The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 22

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 22

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.

Half way around the world, in the Hague, Holland. The thirty Kings of the world are gathered together to discuss their options about the Americas.

“So, how are we going to divide up the Americas, High King Leopold?”

“I have been thinking about that really hard. I think the Spanish will like taking over South America. The British will like taking over North America on the East Coast. The Chinese can take over the West Coast of the North America. Once we kill all of the unicorns and dragons there, it will be easy to conquer their lands. We’ll spread our Black Magic there to control the people. So, King Sui, have you killed all of the dragons in Asia yet?”

He looks down in humbleness, “Uh, er, no, High King.”

High King Leopold face changes to a look of disgust, “And why not?”

“Our continent is vast, High King. They have proven very elusive.”

“That is no excuse. We have given you the black magic tools to subdue them and kill them.”

“We did try using them, High King. However, it seems they are waiting for a special dragon that will lead them to victory. They said this dragon will reestablish the true light on the land.”

“Who is this dragon they are waiting for?”

“The dragons and some of our people call this dragon the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”

Huh? The Omega Unicorn Dragon can’t be here, I made sure that prophecy will never come true on this world and on many other worlds. “Have you been using the black magic the right way?”

“We have, High King.”

“I’ll give you another black magic spell to use. If it fails, then you leave me no choice to do the unthinkable.”

King Sui looks scared now, “No! I will make sure it works, High King.” I don’t want to be a mindless body! Help us Creator. His black magic is too strong for me to keep him out. I’m doing the best I can in feigning this illusion.

Help is on the way, King Sui.

Thank you, Creator.

High King Leopold gets up. He retrieves a small box from his coat pocket. He walks over to King Sui’s table and places it on the table. King Sui reaches for the small box and takes it. He puts it in his coat pocket. “Thank you, High King.”

High King Leopold smiles with an evil grin. “You’re welcome, King Sui.” He turns around and sits back down in his chair.

King Charlemagne speaks up, “But, they have a full fledged wizard and sorceress there as well. We haven’t been able to possess them yet.”

“I know, King Charlemagne. It seems we need to find a way to weaken their minds and will power. Then we should be able to conquer them.”

“Our fleet has arrived on the shores of the Americas. Our scouts tell us they are gathered together in a valley on the other side of the Appalachian Mountains.”

“Those mountains are very high, King Mulford. The mountain passes will have to be used to cross the mountains. Too bad we can’t go underneath it and use a tunnel, High King Leopold.”

“But that would take too long to make a tunnel under the mountain. Thank goodness there are no dwarfs over there.”

“Yes, they have been a thorn in our sides ever since we arrived here. Curse those dwarfs. We’ll eventually conquer them as well.”

“Well, does everyone agree to our plan to kill all of the unicorns and dragons of this world?”

All of the Kings nod their heads up and down in agreement. They all respond in one voice. “Aye!”

“Are there any abstentions?”

No one speaks up.

“The motion carries to kill all of the unicorns and dragons on this world! This session is now at an end. We’ll meet again at the first mark after the noon repast to discuss further how to divide up the Americas.” High King Leopold takes the gavel and bangs it on the sound block. “Bang!”

Everyone gets up and leaves the main assembly hall for the noon repast. High King Leopold and King Mulford are the last two to leave.

High King Leopold and King Mulford lean in closer to each other as they smile. “As if they get a choice. Soon, our minions will possess every single soul on this world.”

The laugh together, “Heh, heh, heh, hah, hah, hah, hah, . . ..!”

“Then we can use the dragon spirits to become even stronger!”

“Hah, hah, hah, hah, . . . .!”


The four fairies quickly fly into the camp. They yell out as loud as they can. “They’re here! They’re here! Praise to the Creator they are here!”

Quickly everyone looks at each other with smiles on their faces. The four fairies quickly enter the Cherokee lodge encampment. They hover in front of the Chieftains. “They’re here! They’re here, Wizard Richard, Sorceress Brianna and the Chieftains!”

“Then we must welcome them with wide open arms!”

The Chieftains, the Wizard and the Sorceress all stand up and straighten out their clothes. The Chieftains take their own banner staff from their bearers. They arrange themselves in a semi-circle near the smoldering campfire.


As we get closer to the encampment, we get greeted by the centaurs and the Cherokee Warriors whom are guarding the encampment.

Each one of them puts their right fist over the heart as they nod their heads up and down at us. We smile and do the same thing as well. Then we see the unicorns approaching us. They stop before us, we stop as well. Then the two leading unicorns approach us. The Chieftains sees this unusual approach. They come forward to gather around us.

“You have the smell of unicorns and dragons upon you. Please explain this paradox.”

