The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 47

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 47

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


Pegasus is still slumping in his chair. He has a blank look on his face as he stares out the window. He hears two knocks on his door. “Knock! Knock!”

“Mr. Pegasus, this is Kemo. I have a box for you. It showed up on the front door a minute ago.”

“Take it away, Kemo.”

“Sir, you need to look at this box. There are Arabic symbols drawn on the box.”

Pegasus gets wide awake now, “Arabic symbols!?” He quickly gets up from his chair. He crosses the room quickly and opens the door. He looks down and sees the box. He sees the familiar symbols of his dreams. He has seen these same symbols in his dreams, but they are golden in color. He quickly finds the Millennium eye drawn on the box.

“We must open it, Kemo. Bring it to the table.”

“Yes, sir.”

They open the box. They see it is a computer system they have never seen before. “We must put it together, Kemo, and turn it on.”

They take the pieces out and assemble it according to the instructions provided in the box. Once it is all set up and plugged in. Pegasus pushes the button on the PC box. The system boots up. The space within the holo-transmitters light up into a cube of light, then it fades. They see me standing there within the space.

“Greetings, Maximilian Pegasus. My name is Richard Moore, I am the creator and inventor of the 3D-System you are seeing right now. I have come to offer my help to you. This system is the game version of my 3D-Server system. I have hidden several directories in here for you to use. Use the information to replicate and build it at your own expense. These files contain the design specs to re-create the system. However, there is one directory you will never access. It is my insurance that this system is used wisely. This directory is written into the main executable system file. You can not delete it. If you were to try and remove this directory, the system won’t work. You must copy the EXE file on each succeeding generation that is created. However, it is open ended so you can add your subtle sub-routines to enhance the system.”

“You might not know me in your circle of millionaires and royalty. But I will be one of them in the future on my world. That’s right, your story is told on my world. However, I can not tell you what will happen. You must experience the ups and downs of everyday life. But I will say this to you, Pegasus. There are dark shadow forces plotting the demise of the Creator’s Creation. There is a light movement by the Creator to thwart those dark shadow plans.”

“I am sure by now, you have created some playing cards that you painted by hand. One of these characters is from your childhood. If I remember right, it is Funny Bunny.”

“Gasp! How did he know? Also, he seems to emphasize the Shadow Realm is a real place. I have sensed it on the edge of my visions with the Millennium eye. Maybe the Shadow Realm is larger than what it seems.”

“However, you did create another rabbit. Take the Dark Rabbit card and place it in the space of the holo-transmitters.

He turns around quickly and finds it on his desk. He places it within the holo-transmitters. The system scans the card and displays the Dark Rabbit in full 3D all around it. Pegasus is starting to smile again.

“If for some reason you need to talk to me personally, I am available. Just play those three unicorn cards again with the polymerization card, the program will search for me where ever I am. Perhaps we can play a simple duel card game while we talk things out. It doesn’t hurt to have some friends you can get along with. But, I am guessing you will realize that later in your life. But don’t be surprised by some of the people you meet. Some of them have their own hidden agendas that might be against you. I wish you the best success in life from the Creator himself. My name is Richard Moore, creator of the 3D-Server system. End message.” The image disappears from within holo-transmitters.

“Kemo, get this system to our design techs. I just came up with a new division name in my holdings. It is called Industrial Illusions.”

Kemo smiles, “It is good to see you smile again, sir.”

“Yes, yes. It is good to smile again. Also, I have a plan to get the rest of the Millennium pieces.”

The scene changes to the castle on the island. Then we hear Maximilian laughing out loud. “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !”


For the fans of Yugioh.

I provided this excerpt as a background to the story. I do remember watching the series on TV and seeing it again on the Internet. I even played the game for a couple of years. I thought about the holographic technology in the series is very similar to the 3D-server in my story.

So, to provide a technology crossover, I came up with this scene earlier in the year. Besides, it is never discussed how Maximillion was able to build his system in the series. The only other clue is his attempt to take over Kaiba Corp for the new and improved holographic system. Then where did Kaiba Corp get the idea for the new holographic system? Hmmm . . .?

So, will Maximillion Pegasus ever call on Richard to discuss the ups and downs of life? That remains to be seen.


We are all looking on the screen. Once we see the box taken into the castle, something new happens within our midst.

All of a sudden Atem materializes as light particles converging to form his shape. Then the Anti-Atem appears in a blink of an eye. The two images merge together in a flash of light. When the light fades we see Atem standing dressed in royal Egyptian white with gold trim.

Atem speaks up, “Ahh . . . .I am whole.” He looks around and sees his familiar god friends. They are smiling. “Who did this for me, Amun Ra? Who rescued my real half from the Millennium Puzzle?”

“This mortal did, Atem. His name is Richard Moore. His title on his earth is the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”

“Ah, the Omega Unicorn Dragon. I sense you are almost half way to the Shaolin Dragon Master title. You will eventually become the greatest animal fighter on your earth. Have you card dueled?”

