting the castles. “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” The live hot rounds get absorbed into their bodies, then the rounds drop to the ground cold.


The land and sea dragons quickly shoot out streams of fire and water at the missiles. All of them are on target!!.
“KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ Four are missed by the dragons.

Ryujin, Uktena and her two children quickly send out four lightning attacks at the remaining four missiles.

The four missiles blow up in the air like the first lightning strike from my Twainor sword. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!!”

Another hail of gun fire rains on the castles from the helicopters. “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!” “Bd . .Bd . . Bd. . .Bd. . . .!!!”

The dragon images quickly fly into the new positions to stop the gun fire from hitting the castles. “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” The live hot rounds get absorbed into their bodies, then the rounds drop to the ground cold.


The Colonel and the Captain are looking the through the binoculars.

“What?! They are still alive? What kind of dragons are these?”

“I don’t know, Colonel. I don’t know.”



The dragons quickly absorb the missiles into their bodies. They all explode within their bodies. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! ““KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “ “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! “

The dragons are not harmed by the explosion. They keep flying around to wait for the next wave of attack.


A jet pilot gets on the radio to the Captain. “I don’t believe it! They took everything from us and are still alive!! We need more missiles!!”


The next wave of attack doesn’t happen. The dragons quickly fly in to bring down the aircraft. They wrap themselves around the aircraft and carry them outside the Dragon Valley. The pilots quickly shut down the engines when they discover can’t escape their grasp.

The pilots talk to each other on the comm-link, “This is embarrassing.”

“It sure is.”

“Well, let’s repair the aircrafts. I think we’ll be needed to ferry all of us out of here.”

“Roger, that Lieutenant.”

The dragons return the air craft back to their own encampment. Then the dragons leave the area and fly back to the Dragon Valley quickly.


The ground forces are dismayed they haven’t been able to do any damage to the castles.

“All right soldiers. Let’s attack the main castle at the same time!!”

“Yes, Sergeant!!”

This time, the ground forces decide for an all out attack on the main castle. They try their hardest to get pass the Twainor ground forces. Only five soldiers make it to the front door. The rest are disarmed and restrained.


Werewolves come in quickly. They attack the Twainor ground forces on the neck. They don’t realize they have a trace of silver and dragon blood within themselves. They all yelp in pain!!! “Yelp! Yelp! . . . .”

They all writhe on the ground in agony. “ARRRRGGGHHH!!! The pain!!! What is happening to us!!!”

The invading ground force sees this happening. They see the werewolves become humans right before their eyes. Then they realize, if it wasn’t for the opposing ground force, they would have become werewolves.


As soon as the first one gets there, he cracks open one of the doors, he sees a dragon from his nightmare. He quickly shuts the door. “Crap!! Hold back everyone!! There is a basilisk behind the door. It is ready to strike! If he does strike, you will get turned into stone!!!”

“What are you talking about Corporal!! There is no such thing as a basilisk!! No one can be turned into stone!! I’ll prove it!!”

“NOOOooo!!! Don’t do it, Sergeant!!!”

The doubting soldier opens the door, he quickly sees the basilisk. He is turned into a stone statute!! The stone effect quickly starts at the feet and moves upward! “NOOO!!! Help me!!!”

The basilisk speaks, “Because you didn’t heed your friends warning, I will have mercy upon you and reverse the effect.” With a different stare, the stone effect is reversed from the waist down. “If you had become a stone statute, you would have been dead.”

The soldier collapses to the ground shaking. He brings his legs up to his body and hugs his legs. “I . . . .I . . .I’m c . . .c. . .cold!!”

The other three members quickly help him up and take him away. From this day forward, once a year on this day, the Sergeant develops a kidney stone that is difficult to pass. He screams in pain each time. The doctors tried all sorts of ways to lessen the pain for him. The best method they found is a combination of sonic vibrations to break up the stone first then a solution to dissolve most of it.

The first soldier looks away from the door and looks out into the valley. He hears a female voice behind him.

“Whom told you about us?”

“My family lives in the Transylvania Province here. My grandmother and mother told me stories about this valley. My grandmother told me of a time when she was a child. She played games with some of the younger dragons here.”

The Queen smiles, “What is your grandmother’s name?”

“Her name is Stella Dragomir. My name is Nicolae.”

“I remember her now. Part of your family’s name is in memory of us. Is she still alive?”

“She is. However, because of the times, she knows it is not wise to be here.”

“Perhaps you can bring her here to entrance of the valley when it is more quieter.”