“I certainly will. My name is Richard Moore, this is my wife, Brianna. I gave birth to these fairies, these two fairies are from Avel the Unicorn on the Planet Twainor. Their names are Amber and Cobalt. About five years ago I was invited to be an Outside Helper to the Planet Twainor. I found the six unicorns. Their names are Avel, Makaela, Einhorn, Athena, Silverwind and Star Dancer. They have also given birth to more unicorns on Twainor. I have also within me, a drop of dragon blood. On Twainor is Eingana, the mother of all dragons. The father of all dragons, Leviathan, is alive and well on my Earth. He breathed upon me to awaken the dragon blood. I have been given the title of the Omega Unicorn Dragon. My wife has also been changed as well. Here is our proof that we are speaking the proof.”

Brianna and I put our hands out from our sides. Then all of a sudden, the images within us come out. Croin and the thousand memories within me come out. That includes Leviathan, Eingana, the host of dragons that I have met. The twelve unicorn images come out from me. The six unicorns come out from Brianna.

Everyone looks around and above them. They see the spectacle before them. Then everyone cheers and claps their hands. The unicorns come up to us. We hug their necks. They press back into us.

“Yes, you are our kin.”

“Thank you, for coming. Now we have hope against the darkness here.”

We hug them all. My fairies do the same thing in hugging the other fairies gathered around as well.

The leading male unicorn speaks up, “My name is Stellarwind. This is my mate, Sapphire. I am from Silverwind and Star Dancer. She is from Athena and Einhorn. You have the scent of our parents upon you.”

“We know, Stellarwind. It is through them that we became changed on Twainor. We now live like unicorns. We were brought here to help you all to fight against the darkness that is trying over take your world.

A Cherokee Chieftain speaks up, “My name is Chief Black Raven. What or who brought this darkness upon our world?”

“I was just told by the Emissaries who they are. There are two Demon Angels here. Their names are Leonard and Mullin. They brought part of their legions here.”

A murmur is heard through the crowd. I raise my hands to quiet them down. “Brianna and I do have the power to contain their power. We are here to help you.”

The crowd murmurs ceases. They get a lighter heart within themselves.

“We will also teach you what you can do, so this won’t happen again.”

Everyone has a big smile on their faces.

“But, the first thing we must do is this. There are scouts who are watching us at this moment. There are ten ships docked on the Eastern shore. They are unloading their provisions and making camp right now. They are coming here for the unicorns. I will take care of them for you. Then once you see how I do it, then you will know what to do the next time. It is also my intention to meet Leonard and Mullin as well.”


A scout is hiding among the trees. He sees and hears what is going on. “Oh my. I need to warn our ships on shore. This is big trouble.”

He climbs down from his hiding place. He carefully gets onto his horse without making a sound. He rides the trail that leads to the nearest mountain pass.
Several birds fly up in the air and chirp out their calls loud and clear.


We see and hear the birds fly up into the air. We hear their calls. I hear the birds speak in my mind.

Omega! There is a scout leaving! Hurry!

“There is one leaving the area now! I’ll get him! Armor on!” In a blink of an eye, my armor is on. My outer clothes get folded up and placed in my clothes satchel. I sprout out my feathered wings. I disappear in a blink of an eye. I fly quickly toward the birds. Soon I see the scout racing down the trail. I fly over the hill rise and land on the other side. I appear in a blink of an eye. I aim my gauntlets at him. I wait for him to appear over the hill rise. I retract my wings back into my body.


“Did you hear what the birds say, Brianna?”

“I did, Sorceress Brianna. You must let your mind communicate with the animals in their mind. That is one of the greatest gifts you have with the unicorn images within you. That is the same for you Wizard Richard. You will be able to talk to the horses, the birds, the bees, the butterflies, cougars, bears and so on. They will become more aware of you as well. They will help you when you need them. Of course, you don’t want to see them die for you in a battle. Life is a precious gift from the Creator.”

“Will we be able to hear them speak to us?”

“That is a good question, Chief Black Raven. Since this is a magical world, anything is possible. You must pay attention to them. They will give you clues that needs your attention. It has been proven that the native tribes of the land are in tune with the land more closely.”

All of the Cherokees smile together. “We’ll certainly try, Brianna.”


The horse and rider starts to crest the hill rise. The horse stops when he sees me.

“Ride past him, horse. I command you!” The scout kicks his heels on the sides of the horse.

The horse shakes his head from side to side. Help me, Omega! He is possessed by a black spirit!

I’ll help you. Hold still. I shoot out a freeze dart right at the scout. “Thwip!”

The freeze dart hits him the shoulder. “Thoo!” The dart returns back to my gauntlet. “Thwip!”

“What? You shot a dart at me! That is nothing to me.” Then he looks down and sees his hands getting iced over. “Y . . .you are using a freezing spell on me!”

Soon the ice layer soon freezes him from head to toe. He can’t speak and sees the forest straight ahead.

