The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 69

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 69

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


Once everyone calms down, Thor and I look at each other with a smile.

“So, Omega, are you ready for that sparring match?”

“I’m ready, Thor.”

“Good. There is an open air arena nearby. We’ll have plenty of room to have our fight there.”

I smile at Thor, “Very well, let’s test each other!!”

Thor smiles at me, “Yes, let’s test each other!!”

I look at Odin with a solemn countenance. “Odin, I must confess something to you.”

“What is it, Omega?”

“I know Thor is your strongest warrior. About a month ago I encountered Black Bolt.”

Everyone looks at me with awe.

“What happened, Omega?”

“I gave him my total respect as one warrior to another warrior. At the time, I knew I could not survive his psionic or sound wave attacks. I am still earning the Black Sashes for the Shaolin Dragon Master. I faced Druk who is counted among them.”

“You encountered Druk? He is one of their strongest fighters. His skin is impregnable when it comes in contact with the ground. What did you do to defeat him?”

I smile, “I got his skin wet. Then I sent a fierce lightning attack at him. He was electrocuted from within through his mouth.”

“Then what happened?”

“That lightning attack softened his skin from the inside out. Then I came in with my Blue Scorpion moves and hit his acupuncture nerves on his limbs. His body limbs begin shaking liking crazy.”

Thor quickly looks at Odin. “Father, if he can do that to me, my hammer would stop his lightning attacks quickly.”

“Let’s find out, Thor. Let’s see if you are fast enough to stop his lightning attacks.”

“Right now, I know how to do the air and water bending elements in their entirety. I have yet to learn the Earth, the Fire and Spirit Bending elements.”

“I see. You knew you would be no match in facing Thor in close battle.”

“Perhaps. I am curious if I can land a fist on him.” I smile at Thor.

Thor smiles at me. “I would like to see you try, Omega.”

“So, what can you do with the Caledfwlch?”

“Because of the unicorns within me, I can increase my speed and strength times twelve, Odin. Also, the Caledfwlch will be more powerful in my hands than when King Arthur had it. I don’t know how much more powerful it will be at this moment. I do know I can withstand a lightning bolt with ease. That is because of the armor I am wearing and the swords that I have with me.” I look at the fairies from Caliber. “The fairies of Caliber, please come here.”

The ten fairies fly toward me quickly and hover in front of me. “What is it, Omega?”

“I want you to confirm what the sword grip is made of for the Caledfwlch, Balder.”

“Yes, Omega.”

I bring out the Caledfwlch. I hold it front of me. They hover in close to the grip of the sword. They touch it to confirm what they are feeling.

“This grip has a piece of Caliber’s horn. Why, Omega?”

“It is because I am the Omega Unicorn. Only a unicorn can pick up this sword.”

“That’s right, Omega. That is why we can touch it. We are from Caliber himself. He is our father and mother rolled into one being.”

“King Arthur was called the Pendraig. That means head-dragon in the ancient Cymry language. The symbols of King Arthur are the unicorn and the dragon. They represent him and his descendants. Queen Guinevere’s descendants are identified by the water horse and the centaur.”

“That’s right, Omega. They represent the four ancient houses of the Isles.”

I look at Thor. “I know I never can pick up your hammer, Thor. I also know with confidence you will never pick up the Caledfwlch.”

“What will prevent me from wielding it, Omega?”

“If you tried to pick it up, your hand will get branded with a permanent tattooed ‘X’ in the palm of your hand. It will be quite painful. Several people have tried to withdraw and wield the sword already.”

Thor looks at Odin quickly. “Well, I guess I don’t want that happen to me, father.”

“I guess not, Thor. All right, this will be a test of speed, hand to hand combat, wind, water, storm and lightning attacks. I know for a fact if the hammer encounters your sword Omega, it would get destroyed. So, we’ll avoid that. We’ll wait until you get stronger and learn the other three bending elements.”

Thor and I agree to terms together, “Yes, Odin.”

“I will determine when it is a draw or even fight in that regard.”

Thor and I respond together, “Yes, Odin.”

“Omega, I have a question about your armor.”

“What is it, Odin?”

“Is it ordinary armor? I sense there is something special about it.”

