The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 20

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 20

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


Two months ago on Earth, the doctors in the prison gather around a medical bed. They look on the monitors to confirm the time and day. They see all of the monitors are flat lined.

“At this moment in time, George Weisenthall is pronounced dead at 9 AM on May 2. May he rest in peace.”

A nurse gives her disapproval under her mask. Hmmmph . . . So, he gets away with a heart attack. He caused a lot of people to lose their jobs. We’ll pick up the pieces.


In Heaven there is judgement being passed onto a mortal soul. George Weisenthall is standing before the Creator.

“So, George. You tried to commit murder in your quest for power. That is unacceptable. Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“All I can say is this. I was influenced by Sauron, Creator. He gave me ideas that I never dreamed about. It was as if he was changing my mind.”

“Hmm . . . that is a valid point, George. Sauron is definitely a problem. However, I have a servant on Earth that will keep him in check until the last battle. Okay, this is what I am going to do for you. I am giving you one more chance to do what is right.”

“Thank you, Creator. Where will I be going? Will I be going to Purgatory?”

“No, that is not necessary. You will be placed on a parallel Earth. If I get word that you actually took the life of another, then you have used up your chances.”

“Thank you, Creator. I will try very hard to live a good life.”

“I hope so too, George.” Then with a wave of light brushed over George, George disappears from the Creator’s presence.


George slowly wakes up. He looks around and sees that he is in a much larger office than he had in Charleston. In fact it looks almost the same, except that it is larger. He moves around and gets a surprise motion.

“Huh, what happened to my feet? I seem to be rolling forward somehow.” He takes a look at a mirror across the room. He doesn’t like what he sees. He sees a SUV in the mirror. The windshield eyes blink at the same time he does.

“Arrrghhhh! Noooo . . . . ! I am a car!!!”


We walk back and get back to Finn. He opens his doors, we get inside and sit down in his seats. Finn closes his doors. Holley and Finn then drive back to the Gasville Airport.

“So, what about that scout ship, Richard? Who are they?”

“They are the Skrull Empire. They are from the Andromeda Galaxy. However, they have established a presence where ever they go. I am sure they have never encountered a world such as yours. You are not humanoid like I am. I think you can present problems to them.”

“Hmm . . . Well, the first test is dealing with the scout ship and our response to it. If they get the message that we are not to be trifled with, they could leave us alone.”

“That’s true, Finn.”

Finn and Holley drive back to the Gasville Airport. Albert lowers the rear ramp. Holley and Finn drive up inside the plane. The ramp rises back up. Albert taxis down to the runway. Once he gets clearance from the tower, he revs his engines and takes off into the air. He heads south to Jacksonville.

Finn opens his door. We get out to stretch our legs. My fairies fly out of the coat pockets. They fly back to the bedroom to get a snack from the food bags. Brianna and I walk back as well. We get ourselves comfortable on the bed and to relax as much as possible. It takes about two hours to arrive at the Jacksonville Airport. Albert lands again and does the same tactic in getting ready to take off when we come back from Secure-Sys.

We get back into Finn and sit on his seats. The ramp is lowered down. Holley and Finn rev up their engines and depart from the plane. It takes about an hour to arrive at Secure-Sys. Once Finn and Holley show their credentials to the guard, they are allowed onto the property. Finn and Holley drive up to the main entrance and enter inside. They are greeted by the receptionist there.

“Welcome to Secure-Sys. Please sign in and state your name.”

“My name is Finn McMissile.” Finn signs the registry book with a laser pen extended out from his body.

“My name is Holley Shiftwell.” Holley signs the registry book with a laser pen as well.

“We are from London Secret Service. There is an employee here that we would like to speak to. His name is Richard Moore.”

“That’s fine, Finn. But, first I need to contact Mr. Bryson.” The receptionist contacts Mr. Bryson’s office.

“Mr. Bryson, I have two agents here from the London Secret Service. They wish to see Richard Moore.”

“I’ll be right down.”

After five minutes, Mr. Bryson appears in the lobby. He checks the registry to see their names. He then turns to face them.

“So, what is this about Finn and Holley?”

“We received a special guest in London. He and his wife are here visiting our world. Did you see the news about the humans riding Tedford in North Car-o-lina?”

“I just caught the news during the lunch hour break. Are you telling me they are here?”