I walk up to the horse. The horse brings his head down lower. I pat him on the side of the head.

Yes, I froze him. Come on. Let’s get back to camp. I need to trap this black spirit in a special box.

The horse nods his head up and down. Yes, show us how to keep them out of our lives.

I walk back to camp with the horse. The scout keeps his frozen stare looking straight ahead. The black spirit with him speaks to himself. Oh, oh . . , this is not good. Someone knows how to trap us within bodies. I can’t move or do anything now. My Master is not going to like this. There is no way I can warn the others now.


Wizard Richard and Sorceress Brianna quickly reach out with their minds. Soon, they learn how to talk to the animals from mind to mind. The Cherokees are pleased as well they can do the same as well. They now have a great advantage in knowing what is going on in the forest around them.

Soon they see me walking down the trail from the forest. They see something they didn’t expect to see. They see an ice frosted scout. Several fairies quickly fly up to take a closer look.

“He is covered in ice, Omega. How did you do that?”

I raise up my hands to show them. “In these gauntlets are darts. I can put any spell on it. I can put a sleep spell or a freeze spell on the darts. I discovered sometime ago, I encountered an evil spirit on my world. He was possessing some one. When you shoot a freeze dart at a possessed body, that evil spirit is trapped as well. When dragon fire is blown at them, they get a big surprise. The evil spirit will experience pain since it is still possessing the body.”

The evil spirit screams within the scout’s body. No! That’s impossible! I have never experienced pain! I am a demon!

Everyone smiles together.

“But, if I did that, he would flee in pain and warn the other evil spirits here. I don’t want that to happen either. I want to trap this evil spirit in a wooden box. That way he won’t flee to warn the others.”

“It would have to be a special box to hold them, Omega.”

“Yes, I but I can make it stronger so that it is impossible for any evil spirit to leave an ordinary box.”

A Cherokee quickly walks back to his encampment. He enters his lodge to find a wooden box. He finds it. He opens it and takes the items from it and places them under his bed roll. He leaves the lodge with the empty box. He walks back to us and hands me the wooden box.

I look at it. “This will do. Thank you very much.” I open it to see how it is constructed. “I going to put a permanent ice layer inside the box. This ice layer will keep any black spirit inside it. I will leave a small pinhole open in the top. That is where they will enter it.” I look at Wizard Richard. “You can do the same thing as well. I’ll show you later.”

“Thank you, very much.”

I point my finger at the opened box. I put a permanent ice layer on the inside. “I am making the ice as strong as steel.” I close the box. Then I run my finger around the opening to seal the ice seam. I then point my finger at the middle of the lid. I create a pin hole opening.

I hold it in front of me with my left hand. I take out my quartz crystal with my right hand in my right pants pocket. I look at the scout. “Croin, it is time to warm him back up. Evil spirit, by the power invested in me by the Creator. I command you to enter this box! Now Croin!” I light up the crystal to make it very bright in white light.

Croin comes out of me. He quickly blows his hot flames at the scout. The scout screams in pain!

“Arrrrrrgggghhh! Noooo . . .! The pain!!!! That light! It is too bright!!”

Croin quickly returns within me.

The white light reveals the true form of the evil spirit. It is a hideous lower class demon. It has small wings, goat legs and a hairy body. The face is disfigured with one eye larger than the other. The ears are pointed. He screams as he flees the body and enters the box.

The body shrinks down to the width of the pin hole as it enters the box. “ARRRRRGggggghhhhh!! The pain!!!! NOOOOOooooo.....!!!”

Then all is quiet. The scout wavers. “Uhh . . . .” He quickly leans over to his right. Several Cherokees quickly help him down from the saddle. They lean him against a nearby boulder. “Uhhh . . . what happened?” He brings his head up and looks around. “Where am I?”

“You are in the Shenandoah Valley of the Americas.”

“Oh my! There are ten ships on the Eastern Shore! They are coming here to kill the unicorns!”

“That’s not going to happen. In fact we’ll stop them before that happens.” I turn around to look at the hill sides. “Hmmm . . . . I wonder.”

“What are you looking at, Richard?”

“I think there are more scouts and evil spirits in this valley or near it.”

“How will you get them in the box?”

“In masse, Chief Black Raven. Wizard Richard, take the box and hold it above your head. I am going to hover in the air above us.” I extend my feathered wings out. I flap them and fly into the air. I aim my gauntlets out into the air. Seek out all scouts in this valley. Freeze them where they are. I shoot the darts into the air. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!”

The freeze darts seek out the scouts. The darts return back to my gauntlet. I determine there are five more scouts watching us when three darts come back late.

