The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 51

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 51

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


“Which set of temples do you wish to tour?”

“Well, the Acropolis should be done at least, sir. I understand, Hephaestus’ Temple should be visited as well. A good friend of mine, told me we should visit that one first.”

“Why do you want to visit that one first, Richard?”

“There is a hidden portal to the Olympus home world there.”

“What?” Duris looks at Mr. Pierre. He sees a big smile on his face. Then he looks at me, “Surely you jest, Richard. The Greek gods are myths.”

“Then before we leave this jet, I need to tell you a story or two.”

“It must be some story to tell me. All right, go ahead and tell your stories.”

“Duris, are you a believer in the scriptures from the Bible?”

“I am, Richard. I go to services in our Greek Orthodox churches.”

“That’s good, Duris. Brianna and I are believers in the Bible as well. As for myself, I am not settled down in any particular denomination. But, we can hear the Creator’s voice loud and clear in our minds.”

“I wish it was so with me. I wished I could hear the Creator’s voice. I know I would make better decisions not only for my family, but for Mr. Pierre’s computer division here.”

Mr. Pierre speaks up next. “That it is very good news to me, Duris. So, let me shake your hand, Duris.”

As soon as they shake their hands, all of a sudden we see the change in Duris’ face. We all smile at him.

“Who is speaking to me in my mind, Mr. Pierre?”

“It is the Creator, Duris.”

“Then when and where did you hear it, Mr. Pierre?”

“When I met Richard in Luxor.”

“Oh my.” A tear comes down Duris’ face. He wipes it away with his hand. Duris looks at me, “So this story you are going to tell me is true, Richard?”

“It is, Duris.” I then retell my story to Duris. It takes about an hour to tell it. I produce the images of the people and animals I met. Then I make them disappear.

“I would assume you have the proof you are telling the truth, Richard?”

“I do, Duris.”

Brianna and I stand up. We take off the desert robes, fold them up and place them on the seats. We thrust our hands out to the side. The unicorn images appear from us. They resize themselves to fit inside the jet. Croin flies out of me and hovers above me resized as well. Then the fairies fly out of our coat pockets.

“Oh my, it is true. So, fairies, dragons and centaurs are for real. And they are still alive on other worlds.”

The fairies fly up closer to check him out. Then they hover and land on our shoulders and heads. “We can trust him, father. He is a bit shocked to know that we still exist.”

Duris smiles when he hears the good assessment from the fairies. Then all of the images return back into us. Then we sit down. “Duris, do you understand why I am seeking the pantheon gods?”

“I think I do, Richard. This is to release their vows concerning our world. I didn’t realize they were ever for real. I just thought they were the figment of our imaginations.”

“They were here, Duris. Because King Azazel was thrown down to our Earth, the Creator felt it was necessary that we grow up the fastest in being aware of our world and the cosmos. Especially for the Ultimate Last Battle.”

“Sigh . . . to think the Book of Revelations and the other stories from around the world will come to pass. All right, we’ll visit Hephaestus’ Temple. Let’s find this hidden portal to Olympus. We won’t be able to check into the hotel room until 2 PM this afternoon. Let’s load up the limo and take a quick drive to his temple.”

The fairies quickly flutter back into our coat pockets. We get up from the chairs. With help from everyone, we get our luggage loaded into the limo’s trunk. It takes about 20 minutes to do that. We enter the back seat of the limo. Duris gets into the driver seat of the limo. He turns on the car engine and drives from the tarmac and exits the airport compound.

He drives along the roads from the airport. He makes multiple turns along the way. It takes about forty minutes to get there. Then we see the temple rising above the ground.

“I have a question, Duris. Has anyone stepped into the temple?”

“Hmm . . . that is a problem, Richard. No one is allowed to walk within the temple. So, how are we going to find this hidden portal?”

“I think I will let Caltron find the portal. He will let us know where it is.” I remember Caltron telling me about the portal when I was on Twainor, Brianna.

That’s good, Richard.

“That’s right, Caltron is a centaur. He might be the one to find it.”

Duris parks the car in the parking lot. We get out of the limo. I make sure the fairies’ satchel is with me, including the contact crystals. The doors are locked. We walk together to the temple.