“It is ordinary armor, Odin. However, it contains the Evenshard stone. Hephaestus referred to it as the light stone.”

“Then you have a means to protect yourself when it comes to blows, Omega.”

“I do, Odin.”

“What are you talking about, father?”

“You’ll discover it as you fight him, my son.”

“Sigh . . . yes, father.”

“Before we go, Odin. I wish to speak to your wolves and ravens.”

“How can you know what they are thinking?”

“Because, the Omega Unicorn Dragon can speak with all of the animals, mind to mind. Brianna, my fairies and I heard them talking to each other as we walked down here for the first time.”

“What were they talking about?”

“They know the Omega Unicorn Dragon will help them fight Azazel. They also believe that I will help reclaim Fenrir and Jormungandr.”

Quickly, everyone begins to wonder if it can be done.

“How is it possible, Omega? Loki has commanded them since their birth. He treats them as his children.”

“That’s a lie from Loki, Odin. The animals here on Asgard know what is going on. They just need someone to give them a voice to be heard.” I kneel down on my knees. Quickly Geri, Freki, Huninn and Munnin come to us. I blow my breath in the air. Huninn and Munnin caw with delight. “Caw! Caw!” They fly over to Odin and land on his shoulders.

“For a moment I thought I lost you two.”

The shake their heads from side to side.

“That’s good.”

Freki and Geri come up to me. I keep my hands to the side. They brush themselves against me. Then they speak to me with their minds.

Hoarfen, the Great Ice Wolf has already sensed you and the other seven Omegas. He is glad as well the Omega Unicorn Dragon is now upon the eight Earths. He is hoping you will reclaim Fenrir, his father.

Once I discover how to release him, I will do it, Freki. It will probably happen at the Ultimate Last Battle.

That’s good, Omega.

Also, be aware, it has been told in our stories, Loki will cause Fenrir to eat Odin. Then Vidar will kill Fenrir. But, what Loki doesn’t know, Odin is the true God of Death for the Norse Gods and Asgard. He has given sovereignty authority to Hel to rule Niflheim for example. That is one of the Nine Realms. It is also foretold that Jormungandr and Thor will kill each other.

Thank you for the reminder, Omega. Then Odin will bring them back from the dead to surprise Loki. Also, we know Jormungandr is really a serpent dragon. He is one of the early offspring from Leviathan and Eingana.

Thank you for telling me, Geri. Well, take care until we meet again. All nine Omega Unicorn Dragons can communicate with each other if needed.

Ahh . . . that’s good to know. Take care until we meet again, Omega Unicorn Dragon.

Then Freki and Geri turn around and walk back to the throne. They turn around and face the people in the throne room.

I stand back up. Then Odin steps in closer. “What did you talk about, Omega?”

“We talked about many things. Hoarfen is aware of all of the Omega Unicorn Dragons in eight of the Multi-verses. There is a ninth one in the Q-Verse. Freki and Geri are hoping that I am able reclaim Fenrir from Loki’s control. Also, they know Jormungandr is actually one of the sons of Leviathan and Eingana on my Earth. They too are hoping that he will be reclaimed.”

“How will that happen, Omega? I already know my death will happen when Fenrir will eat me. I also know Thor will be killed by Jormungandr.”

“Don’t forget, Odin. You are the true God of Death for Asgard.”

“You’re right, Omega. I can still bring everyone back. All right, I am starting to get the bigger picture now. Thank you, Omega.”

“You’re welcome, Odin.”

Then Odin backs away from me and shouts out loud, “Now, let us go to the arena!!”

Everyone else shouts out loud with smiles on their faces, “Yes, Odin!!!”

Brianna puts her arm around my arms. Amber and Cobalt fly to my shoulders. Tiger and Tigress are sitting on top of my head. The rest of the fairies sit in the coat pockets and on top of the satchels. Bianca and White Acacia are sitting on her left shoulder. Lavan and White Rose are sitting on her right shoulder.

We follow everyone else out of the throne room. We get encouraged by some of the Asgardians along the way.

“Good luck against Thor, Omega. No one has been able to defeat him yet.”

“You’re right about that Volstagg, but he did put some hurting on Loki. Who knows, the Omega just might eat more than you do.”