“I need five dragon friends. Appear before them and blow your hot flames them. Evil spirits! By the power invested in me by the Creator of the Universe, I command you evil spirits to enter the box that Wizard Richard is holding!” I recite the spell for the quartz crystal to shine brightly. I hold it above my head.

A white light appears in the valley. Soon we hear the screams of the scouts in the valley. Then we see five evil black demon spirits flying toward the box. They quickly enter the box.

“ARRRRGGGggghh! NOOOOOooooo . . .! Curse you! EEEEEE . . . eeeeee . . . .!!! The pain!!! I can’t see!!!”

Soon there is silence in the encampment.

About a half mark later, five scouts on their horses enter the encampment. They look a bit worn out from the experience. They quickly see their comrade nearby. They get off their mounts and come to him quickly.

“What happened, Daniel?”

“We were possessed by evil demon spirits, Roger.”

“Where did they come from?”

I come flying in and land on the ground. I quickly retract my wings. I walk up to them.

“Who are you?”

“Are you an angel?”

“I am not an angel. I am a human being. I have been chosen by the Creator to do great things. There is a Demon Angel on this world. He has brought his minions to conquer this world.”

They see the unicorns nearby. They quickly humble themselves when they see their graceful beauty.

“We were told that we must kill all of the unicorns and the dragons. Then we’ll have peace on this world.”

“That is a lie from the pit of Hell, Daniel. If that were to happen, then your world will be like my world. You will have wars that will never end. There are over five billion people on my world. You need the unicorns for peace. You need the dragons to help you defend your world. There are evil forces out there that want to conquer other worlds or destroy it for its riches. What is your choice?”

“You mean to tell us that there is no power in the horn of the unicorn?”

“There is no power in the horn of the unicorn, Roger. Once the horn is cut off, the horn will turn to dust in thirty days and the unicorn will die in that same amount of time.”

“No! That can’t be! We were told the horn can neutralize any poison.”

“That was the same lie that was told on my Earth a long time ago. When the last unicorn was killed on my world, it ushered in the Dark Ages into Europe. There was no exchange of knowledge for a thousand years.”

Stellarwind steps closer. “He speaks the truth, young scout.”

“What? You can talk?”

“Yes, we can talk. So do the dragons as well.”

All of the scouts bow their heads solemnly. “Tell us what we must do to get our world back. How can we get rid of this black shadow upon our world?”

“It will start with educating your ten ships that have docked on the Eastern Shore. We’ll remove the black shadow from them and hold them in this box. Then we’ll go find the Demon Angels and face them once and for all. Where do the Kings meet?”

“They are meeting in the Hague, Holland this week. It is one of three cities they gather in to meet periodically.”

“Then we’ll meet your ten ships tomorrow morning. Are they expecting you tomorrow morning?”

“They are, sir. They need to know what the current situation is.”

“What is the total count of men in the ships.”

“Each ship holds fifty soldiers. All of them are heavily armed. They have cannons and catapults.”

“That doesn’t sound like a force to kill unicorns, Chief Black Raven.”

“It certainly isn’t, Richard. That sounds a like an invasion for war.” Chief Black Raven looks around and speaks up. “We are going to the Eastern Shore encampment. I am going to bring only one hundred braves with me. The rest of the forces will be provided by Richard.”

I look at Wizard Richard. “I need you to do something for me.”

“What do you want me to do, Richard?”

“Have you ever seen a large gathering of Indians in one place?”

“I have, Richard. I saw two thousand braves gathered on the plains. We were having a meeting on what to do about the Europeans.”

“That’s good. Now think about them. Look within yourself. Imagine that scene in your mind.”

Wizard Richard closes his eyes. He remembers the scene. “I am recalling it now.”

“That’s good. Now with a sweep of your hand like this.” I show him. Then all of my 1,000 army memory appears in a blink of an eye above us.

Wizard Richard does the same thing. Then all of a sudden two thousand braves appear above us and are next to my group.

“You did it, Wizard Richard. You now have a two thousand army of braves. They can’t be killed. You can make them faint like ghosts. The enemy’s weapons will go right through them and they will not get hurt. Or they can absorb the bullets from the weapons to catch them off guard. You can send any group of them to do anything you want. They can speak to the enemy if you want to. It is up to your imagination. You can use them to disarm the opposing army.”

Then everyone breaks out to a very loud cheer and clapping of hands. They give the praise to Creator.

“That means I can call up the dragons that I met so far.”

“Yes you can, Wizard Richard. There is one more thing you can do. Remember, unicorns are pure beings. No one can lie to a unicorn. If you need the truth from someone, all you need to do is stare at them. Then they will get a glassy eye look. Then they will answer your questions truthfully.”