“In fact they are with me right now.” Finn opens his doors. Brianna and I step out and stand before them.

“Amazing, you look almost like my Richard here in some ways.”

“I know, Mr. Bryson. You look like my Mr. Bryson as well. I need to see myself here. I have come to give you my latest design to the 3D Server.”

“What? Are you saying you are the originator of the 3D Server? If that is true, why is our Richard is just as smart as you?”

“It is possible we have two distinct personalities, but the experiences are the same. It is also possible he is getting his inspiration from me. Your world is closely tied to my own world. Here is a good example. There is a legendary car racer here with the name of Darryl Cartrip. On my world, his name is Darryl Waltrip.”

“I see. That seems to make sense. This morning, my Richard said he was about to come up with the next generation for the 3D Server. But it is not in his mind. When did you arrive here?”

“I arrived on your world this morning.”

“Aha! That explains it.”

“Hmm . . . I wonder. This is just a test, Mr. Bryson. Let’s see if my own ID card gets accepted here.”

“Yes, let’s try it, Richard.”

I take out my wallet from my pants pocket. I open it and take out my Secure-Sys ID card. I put it on the counter. The receptionist scans the ID. Then a green light appears on the panel nearby.

“It’s a good ID, Mr. Bryson. It is one of our older trial versions, but it is still valid.”

Everyone smiles widely.

“Well, that confirms it. Let’s go see my Richard here.”

I take my Secure-Sys ID card and put it back into the wallet and then put the wallet back into my pocket.

We follow Mr. Bryson to a large elevator lift. There is enough room for all of us. We go up to the next floor and get out. We follow Mr. Bryson down several hallways and turns. Some of the employees are astonished they are seeing humans for the first time. But, then they just realized we are the same ones that made the news today.

Mr. Bryson stops before a door. It slides open, we see a much larger office that can hold all of us. They see Richard going over some programs. What I see on the screen is a very similar program that I would have written. But, I do see some new lines that show a much greater improvement than what I wrote. I keep what I see in the back of my mind.

“Richard, we have some guests here. They would like to talk to you.”

“Yes, Mr. Bryson.” Richard turns off the monitor. He turns around to see us. All of a sudden he looks startled. “You! . . . .”

We all see him about to faint. He gets ready to roll to his side. I immediately jump forward to prevent him from tipping over. As soon as we make contact, an electrical charge takes place between us. It is not strong enough to take me down.

Richard settles back down onto his wheels. “What just happened? Now our minds connected again. I can now see what the next generation server is. What’s going on, Mr. Bryson?”

“It is because this Richard here, is the originator of the 3D Server.”

“Have you been getting dreams about me and my life story? My name is Richard as well.”

“Why yes, Richard. I wrote the stories down before I forget them. I just change the perspective to our world here. However, I do not have the Shaolin sashes earned here. In fact my entire family is still alive at this moment.”

“That’s all right, Richard. We just made contact with the Wilsons. They are located in Knoxville, Tennessee. We just gave them an update of where you and your family is located.”

“What? That means I will get to see my Brianna again. Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. You must be the Brianna from his world.”

Brianna smiles, “Yes I am, Richard.”

“Now, Richard. Let’s create the next generation 3D Server.”

“I’m with you on that, Richard.”

“Your world will be visited by an alien scout ship. It will be here in about five to ten years.”

“Who are they?”

“It is the Skrulls, Mr. Bryson. Your world here is in the Cartoon Superhero Universe. I am from the Earth with real people. Your story is told on our world.”

“Hmm . . . then you two better get busy.”

The both of us respond together, “Yes, Mr. Bryson.”

“Fairies, I think you better go with Brianna. You can sit outside near the garden area with the pond, Brianna.”

“Yes, father, mother, Omega!” My fairies fly out of my coat pockets. They land on her head, shoulders and sit in the empty pockets on her coat.

Everyone giggles and chuckles. Brianna, along with everyone else, leaves the office.

“So, it is true, there are fairies on other worlds. That’s amazing, Brianna.”

“Yes, it is, Mr. Bryson.”

Brianna gets led out to the outside area of the complex. Quickly, they see many flowered gardens all around. They immediately take off to get a drink of nectar from the flowers. Holley leads Brianna to a cool shaded tree. Brianna sits down on the ground and leans against the tree. She looks at the water to feel her emotions flowing along with the water.