“What?!! Never, Fandral! Never!”

A group of Asgards laughs around Volstagg as he laughs with them, “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !”

Brianna, my fairies and I have a big smile on our faces. “That banter reminds me of our banter, Brianna.”

“Yes it does, Richard.”

“So, how do you joke among yourselves?”

“For Brianna and me we would joke about our love for each other.”

Then Brianna feigns a kiss with her left hand and blows it at me. She smiles at me.

I reach up with my right hand and touch my right cheek. “Ooh . . . that’s a curve ball. It came around and got me on the right cheek. You’ve got a good aim, lover. I’m still wild and crazy about you.”

“So am I, lover boy. Wait until tonight, lover boy. If you can stand up to Thor, it will be extra special tonight.”

“Oooh . . . All right!! It will be an extra special night!!”

Everyone laughs around us, “Hah, hah, hah, hah . . . !!!”

Fandral smiles, “I love it. That was great from the both of you.”

“Thank you, Fandral. Of course we can’t forget the fairies. They have fun as well when they want to. Isn’t that right, Tiger?”

“Yes we can, father. One time we had a food fight with our food. It was great at the time, then we had to clean up the mess afterwards. Father was very understanding toward us.”

“Hah, hah, hah,. . . .!!!”

“There was one time a bunch of children would try to reach up and try to catch us. We gave them slaps of air on their faces.”

“Have you ever been slapped on the face, Fandral? I know it never happened to me.”

“I did, Volstagg. It was from a young maiden who didn’t like my advances.”

Everyone around us laughs again, “Hah, hah, hah . . . !!!”

Then Tiger flies off my head and hovers in front of Volstagg. He has a big smile on his face.

“What? Oh no you don’t, fairy!!”

Tiger quickly creates some cool air in front of him. He beats his wings just right! He sends a cold slap of air on his face!! He quickly flies back to the top of my head.

“What?” He brings his right hand to his face to make sure what he felt. “He sent me a cold slap of air on the face!!”

Everyone else around Volstagg laughs really hard, “Hah, hah, hah, hah, . . !!!” Then Volstagg joins in the laughter as well, “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!!”
The fairies are giggling as well. “Giggle, giggle, . . . !!!”

“Silly fairies.”

Brianna, my fairies and I all giggle and laugh with everyone else.

Soon we see the arena looming up before us. We see Thor standing next to a door. Odin is standing there as well.

“This door leads to the main arena floor. Brianna, you are to sit with Odin.”

“Yes, Thor.”

Quickly my fairies gather around me. They wish me well in fighting Thor. Then they fly back to Brianna. I follow Thor through the door. Odin takes Brianna and the fairies to another door.

We enter down the long hallway to the main arena floor. As soon as we enter the arena, we hear a lot of cheering going on!!!

“All right!!! Let’s have a great fight!!! You can beat him, Thor!!”

“Come on, Omega!! I’m rooting for you!!”

I look around. I find Odin, Tyr the Destroyer, Brianna and my fairies are sitting together in a special section in the arena. I look around and see several thousands of Asgardians in the arena.

This goes on for a minute or two. Thor walks to an area in the arena. I walk away from him. We turn to face each other. I lower the gold visor on my helmet with my mind. We are about 200 to 300 feet apart from each other. I draw out the Caledfwlch. Thor begins to swing his hammer in a circle.

He then brings his Mjolnir above him. He quickly summons a large storm above himself. It is a very dark sky above us now. He runs over to a large boulder and jumps up to stand on top it. He points the hammer upward. A huge lightning bolt gets emitted from the thunder storm!!! “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!”

The lightning bolt gets attracted to the hammer. He sends the lightning bolt to me!!! “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!”

I quickly sprout my feathered wings and hover above the ground. I extend my sword forward to meet the lightning bolt!! I absorb the lightning bolt into Caledfwlch!! It is now glowing white hot!!”

The people are amazed that I am able to control the lightning bolt!! “GASP!!! He caught the lightning bolt!!”

“Thank you, Thor!! Now here comes a double shot!! Ryujin come forth!!
Ryujin comes out of me. The people are astonished to see a large white dragon come out of me.