“Why are you here, Nicolae?”

“I was recruited because of my familiarity with the area. Sigh . . .I tried to warn the Colonel, but he wouldn’t listen. You have my respect, dragons.”

Then the Dragon Queen speaks up next. “Thank you, Nicolae. You may go in peace. We wish it was so with everyone here on Earth.”

“I’ll do my best in telling the good stories I was told about you. I know you will be needed to help defend our world when the Last Battle for Earth takes place. I remember reading about it in the Bible and the stories told in my church.”

“Thank you. Let me blow my cool breath upon you.”

“I remember that story from my grandmother. It is a sign of acceptance.”

“Yes it is.” The Queen quickly blows a cool breath upon Nicolae. “Fwooo . .”

His skin shivers a bit, then it relaxes. “Thank you for the gift, lady dragon. I will cherish it always. Now I have something I can share with my own family.”

The Dragon Queen smiles, “You’re welcome.”

The soldier walks away from the castle and returns back to the valley and rejoins his squad. The door is closed to the castle.


The Eleven magi steel themselves for my approach. I stop fifty feet from them. Sir Halgren is right behind me. Croin is hovering above me. I point the Caledfwlch at them. “I told you there are werewolves and vampires coming here. They were sent by King Azazel and Sauron’s spirit!!”

“That’s a lie, Son of Arthur!!”

“Then look behind you!! Here they come!!!”

They turn around and see the werewolves and vampires coming to them.

“EEEEKKK!!! Help us!!!”

“NOOOOoooo!!! He double crossed us!!!”

“Help us son of Arthur!!!” They run forward to get behind me.

“I will help you!!” With a wave my arm I create the images of all of the unicorns that I have seen and met. I created sixty unicorn images. They all come forth with a trace of silver and dragon blood. Above me is a group of ten dwarf dragon images. They too have a trace of silver and dragon blood within them. “Now!!!”

Then all of the unicorns run forward to intercept all of the werewolves and the vampires running on the ground. The ten dwarf dragons in the air quickly fly after the bats.

The werewolves jump up to bite the unicorn images on the neck. They all scream in pain. “Yelp!!! Yelp!!! . . .” They convulse on the ground and squirm in agony. Then they revert back to human form. “ARRRGGHHH!!! It burns!!!” “What did you do??!!!”

When the vampires run into and pass through the unicorns, they receive the same pain. “ARRRRGGGHHH!!! My blood is hot!!!” They squirm on the ground in pain. “The pain!!!” “Help me!!!” “What did you do to us?!!!”

The same thing happens when the bats encounter the dwarf dragons. They quickly change back into vampires as they scream in pain. They are brought down to the ground by the dwarf dragon images. “ARRRRGGGHHH!!! My blood is hot!!!” They squirm on the ground in pain. “The pain!!!” “Help me!!!” “What did you do to us?!!!”

Then we see the Spirit of Sauron coming flying in quickly. He hovers in front of me. “What did you do, son of Arthur? I sense that I no longer have control over them. ANSWER ME!!!”

“The images contain traces of silver and dragon blood.”

“GGRRRRR!!!! That’s impossible!!! There are no silver blooded animals here on Earth!!”

“There is Sauron. However, I’m not going to tell you where they are at. They are hidden in a very good place!! I wonder how you will report this to King Azazel!!!”

“Why . . .his . . .his anger would be great!!”

“How about his anger will be eight times as great?”

“What?!!! You mean to tell me this was done in the other multi-verses?”

I smile at him, “That’s right!!”

“ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Curse you son of Arthur!!! Curse you all!!!” He flies away from the scene screaming in anger again, “AAARRRRRGGGGHHHhhhh . . . . !!!”

We see two soldiers running in front of the Colonel and the Captain. The Captain and the Colonel are about four hundred feet behind them. “Aha!! There is the Dragon General!! I’ve got you now!! Come down and fight us, son of Arthur!!”

“If you say so, soldier.” I get off a Hengroen. I pat his neck. I’ll disarm them, Hengroen. Unicorn strength and speed times six.

That should do it, Richard. I remember seeing knights well prepared for any kind of fight. But from checking your memory of fights, you will win easily.

I walk up to the two soldiers. They quickly bring out their long knives and brandish it at me.

“We’ve got you now!! Now die!!” He quickly jumps into stab me in the stomach.

I do a quick step back and quickly turn my body so the thrust misses my stomach. I grasp his wrist with my left hand. I use the right hand to bend his hand back!!