Two additional cars come rolling up to the front gate. A sleek red Lamborghini and a black Camaro. In front of the black Camaro, an orange light sweeps back and forth. Once their credentials are confirmed, they are allowed onto the property.


“Okay, Richard. Bring up the 3D design cube. Display the main CPU core with the six processors.”

“Okay, Richard.” Richard the car brings up the 3D design cube and the main CPU core with the six processors. “How many cubes are we going to use?”

“We are only going to googleplex the first cube to the first level. That should be enough. That will be . . . .”

“7,776 cubes. That is a lot of cubes, Richard. Okay, let’s do the first ten. I would think a combination of serial and parallel cubes would do nicely. We can set aside a group of parallel cubes to act as the Main CPU. The serial cubes within the main cube can handle different functions with redundancy.”

“That’s my thinking as well. I think my grandson will take it to the next googleplex level.”

Once we get the common ground and the power supply points connected. It is easy to see how the rest of the cubes get linked up. We create nine more rows of ten cubes each. Then we parallel connected them together. We do a trial test with the first one hundred cubes. All of a sudden we get a nice surprise. The processor speed goes up exponentially. It reaches 95% in less than one second. We estimate the speed to be about 15 Peta-Hertz. (A peta is ten to the fifteenth power).

“That’s incredible. It is holding and it is stable.”

“Yes, it is, Richard. Let’s do the rest of them. Save that setup and copy it.”

“Yes, Richard.” Richard the car saves the first one hundred cubes. He then copies it again.

We keep at it until all of the cubes are used up. We have a big smile on our faces. The speed sky rockets to 1 Terra-Hertz and it is stable. We do see the temperature out put is very high. It is about 110 Fahrenheit. We then proceed to come up with a new configuration for cooling system. We also come up with a new power supply board, RAM and ROM chipset. All of the circuits are fiber optic.

“That heat generation can be used as an energy source, Richard.”

“Yes, it can. Let’s come up with a heat recovery cycle to power the cooling system.”

“That sounds good. We are so loving this, Richard.”

“I know. For once, I get someone who can understand my own geek-speak.”

We chuckle together on my joke.

We design a heat recovery system. When we apply it to the setup. We see one percent increase in speed to 1.1 Peta-hertz.

“Well, that should do it. Thank you very much, Richard. Before you go. Let me make a copy of that and give it to you.”

“Thank you, Richard.”

Richard the car, makes a copy of the new processor and puts it onto a laser DVD disk. The disk gets ejected from the panel. I reach for it and take it from the panel. Richard the car gets a plastic case. I put it into the case and put it into my clothes satchel.

Richard the car saves the work we did and files it away. “I’ll send it to our manufacturing facility in Charleston. Randy will be loving this.”

“Heh, heh, heh, so will my Randy as well.”

Richard the car opens the sliding door. I follow him to the elevators to reach the first floor.


The red Lamborghini and the black Camaro wait until Mr. Bryson shows up in the lobby.

Mr. Bryson shows up and immediately recognizes his two guests. “Hello Sideswipe and Kitt. What can I do for you?”

“I just received a communique from our London counterparts. They said there is a potential threat to our world that is coming. I am here to meet the human Richard and Finn.”

“My Richard and the human Richard are designing the next generation 3D Server, Kitt. Finn and Holley are outside by the gardens. Richard’s wife, Brianna is out there taking her rest.”

“We’ll need a high level meeting right now. It can’t wait. We need to know what or who the threat is.”

“I agree, Sideswipe.”

Then Richard the car and I walk into the lobby. Immediately I recognize the black Camaro.

“You’re Kitt. I didn’t know you were here. Your stories are told on my world.”

“I was the actor who provided Kitt’s voice on the TV show. The Creator brought me here after I died. He put me in this real Knight 2000 Camaro. I can tell you that I have the special bonding to the armor restored to the car’s armor. However, the Creator put one more element into the sequence so it can’t broken down again. I also have the speed equipment to be one of the fastest cars on this world.”

“My name is Sideswipe. I am an Autobot. Once we found this world, Optimus Prime decided to put ten of us on this world to monitor it. It is easy for us to hide in plain sight here.”

“Why are you here, Richard?”