“Ryujin! Let’s send Thor a double attack!!”

Ryujin smiles, “Yes, Omega!”

Thor gets ready for the onslaught. He stands his ground and points his hammer to the both of us.

Ryujin and I send two lightning bolts right at Thor!!!”


The lightning comes at Thor lightning quick!! He reflects the lightning up to sky where it dissipates!!

The crowd is amazed at the power shown here.

“Ryujin, charge up the armor!” I sheathe the Caledfwlch quickly.

“Yes, Omega!!” Ryujin sends a lightning bolt to my armor. “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!”

My armor is now glowing white hot!! Thank goodness the padding underneath this armor is protecting me, Creator.

The people of Twainor soon realized that when they built the new armor, my servant. The padding is designed for that protection from lightning, fire, water, ice, deep space and the other elemental extremes.

Ryujin holds back until he is needed again. He has a big smile on his face.

“Here it comes, Thor!!”

“I’m ready, Omega!!”

I quickly send out my animal attacks at Thor. The animals are flying out from me as lightning images!! They are flying toward Thor very fast!! I send out the tiger!! “ROOOAARRRR!!!”

Thor sees the animal with the claws out forward for a strike!!

“What?!! I better be quick about this!!”

The tiger does a quick swipe of the arms and claws at Thor. Thor spins his hammer quickly to deflect the Tiger slash!! He sends the lightning upward to the sky!!

I then send several more animals at Thor.
I send the Crane! “SKKRRAAAWWW!!!”
I send the Snake! “HHHIIISSSS!!!”
I send the Mantis! There is no sound for the mantis!!!
I send the Panther! “GGRRRRR!!!!”
Then myself!! Unicorn speed and strength times twelve!!

I quickly fly toward Thor in a faint blur!!! Crystal light on helmet is now lit!! The crystal lights up on the helmet.

“Look out Thor!!”

I fly in quickly. I get there before the panther image does!! As soon as the lightning panther is engaged by Thor, I stop myself. Then he sees me appear quickly and ready to strike him with my tiger slash!!! The tiger image appears around me.

“Oh, oh!”

I do an upper cut on his chin!! “Blam!!!”

He gets knocked off the large boulder and lands on his back side. “Thud!!!”

“Oh my, he was able to land a punch on Thor!!”

“Yeah!!! All right!!! This is going to be a great fight!!!”


Yusuke smiles, “That’s a very good tactic, Goku.

Goku smiles as well, “Yes it is, Yusuke. When he learns the Spirit element he will be even faster.”


Thor gets up and stands on his feet. He rubs his chin as he smiles at me. “That was very good, Omega. You got me on my back side.”

I smile at him, “You’re welcome, Thor. So, let’s do some hand to hand combat, Thor.”

Thor smiles, “I would like that very much.” He attaches the hammer to his belt. He comes in really quick with a round house punch to my head with his right fist.

Obviously, he is faster than me. I don’t get my left arm up quickly to block his hit. He hits the invisible force field that is protecting me. As soon as I get hit, I get knocked back in the air a few feet and not to the other end of the arena.

“What? I could’ve sworn I hit you harder, Omega. You should have been sent back to the other end of the arena. I felt a cushion of air about you, Omega. What’s going on?”

“The light on top of my helmet activated a unique property of the Evenshard stone, Thor. It creates an invisible force field from solid objects. However, it doesn’t stop laser and lightning attacks. The Evenshard stone is known as the light stone.”


Some of the Asgards grumble to themselves, “That’s cheating.”

“Perhaps, but he can still be pummeled by Thor if he needs to.”

“Perhaps, but it might take him longer to do it.”

“That’s true.”


Thor smiles, “So, that is what you talked about to Odin, Omega.”

“I did, Thor. So, how about we do another storm attack? This time I’ll start it off.”

“That’s fine. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

I fly back to where I started. I keep myself hovering in the air. I bring up my hands. I focus on the fingers and the thumbs. I quickly give them a quick swirling motion. Now there are ten mini-tornados on my hands. I quickly make them bigger as I send them at Thor!! I move the mini-tornados in a random pattern about himself.

“Hmm . . . How do I defeat these tornados?”


“I’m surprised how aggressive he is, Brianna.”

