The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 06

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 6

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.

We sit on the logs around the campfire. The Grand Elder speaks up.

“The Serpent Mound in Ohio is a unique mound structure in the area. In fact, it is the largest mound structure in the world. When you arrive there, you’ll be given a tour of the place. Try to be there at the summer solstice sunset. The arrangement of the mound coincides with Draco, the Serpent among the stars. At one time, Thuban, a star in its lower body was the North Pole 5,000 years ago. It ceased to be the North Pole until the year 1900 before the common era.”

“The people who built the serpent mound have long since vanished, or so we thought. We have here, among us, one of the first Indians who arrived here at Never Land. I present to you, Chieftain Hileni.”

A man stands up, “Greetings, Omega Unicorn. It is a pleasure to meet you. This story is not too widely known among the people whom came after us. They only remember bits and pieces of it. The Serpent Mound was built to house the spirit of the last great horned serpent in North America. She made a deal with the Thunderbirds that her spirit should still rest upon the land while they killed her body. The Thunderbirds asked why such leniency. She gave her answer as such.”


“I know many have sought me to achieve great fame and wealth within the tribes. For just like you, we are protectors of the land in our own way.”

“That is very true. You are in the water and on the land, while we rule the air and the weather.”

“Isn’t also true of the news we heard about Caliber’s death from King Oren and Queen White Dove? We must be vigilant and be patient until the Omega Unicorn comes.”

“Yes, he will need us when the accursed Dark Forces come from the stars. We’ll be needed to help defend this world. Therefore, we will go back to our nests in the western mountains. When you are awakened by the Omega Unicorn, then you can summon us with the blazing diamond on your forehead. We will come.”

“Then my brood of eggs will each bear the spirits of my children. We’ll rise up to crush the enemy of the Creator. For the blazing diamond on our foreheads can vanquish the Dark Ones with ease.”

“Yes, the wind in our wings can disperse them with ease. I know you have lightning in your tail just as we have lightning in our talons. With our lightning eyes, we can see the true nature of the Dark Forces. I agree to your terms, Uktena. You may send your spirit to the mound that bears your image.”

“Thank you, kind and Great Tsidi.” Then Uktena leaves her body and enters inside the mound. She guards her eggs until the time is right for her to emerge to help the Omega Unicorn. Tsidi swoops down and picks up her body. He brings it back to the nest so their fledglings will have food to eat.


“So, when you arrive at the mound on that day, you can call forth Uktena. She will then rise up and call the Thunderbirds as promised.”

“If I were to arrive on a different day. Can I still talk to her?”

“Yes, you can speak with her, Omega Unicorn. However, she won’t be able to rise up until that day.”

“I was hoping for some sort of connection to her. I can’t be in two places at once.” I smile at the Chieftain.

He smiles back, “I understand, Omega. That is for you to discover.”

“I have a new question, Chieftain. This pertains to history. Where did Uktena come from? Did she come from the Nephelim?”

“She came from Leviathan and Eingana. She did not come from the Nephelim. She was accused by many tribes that she sent the snakes to harm them. However, that is not true. Those snakes were the accursed Nephelim beasts the Creator changed into. They kept the promise from the Creator ever since that fateful day the Nephelim was judged for interfering with our world.”

“Thank you, Chieftain Hileni.”

“I am the last of our people. When I came here, I discovered the uniqueness of each of the tribes here. Now that we have met you, our dreams and visions will finally come true. You have our prayers that you are successful to help the High King defend our beloved Earth.”

“Thank you, Chieftain Hileni.”

Chieftain Hileni sits down. Then another Indian rises up. “My name is Garud. I am from India. I was given the name in honor of Garuda, the great King of Birds from our ancient lore. I studied everything I could find about my namesake. I read many stories and legends. I discovered Garuda is known in other countries besides India. When I was brought here, it was then that I realized why I am here. I am here to tell you where to find Garuda. He is not on this Earth. He is in the heavenly realm of the Eternals.”

“I know which one you are talking about. I will be visiting that abode when I get back on Earth for my real one month honeymoon trip.”