“That’s good to know. Thank you very much, Richard.” Then Wizard Richard moves his arm and hand again. He calls up ten dragons. They are flying above us. Then we see several real dragons flying in toward us. Wizard Richard makes the images disappear with another sweep of his hands. I make mine disappear as well. The three dragons land in a clearing near the encampment. They wait for us to come to them. The Chieftains, Wizard Brianna, Sorceress Brianna, my fairies, my Brianna, Stellarwind and Sapphire and I approach them. The scouts stay behind.

We stop about fifty feet before them. We all give a formal bow to them and rise up. They nod their heads up and down in like manner. Then I see a familiar blazing diamond symbol on the top of their horned heads. It was told to me while I was on Never Land.

“Who are you? You look like Wizard Richard.”

I speak up. “My name is Richard Moore. This is my wife Brianna.” I give a brief summary of where I am from and how I became the Omega Unicorn Dragon.

“I was asked to come here to help you. There is a most profound darkness on your world here. There are two Demon Angels here. They have brought their minions. Their names are Leonard and Mullin. It is my intention to meet them in the Hague, Holland.”

“We know that place very well. There is extreme darkness in those lands. We praise the Creator that someone has come to help our world. Perhaps someday, we can return the favor in the future.”

“That is good news to hear as well. What are your names?”

“I am Uktena. These other two are my children.”

“I think I was told a story about you. It was on another world.”

Uktena looks at me closely. She smells the air around me. “I have never met you before. What and who told the story about me?”

“His name is Chief Hileni.” I wave my hand, the image of Hileni appears next to me.

Quickly Uktena and her children smile. “Please tell me more.”

“I met him on Never Land. He told me of a story where your image is in the ground on my Earth. You are guarding your young in a nearby mound. Your head points toward the summer solstice when the sun sets on that day. Your blazing diamond can vanquish the dark ones with ease. You are related in a story with the great Thunderbird, Tsidi. The people complained that it was you who brought the serpents to attack them. But, that is not true. The serpents came from the changed Nephelim’s animals they brought from the stars.”

“What is the story that is told to you about Tsidi?”

The people begin to wonder who would know about Uktena and Tsidi.

“Chief Hileni told me that Queen White Dove and King Oren told you that Caliber the Unicorn is dead. Here is their image that I actually met them.” I wave my hand, the image of Queen White Dove and King Oren appear next to me.

“Please continue with the story.”

“Then you sent your spirit to the mound that bears you image. Then Tsidi swooped into bring your body to their nest in the mountain range that is far to the west of here. I am guessing their nest is located in a high mountain bowl. It is along an imaginary line called the Great Divide. On the West side, all rivers flow to the Pacific Ocean. On the East side, all rivers flow to the Atlantic Ocean. You said you would come when I need you the most. Then with your blazing diamond, you will send out a signal to the high mountain bowl. Then Tsidi will come to defend our world with you. You have lightning in your tail and Tsidi and his brood have lightning in their talons.”

“I give praise to the Creator that you have finally come forth to be among us, Omega Unicorn Dragon. For now I have seen with my own eyes our representative for the animals of the Creator’s Creation. You are well on your way to be the greatest animal warrior that will ever be.”

“I also have met my counter parts on Christmas World, Uktena. My Anti-self, the Anti-Brianna, my Brianna and I have been entrusted with the power of the Arresting Angels. There will be a day that we will merge together to face the darkest foes imaginable. We met the other Richards and Briannas on Christmas World. There, the Anti-Richard, Anti-Brianna, my Brianna and I shared our unicorn and dragon experience with the others.”

“Ah, that is why Wizard Richard and Sorceress Brianna are more powerful than they were before.”

“Uktena, how did Richard know about you on his Earth?”

“It is because I was there, Chief Black Raven. Chief Hileni, Tsidi, and I came up with that story after Caliber’s death. We had to make it obscure as possible that it would be too incredible to believe in. Then the Creator took Tsidi and I with our broods to this world for protection. Little did we realize that the darkness would come here as well.”

I speak up next, “So that means, after King Azazel was taken from our world to his new prison, his Demon Angels quickly spread through out the multi-verses to do what they can to spread the darkness before he returns for his vengeance on my world.”

“That’s right Omega.”

Then a scout steps up. “Excuse me, didn’t we see you all bow toward these serpents? Are you all worshiping this serpent?”

We turn to face the scouts. “That is not true, Daniel. We bowed before Uktena to give our respect. It is much better for all of us if we do that.”

“Don’t they eat people?”

“They don’t eat people for food, Daniel. Uktena is a dragon not a serpent. She is from Eingana, the Great Sea Dragon. Her father is Leviathan, the Great Fire Dragon.” I wave my hands for them to appear life size.

Uktena and her children smile in seeing them again.