“I just designed the next generation 3D Server with Richard the car here.”

“How many processors are there?”

“There are 7,776 cubes. It is the first googleplex level. We were able to reach speeds up to one point one peta-hertz. That is on the order of ten to the fifteenth power.”

Mr. Bryson smiles. Richard will get nice bonus for this effort. I’m sure the other Richard will get a nice bonus as well.

“That’s incredible. How fast is your system, Sideswipe?”

“It is on the order of ten to the twenty-first power. You’re catching up real fast. I am impressed, Richard.”

Both of us say it at the same time. “Thank you.”

“We have a conference room where we can meet more privately. Take them there, Richard. I’ll get Finn and Holley.”

Mr. Bryson immediately leaves the front door. He drives around the building to find Finn and Holley. He sees them under a tree staying cool near the pond.

“Finn and Holley, you need to go inside. Sideswipe and Kitt just showed up. They want a high level meeting right now. I’m sorry, Brianna.”

“That’s okay. I am perfectly safe here. We’ll keep each other company.”

“Thank you, Brianna.”

Finn and Holley leave the garden area and follow Mr. Bryson. The fairies immediately fly off into the woods to see if they can find any nuts and fruit for Brianna to eat. They come back in about ten minutes carrying several fruits, nuts and seeds. They have a nice lunch together sitting around and enjoying the cool air under the tree.

Kitt, Sideswipe and I follow Richard the car down the hallway. He opens a sliding door. We all roll and walk inside. I see it is a very high ceiling. In the next moment, Mr. Bryson, Finn and Holley show up in the room. The door slides to close off the room.

Sideswipe transforms himself into an Autobot.

“So, who is this threat, Richard?”

Holley produces the photo in 3D in front of her.

“I could be wrong, but I doubt it. That saucer shape craft belongs to the Skrulls. It is a scout ship.”

“The Skrulls? You could be right, Richard. When are they expected here?”

“The Emissaries said they will be here in about five to ten years. I think they are still looking for worlds to conquer, Sideswipe.”

“You’re right on that point, Richard. Let’s see the next generation of your 3D Server.”

Richard the car goes to a console. He accesses his office to find the file. He finds it and displays it on a large 3D video screen above the table.

“That is very good. I really like it. It should confound anyone who tries to come here. What about defenses?”

“When I was in London, I gave Jaguar One and his staff a lot of ideas about getting rockets into space.”

Kitt speaks up, “That’s right, Richard. We’ll be in collaboration mode in designing the defense platforms, satellites, space telescopes and the like. We’ll try to get most of the countries involved in this endeavor. Once we get our earthbound telescopes locate the scout ship, everyone will know we are not alone in the universe.”

“Since this world is machine based, they should have a tough decision to invade this world or not. If we can get some very smart defense platforms up there with your new 3D Server, no one should be able to take this world by surprise.”

“Sideswipe, I have a piece of information for you. The Emissaries told me of a potential problem in the future when we have our Ultimate Last Battle on my world.”

“What is it, Richard?”

“They told me the wreckage of the Omega Unicron is being reassembled by a group of demon angels.”

“That is not good news at all, Richard. What is our hope to defeat it again?”

“They told me when the Omega Unicron is brought to our world, Optimus and a group of your Autobots will be there to help us. They said I will have to update my armor to house the 3D Server. On my world, I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon. I can transport Optimus into his data core. There, he will find the original prime directives files to restore his original self.”

“Well that is good news there, Richard. So, you call yourself the Omega Unicorn Dragron. What does that entail?”

I look at Richard the car, “Why don’t you bring up the stories you have written so far. Let them read it.”

Richard the car smiles, “That’s a good idea, Richard. Now remember this my friends. These are stories that I dreamed about from that Richard.” Richard the car looks at me. “I change the context to fit our world here. What that means is this. When you read mechanized unicorns, it refers to real life unicorn on his world. It is the same for the dragons as well. The cars you encounter in my stories are real people in his universe.”

Richard displays the books one at a time. Everyone quickly speed reads the pages up to Chapter 19 of Book 4. They get done reading it in ten minutes.

“Wow, I see what you mean, Richard. So, there are twelve universes. I’ll talk to Optimus about this. How are we going to get to your world and universe, Richard?”

“There is a blue stone monument on the British Isles. It is called Stonehenge. Is there something similar here, Richard?” I look at Richard the car.