“It is an honor to meet you, Atem. I have card dueled, sir. I have several different types of decks, from the simple to the complex.”

Atem smiles, “The you wouldn’t mind a duel now and then?”

I smile at Atem, “I don’t mind it all, Atem. I wouldn’t mind if I add another friend to the growing inner circle.”

Atem smiles, “So would I.”

Then we see a host of characters flying from the television series arriving quickly. They all greet each other with laughter. This includes Matat and Mana to name just a few.

Amun Ra speaks up, “Come one and all! We have a great feast prepared in the main pyramid. There is room for all!! However, Garuda and the flock must be out here.”

“That is no problem for us, Amun Ra. We’ll feast on the great sea beasts in our oceans here. We’ll thank the Creator for the Omega Unicorn Dragon We will thank the Creator for Atem, Kali and Seth They are returned to our numbers with honor.”

“That is well said, Garuda. We will thank the Creator as well.”

Everyone walks and flies into the grand pyramid. Most of the people sit by groups. Most of the Hindu Gods are together. The Egyptian gods are together. The Duel Monsters are all together. Atem is sitting with them.

Then Brianna and I are invited to sit on the main dais platform with Amun Ra and Vishnu. A table is quickly brought in and set up for the fairies. They are located just to the left of us on the main dais.

Then a goddess approaches me. “My name is Annapurna. I oversee the food here. What do fairies eat when in fairy form, Omega?”

“They can eat nuts, berries, fruits and drink honey-water. They are high burners of energy. You will be surprised how much they can eat.”

Annapurna smiles, “Then I will supply small cups for their size and a wide assortment of nuts, berries and fruits. How will they fill their cups?”

“My fairies will show Caliber’s fairies how to air and water bend, Annapurna. Bring out a separate bowl of water so they can practice the water element bending art.”

Annapurna smiles again, “It will be done. Now for you and your wife. What are your taste ranges?”

“Fish and chicken will do fine with vegetables and fruits for dessert. If the curry spice is used, then the mild version is preferred. We don’t like it too hot.”

Annapurna smiles again, “I understand the feeling. Sometimes I like to taste the food as well. I will bring it out shortly.” She turns around and proceeds to get the order from Amun Ra and Vishnu.

Another servant comes up to fill our glass cups with fresh cold water. The servant also places a water bowl near the fairies. Another servant quickly brings in small glass cups for each of them. I see the water pitcher never becomes empty as it used. More servants come out to fill everyone’s glass cups with water as well. The servants also have glasses filled with water as well. Tiger quickly focuses on the water in the bowl. He quickly fills their cups with cold water with little streams of water. My fairies quickly show them how to water and air bend. They catch on really fast.

Once everyone is served, everyone stands up together. Brianna, the fairies and I stand up as well. Then everyone picks it up and holds it front of them. We follow their example.

Amun Ra speaks up first, “To the Creator who gives us life!”

Everyone responds together in one voice, “To the Creator who gives us life!”

Vishnu speaks up next, “To the Creator who restores our honor through his chosen servants, the Omega Unicorn Dragons, in all of the multi-verses!”

Everyone responds together, “To the Creator who restores our honor through his chosen servants, the Omega Unicorn Dragons, in all of the multi-verses!”

Then Amun Ra and Vishnu turn to us. They begin to clap their hands. Then everyone begins to clap their hands and cheer in a loud roar of praise. “Thank you, Richard Moore! Thank you, Omega Unicorn Dragon! Thank you for your Brianna! Thank you for your fairies!”

Brianna and I hold our hands together as we smile together. Our fairies flutter over and stand in front of us. Then the rest of Caliber’s fairies join us as well. We have big smiles on our faces as we wave our hands to everyone else.

After about fifteen minutes, Amun Ra and Vishnu raise their hands to quiet everyone down. Amun Ra speaks up next. “Omega, do you have any words for us today?”

“Oh . . .wow. . . .on the spot. Hmm . . .” I take out the peridot crystal and hold it in my hand. I concentrate on it. “This peridot crystal in my hand is my direct contact to all of the Richards in the other multi-verses. They should be here as well.” Quickly, the nine other Richards and Briannas appear above me. They all have proud smiles on their countenances.

“We are here, Richard.”

“Yes, Anti-brother. I was chosen to visit the Pantheon Gods for the obvious reason that Azazel was cast down to my Earth. We are all training hard to earn the title of Shaolin Dragon Master. My anti-brother and I are the only ones with our Briannas to experience the heart ache pains with the loss of our family members. It has made us stronger for the task at hand. So, with that being said, I lift this glass of water to the Creator. To the Creator let his plans come to fruition so his Creation gives him praise for ever!”

Everyone responds together with smiles on their faces. Everyone lifts their cup of water to the Creator. Even the Richard and Briannas in the images do the same thing as well. “To the Creator; let his plans come to fruition so his Creation gives him praise for ever!”

We all empty the glasses of cold water. Soon we feel more energized than ever before. We feel the comforting warmth from the Creator that all is well. The images disappear above me.