“What?!! I never seen someone move that fast!! Oh my!! You are strong!!” “Nnnn . . . .no!!!” He puts his left hand on my forehead.

I bend his hand back until he drops the knife to the ground!!

“ARRRRRGGGHHH!!! The pain!!” He quickly lets go of my forehead.

I let go of his right hand. He quickly steps back and rubs his right wrist with his left hand. “Crap!! I’ve never met anyone that strong for your size.” He flexes his right wrist. He bends down and picks up the knife. He puts it away into his knife holder on his belt. So does the other soldier. “All right, it is hand to hand combat!!”

“What is your level of training?”

“I am third degree black belt of the Taekwondo discipline.”

“I have the third degree black sash of ten for the Shaolin Dragon Master.”

“Ah, you’re a Shaolin disciple. So, it will be China verses Korea. Let’s see who has the better training. Take off your armor.”

“Okay.” I quickly take off my armor and swords. I place it on top of Hengroen’s saddle and secure it to the pommel on the saddle. I leave the helmet and boots on. I am wearing a pair shorts and a T-shirt. Make sure the Eleven don’t take the Caledfwlch, Hengroen.

I will, Richard.

“So, you want to leave the helmet on. That’s fine by me. That helmet will limit your peripheral vision.”

Sir Halgren has a smile on his face. He knows I will win the fight easily.

We circle each other as we get closer. He comes with a chest high leg swing. I immediately grab it and bring my body around the leg. He quickly loses his balance. “Wha . . .aatt?!! With my weight on his standing leg, he quickly falls to his back side. “Ooofff!!”

I quickly let go of his leg and let him stand back up. “Not bad. . . you made something out of nothing.” Then he quickly comes with a flurry of punches.

I quickly block his hits using the blue scorpion arm shield on my arms. “Thud!”


Another block is made. “Thud!”


Then I come in with my combo slash. I rake my fingers across his stomach as I send the vibrations. “RRRROOOOAAARRR!!!” Then I give him a blue scorpion punch into the stomach. “Hyyyahh!!”

“Ooof!! Oh . . .my stomach!! You came with a tiger slash. Nnnn . . . you really did a number on my stomach. I think I better back off.”

“Come on Sergeant, you can beat him!!”

“I can’t Corporal. That tiger slash of his is very powerful. Also that punch of his really knock the wind out of me. No, we need to walk away from this fight, Corporal.” Then the Sergeant looks at me. “You win, son of Arthur.”

“That is a wise decision, Sergeant.” I proceed to put my armor back on.

Then we see Colonel Wermongaue and the Captain running toward us. In pursuit is a werewolf and a vampire. “ARRRRGGGHHH!!!! Help us!!!”

“We beg of you to help us!!! We don’t want to become like them!!!”

The vampire jumps quickly at the Colonel’s neck. He does a quick bite. He is dragged down to the ground.

Colonel Wermongaue screams in pain!! “AARRRRGGGHHH!!! The pain!!!”

Two unicorns quickly intercept the werewolf and the vampire. They pass right through the images. Another unicorn passes through Colonel Wermongaue.

Soon they are on the ground screaming in agony!! “What’s happening to me? The pain is unbearable!!!” The leader who bit the Colonel, his face changes from a demonic look to a normal faced human. So do the other vampires.

We see the former werewolves of men and women slowly recovering from their torment. They all rise up and come walking up toward me.

“What is happening to us?”

“Tell us, please!!”

“The images contain traces of silver blood from a unicorn and a trace of dragon blood. Therefore, for the werewolves, your animal instinct should be greatly lessened.”

“He’s right. I don’t feel the urge to bite humans anymore.” He sniffs the air, “I still have my strength and cunning when I need it. I am more in control in now!! I don’t need to change into a werewolf!!!”

Then all of the male and female werewolves are thanking the Creator as they hug each other. They hug some more with each other with big smiles on their faces.

One of them walks up to me to shake my hand. “Thank you, very much, sir. My name is Emil.”

“You’re welcome, Emil.”

Then I see his face change when he hears the Creator’s voice. “Who is speaking to me in my head?”

“It is the Creator himself. Listen to him. Share that handshake with the others.”

“I’ll certainly will. I like his voice much better than Sauron’s now.”

The vampires come closer to me, “So what of us? What happened to us?”

“Look within yourselves. See if you can figure it out.”