“This temple is the best preserved temple among all of the pantheon gods.”

Caltron, it is time to find that portal.

I’ll find it, Richard. Caltron comes out of me and stays invisible. He searches the grounds and the temple itself. It takes about ten minutes for him to find it. He trots back to me and stands before me.

I found the portal, Richard. It moves from location to location. It could be between two pillars or the doorway. It could also between two trees. It is constantly on the move randomly.

That’s interesting Caltron. “My friend tells me the portal is constantly on the move and randomly. It could be between two pillars, the doorway or even between two trees.”

“It can between two trees, Richard? That will be an easier portal to cross. That way we won’t need to enter the temple itself. Let him find it for us.”

Caltron walks around the temple. He is now walking among a row of trees on the north side of the temple. He stops between two trees in the middle of the group. This is the spot, Richard. It will be here in a minute.

“This is it, my friends. It is between those two trees. He said it will be here in a minute.”

“Okay, Richard. We’ll wait for your return. Hopefully it won’t be too long.”

“I hope so, too.”

Caltron returns back into me. We look around and see no one near us. Then I hear Caltron speaking to me. Now!!

Brianna and I hold hands as we walk toward the space between the two trees. We disappear in a blink of an eye.

“It is true, Mr. Pierre. The Greek gods do exist.”

“Yes, they do, Duris. We’ll need them in the future when the Ultimate Last Battle takes place.”


When we walk through the opening, all of a sudden the scene changes to another tree garden. We look behind us to see two trees. When we look downward, we see a paved stone path. There are many branches off the main stone path that lead to more paths between two trees. We keep our hands tightly grasped as we walk along the main path through the garden. We look up at the sky. We see the other pantheon worlds above us. We then see two people walking toward us. They are garbed in white togas with gold trim.

It is Zeus and Hera. They stop and smile at us.

“Welcome to Olympus, Omega Unicorn Dragon and Brianna.”

“You are welcomed to our world.”

We give a quick nod with our heads up and down in respect. “Thank you for your acceptance, Zeus and Hera. I am guessing I will be tested like I was on the Egyptian and India home world.”

“You will be, Richard. Ares and Poseidon are waiting for you in a place of our choosing.”

“Is it possible I could be meet Hades when this test is over? I was given some words of encouragement for him to hear. Also, I need to have a word with Hephaestus. The Emissaries showed the people of Twainor elements to make a new sword with some special abilities.”

“There is a new sword to be made? That’s intriguing, Richard. We’ll have to meet at Charon’s Docks to see Hades. Do you have any gold with you?”

“I do, Zeus.” I open my hand out. I recite the transportation spell. My bag of coins from Twainor appear in my hand in a blink of an eye. I open the bag and retrieve a gold coin and show it to them.

They smile together. “That’s great, Richard. Keep it with you until you need it.”

“Yes, Zeus.” I put the gold coin back into the bag, then the coin bag is put in the satchel.

“Follow us to the main temple.”

We follow our hosts to the main temple complex. We walk a lot of steps and stoned paved sidewalks. We see the temple high above us. However, we don’t feel out of breath while we walk up to a higher elevation. Soon, we arrive in the main temple complex. We see all of the gods sitting in chairs. There are thirteen chairs formed in a U-shape. The gods are huge. Then Zeus and Hera change size to match the others. Zeus and Hera sit in their seats. They are all looking at us.

Then Ares speaks up first, “Don’t tell me this is the one who will release us from our vows, Zeus.”

“He is, Ares. However, I suggest you don’t under estimate him.”

He gives a disgusted grin, “What ever, Zeus.”

Zeus smiles, “It is time to prove you are the Omega Unicorn Dragon, Richard Moore.”

“I am ready, Zeus.” I nod my head up and down slightly. I tell my story in about two hours. “As of right now, I have earned the third Black sash of ten that leads to the Shaolin Dragon Master title. Here is the proof we are telling the truth, Greek gods.”

Then Brianna and I extend our hands out to the side. Then all of our unicorn images come out of us. We also sprout our feathered wings. Our fairies fly out of the coat pockets. Also Croin comes out of me and hovers above me.