“The serpents or snakes came from the Nephelim. You will have to do a proper historical study with your ancient texts here to prove that I am right. I don’t know if the Nefelim came here or not. All dragons eat fish from the sea. They don’t eat people or the land animals. On my world, it was our population increase to five billion people that persecuted the dragons. They wanted the land for themselves. However, I did discover there are dragons hiding on my Earth. They are waiting for the right time to appear. I know that Queztalcoatl, the Silver and Gold Dragons, the Ice Dragons, the Nine Dragons from China are hiding on my world. They are waiting for me to to contact them. There are other hidden mysteries on my world that haven’t been solved for thousands of years. There are the Romanian Dragons, a Basilisk, and a hidden sword to name just a few. There are probably griffins and other mythical creatures hidden as well. So, anything is possible in the multi-verses.”

The scouts look at each other and lower their heads in humbleness. “Please forgive us. We didn’t know.”

“That is not a problem. You were told things about the dragons and the unicorns that were not true. As you can see, they are honorable and trustworthy. All they want is respect so they can live life to the fullest as well.” I look at Chief Black Raven. “We need to meet them on the coast as quickly as possible, Chief Black Raven. I know I can get there faster than the rest of you.”

“We’ll leave right now, Richard. We will take the scouts with us. They will be needed to meet the ships’ captains.”

“Do you have a map? I have a feeling I am going to be here longer than three days. I keep forgetting about transportation speeds. I can probably get to the coastline in a few marks on the sun dial. I do that by using magic to enter the Ethereal Space.”

“Ethereal Space? We have that here, Richard.”

“Can you disappear and travel faster than by using a boat or a horse?”

“We certainly can, Richard.”

I smile at them, “Well then, let’s get to the East Coast encampment.”

“Our shamans have the magical capability for this quick transportation method.”

One hundred Cherokee Braves get ready for the travel to the East Coast. They get their weapons ready, bows and arrows, knives ready. They put on the war paint to their faces. They look fearsome when they do that.

The five shamans line up in a clearing. Then the braves put their hands to shoulder to either side of the shamans. Twenty braves are to each shaman. I take several tribal chiefs with me. The scouts and their horses are with another shaman. Wizard Richard is also with me as well.

“My fairies, you have an opportunity to start teaching the other fairies how to do the air and water bending methods.”

“Thank you for reminding us of that, father, mother, Omega.”

Once we are ready, the shamans and I recite the spell to transport to the East Coast. We disappear in a blink of an eye and fly straight into the air. We fly over the mountains and descend down the other side. We see the ships docked in a tributary bay nearby. We see them assembling catapults, spear launchers, and cannons. It looks like we are in the Virginia bay area complex. We make our descent and land in a clearing that is far from the main encampment. They are at least several marks from us.

The scouts mount their horses and get ready to meet them.

“We’ll try our best to convince them. If they won’t listen to reason, then you will have to remove the black shadow from them.”

“We understand, Daniel. May the Creator give you wisdom when you need it the most.”

“I’ll be watching closely as well.”

The scouts turn around and ride down the trail that leads to the encampment.
“Okay, I’ll take several of you with me. We’ll be invisible to them. We’ll listen to their talk and determine their attitudes.”

“That’s a good idea, Richard. We need to know what their state of minds are at. Then we can plan our response better.”

“Braves and shamans, make camp here. Keep watch until we return.”

“Yes, Chief Black Raven.”

Black Raven puts his hand on Wizard Richard. Another Chieftain puts his hand on my shoulder. We recite the transport spell and disappear in a blink of an eye. We fly toward the shore encampment.

We fly above the crowd of people to find the scouts. We see them making their way to several tents. They dismount their horses and tie them to several posts just set into the ground. They salute the two guards in front of the tent. The guards salute back. They open the flap to allow them inside the tent. We follow them inside. We see a table set up with several chairs around it. There are three men looking over a map of the Eastern Shore of the Americas. They look up when they see the scouts.

“What is the report on the other side of the mountains, Daniel?”

“There are forty unicorns in the Shenandoah Valley. However, there are about five hundred Cherokees gathered there as well.” Daniel points to a location on the map.

“Hmm . . . it is going to take a week to get over those mountains. But, we have our orders from High King Leopold. We are to enter the valley and kill all of the unicorns that we can find. There are ten more ships that will be arriving in a few days. We’ll be spreading out to engage in any resistance from the Indians.”

“How can you be sure you can beat them, Captain?”

“We have an arsenal of black weaponry. The black spells will protect us against their bows and arrows.”

“What about the dragons? Will the black spells work against them?”

“We are told it will work. We’ll be able to remove their feeble spirits from their bodies. We’ll put them in special wooden boxes. They will be used to make us more powerful.”


“Grr . . . I have a mind right now to appear right before them. They are making a mockery of the Creator!”

“Calm down, Richard. I am angry too. But we must plan this out better. There are ten more ships coming here from Europe. They will be here in a few days.”