“He never backs down from a challenge, Odin. I’ve seen him defeat twenty terrorists in Egypt at once. It all started with four bullies when we were younger.”

“I see. So he was trained to overcome the impossible odds.”

“I will be able to do it someday as well. Right now I have a heart to help mothers and children who are abused by their fathers, Odin.”

“Hmm . . .”


Thor takes his hammer and spins a tornado above himself. He sends the tornado in a circular pattern about himself. “Come on, eat up those other tornados.”

I quickly send one of the tornados after Thor. He tries to bring his own tornado back for protection. Once he gets his own tornado in front to face my advancing tornado. I quickly send in the other tornados toward Thor!!

“ACCCK!!! There are too many!”

I quickly take control of his tornado and combine it with five of my tornados. I quickly get him inside the tornado. I squeeze my left hand to make it smaller!!

“NOOOooo, he’s taking my breath away!!!” Thor struggles to get himself free!! His hair swirling within the tornado!!

Just about he is to spin his hammer. I quickly have the other tornados join together into one. I turn it upside down!! I put it on top of the other one. Soon, Thor realizes what is happening!!

“Now the pressure is building!!! I must get free now!!”

All of the people are in awe that I can do such a thing with tornados!!

Thor quickly spins his hammer in a circle quickly. He quickly commands a lightning strike to hit the tornados!! “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!”

However, things don’t go as planned as you think they would. Now the two tornados are lightning tornados!! Bolts of lightning are hitting Thor inside it!! “ARRRGGGHHH!!! That didn’t work!!”


“That’s different, Goku.”

“It sure is, Yusuke. We’ve got to be careful if he does something like that to us.”

Yusuke smiles, “What’s this? Not only we are testing him, he is testing us as well.”

“You’re right, Yusuke. It would be a great challenge to get out of an energy tornado.”

Then they both laugh together, “Hah, hah, hah, . . .!”


“GASP!! Get stronger, Thor!!”

The people yell some more encouragement!!

“Get out of there, Thor!!”

“ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!” Thor spins his hammer quickly again. He quickly aims his hammer upward. He flies out of the top part of the inverted lightning tornado. He brings the lightning tornados with him!! He sends it right at me!!


I brace myself for the impact. The lightning storm hits the armor!! It is now glowing brightly!!! I send the lightning right back at him!!


He points his hammer toward the lightning blast. He quickly reflects it to the storm clouds above him. He lands on the ground with a loud landing!! “BOOOMMFF!!”

Everyone cheers that Thor is okay!! “All right!! Way to go, Thor!!”

Thor smiles, “Do you have any more tactics, Omega?”

“I sure do. Here’s one on a grand scale.” I stretch out my arms. I quickly concentrate on the moisture in the air. I quickly gather the moisture into a gigantic water ball!! It is about 150 feet in diameter!!! “Ryujin!! Send your lightning at it!!”

“Yes, Omega!!” Ryujin concentrates. He sends out a huge lightning bolt at the water ball. “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!” Now the lightning bolt is bouncing all around inside the water ball!!

Thor smiles when he sees a new challenge. “Hmm . . . lightning and water at the same time. That’s interesting.”

The Asgards are wondering if Thor can handle it. They are holding their breaths with anticipation.

I send the lightning filled water ball right at Thor very fast!!!

Thor quickly spins his hammer again very fast. He launches himself through the water ball very fast. He takes the lightning from the water ball. As he hovers in the air for a brief moment, he spins his hammer again.

He creates a vortex of air and sends the water ball right at me. “FWWWWOOOOSSSSHHHH!!!”

The lightning bolt is right behind it!! “KAAABBBBBBOOOOMMM!!! CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!”

I quickly take control of the water ball. I split it into two water balls. Then I freeze it quickly. It shatters on the ground all around me!! “CCRRAAASSSHHH!!!” Then the lightning bolt hits me square on!!

Thor lands on the ground with a loud landing again!! “BOOOMMFF!!”

“CRAAAA . . . .AAAACCCKKKLLLEEE!!!” Now my armor is lit up again!! I quickly create an icy tornado around me!! I bring up my arms to create a twisting helix around each other. I bring it through the icy tornado. I quickly launch a series of lightning ice fists right at Thor!!! “THOO!!! THOO!! . . .”