“That’s good. But you don’t know which direction or which star system they are located at. How will you know?”

“I will be meeting the High King first in Israel. He will tell me what to look for.”

“Then I will have to trust the Creator that you will be told.”

“That is all we can do at this moment. We need to trust in the Creator.”

Garud bows his head. He turns around and sits back down on a log.

The Grand Elder speaks up. “Roc, the giant sea bird will be there as well, Richard. He will come with Garuda to assist him. There are nine dragon spirits in China. They dwell in the Cave of the Nine Dragons. About a thousand years ago, there was a Japanese General with the name of Ronin. At the time, Talpa, a demon general under King Azazel, came to our Earth to wage war. Ronin knew he needed a special armor and weapons to fight against this wave of darkness. He sought the help of anyone who could help him. He found help on the British Isles. He found Feanor. Feanor created nine gems for nine different weapons. There were nine dragon spirits who were on the Isles. They became intrigued by what Feanor was creating. They agreed that each one would send their spirit on a separate gem before it was set into the weapon. Ronin, then departed and returned to Japan. When he arrived, he saw Talpa was wrecking havoc to Japan and China. None of the forces were able to stand up to them. Ronin then engaged the enemy. With such ferocity, he was able to repel Talpa’s army. Talpa regrouped and decided to attack the lone warrior. Again Talpa had to retreat.”

“During this lull in the action, Talpa decided to take a different approach. He analyzed his foe very carefully. He came to the conclusion that Ronin’s armor and weapons were the keys. He didn’t know about the dragon spirits that resided in the gems. Talpa made another advancement on Ronin. He became determined that he wanted the armor for himself. So, he designed a specific attack on each weapon.”

“Ronin then retreated to China. Eventually, he found himself in a large cave system. He asked the nine dragon spirits to leave the gems and reside here. He wanted to keep them safe and not get corrupted by Talpa. The nine dragons greatly appreciated Ronin for his thoughtfulness. So, the nine dragon spirits left the gems to reside in the cave system. Ronin then left the cave system to return back to Japan in darkness. He was eventually surrounded by Talpa’s forces. But, Ronin stopped at a particular location in Japan. It is the location where the first atom bomb would be dropped a thousand years later. I was able to send Ronin to our nearest galaxy for safe keeping. But, alas, Talpa found out where he went.”

“This is where the story is picked up on your world When Talpa found him, Talpa was able to defeat him and take the armor for himself. Talpa felt invincible with the armor on him. So, he attacked again on Ronin. But Talpa didn’t know about the staff that Ronin had. It contained a very special gem.”

“So, Ronin took the staff to defeat Talpa again and retake the armor. This time, Ronin rebuilt the armor into nine different armor sets with the nine different weapons. Thus dividing and keeping the ultimate power hidden from Talpa. Talpa was able to take four of the weapons with each set of the armor. He gave them to four men who were worthy to receive it.”

“But, if I remember right, Grand Elder, that all took place in Japan. How could it have happened in another galaxy?”

“The reason is simple, my young dragon. In the Andromeda Galaxy, there are worlds that are similar to the stories told here. If there is a Japan type country here, there is a Japan type world there. In fact, it is the Creator who is giving the inspiration to the authors here about the stories that are being played out in the Andromeda Galaxy and elsewhere throughout the multi-verses.”

“Then where are the cartoon characters? Are they in their own universe?”

“That’s right, Richard. The fourth intersecting world is actually an intersecting solar system. We’ll be visiting a cartoon solar system. Because in that solar system there is a world where Santa Claus resides. The people and the animals there are life like. The artists on Earth make them look like cartoons.”

I put my right hand to my head as I look down and shake it from side to side. Brianna puts her hand around me. “Oh my head is spinning on this one.” I look up again. “You said there are twelve multi-verses. What are they?”

“The first one is ours. The second one is the cartoon universe. The third one is Q-Verse. The fourth one is Mirror Verse. Well, I could go on, but,” the Grand Elder smiles at me, “I don’t want to worry your brain too much right now.”