Then we hear a “neeeigggh!!!” Pegasus comes flying in and lands on the portico. He folds his wings back. He trots up to me and pauses before me.

It is you! You are the one I felt that came to life several years ago.

Yes it is me, Pegasus. I can now can talk to the animals mind to mind. I will be the greatest animal fighter on my Earth. There are eight more in the other multi-verses.

Ah. . . that explains the additional mind link with the others.

“What are you two talking about, Richard?”

“We are talking mind to mind, Zeus. Pegasus told me he sensed me several years ago. This must have been when I sprouted my feathered wings for the first time when Leviathan breathed upon me.”

Artemis speaks up, “He speaks the truth, my friends. Richard is the one who will help us with the animals. In fact, all of the Richards in the multi-verses has the same ability.”

“Here is more proof of the people and animals I have met.” I sweep my arm and hand. Then all of the animals I have met appear behind us. Some get alarmed when they see Leviathan and Eingana.

“What?! You’ve met Eingana and Leviathan?”

“I most certainly did. While I was on Twainor, I received a drop of Eingana’s blood. It is through her and Leviathan’s breath that I can do this.” I quickly retract my feathered wings, then I produced my dragon wings. I flap my wings to fly in the air. Brianna does the same. Our fairies fly around us as we fly about the hall. Then we land back on the ground. We retract our wings. Our fairies hover around us.

Poseidon looks at me intently. He fought Indra and Hapi with no problems. Look out Ares, don’t under estimate him.

“Well, I still want to test his fighting ability. We’ll see if you can handle a god this size and your size.”

“I have no problems with either size, Ares.”

“Well, that’s a good start with the right attitude.”

“All right, all right, Ares. You can go ahead and fight him. You too, Poseidon. Let’s go to our fighting arena.”

Zeus touches a crystal orb near his throne. Then all of a sudden we are transported to a very large fighting arena. The gods walk over to another set of chairs against the wall. Poseidon and Ares walk out to the fighting arena. Ares walks further to another wall. He takes a sword from the wall. He shrinks down to my size, but is two foot taller than me. Brianna walks over to the side where the others are at. She projects her six unicorns out and makes them solid. The fairies sit on top of the unicorn images to get their rest. The four fairies who are heart-tied to Brianna sit on her shoulders and head.

Then Athena has a reaction when she sees a particular unicorn. “Brianna, what are the names of the first six unicorns on Twainor?”

“Their names are Avel, Makaela, Einhorn, Athena, Silverwind and Star Dancer.”

“I knew it. I remember them now. I remember my name was given to a unicorn. I am pleased that I am not forgotten. Thank you, Brianna.”

“You’re welcome, Athena.”

Everyone turns their attention to the three of us. Poseidon and Ares get into position. Then Ares come running toward me at me very fast in a blur. I see he has a smirky grin. “ARRRrrrghhhh! Take this at god speed!!”

Unicorn speed and strength times twelve! I produce two ice swords and bring them up in a blur to meet Ares sword coming down at me.


“What? How did you do that? I should be faster than you!!”

We struggle against each other, strength against strength. I push him back.

“I can call up any level and strength through the twelve unicorns, Ares!”

Poseidon has a big smile on his face. Take that, Ares! You have met your match!

Then I swing my ice blades again. He meets mine in a blur. “Clang!”

We continue swinging our swords each other! “Clang! Clang! Clang! . . . .” After a minute or so, Ares backs up.

“How come I am not breaking your ice swords?”

“It is my mind, Ares. I am making them stronger than steel. Are there any other tactics you want to try?”

“I most certainly do!! I want to squash you to a pulp!” Ares backs up. He transforms to his original large size. He lifts his foot to squash me. I back up quickly. I bring in the moisture around me quickly as I let the ice swords in my hands melt I created a water tornado around me. I let the water tornado life me high up in the air.

Poseidon smiles to himself. It looks like I will have a challenge after all.

I create two helix tornados around my arms. I bring them down inside the water tornado. I shoot out large icy fists that spin around each other right at Ares’ chest!