They all look at each other. “He’s right, I don’t feel the urge to drink any human blood. We are still pale and white with a little more pink in the skin. Our faces appear normal. We don’t have the fangs anymore!! We are in the porphyria stage!!”

“Also, the sunlight should be more bearable this time.”

The pale Colonel Wermongaue speaks up, “What does that mean to me? I am now like you.”

“It means you must eat and drink a specific diet. You can’t drink wine or eat tomatoes for example. Even certain fruits and vegetables can cause or trigger an attack. It is a specific liver disease.”

“That means I will have to retire from the armed services.”

The vampire leader speaks up, “Yes you will Colonel. We had a certain colonel who was like you in a lot of ways. He was ruthless and a killer. Now you have your just punishment until the day you die. You will have to seek out health groups with your condition. We know of ours back on our own Earth.” Then the leader looks at me, “Some of us wished were still true vampires, but they will learn. My name is Dr. Michael Morbius.”

We shake hands together. Then I see the familiar recognition in his face when he hears the Creator for the first time.

“You are hearing the Creator, Michael. He will help you now to make better decisions. Share that handshake with anyone you meet. You will know if they are ready to hear the Creator’s voice.”

Michael smiles, “Thank you very much. It has been too long since I heard him in my mind.”

“I remember reading about you in our books here. You had several encounters with Spiderman and a few others from your world. You tried all sorts of concoctions to cure yourself.”

Michael smiles, “That’s right, I can say, I never tried silver blood from a unicorn and dragon blood. I’ll keep that in mind when I face Alucard again.”

“Do you know how you are going to get back to your own world, Michael?”

“Yes, there is a demon here that is watching what is happening. He’s around here somewhere.”

Everyone looks around. I look up in the night sky. I see a dark shadow fly in front of the moon. “Gotcha!!”

Everyone looks up.

I raise my right hand at him. I shoot a water ball at the demon’s neck. It quickly becomes an ice collar!!

“URRKK!!! Let go of me, son of Arthur!!!”

I bring him closer for all to see. I see a familiar demon angel. “Hello, Thrasher. Remember me?”

“I remember you. You are the Omega Unicorn Dragon for this Earth.”

“Where did you last see me?”

“It was on the planet Pern. Now let me go!!”

“I will, Thrasher. But first a reminder from me.”

Thrasher gets wide eyed!! “No, not that!!!”

“Croin, light up the ice collar!!”

Croin smiles, “Yes, Richard!” “FWWOOOSSSHHH!!!”

The ice collar is now on fire!! “ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!! The pain!!! Curse you, Omega Unicorn Dragon!!! Curse you!!!”

“Now go!! Return these people back to their own Earth!! Before I give you more pain in the heart!!”

“Yes, yes!! We are going!!”

Then Thrasher and the vampires disappear in a blink of an eye.

Some of the werewolves come up to me and shake my hand. They too are now hearing the Creator’s voice.

“Well, this is a first for me, Emil. We are not under Sauron’s control anymore.”

“I agree Tobler. I like hearing the Creator’s voice much better than Sauron’s.”

“Thank you, for the help and a chance to live a normal life, son of Arthur.”

“You’re welcome.”

Then all of the men and women who were werewolves turn around to disappear into the woods and leave the Dragon Valley.

I turn my attention to the Eleven. “Now then, it is your turn. Do you still want the Caledfwlch?” I hold out the pommel for anyone to take it.

Thrashtin slowly raises his hand toward the sword. Wizard Traysen tries to stop him immediately. “No!! Don’t do it!! You’ll get an “X” branded on your palm!!”

The others quickly join in, “No!! Don’t do it Thrashtin!!!”

His face gets a scowl quickly. “I will take it!!!” He reaches for it and puts his hand onto the pommel. He screams in pain!!!! “ARRRRRGGGGHHH!!! The pain!!!” He sees a branded “X” on the palm of his hand!!! “NOOOOoooo!!!”

“Now, you’ll get a reminder from me, Thrashtin!! Ice dart to Thrashtin’s neck!!”

The ice dart quickly hits Thrashtin’s neck, “Thoo!” The ice dart then melts to water and evaporates.

“What I can’t move, I’m now frozen stiff!!”

“You know what is going to happen next, Thrashtin!!”

“NOOOooo!!! Not that!!!”

“Croin, warm him back up!!!”

Croin smiles, “Yes, son of Arthur!!” “FWWWWOOOOSSSHHH!!!”

Soon, Thrashtin is on fire!!! Then it becomes steam!!! “AARRRGGHH!!!! My skin is on fire!!! The pain!!!”