“Yes there is, Richard.” He quickly scans the internet. He finds the pictures of Stonehenge. However, the stone blocks are carved to look like cars. “What is special about this blue stone is its special reaction to magic. We do have magic here according to our use of it. It is used to create more cars or vehicles likes boats and planes. When a child is born, the child’s spirit enters the vehicle and it becomes alive according to our world. It grows up in stages according to the parent’s wishes. No one has applied magic to the blues stones yet. When I post my chapters on a website here, I average about 100 kudos a week. However, the numbers are slowly growing. I had very few in the beginning.”

Then I speak up, “When magic gets applied to the blue stones, you should get transported to my world in my universe.”

“Is there a special stone that has magic, Richard?”

“There is, Sideswipe. The stone is the Ethereal Space ore. It is usually found in the magnetic rocks. A sign that you have it is in the Aurora Borealis lights in the northern and southern poles.”

“Aha! So that explains it. So, all worlds have the capability of magic, but the Creator removed it to keep it from being abused for the wrong reasons.”

“That’s right, Finn.”

“How big will be your new 3D Server, Richard?”

“Will be miniaturizing the original CPU core to be even smaller. It should look like this when it is built. We are sending the specs to our Charleston office to build it.” Richard the car brings up a prototype visual of the new 3D Server. It is about 4 times as big as the first version. “It will have some new features inside the box. It will generate enough heat inside go up to 110 Fahrenheit. There is a heat recovery system and a new cooler system to make it effeciently as possible.

Richard the car takes the layers of the new box to show the other components inside the box.

“That is very good. I really like it. It is approaching the model of an electronic neural brain.”

“Thank you, Sideswipe.”

“Well, we must be going now. It is a pleasure to meet you, Richard, the Omega Unicorn Dragon. You will be a most formidable ally in the future. I’ll tell Optimus about you.”

“Are you going to stay here longer, Richard?”

“I was hoping to see Tedford one more time before we go. There is a race week in Gasville, NC.”

“We can take you back there, Richard.”

“Thank you, Finn.”

Sideswipe transforms back into a red Lambourghini. Then we all leave the conference room. We walk outside. I look for Brianna and the fairies by the pond. I see them talking and having a nice lunch with fruits, seeds and nuts.

Brianna sees us approaching her. “So, how did it go, Richard?”

“It went fine, Brianna. I was thinking, how about we go see Tedford one more time before we leave?”

“That sounds wonderful, Richard. We refilled the food bags with some fresh nuts, seeds and small fruits. I made sure we save some for us as well. I know you are getting hungry by now.”

“I am, Brianna. Oh Richard, before I forget. The Wilsons are in Knoxivlle, Tennessee. We told Mrs. Wilson where your family is in Charlottesville, NC. I mean Carsville, NC.”

“Here is the phone number and address . . . .”

“Thank you, ma’am. That is greatly appreciated. It will be good to see them again.”

My fairies fly into our coat pockets. I help Brianna to stand up. We walk over to Finn. He opens his doors to allow us to sit on his seats.

Finn, Holley, Kitt and Sideswipe leave the compound of Secure-Sys. Kitt and Sideswipe head back to Virginia to tell them the latest news to the American government there.

Finn and Holley drive back to the Jacksonville Airport and board Albert the plane. Albert takes off and flies back to Gasville, NC. I have a nice lunch with Brianna in the bedroom. We enjoy the peacefulness during the flight back. Once we get on the ground in Gasville. Finn and Holley drive back out to the race track to find Tedford.

As we enter the race complex, they encounter a very disturb crowd. They look for Tedford, but they can’t find him. They search for Lightning McQueen. They find him by Tedford’s tent. There are only two Mac Trucks there.

“Lightning, what is going on?”

“Didn’t you hear the news?”

“We haven’t heard a thing in Jacksonville.”

“There must be news blackout. Tedford has been carjacked.”

“What? By whom? How?”

“While we were are going to another nearby event, a huge semi trailer with several cars blocked the road. We got separated from them. The other two Mac Trucks are following them right now at a distance.”

“Where are they heading to?”

“The best we can figure out is they are heading to Charleston, SC.”

“What did the other cars say when Tedford was abducted, Mac?”

“They said they will be taking him to George W.”