“Thooo! Thooo! Thooo! . . . .”

Ares tries his best to block my attack. Sometimes his sword blocks an icy fist combo! Some miss the sword and hits him square on his chest. “THOOOM!! THOOOM!! THOOOM!! . . .”

I knock Ares back a few steps with each hit.

“OWWW!! OWWW!! OWWW!! . . . . That hurt!”

“If you think that hurts, let’s see how you handle this!” I shoot myself toward him very fast out of the water tornado. I create an image of a tiger around me with the water and ice particles. I bring my tiger arm slash forward and strike his chin. “RRROOOOAAAARRRR!!!” I extend my feather wings quickly and glide down to the ground.

“AAAHHHhhhh!!! A tiger!!” He falls backward onto his back on the floor with a loud thud. “TTTTHHHHUUUUDDD!!” He looks up at the roof of the fighting arena and breathes in slowly. “WWHHHEEEEeeeezzzz. . . . aaahhhh!!! I would have to pick a fight with an animal fighter.” He shrinks to normal size. “That took me off guard. They don’t fight the normal way with swords and weapons.”

Everyone has a big smile on their faces.

I glide down to the ground and let the water fall onto the floor. “SPLLOOOooooosssshhhh!!! I retract my feathered wings in quickly. I walk up to Ares and look down at him. “If you want a fight with weapons, I can oblige you, Ares. Take your pick of weapons.”

Ares gets back up to his feet and looks at me. “How many weapons do you know how to use?”

“Right now, I know how to use about thirty weapons. By the time I earn the tenth black sash, the total will be about six hundred weapons. That even includes the farm weapons.”

“I believe you, Richard. You exceeded my test. Good luck against Poseidon.” He walks back to the others as he continues to rub his chest and chin. “Ooooh. . . .that took my breath away.” He looks at Zeus. He sees all of them snickering and giggling. “All right, all right, Zeus. You can say it. I got my ass whooped by a mortal. I deserved that beating.”

“Hopefully that will knock some sense into your thick skull.”

“You can say that again, Zeus. It looks like I need to learn some differnt fighting styles. I’ll do some visits to several different martial art masters.”

Ares sits down on his chair. They all look at the next round to take place.

“Well, since I know you can fight, Richard. How about I test you to see what you can do with the element of water.”

“That’s fine, Poseidon. So, what is the first test?”


He brings his arms and hands around to bring up two large globs of water from several pools in the the fighting arena. He shoots them at me with a high rate of speed. He quickly engulfs me with the water.

I bring my arms and hands up just before I get enclosed with the water. I create an air bubble around me. I then push the air bubble and expand it quickly to push the water away from me. Then I take the water blobs and freeze them to ice. I toss the ice blobs at Poseidon.

He quickly takes control of the ice blobs and melts it. He holds the water blobs near him. “That’s very good, Richard. Who taught you the water element?”

“I visited the Avatar World about a month ago. Water Master Pakku taught me, Brianna and my fairies. But, before that happened, La, the Ocean Spirit helped us to reach out and get connected to the water element.”

“Ah, La. I remember him. Yes, he is the patient Ocean Spirit. I am glad to hear that. But, I sense you are connected to the previous Avatars.”

“I am, Poseidon. During one night while we slept on the Avatar World, we encountered the previous Avatars. That would be Kyoshi, the Earth Bender. Then there is Yangchen, the Air Bender. The next one is Roku, the Fire Bender. The last one is Kuruk, the Water Bender. Each of them touched my forehead. They said I can call upon them if I need them to do a special element bend.”

“I remember, Kuruk. I visited him one day. He asked for my help on how to create the largest standing tidal wave. I gave him the insight on how to do it. Now you must do something for me and the rest of the Greek gods, Richard.”

“What is it, Poseidon?”

“You must go to Camp Half-Blood on your world. There you will find our children. They are training hard for the Ultimate Last Battle. However, at this point, they need someone to take them to the next level.”

“So, you are asking me to do that?”

“Yes, Richard. If you do, I can help you beyond what Kuruk touched in your mind. You can be like Percy Jackson, my son.”