The six females put their hands to their mouths. They have a look of astonishment. So, do the four other male wizards. Everyone sees his skin has cracks all over it and stream rising from his body.

“I have ten more ice darts ready to do the same thing to the rest of you. I suggest you all leave now!! I MEAN NOW!!!”

They all scramble quickly together, “Y . . . y . . .yes, sir!! We’ll be going now!!!” They all disappear in a blink of an eye!!

Then some of the soldiers thank me for stopping the Colonel’s mad scheme. They all leave the Dragon Valley together and back to their encampment. They get the air craft fixed and air worthy again. Some of them linger to bring up the rear.

“We’ll pack up and leave. But, thank you for stopping the Colonel.”

“You’re welcome, soldier.”

We shake hands. I see the familiar recognition in his face. “Yes, you’re hearing the Creator’s voice. Share that handshake with anyone you meet. The Creator will tell you if they are receptive or not.”

“I certainly will. Thank you, sir.” It takes about another hour before everyone leaves the valley area.

The real dragons from the castle fly out to make sure the soldiers are gone from the valley. Once they have left, they give word to their Dragon King. The Dragon King with the Dragon Magi quickly reset the magical force field and make it stronger. Then we see Brianna and my fairies flying in. Brianna has her feathered wings out. Near to her is Charles Weasley. he is sporting a pair of dragon wings. They land on the ground next to me. Then the Dragon King flies in and stands next to us. He in his changed human face form. He has a big smile on his face.

“Come!! Let us celebrate in the main castle!! You are welcomed now that you are attired appropriately, Charles.”

Charles gives a big smile, “Thank you Dragon King.”

“We are expected back in the British Isles by morning.”

“Then you can spend at least two hours of celebration here, and still get the same amount of sleep when you are back. Come!!”

Brianna has a look of dread, “What? I just got our clothes cleaned up from the fireplace ash. Now its going to be dirty again?”

I quickly hug her. “You’ll just have to clean them again, Brianna.”

“Not this time, Richard. You’re going to do it.”

“All right, I’ll do the laundry, Brianna.”

Everyone else laughs out loud, “Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! . . . .”

I make all of the images I created disappear and returned to me. Croin however, stays hovering above me. We all walk back to the main castle with smiles on our faces. Brianna hands my satchel back to me. I put it on my right shoulder. Then she hands me the fairies’ satchel. I put it on the other shoulder.

The double stone doors open up. I extend my dragon wings and fold them behind me. We are greeted by a lot of dragons roaring at us as we walk down the center isle to the front of the main hall.


On Hell World, King Azazel is looking at eight demon angels. He sees all eight of them have flaming ice collars on them. The demons are trying their best to keep the pain under control. However, they are squirming nervously what is going to happen next.

He has a mean scowl on his face. “I have every reason to leave those flaming ice collars on. So, what happened? I want every detail!!!”

He hears the same story from all of them.

“GRRRRR . . . . !!! I hate this Son of Arthur as much as I hate the Omega Unicorn Dragon. Now you’re telling me they are one and the same.”

“Y . . .ye . . .yes, s . .s . . .sir!”

“ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! I hate them all!!! All the more reason to destroy the Creator’s Creation!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!”

King Azazel stands up from his throne, with a wave of his arm and hand, a huge lightning bolt is sent from above.

The lightning bolt hits the ground in front of the eight demon angels. “KKKKAAAAaaaBOOOOM!!! CRRRRaaaaaCCCCkkklllEEEE!!!”

All eight demon angels scream in pain again!!! “ARRRRGGGHHH!!! The pain!!!” They are on the ground on their hands and knees. They are panting hard, “pant, pant, pant, . . . “ Their flaming ice collars are gone.

“Now go!! I don’t want to see your faces for awhile. That’s until I think up another way to destroy these Omega Unicorn Dragons!!!”

“Y . . .ye . . .yes, s . . sir.” All eight demon angels fly away quickly from King Azazel’s presence.

Appolyn approaches King Azazel carefully from his right side. “What is the next plan, my King?”

“I’ll think of something, Appolyn. I’ll think of something. GRRRRrrrr . . .!”


On Cartoon World, Dr. Michael Morbius pushes the bell button on the door frame of a large house on 1313 Mockingbird Lane. The sound of the Funeral March sounds out, “Ding . . .di . .di . . !!”

The front door creaks open , “Crea . . eek!!!”

When the door is opened, Lily Munster is standing there. “Hello, Mr. Morbius. Are you here to see Grandpa and Alucard?”