Quickly, Thor spins his hammer quickly to protect himself. He quickly disperses them!!


“I have seen enough.” Odin stands up.


Everyone gets quiet quickly. Thor stops and looks at Odin. I turn around to face Odin. I quickly dissipate the tornado around me. Odin steps down to the main floor of the arena. Thor and I step forward to Odin. Soon we are side by side as Odin faces us. Brianna and the fairies quickly follow Odin and stands by my right side.

“I’m impressed with your tactics, Omega. They show some originality. However, your lightning is minimal compared with the Purest of Lightning. That magical bolt can cause a volcano to erupt with white-hot lava. I also sense you can do more with the water as well.”

“Yes, Odin. Poseidon laid his hands on me, so I can create a standing tidal wave. You might say, I’m a surrogate son to him.”

“I thought so.”

“Also, in two years, I will be facing the Demon Gaap in Japan. I will have his actual son with me. Then the three of us will be facing Gaap and his demon followers.”

“Yes, Gaap has been a thorn in Poseidon’s side for a long time. So, do you have any words of hope for me, Omega?”

“The words I was given is this, Odin. For Odin, tell him don’t believe every rumor and prophetic word that concerns Ragnarok. A lot of them were created by his stepson so that he can rule. But, then he can supposedly let the events happen to reveal his heart. Then he can supposedly come back to confront him. Then I will take back a piece of my robe.”

“Who told you those words, Omega?”

“Samael, the Angel of Death. We met him one night while we slept. He gave us similar words of hope to the other three Pantheon Gods of Death as well.”

“Ahhh!!!” He quickly looks down his robe. He opens it to reveal another layer of clothing. He sees the black square cloth is still there. He smiles, “Hmmm . . . . Those are good words, Omega Unicorn Dragon. So, what are the next three elements to learn, Omega?”

“They are Earth, Fire and Spirit.”

“Hmm . . . . that you will make you a powerful force to be reckoned with.”

“You might not realize this Odin. There are eight more Omega Unicorn Dragons in the nine multi-verses. I have met them all.”

“Let’s see them, Omega.”

Brianna takes out the peridot crystal from her pocket and hands it to me. I project out the eight Omega Unicorn Dragons in a semicircle above me. The people are astonished to see us with the same face.

“It is an honor to meet you, Odin.”

“It is an honor to meet you all. Are you all going to be together at the Ultimate Last Battle?”

“We are Odin. I am Richard from the Anti-verse.”

“How will you come together here when it happens?”

“We have that figured out, Odin. The Richard that is standing before you will have his feathered wings projected out. I will have my dragon wings projected out. Then we can be together on the same battle field.”

“I see.” Odin looks at the other Richards quickly. He focuses on one. He points to him. “Are you from the Super Hero verse where the Avengers reside? Such as Iron Man, Captain America and the others are from, Richard?”

“I am Odin. We are all destined to be King and Queen of the British Isles. We will live long enough to guide our Earths on the right path. We all have seen the fight between Thor and Richard. That was a beautiful display of controlling the lightning, Richard. That fight tells us we can do the same thing as well.”

“You’re welcome, Richard.”

“I see now what is going on.” He looks at Thor. “Thor, you have an another ally if you are needed on that Earth. You can’t go to the Anti-verse or the Q-Verse at all.”

Thor smiles, “I understand, father.”

Odin looks at the both of us with a smile, “Richard Moore and Brianna, you have fulfilled the prophecy and our vows concerning your world. We’ll be there from time to time to check up on it, to see how you are progressing. All of the Pantheon Gods will be there at the Ultimate Last Battle.”

“Thank you, Odin.” I put the peridot crystal into the fairies’ satchel.

Thor comes up to me and puts a hand onto my shoulder. He smiles at me. “I’ll wait until you have become the Shaolin Dragon Master. Then we can move the ground underneath us as we test each other again.”

I smile at Thor. “When I learn the fire element, Thor. I will be able to project fire and lightning from my hands.”

“That’s impressive, Omega. We’ll need to check it out to see how powerful it is.”