I exclaim out loud, “What? I know a George Weisenthall back on my Earth. I know where his office building is located. If it’s the same one.”

“What did George do on your world, Richard?”

“George tried to buy up all of the fishing fleet businesses and be the sole provider of fish to the Eastern Seaboard. He tried to kill me, Brianna, some friends and a family in the process. But he was eventually stopped and the people got saved.”

“I’ll contact Kitt. Let’s see if he knows anything about it.” Finn contacts Kitt on a special band frequency. “Kitt, this is Finn. Did you hear of carjack of Tedford lately?”

“I just learned about it, Finn. We are heading to Charleston right now. I’ll meet you there with your special guests.”

“That’s understood, Kitt. I’ll meet you there at the airport in Charleston.” Finn disconnects and talks to Lightning and the Mac Trucks. “Okay, I’ll be heading to Charleston right now. Hopefully we’ll be bringing good news.”

“I hope so, Tedford can be a stubborn car.”

“From what I heard here the last time, he is not to be trifled with.”

“Heh, heh, that’s right Finn. Take care until we see each other again.”

“You do the same, Lightning.”

Finn and Holley quickly drive back to the airport and board Albert the plane. Albert quickly takes off and flies toward Charleston, SC. He gets there in about a half hour. They see Kitt waiting nearby on the side runway. Holley and Finn disembark from Albert. Brianna and I are sitting inside Finn.

“I know where George’s office is. I am going to head there first, using magic and my armor. I’ll scout ahead to find out what is going on.”

“Okay, Richard.”

“Okay, fairies, you’ll have to stay here with Brianna.”

“We understand, father, mother, Omega.”

My fairies fly out of my coat pockets. They land on Brianna and fly into her coat pockets.

“Armor on. Transport invisible!” My armor appears on me in a blink of an eye. I disappear in a blink of an eye. I quickly look for George’s office building. I soon find it. It is much larger than the one I knew. But it is the same shape and design for it. I pass through the floors looking George and Tedford. I quickly find them on the top floor suite. I overhear their conversation to know what is going on.


George looks at Tedford closely. “You are a very unique car, Tedford.”

“Why did you carjack me?”

“Once I saw you in the news and see a Model T Ford that appears brand new. I knew I found a way to live longer.”

“What do you mean?” Tedford starts to look a little shaken now.

“I am going to put myself into your engine. I will be kicking you out and put you into this rust bucket I am in.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am serious, Tedford. I will live for another 300 years while you live for another 50 years. Hah, hah, hah, . . .!”


That’s enough Croin. He hasn’t learned his lessons.

No he hasn’t, Richard. I’m sure he was given another chance to live right.

Yeah, something happened to him back on Earth.

Then we hear the Creator’s voice in my head. His body died while he was in prison, Richard. I brought him here to give him one more chance. Scare him with your power, my servant. That should wake him up.

Yes, Creator. I draw my sword out and point it at George with my right hand. I aim my left gauntlet at him. End transport spell and appear in the room.


All of a sudden I appear in the room. George looks real scared when he sees me again.

“You! How can you be here? You’re the Omega Unicorn! Why?”

“First of all, I am here to rescue Tedford. He’s family.”

Tedford quickly smiles when he recognizes my voice and my reference to family.

“What? You are a human being! Since when are cars family members?”

Tedford speaks up, “Boy, are you dumb, George. Cars have always been family members for a hundred years. Once a human family has found the favorite car, they get taken care of really special. And I know I’m special. I will always have family. It is very important for identity and self worth.”

Then I speak up, “But, since you are trying to do this heinous act, George. I am going to give you a lesson the hard way.”

“Y . . . . you’re not going to freeze me and set me on fire, are you?”

“Nah . . . not this time, George. I am going to give a car’s worst night mare!”

“Wh . . . What is . . . is . . .that?”

“Love bugs!”

“No! Not love bugs! I hated love bugs in Florida when I visited there! No!”

I bring up my left hand. A cloud of love bugs appear outside the building. I use my left hand to force some air to open the window. I quickly thrust my right arm and point my sword at George. “Now!”

The swarm of love bugs enter the room. George’s eyes get really small. He looks shell shocked. NOOOOooooo . . . . .!” He closes his eyes quickly.