“You’re right, Wizard Richard. We can use the sea dragons to stop them on the high seas.”

“Yes we can. Come, let’s get back to our encampment.”

We leave the tents and fly back to our encampment. We appear before the braves and the shamans in a blink of an eye. We all gather around to discuss our options.

“I would like to scare them very much.”

“Is there a way to appear that you have more than one hundred braves?”

“Yes, there is. We can beat sticks against hollowed out trees. The sound can be deafening when there are a lot of them sounding out.”

“That’s good, Chief Black Raven. We’ll use our memory forces as the first advancement wave. Then you can send in your braves right behind them. If they try to fight back, we can put freeze spells on our arrows.”

“Richard, I think it is best that I send my Cherokee memories in first. They expect to see them, not your soldiers from another planet.”

“Okay, I agree to that. I’ll hold mine back. They will contain any who try to escape the area. We’ll keep them hemmed in.”

Once we get everyone to understand the plan, several braves look for some hollowed out tree trunks. They find three good sized downed oak trees. They check inside them to make sure it is hollowed out. They are pleased to find they don’t have to hollow out any more. They start to look for other tree branches to use as clubs to beat on the hollowed out trees.

Once they get their clubs cut and trimmed they look at us to start the noise. Chief Black Raven arranges his braves in a semi-circle. Wizard Richard creates his two thousand Indian Brave army. He gives them a ghostly pallor with fog around their feet and bodies.

Chief Black Raven then motions his arm downward. The five braves start to beat the hollowed out tree trunks in unison.

“Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom!”


The soldiers in the encampment hear the drumming noise. They start to have the look of panic on their faces.

A soldier quickly runs to the Captains’ tents. “Sir! Sir! The Indians are on the war path! Help us!”

The Captains and the scouts quickly exit the tents the look toward the mountains.

“That’s nothing to us. We have the black magic to keep us safe.”

“What if they have magic that is stronger than us?”

“That’s impossible!” The Captain yells out really loud. “Stay steady men! They are just blowing hot air! They are nothing to us! We have our orders!”

They continue to hear the drumming noise. “Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom! Thooom!”

Then they start to see fog rolling in from the forest into their encampment. It curls around their feet as it spreads through out the encampment. They start to look very scared now. They are trembling where they are standing. Then they see ghostly images walking into the encampment.

They see hundreds of Cherokee braves walking slowly toward them.

“They . . . They are . . . .ghosts!”

“We can’t fight them!”

The turn to flee in a panic. “Arrrghhhh! Ghosts have come to haunt us!”

They scatter through out the encampment. The Captains are trying their best to control the men. The scouts take their horses to a secluded area where the other horses are kept.

The horses quickly communicate with each other. They are told the Omega Unicorn Dragon is here. They stay calm and quiet while everyone else is running in a great panic.

Then they hear the sounds of arrows. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! . . .” Then they hear, “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! . . .” Soon they all are standing frozen where they stand. The arrows then return back to the braves. Then right in front of them, dragons appear right before them. They blow their hot flames right at them.

“Noooo! . . . Dragons! Arrrgghhh! The pain!!!!”

Then all of the evil black spirits fly out from them. They try to fly to Europe across the Atlantic Ocean. They soon find themselves pulled back against their will.

They all stream and fly toward the forest. Then all of a sudden they see Wizard Richard holding a wooden box. They see another person holding up a crystal with a bright white light emanating from it. They all squeeze themselves into the black box.

They all scream while entering the box. “ARRRrrrgghhh! I can’t see!!! The light is burning my eyes!!!! The pain!!!! NOOOOOooooo. . . . !!!”

Then the drumming stops. All is quiet. The soldiers quickly collapse to the ground. Wizard Richard makes his army of braves disappear along with the fog. I create my army and keep them on the perimeter as back up. All of the braves, the Chiefs, Wizard Richard and I enter the encampment.

We see them groaning in pain. We help them up. When they see the Indians, they have a startled look.

“You’re not going to kill us?”

“We are not. We just removed the black shadow that is hiding among you.”

They look within themselves. They are relieved to know they are finally delivered from the evil black ones.

“Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate that. If you are here, then why are we here. What is your name?”

“I am Wizard Richard. We will explain it all, captain. Gather your men together.”

“Yes, Wizard Richard.”

The Captains gather their men together. Wizard Richard and the Chieftains explain what is happening on their world. Soon, they realized they need to cleanse their world of this evil black magic on their world. They start to pack up their belongings, they take apart their engines of war and stow them back on the ships. It takes the rest of the day to get everything back on board. They sail with the tide and head back to Europe and their home ports.

The Cherokee Braves, the Chieftains, Wizard Richard and I look at the horizon as they sail off to the East.

“Now we need to take care of those ten more ships, Richard.”