We sit back down in the chairs. Then the food appears in a blink of an eye in front of us. We all enjoy the flavors of the meal provided for us. For Brianna and I, we are served with equal portions of fish and chicken. Surprisingly, we don’t feel full while we eat. But, we when we get done with the meal, we definitely feel satisfied that we did eat enough food.

I see the fairies are thoroughly enjoying their meal as well. The fairies who were here are savoring every bite and flavor of the nuts, fruits and seeds. This is their first solid meal in at least a thousand years.

When we get done, the plates disappear in a blink of an eye. Then we see the desert offering when it appears in a blink of an eye. We see bowls of cut fruit mixed together from a dozen different trees. The powder on top reminds me of the flavor of cinnamon.

Again, it is a very delicious meal. All of a sudden a thought comes to my mind. I look over to Amun Ra. “Amun Ra, I have a question for you.”

“Yes, Omega. What is it?”

“We had an encounter with Zeus on a parallel Earth in the Magic Verse. He said one of the pantheon gods gave him a clue to look at me carefully. He said he is expecting me to arrive on the planet Olympus. Was it you who gave the idea?”

Amun Ra and Vishnu smile together. Amun Ra speaks up. “I was wondering when you will figure it out. I knew about the Khufu’s pyramid pointing toward Thuban. Once I searched for the Omega Unicorn on your world, the vision pointed to you. It was then I gave Zeus the idea it might be you. Are you disappointed your visit won’t be a surprise?”

“I am not, Amun Ra. But, you didn’t tell the other two pantheon groups, did you?”

“The only one who will be surprised is Odin. The Celtic gods are expecting the nine swords to show up all at once. They just don’t know who will draw it out of the stone. They will be surprised when it is the same Richard Moore from each of the multi-verses.”

We all giggle, chuckle when we hear Amun Ra explain it that way. Then musicians appear in our midst. They perform three different songs. We enjoy hearing the uplifting style of music.

Then Amun Ra and Vishnu stand up together. Everyone gets quiet to hear them speak.

“It is now time to send the Omega Unicorn Dragon and his family back to his Earth. Caliber’s fairies who were here can stay here or return with Richard at any time they wish.”

Caliber’s fairies quickly discuss their options. They come to an agreement that Traphel and his three fairies return back with me while the rest stay here. Now they can change back and forth from butterfly to fairy any time they like.

Traphel flies over and hovers in front of Amun Ra to give their decision. “Thank you for the kind offer, Amun Ra. However, my own three with me will return with the Omega Unicorn Dragon. We have many more fairies still to visit that belong to Caliber on our Earth. We must give them hope a unicorn has been reborn on our Earth. The twenty who were found here, will stay here. They can assist as needed in being messengers among yourselves or with the other pantheons. Who knows, there might be fairies found on the other three pantheon worlds.”

“Indeed, anything is possible, Traphel. We will give honor and respect to Caliber’s fairies that remain here. For they now have hope there is a unicorn once more on your Earth.”

Then Traphel flies over and rejoins us. They quickly hug each other, they are thankful their own kin are still alive on Earth. Then the our fairies with Traphel and his three fairies fly into our multi-pocket coats. Then Brianna and I hold our hands together. Then Amun Ra brings out his ankh scepter. With a circular motion toward us, we start to glow with a bright white light around us. Then we disappear in a blink of an eye. We start flying back where we came from. We fly past Thuban at a very high speed. Thuban blows out a stream of fire in front of us. We pass through it safely and keep flying toward back to our Earth. The nearby stars streak past us. Then we see our own Earth approaching us. We then see the pyramid complex with the morning sun still coming up. Khufu’s pyramid is now in the full morning sunlight once the sun comes above the horizon. We enter the pyramid where we started from.

Everyone is startled to see us standing there in a blink of an eye.

“You’ve made it back! Were you successful, Richard?”

“We are successful, my friends. The first step of four is complete. Once I proved to them of my abilities, I was readily accepted as the one who will release their vows to our Earth. Also, we were treated to a great feast in our honor. The food surprisingly is typical of here on Earth. The curry flavored chicken and fish were superb.”

“Well, at least you were familiar with the food. We’ll talk about it some more later. Right now, we must leave the pyramid. The first tour group will arrive soon. You were gone for about thirty minutes. How long did it feel there?”

“It is hard to say, Basel. We were in the light constantly, we didn’t experience any night period at all. Also, their home world is in the vicinity of the other pantheon gods as well. The other three worlds that we’ll be visiting are in the same complex that is hidden by the star Thuban.”

“So, they are all together. That’s interesting, Richard. Well, let’s make our exit from the pyramid now.”

We follow our hosts out of the pyramid. It takes more stooping and keeping our balance carefully as we crawl through the tunnels. When we finally exit the pyramid, we the see the morning sunlight is very bright in the area. We make our way down from Khufu’s pyramid. Then we encounter another tour group approaching the pyramid. We walk back to the car in the parking lot. When we get there, Najid is very excited with the information that he discovered during our trip.

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