I smile at the Grand Elder, “Gee, thanks for your thoughtfulness. All right we’ll take it one step at a time.”

“That’s my boy. It is what I do to keep things straight in my head. Now as far as Kyto the dragon is concerned. You need to do some research on him. There are various books back on your Earth that tells his story. You need to read all of them. Not only that, you need to have a stronger will. He has become very cunning and very dangerous. He wants to destroy Never Land and Pixie Hollow very badly. If someone did get to him to make him go bad, you will have a hard time to get his yin yang in order. The only solutions I see right now is to show yourself as the Omega Unicorn Dragon. Hopefully, by seeing you it will shake him up to get himself straightened out.”

“I would need a talk with Eingana or Leviathan. Perhaps one of them knows what happened to Kyto.”

“It’s possible, Richard. Hopefully, with your unicorn gaze, you can get Kyto to speak the truth and tell you what happened before he came here. After our noon repast here, I need to tell you some stories from other worlds you’ll be visiting. This is just to prepare you for what is ahead. The last two dragons hidden on Earth are very unique. They are ice dragons. They live in a mountain cave in Antarctica. You’ll be down there at some time in the future. They will sense you right away as you try to find them with your own dragon instincts. Their names are Frieza and Frigga. The Emissaries tell me, those two dragons know all about the Nephelim star ships that are buried underneath the ice. They know the star ships will break free before the Ultimate Last Battle.”

The Indians get the noon repast together. This time we see several different kinds of vegetables are going to be cooked up. For the evening repast, they will cook fish for the evening meal. We continue with the light talk. After the noon repast we pick up where we left off.


Meanwhile, back on Earth. Tyrone has Josh’s father pinned against the fence while they have their outdoor break at the penitentiary.

“What’s the matter dad? You can tell me why you hit your wife and daughter.”

“No way I’m going to tell you anything, Tyrone. I’m keeping my mouth shut.”

“That’s fine. Have it your way. But all I have to do is spread a vicious rumor here that you did it. We’ve got some inmates here who are dead set against men who do such things. They would love to rip you apart. They don’t mind doing extra time in the solitary cell.”

‘No, no . . . don’t do that. I’ll tell you why. You can tell Josh for me. I can’t even face my own son.”

“Then why did you hit them?”

“They were going to go to the police when they suspected where I got the extra money from. I just lost my cool. I slapped them across the cheek and grabbed their arms. I was so mad. I was not about to lose everything that I worked for.”

“Well, guess what? You did lose everything.”

Then Tyrone steps aside. Josh’s father sees Josh standing there looking at him. “You should have never gotten into dealing with stolen cars. What were you doing? Were you using the cars as decoys to smuggle drugs and guns?”

“A lot more than that, Josh. There were also used to smuggle gold.”

Tyrone and Josh yell out together, “Gold!!”

“Yeah, that’s right. It took awhile to set up the network to convert the gold into cash. It was such a rush to see money coming in. We were all getting very rich. But, once the Feds investigated further, they found someone who was dissatisfied with the operation. They used him as a mole into our operation. Looking back on it now, we were having a harder time to find the right car for a client. Soon, the client wouldn’t pay what we charged for. Then the bottom fell out.”

“Well, you deserved it. Yow reaped what you sowed.”

“Yeah . . . we sowed nothing and we got nothing when it was all said and done . . . sigh.”

“See you around, dad.”

“See you around, Josh.”

Josh and Tyrone turn around and leave him leaning against the fence.

Josh’s dad grumbles to himself, “I also lost my family as well. Forgive me Lord!”

Then he hears a voice within his mind. Its about time you humbled yourself to admit you’re wrong.

I’m sorry Creator. I’m sorry for everything.

Now go see your son and ask him to forgive you as you forgive him.

Thank you, Creator, for a second chance in life. He stands up erect. He walks over to Josh standing with Tyrone in another part of the recreation compound.

They exchange the words. Soon, both are hugging and crying on each other shoulders. Tyrone is smiling widely as he puts his hands on both men’s shoulders.

Now, it is time for Michael and Darrell, Creator.