“Yes I am, ma’am.”

“Then follow me. They are in the library.”

Michael Morbius follows Lily Munster. The door closes by itself with an echo sound. “Slam! Click = = =!!”

Lily leads Michael to the library. “Here he is.” Lily leaves the room and closes the door on the way out.

Grandpa and Alucard are sitting in sofa chairs, opposite from one another.

“Have a seat, Michael.”

“Not this time, Alucard.”

“I sense you are not the same when you left here. Your face appears more human this time around.”

“No, something happened unexpectedly after I was called by King Azazel. I had an interesting encounter on another Earth.”

“Did you and the vampires get your fill of human blood to increase your numbers?”

“In fact we didn’t, Alucard. We encountered a Son of Arthur who stopped us. He sent memories of unicorns, dragons, soldiers from another world to stop us. In fact he had them laced with silver blood from a unicorn and dragon blood.”

“What?!!!” Alucard quickly stands up and stares at Michael. He sniffs him. “Sniff . . sniff . . .sniff!! You’ve been cured of vampirism!! How is that possible?”

“Like I said, Alucard.”

Now Grandpa is laughing. “Hah, hah, hah, . . . forget him, Alucard, he is now like me. He has the porphyria blood disorder with a longer life span.”

Alucard quickly looks at Grandpa. He cracks a quick smile. He looks at Michael again. “All right, I dare not bite you now. I don’t want to be cured. At least you made the competition field smaller. I don’t have to worry about your ambitions.”

Michael smiles, “Perhaps, Alucard. But I will synthesize the antidote in my blood stream to be on the safe side. The next time you bite someone, I’ll be there.”

“That’s if I don’t kill them first.”

“You’re number will come up, Alucard. Then you will be held accountable for all of the murders you’ve committed.”

They quickly stare at each other, “GRRRRrrr. . .”

Grandpa quickly stands up and puts his hands between the two. He pushes them apart. “Now, now! We don’t want a bloody floor now. There is enough on the carpet as it is.”

“I’ll take my leave, Grandpa.” Michael turns around and leaves the Library. He walks to the front door and walks out.

Lily sees him leave. She walks to the library to find out what happened. “So, what happened here?”

Alucard grumbles to himself, “Michael has been cured of vampirism.”

Lily quickly looks at Grandpa. They both smile at each other while they giggle and snicker at the same time. “Giggle . . .snicker . . . giggle . . .snicker....”


The Dragon King and Queen stand together on top of the steps in front of their thrones. Everyone gets quiet to hear them speak.

“Dragons of Romania!! Tonight we’ll celebrate and give thanks to the Creator we are still alive!! We have a new ally in our midst!! It is Richard Moore and his wife, Brianna. They are the true son and daughter of Arthur and Guinevere. Richard is destined to be the Pendragon for the British Isles! He has the Caledfwlch with him!! He is the promised Omega Unicorn Dragon for our Earth!! He will help rally the animals when it comes time for the Ultimate Last Battle!! He will be the greatest animal fighter representing us!! I present to you Richard Moore, Brianna and their fairies!!” He motions his hands for us to come up the stairs.

We walk up the stairs. We turn and stand next to the Dragon King on his right side. Everyone is roaring in approval.

Then everyone gets quiet when the Dragon King raises his hands. I step forward to speak. “Thank you, Dragons of Romania. The last time I heard this much roaring was when I was on Twainor and became the Omega Unicorn.”

Everyone gives a slight laugh and giggle.

“I think I need to give an introduction to my fairies first. The first pair are Amber and Cobalt. They are fairies from Avel the Unicorn. They are heart tied to me.”

They fly forward and hover in front of us. They have big smiles on their faces as they wave at the crowd of dragons. Then they fly back and land on my shoulders.

“My first pair that I gave birth to are Tiger and Tigress. They are tiger-tail butterflies.”

The fly out together and hover. They have big smiles as well. They fly back and land on my head.

I introduce the rest of them, a pair at a time. “Now for the last pair. All of my fairies are special. However, this one I think you will like very much. Come out Shiri and Levi.”

They come out and hover in front of us. “After Leviathan blew his breath upon me, these two are like dragons. Levi and Shiri, please change into the other forms.”

“Yes, father, mother. Please take note of our wings, they are like dragon shaped wings. We can be butterflies.” In a flash of light the become butterflies.

Everyone claps their hands. The dragons have a look of anticipation. They have an idea of what is going to happen next. They are holding their breaths.