“Yes we will, Thor. Just to let you know, I did learn the first move for the Earth bending element.”

“What is it?”

“It’s this!!” I quickly stomp my foot at Thor! “THOOMMPP!!!”

“Wha . . . .at?!!!” He falls to the ground and lands on his rear end!! “Thud!!”

Everyone begins to laugh out loud. “Hah, hah, hah, hah, . . . !!” Even Odin has a smile on his face!!

He picks himself up quickly. “I love it!! What’s it called?”

“It’s the horse stomp.”

Everyone laughs some more, “Hah, hah, hah, hah,. . . .!!!”

I quickly put the outer clothes back onto me and the multi-pocket coat. Then the satchels are put on our shoulders. The fairies quickly fly to the empty pockets and settle in for the return flight back to Earth. Brianna and I hold our hands together. We all smile at them.

“We’ll see you all from time to time on our Earth!!”

Everyone waves at us!! We wave back at them with smiles on our faces. Brianna, the fairies and I look upward and think of our Earth. We have the image of where we started in Fredrikstad, Norway. Soon, we have a white glow around us. We disappear in a blink an eye and shoot up into the sky.

The Asgardians look up as well. “So, do you think Loki will cause more mischief on his Earth, Odin?”

“He will think hard about it, Thor. He knows he has a decision to make in following Azazel or not. He just might surprise us all with his decision. Besides, he knows the Omega Unicorn Dragon will be more powerful than he will ever be. He hasn’t even faced the other eight Omegas.”

“That’s good, father.”

They all leave the Arena and go back to their homes in Asgard. They continue their daily tasks in keeping Asgard running smoothly.

Odin, thinks hard about the words of hope that were given to him. Creator, that means there is hope for all of Asgard.

That’s right, Odin. However, there will come a time, that Asgard will fall into ruin. But, it will be rebuilt to its former glory.

Thank you for those words of hope, Creator.

You’re welcome, Odin.


When we approach, Thuban, the star dragon comes out to greet us. We pause before it.

Well done, Omega Unicorn Dragon. You have completed their vows and prophecy. Don’t forget. We’ll all be there as well. I will now blow out another blast to refresh you.

Thuban the Star Dragon blows out some star flames. “FWWWWOOOOSSSHHHH!!!”

We pass through it to get ourselves refreshed. Thank you, Thuban. We’ll see you at the Ultimate Last Battle.

We fly past Thuban star quickly. We continue to fly back to our own Earth. We see the stars streaking past us quickly. The fairies have big smiles on their faces as they see the beauty of the Milky Way Galaxy. We quickly fly past Sirius, the double star. Then we fly through the oort cloud surrounding on our Solar System safely. We fly past the planets very fast. Soon, we see our own Earth. We head toward where we started from. We see them looking around the different stone rings.

We appear before them in a blink of an eye!!

“You’re back!! How did it go?”

“It was great, your highness. We have a great story to tell you.”

“Then let’s hear it. This is a quiet location here.”

“Yes, sir.”

Brianna, the fairies and I repeat what happened when we arrived at Asgard. They are glad that my quest is over with. The fairies of Caliber that came with us thank us for taking them to see Odin. They will join up with the other fairies located in the British Isles from time to time.

“Now that we know you have a piece of Caliber’s horn with you, no one will be able to withstand your wisdom, strength and honor.”

“Thank you, Balder. We’ll see you from time to time.”

“Yes we will, Omega.”

They hug our fairies, Traphel’s fairy group one more time. Then they fly off into the woods.

“Now we can do some touring for the next three days.”

Then all of a sudden my stomach begins to growl at a low level, “grrrrooo — - oooowwwwll.”

“Wasn’t that your stomach growling, Richard?”

I put my hand to my stomach, “Uh, yes sir. Apparently that fight with Thor took a lot of energy.”

“Then let’s have lunch. I bet you are famished!! We’ll have it at the castle.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You were gone from here for about fifteen minutes, Richard. After lunch it will be time to visit some museums. We’ll visit another site tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Mr. Pierre.”

We all walk back to the cars. The drivers take us back to the Castle in Oslo. We have a great lunch. I ended up eating twice I would normally eat for lunch. That fight with Thor really did zap my energy level.

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