That’s right, Tyrone.


“The next world we’ll be visiting is Aang’s world.”

“Isn’t he known as the Last Air Bender?”

“That’s right, Richard. There are at least two dragons on that world. You will be there for a week. Hopefully, in that time you will learn the water element. You’ll be visiting his world from time to time to learn the other elements. You won’t meet the two dragons there until you are ready to learn the fire element.”

“Does that include my fairies learning how to move water as well?”

“Yes, they will learn how to move water like you saw on the DVD movie. There are several worlds that are in the Magic Universe that will need your presence. There are several worlds that are waiting for the return of the unicorns.”

“If that is true, does that mean I have to stay there forever if they saw my twelve images?”

“No, the unicorns that are on those worlds are well hidden. When you project your unicorn images, hopefully the people there will realize the wrong they have done. Then you can tell them about the danger that will happen in the future.”

“Are there Bluestones on those worlds?”

“Yes, there are Bluestones on those worlds. There is another multi-verse that will require your presence. However, you must wait until you have learned the tenth degree black sash. It is Demon World. It is the Purgatory that is referred to in the Bible. Another multi-verse you’ll be seeing belongs to the monsters. They include Godzilla, Rodan and the rest of them. Leviathan and Eingana gave birth to them long before they came to your Earth. However, as you know, Godzilla is the exception.”

“In the Cartoon Multi-verse, there is a lot to do there. The worlds we’ll be visiting there are the Cars and the Lunatics for example. We’ll also visit the Earth where the super heroes reside like Superman and the others.”

“What about the villains there? What about them?”

“They will be recruited by King Azazel to come to your Earth to wreck havoc.”

“So, that means I need to contact those super heroes and let them know where they went.”

“That’s right.”

“I take it that Q will do his part in contacting the people he normally comes across.”

Then all of a sudden, Q appears before us in a blink of an eye. We see that he is wearing his favorite Star Trek Uniform with the Admiral pins on the collar. “My, my, isn’t this a gathering here. It took awhile to find you, Richard.”

I stand up to greet him, “Hello Q. I was wondering when or where you’ll show up.”

Q turns to face the Grand Elder. “You have been busy as well I see, Grand Elder. Or should I say, wizard. Are you doing your part in this neck of the galaxy?”

“I am, Q. The Creator keeps me busy. You must already be aware that King Azazel is freed from his prison by now.”

“I saw it from my Q-Verse. The Creator and I had a short talk. He asked me to look up, Richard.” Q looks at me again. “We have a lot of work to do. I see you’re slowly earning the ten black sashes. I can tell you will be a responsible leader when you become king one day.”

“Thank you, Q. I’m sure we’ll keep in contact from time to time. But, then time and distance is measured differently in your neck of the Q-Verse.” I smile at him.

Q smiles back, “Yes, it is, Richard. At least I see your education is more advance than most humans I’ve encountered. You are more aware of what is going on. I’ll do my part in rounding up the good guys I know and bring them here. I know a few Borg Cubes that would love to join the fray here. Ever since Janeway disassembled their network, it has been easier for me to work there. However, the Bajoran Prophets will be a tougher nut to crack. Fortunately, my only link to them is Sisko. It is going to be very crowded here.”

“Yes, it will, Q. Hopefully we can convince the bad guys they are being duped in working for King Azazel. Because, with all of us here, he will send his dark wave of Darkness upon my Earth.”

“Yes, but at least we know that Light always trumps Darkness. Until, the next time we meet, Richard Moore, the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”

“Until the next time, Q. But, I know your time is not measured like mine here.”

We smile at each other again. Then Q disappears in a blink of an eye. The Indians then start preparing for the evening repast. We talk about some other worlds I’ll be visiting like the Eternals and what to expect when I get there.

About an hour later, the evening meal is ready. It is fish, vegetables and some fruit to choose from. We watch the gorgeous sunset as the colors change in the sky again.

Then finally, we all go to bed again. Under the covers, Brianna brings me to another erotic high as she thanks me for defending her when I was in the port town earlier this morning.

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