“Wow, an adopted son. I am deeply honored, Poseidon.” I turn to Brianna and my fairies. “Should I, my lovely family?”

They quickly discuss it among themselves. Then Brianna speaks up, “We think you should, Richard.”

I look at Poseidon. “Then I am honored to be one of your adopted sons.”

“Kneel before me, Richard. I will put my hands on your head.”

I kneel before Poseidon. Poseidon steps forward and places his hands on my head. As soon as he hands touch my head, I feel an electric pulse through my body. Then he lifts his hands up.

“You can now command the largest standing tidal wave on your world, Richard.”

“Thank you, Poseidon. Wait a second, Poseidon. I just remember a news story on my world. A water spout from the ocean went on land in Japan. Tiger and I thought it a most unnatural event to occur.”

“You are right, Richard. It is the water demon, Gaap. He has been a thorn in my side for a long time. When will you be in Japan?”

“I will be there in two years doing a business trip for my company.”

“Good, have my son Percy with you when you visit Japan. I will be there to take out Gaap and humiliate him in shame to King Azazel. You and my son will take care of his legion.” Poseidon smiles at me.

I smile at Poseidon. “I can box them up for the trip to King Azazel. It is what I did when I faced Leonard and Mullin on a parallel Earth in the Magic Verse. Then the Emissaries can deliver them to King Azazel.”

“That’s even better, Richard. I like it very much. Now command the water, Richard.”

I stand up and place my hands out to my sides. I look at the water ponds in the fighting arena. I bring in the water from the ponds and create a huge standing tidal wave that reaches the roof of the fighting arena. I hold it there for ten minutes. Then I calmly let the water return back to the water ponds.

“Now let’s see some more of your fighting skill, Richard. It should be more powerful this time.”

“Yes, Poseidon.” I quickly create a water tornado around me. I let it lift me up. I create two helix tornados around my arms. I aim them at several targets in the arena. I shoot out ice hard spinning fists at the targets. I easily break the targets. Then I get within the water tornado. I launch my animal attacks at more targets. Each animal that comes out destroys a target and shatters it to many pieces. I then shoot out of the water tornado and create a tiger around me. The tiger shape takes along the water droplets. I freeze them into small ice balls. I then do a forearm tiger slash at the target. The water and ice in the tiger arm and claws slashes the target into pieces easily.

I extend my dragon wings and fly around the arena. I do wing slashes at several more targets. The water and ice droplets in the wing slash quickly and destroy the targets into a million wooden pieces. Everyone claps and cheer that I can now command the water like Poseidon.
Then all of the Greek gods walk up to me. Brianna walks up as well. She is standing with me holding our hands.

“We will now take you to Hephaestus.” Zeus, puts his hand onto my shoulder. The crystal orb is brought out by Hera. Zeus thinks of Hephaestus iron shop. Hera, Zeus and us disappear in a blink of an eye.

We appear suddenly at the front entrance of Hephaestus smith shop.. Zeus opens the metal doors. A rush of warm air escapes the large smith shop. We hear the banging of metal within the shop. It then comes to a stop.

“Come on in Zeus and Hera. Bring your visitors in.”

“Yes, Hephaestus.”

We walk into the smith shop. We see the incredible weapons he has made so far. They are resting against the wall or on the tables.

He turns around to face us. We see him standing in his special made metal legs that he created so he can stand up. Then one of his female robot assistant joins him by his side.

“What is the request, Zeus?”

“It is not for me, Hephaestus. Richard Moore here has the request.”

“What is it, mortal?”

“On the planet Twainor, the Emissaries showed us the elements to create a new sword. It is called a Star Sword. It will have special abilities to do something new.”

“I am intrigued, go on.”

“It is melded with the sapphire stone in the blade. With the gems, in the handle, you can determine if someone is telling the truth or not. If it touches someone on the shoulder, that someone will be sent to the Creator for immediate judgement.”

“How many of these are to be made?”

“As of right now, there are sixteen to be made for the sixteen kings on Twainor. Four of them are for the four dwarf kings there.”

“Let me see the list?”

I wave my hand and recall the image I saw on the table. I show the periodic table. He sees the stacks of gems for each of the elements to be used. He memorizes them easily.