Shiri and Levi change back into fairies in a flash of light. “We can also become dragon butterflies!!” In another pair of flashing lights they become dragon butterflies. They blow out little streams of fire!!!

All of the dragons roar in approval and give thanks to the Creator for the smallest dragons they have ever seen!!

Then Shiri and Levi change back into fairies. They hover and fly back to sit on my folded up dragon wings.

The Dragon King speaks up next. “They have two hours here before they leave. So, let the celebration begin!!”

All of the dragons roar again!!!

Everyone mills around and joins in the festivity. Dragons walk to the many tables set up with food to eat. There is fire roasted fish and vegetables on skewers. We stay on the main stage. Chairs are provided for us to sit down. A table is set near us. Drinks are provided for everyone!! I am handed a metal mug. I look at it and smell it. “What is this Dragon King? It smells like grape juice.”

“It is grape juice, Richard. It is not fermented wine. Wine is a bad mix for dragons.”

Then Brianna and I quickly take a sip from the metal mugs. “This is very delicious, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. What will your fairies eat and drink?”

“We have it here in this satchel.” I take if off my shoulder and place it on the table.

They quickly fly to the table and open their satchel up and food bags. They make their own honey water cups. They take out the nuts and fruit pieces to eat.

Another small table is set near for each of us. We see platters of vegetables and fruits commonly found in Romania, like fire roasted corn, grapes, plums, breads. For meat we see fire roasted fish skewered on sticks. It is a very delicious meal. It definitely restored my energy from the fighting.

We see Charles thoroughly enjoying himself among the dragons. They are laughing and having a great time. I look over to the Dragon King. “Sir, I am guessing. Do dragons have longer life spans than the humans?”

“We most certainly do, Richard. We can live about five hundred to a thousand years old. We realize we must keep our numbers in check in this valley. We came here after our ancestors came from Eingana and Leviathan. With the Ethereal Space ore, we learned how to control our transformation to appear human like. It allowed us to survive here for thousands of years. Come, there is something I must show you.”

“Can we all come, Dragon King?”

“Of course, your family can come.”

The Dragon King stands up. Everyone gets quiet to hear him speak. “It is time for the viewing of the Wall of History.”

Everyone shouts in one voice, “Yes, Dragon King!!”

“Follow me. The Wall of History is outside and behind this castle.”

Dragon King and Queen walk down the stairs. We follow behind them. Then Charles Weasley walks with us.

“This is very important, Richard.”

“Yes, Charles.”

We walk the hallways as everyone else follows us to the back part of the castle. Two Dragon Guards open the two stone doors. We all walk through the opening. Right in front of us, we see a very flat wall. The flat wall rises up about two hundred feet. It spreads out like a fan.

“As more of us are born, we’ll add more names on the wall at the top. Here at the bottom it is very narrow. This is where it all started. We came from Eingana and Leviathan. You place your hand between the two dragon images. Once it is done, a trace of light will appear from the beginning. It will travel up the branches and come to a stop. It will reveal the names of our ancestors along the way. Therefore, we know who we are and where we are from. Basilisk, please come forward to verify your heritage.”

“Yes, my King.” The Basilisk walks forward. He places his hands between the two symbols of Eingana and Leviathan. A trace of light is seen traveling up the face. We see only seven names appear. They are all the same name!!

“Yes, Basilisk, you are the same Basilisk each generation. Each time your bodied died, an egg was ready to continue the next generation. Your past memories are passed down from generation to generation. You are the only one like that.”

“Thank you, my King.”

“Now, I will put my hand on the symbols.” The Dragon King puts his hands on the two symbols. A trace of light is seen traveling up the branches. Several names are high lighted. All of them are kings. It then comes to a stop with his name.

“Charles, it is your turn.”

Charles walks up to the Dragon King. “Thank you, Dragon King. Before I put my hand there, I must explain myself.”

The Dragon King smiles, “Of course, Charles.”