The swarm of love bugs quickly fly in to splat on George the car and under it. Once he is covered, the love bugs who are alive quickly leave the office.

“Bleech! Ptui! Yuck! I hate love bugs! Its in my mouth! Yuck!”

Thank you for coming, love bugs.

You’re welcome, Omega. We are glad to be of service. The love bugs return to the outside and disperse into the air.

That was great, Richard. I love it.

I knew you would, Croin.

The stench from the dead love bugs permeate the office. “Come on, Tedford. It is time to leave. Let’s hope he has learned his lessons this time.”

“I hope so, my family friend.”

We leave the office. George still looks shell shocked and stinks really bad. We hear him grumbling to himself. “I’m sorry, Creator. I’ll be good now. Ewwww . . . I hate love bugs! I need a wash now! I can’t see out my windshield! I need a new paint job! I need a new office! Bleech! Ptui! Ptui!”

Once we leave the office, I put the sword in the scabbard. I sit in Tedford’s seat as he drives out of the building. I recite the spell to put my clothes on the outside of my armor to hide it. I take off my helmet. Once we exit the building we are greeted by Finn, Kitt, Sideswipe and the two Mack Trucks.

“So, what happened up there?”

“What was he up to?”

Tedford speaks up, “He wanted to put himself into my body so he can live for another 300 years and put me into his body to live for 50 years.”

“Oooh . . . That is hard to swallow. What did you do, Richard?”

“I opened the window and brought in a swarm of love bugs to give him his worse night mare. Needless to say, he and his room is stinking very badly now.” I give them a wide smile.

They all laugh out loud. “Hah, hah, hah, that is great! The car’s worse night mare! The scourge of the universe! I love it! It will take him a long time to get cleaned up, get a new paint job and a new office! Did you get them under his chassis?”

“I sure did, Kitt. The stench will linger for a very long time. No deodorant or extreme car wash will get him totally clean. We heard him grumbling that he will be good now.”

“We’ll hold him to it. That is for sure. We’ll keep an eye on him. Thank you for coming, Richard.”

“You’re welcome, Kitt.”

Then all of a sudden everyone outside of our group appears to be stop motion and still. Two Emissaries appear in our midst in a blink of an eye.

“We are here to take Richard and Brianna to their next destination. They have a lot more worlds to see and warn.”

“I’ll miss you, Richard.”

“I’ll miss you too, Tedford.”

“Don’t worry Tedford. In 300 years, you will see Richard and his family again. That will be after the Ultimate Last Battle. Stay safe on this world.”

“Thank you, Emissaries. I greatly appreciate hearing that good news.”

“Sideswipe, you have a lot to do now in helping this world. Come up with a good plan to scare off the Skrull scout ship. They are expecting to see humanoid races, not sentient machines.”

“I understand the ploy, Emissaries. I’ll let Optimus know about the Omega Unicron.”

“Yes, the demon angels are rebuilding it to make him more lethal than ever before. King Azazel will be bringing a billion star ships to destroy Richard’s Earth. But that is a ploy as well. Once they realize they are being duped, King Azazel will unleash his double trap of doing a mass possession with his demon angels.”

“Hmm . . . that is not good, Emissaries. Is Richard’s new 3D Server strong enough to stop their mental attacks?”

“The first googleplex order is fine for the star ships. It must go to the next googleplex level to get on that level. That will be created by one of Richard’s own grandsons. It will be used to solve a special problem in the robot verse.”

“That’s good. We can wait for it until then.”

“Well, we must go now.”

Brianna gets out of Finn the car. She walks over to me and holds my hand. My fairies quickly fly over to sit in my coat pockets, while Lavan and Bianca stay with Brianna.

A circle of light appears around us. We disappear in a blink of an eye. We appear on the Emissaries star ship to hear where we are going next.


“Well, that was an interesting visit. Come on friends. It is time to get busy.”

Then two Mack Trucks drive up and stops before them.

“Tedford, thank the Creator you’re okay. What happened?”

“I’ll tell you all about it as you haul me back to Gasville. There is still more racing this week.”

“Yes, it is, Tedford.”

Tedford drives around. The ramp gets lowered from one of the trailers. Tedford drives up and secures himself inside. He turns on the lights to his portable office inside the trailer.

Everyone drives off to their destination and gets ready for the Skrull scout ship.

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