“I need to contact the sea dragons here.” With a wave of my hand, Eingana and Leviathan appear above me. Then we see several large waves of water approaching us. The waves stop. Then three large sea dragons rise up and appear before us.

“Who called us? We see the images of our Great Father and Great Mother.”

“I called you. My name is Richard Moore. This is Wizard Richard that you already know. I met your Great Father on my Earth and your Great Mother on the planet Twainor. I have a drop of her blood within me. Leviathan breathed upon me to active the dragon. Here is the proof that I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”

I thrust out my hands. My twelve unicorn images appear. I quickly sprout out my feathered wings. I retract them quickly, then I sprout out the dragon wings.

“Indeed you are the Omega Unicorn Dragon from Earth. What about Wizard Richard and Sorceress Brianna? Can they do the same proof?”

Wizard Richard concentrates within himself. Then he thrusts his hands out. Immediately twelve unicorn images appear. He sprouts out his feathered wings. “I am sorry sea dragons. I don’t have a drop of Eingana’s blood within me.”

“That is all right, Wizard Richard. At least you are greater than what you were earlier in the year. Your title for now is the Omega Unicorn upon our world. Is there something you want us to do?”

“There are ten ships leaving these shores. We just took the black spirits that were possessing them and trapped them in this wooden box. However, there are ten more ships heading this way. We need to stop them and take the black spirits from them and trap them in this box. It is my intention to face Leonard and Mullin in the Hague, Holland. I am hoping to trap all of the evil black demons in the wooden box.”

“What will do with them?”

“The Emissaries gave me a suggestion. Use them to send a message to King Azazel. I have an idea on how to make the message very painful.”

“That is a worthy goal to achieve, Omega. We’ll find those ten ships and make sure they make their landing here.”

“Thank you, honorable sea dragons.”

We all bow to them and rise back up. They bow their heads in response. They lower themselves back into the water. They swim out to the Atlantic Ocean to find the ten new ships. They discover, they don’t have far to go. They just reached the Outer Banks to the south. The sea dragons blow water and fire just beyond the horizon from the south. The ships turn around to head North. They decide to use the same landing as the previous fleet did. As they approach the shore. They see us standing there waiting for them.

Once they anchored, they send out their leadership to greet us.

Chief Black Raven speaks up first. “What is your intention on our lands?”

“We are to make peace with you.”

“We don’t believe you, captain. Wizard Richard, get the truth out him.”

Wizard Richard looks at them closely. Soon their eyes are glazed over. “I repeat the question again. What is your intention on our lands?”

“We are to make war with the Indians. We are also here to kill all of the unicorns and the dragons of the world.”

“Are you possessed by black evil demons?”

Their faces start to sweat now as they start to stutter, “Uh, uh, er, uh, er, er . . . No!”

Then Chief Black Raven makes the call. “Do it now!”

I shoot out freeze darts from my gauntlets toward the ships. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! . . . .” The darts hit the soldiers and sailors. “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! . . .”

The darts leave the body and hit them all. Then the darts return back to my gauntlet. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! . . . .”

“Dragons memories! Warm them back up and don’t harm the ship! Evil spirits! By the power invested in me by the Creator, I command you to enter this wooden box!” I light up quartz crystal to make a bright white light.

The dragons memories quickly appear and fly toward the ships. Croin warms up the captains standing in front of us. Soon we hear them screaming in pain. They fly toward Wizard Richard who is holding the wooden box.

“ARRRRRGGGGGgggghhhh!! The pain!! I can’t see!!! The light is too bright!!!! NOOOOOoooooo . . . !”

Soon all is quiet. The men groan and get weak. We help the captains to stay standing.

“What happened? Where are we?”

“You are on the Eastern Shore of the Americas. You have come here to make war with us. You have come here to kill all of the unicorns and dragons of this world. We also removed the evil black demon spirits that possessed you. Those spirits are now within this wooden box.”

They all look relieved that the darkness is gone from themselves. “Thank you very, Cherokees. We are sorry for what we would have done here.”

“Be thankful and praise the Creator, captain. It is our intention to remove all of the evil black demons on this world of ours.”

“Well, good luck with that. We’ll be on our way now. We’ll sail back to our home ports in Europe.”

“Thank you, captain.”

The captains get back on board their ships. The raise the anchor and turn around to leave the Eastern Shore and sail back to their home ports.

I look at each one as I ask my next question. “So, how are we going to Hague, Holland to face Leonard and Mullin?”

“I think a good night of sleep will help us right now. We’ll talk about that in the morning. Come, lets fly back to our encampment in the Shenandoah Valley.”

We reconnect with the shamans, Wizard Richard and I. We recite the spell to disappear in a blink of an eye. We fly back across the Appalachian Mountains to the Cherokee encampment in the Shenandoah Valley.

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