Charles turns around and faces everyone in the crowd. “About a hundred years ago, I was outside this valley. I just arrived from the British Isles. I became very intrigued about the dragons found in the Forbidden Forest of the Isles where I grew up. Then I heard about the dragons here in Romania. I did all I could in learning about dragons. When I came here, I found this valley with a special magical barrier. The other Romanian wizards and sorceresses here who helped watch this valley invited me to learn all I can from them. After a period of five years, they showed me what they can do. They showed me how to bend fire with magic. It is just how they did it when they visited Hogwarts for the Goblet of Fire Tournament. Unfortunately, we all know what happened during that Tournament. I won’t say his name. They showed me how to animorf into a dragon. When I tried to fly through the barrier, I got repulsed by the magical barrier. It was then explained to me. I am not a true dragon. I asked them how I could do that. They said you can never be a true dragon. But, there is a round about way. They told me I must drink a special brew containing a drop of dragon blood. This is the proof, I did just that!!” Charles quickly walks up to the Wall. He places his hand between the two images. A single light trace shoots up the wall from the names of Adama and Eva. It encounters one branch that is joined on the side to the Dragon King, then Charles' name appears on the Wall.

“Whose drop of blood did you drink, Charles?”

The Dragon King smiles, “He drank a drop of my blood. I was thoroughly impressed with his dedication in learning all about us. So, in honor of his dedication, he is like a son to me. However, my own son will be the next king.”

The real son of the Dragon King steps forward with a smile. “I am honored to have a human as a surrogate brother. There have been only ten humans over the thousands of years who joined us in this valley. Each one has a special place in our history.”

“Now it is your turn, Richard. You said you have a drop of Eingana’s blood. Prove it.”

I look at Brianna quickly. We smile at each other. She squeezes my hand quickly and lets it go. I walk up to the Wall. I slowly move the palm of my hand toward the two symbols. I then quickly press the hand between the two images. Then all of a sudden, all of the lines light up the wall. Every name is high lighted on the Wall of History!!! It looks like a lit up Christmas tree. Everyone has a look of awe.

Then all of the dragons roar in approval!!!

The Dragon King shouts out loud, “Indeed you are the Omega Dragon!! We are all related to you!! Praise to the Creator!!”


Then the Dragon King raises his hand to quiet everyone down. Which they do. “Please, give us some words of encouragement, Omega Dragon.”

“Hmm . . .Where do I begin? Hmm . . . I know.” I look at Brianna. “Let’s give a summary of our honeymoon trip, Brianna.”

“Yes, let’s tell them what we have done so far.” Brianna walks up to me and stands by side. Our fairies quickly settle around us. They sit on our heads, shoulders and folded back wings.

We repeat what we have done for the last two months so far. Everyone is amazed what has happened. When they heard the news of what King Azazel wants to capture. They become mad. I see it quickly.

“Look, I am mad just like you are. King Azazel wants to capture Leviathan, King Gidorah, Kraken, Jormungandr and Fenris. He wants to bring them here to assault Earth. More than likely, they will be in chains and forced to do his bidding. I did a quick mind link with the Kraken. I told him to hold on. I think the Creator is going to use me to release them from their chains.”

“Sigh . . .Then we’ll have to trust the Creator.” Everyone else calms down.

I continue with the story up until today.

Charles Weasley smiles, “So, that is where my brother Ron and sister Ginny went to. They are in the Magic Verse. Then we must get together during the Ultimate Last Battle.” Charles gives a slight chuckle, “heh, heh, heh, . . .”

Some of the dragons give a slight chuckle in laughter as well. They know family is important.

I continue with the story, “When we are finished in the British Isles, then there was one more trip. It is a trip to Oslo, Norway. From there we’ll be visiting the Norse gods.”

“We find it amazing you are visiting the Pantheon gods. We remember a few encounters with some of them. Yes, all of us will be needed to help defend Earth when the invasion happens. Were you told about the other dragons hidden here on Earth?”

“I was Dragon King. I was told about Uktena. I met her in the Magic Verse. I have yet to meet Tsidi, the Great Thunderbird. I was told about the Feathered Dragon in Mexico. I was told about the Gold and Silver Dragons of South America. There are two more dragons in Antarctica. They are Ice Dragons. Then there are the Nine Dragons in China. I did meet Garuda on the Egypt-India Home World. Right now I don’t know of anymore dragons that are hidden here. Of course, I did meet the dragons in the British Isles and yours here in the Dragon Valley. I also met the dragons in our oceans here. I can now use your images when I need to.”

“It will be best if you use our true dragon image than this human type image.” On cue, all of the dragons metamorphs into real dragons, including Charles.

My fairies quickly fly off of me and hover near Brianna. I flap my dragon wings to hover above them. I look at each one carefully until they are memorized. Now I have about eight hundred dragon memories to use when I need them. I hover back down to where I was. I fold the dragon wings back. Then all of the dragons revert and change back into their human type appearance.

“Are there anymore hidden dragons, Dragon King?”

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