“I can do this, Zeus. In fact I will make these swords for them and for us as well.”

“That’s great, Hephaestus.”

“I understand you need some sort of payment for your services.”

“I do, mortal. What is your name? What is your talent?”

“My name is Richard Moore. This is my wife, Brianna. We are destined to be the next king and queen of the British Isles on our Earth. We think it will happen in about fifty years from now. When I visit Wales next week, I will be claiming the famed Excalibur Sword.”

“Indeed it is a famous sword.”

“My talent is in the computer science field. However, I have taken many classes in physics and the elements. I even had a engineering material class.”

“That means you know the basics of forging and creating weapons.”

“I do sir.”

“Then this is my payment. I would like you to be my apprentice for one year here in my shop. It might seem shorter on your world when you go back.”

I look at Brianna. She nods her head up and down. So do my fairies. I look at Hephaestus. “Then I agree to your terms, Hephaestus. I will be your apprentice for one year.”

“That’s good, Richard Moore, future King of the British Isles. Since I sense you are both granted long life by the Creator. You can come here after the raising of your four children.”

“Thank you Hephaestus. Here is a bonus idea, Hephaestus.” I hold out my hand. “Sword from Twainor.” My sword from Twainor appears in my hand in a blink of an eye.

“Let me take a look at that sword, Richard.” He takes it and looks at it carefully. “This is well made, Richard. What ores are used?”

“It contains Evenshard from Twainor.”

“Evenshard? The light stone?”

“Yes, Hephaestus. It can absorb a lightning blast with ease. Or even a laser blast. You can direct it anywhere you want to.”

“Zeus, I think I better include this in our arsenal. We are going to encounter some very high powered weapons at this Ultimate Last Battle.”

“I agree, Hephaestus.”

“I will see you when you are ready, Richard.” He hands my sword back to me.

“Thank you, Hephaestus.”

We leave Hephaestus work shop. Zeus then transports us to Charon’s Docks in a blink of an eye.

“Zeus, I am honored to see you and Hera. Who are these two visitors with you? Are they being sent to Tartarus?”

“No, Charon. Richard is here to give a message to Hades.”

“I will summon him here.” Charon mentally makes a connection to Hades.

Then Hades changes into a dragon and flies to Charon’s Docks. It doesn’t take long for him to arrive. He transforms back into his normal self.

“So, who has the message for me, Zeus?”

“This mortal does, Hades.”

“What is it?”

“For Hades, Azazel has laid a Titan trap for Persephone. Don’t come alone to Hell World. He will need family and friends for help. Then I will take back a piece of my robe.”

“Who. . . who . . ..told you that message?”

Zeus and Hera look alarmed now.

“The Angel of Death himself. His name is Samael.”

“Oh no, Kronos and the Titans will be back.” Hades looks down at his clothes. He sees the black square piece on his shirt. “Sigh . . . I finally hear some good news, brother. I have not been forgotten.”

“Indeed you are not forgotten, brother. We’ll face them together. However, we are in need of some special help to face the Titans again. Since Richard here is destined to be a Shaolin Dragon Master, perhaps we can have some dragons with us when we face them.”

“Now that would be something to see. I do have the Kraken here in on an island.”

Then we all hear a loud female scream from Hades’ Castle.

“HADES!! HELP ME!!!!”


We all fly to the Castle as quickly as possible. Above the Castle we see Amy and Khan. They have Kraken and Persephone bound and gag.

Kraken looks at me. He quickly recognizes my connection to Eingana. Help me, Omega Dragon!

Hold on, Kraken. I will be there to help release you and the other offispring from Eingana and Leviathan at the Ultimate Last Battle.

Thank you, Omega Dragon.

“We have come for our prize, Hades! Let us leave now or we kill her now!!”

“You may go, Amy!”

I yell out loud! “Amy!” I shoot out an ice ball at Amy.

“You’re too late, Richard!! See you in the future!! Hah! Hah! Hah!”

They disappear in a blink of an eye. The ice ball misses where Amy’s neck would be.

“We’ll see you on Hell World. We’ll be ready for you.”

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