The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 59

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 59

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


We all wake up in the morning at 6 AM again. Our fairies are filled with anticipation and excitement. They immediately fly over to us and land on the pillows and our chests to be close to us.

“Today is the day, father. We get to visit a magical place.”

“Yes, we are very excited. Do you think we’ll be able to fly about in fairy form, Omega?”

“I don’t know, Traphel. If you do, you must be on a constant alert around yourselves and us. But, I think an air or water bending trick will do to get their attention.”

“That’s a good idea, Omega.”

The fairies fly back to their beds. They get themselves cleaned up in their shower setup in the sink. After that, they put away their bed rolls and pillows into their satchel. They also take apart the shower setup and put it into their satchel. Brianna and I do the same thing as well. Once we are cleaned up, we have breakfast in our room. Once we are done, we do one more check to make sure everything is with us.

“Do you think we’ll spend the night in Scotland, father?”

“It is a good possibility, Tiger. So, let’s pack up our two clothes’ satchels for two nights, Brianna.”

“That’s a good idea, Richard.”

Brianna and I take out our folded up satchels from the suitcases. We pack up what we think we’ll need for at least two nights. Once we are satisfied, we get ready to leave the hotel room. We put on our multi-pocket coats. Our fairies quickly fly into the pockets to get comfortable. I put two of the satchels on my shoulders while Brianna carries her own satchel. We make sure we have our wallets and key card for the hotel room. We exit the hotel room and close the door behind us. We see Mr. Pierre and his driver standing in the hallway waiting for us.

“I see you’re packed for an overnight stay, Richard.”

“We are playing it safe, Mr. Pierre.”

“That is a wise decision, Richard. Come, it is time to arrive at the King’s Cross Station.”

We leave the hotel at 7 AM. The chauffeur takes us to the King’s Cross Station. We get out of the car and the chauffeur locks the car. “Beep!” When we enter the entrance to the station, we see Merlin standing before us. He is dressed in normal street clothes like everyone else. I remember the name he came up within the cabin.

“Good morning, Mr. Spellman.”

“Good morning, Richard and Brianna.”


Elf Leonde is dressed in his hooded cloak. He exits the forest and walks to Hogwarts Castle. He walks across the main bridge entrance and up to the front door. He opens it and enters inside. When the door is closed, it makes a loud “CLICK= = =!!!” sound.

A senior class member who is walking by takes notices of the newcomer. He immediately recognizes him. He walks up to greet him with a smile.

“Good morning, Leonde. Do you wish to speak with the leadership here?”

Leonde smiles back, “I do, Corwin.”

“Then follow me. We are just starting to gather together for breakfast this morning.”

“Then lead the way.”

Leonde follows Corwin to the main hall. Corwin opens the double wide doors. More students come walking in quickly through the open doors. They see everyone there and they are just about to serve breakfast. The leadership on the raised dais immediately recognizes Leonde. The Head Wizard motions with his hand for him to forward. Leonde walks forward to the dais. Corwin walks to his seat in Ravenclaw House.

The Head Wizard stands up and greets Leonde at the end of the long table set up. They both nod their heads as they smile at each other. They whisper to each other.

“Are you requesting a meeting, Leonde?”

“I am, Head Wizard. However, it won’t be here. It will be at our meeting circle near the edge of the Forbidden Forest.”

“I know which one it is. What is the purpose and how many of us are to attend?”

“We want to meet the Omega Unicorn Dragon. Have your top leadership attending. The meeting is set for Sunday morning at the second mark from sunrise.”

“Hmm . . . we just learned yesterday who the Omega Unicorn Dragon is. We don’t know if he will be here today. Perhaps he is on the way here as we speak.”

“Perhaps he is.”

“You are welcome to stay with us for breakfast, Leonde. Perhaps a cup of fruit juice will suffice.”

Leonde smiles, “Then I’ll have a cup of fruit juice, Head Wizard.”

Everyone smiles on the dais. The Head Wizard motions with his hands. A server comes up and sets up a place setting on the end of the dais. Leonde walks over to it and sits down. A large goblet of fruit juice is placed in front of him.

Then the Head Wizard resumes the morning ritual of having breakfast in the main hall of Hogwarts Castle.


“Ah, good, you came prepared, Richard. You will be spending two nights on the road.” Mr. Spellman looks at Mr. Pierre. “I’m sorry, Mr. Pierre, you can’t go where they are going. You can only get there if you can do magic.”

Mr. Pierre smiles, “That is okay, Mr. Spellman. I can spend time with my company branch here on the Isles. I’ll pick them up here on Monday morning. Can I least see them off?”

“Up to certain point, Mr. Pierre. But, yes, meet us here on Monday morning at 8 AM. Then you can resume being their escort here and to Norway.”

“Thank you, Mr. Spellman.”

We follow Mr. Spellman until we come to Platforms 4 and 5. “All right, Richard, this is as far as we go. See if you can figure it out.”

A porter approaches us. He stands next to Mr. Spellman and whispers to him.


“I’ve seen you here before, sir. I never saw him here. Is he from the States?”

“He is.”

“He might not be able to discern it.”

“I have confidence he will figure it out.”


“Hmm . . .” We look up at the signs.

When I look away and use my peripheral vision to look at the sign, I see a blurring motion. I whisper to Brianna and my fairies.

“Look away from it. Use your peripheral vision. There is a blur over the numbers.”

They look away and use their peripheral vision. They see the numbers blurring. They have a smile on their faces.

“I see it, Richard.”

I speak up, “You have to use your peripheral vision and not look at it directly.”

Mr. Pierre tries it. He doesn’t see any blurring motion over the numbers. “I don’t see any blurring motion, Richard.”

“Then I’ll show it.” I wave my hand in front of me. I recite the reveal spell to myself. The numbers change from 4 and 5 to the phrase, “To Platforms 9 and 10.”

They quickly see it. Mr. Pierre, the chauffeur and the porter have a surprised look on their faces.

The porter is awestruck when he sees it change right in front of him. “I have never seen that done before. You must be an exceptionally strong wizard.”

“I’m not a wizard, sir.”

“You are not? How can that be? Only the ones who can do magic are allowed through. Please change it back to the way it was, sir.”

“Of course, porter.” I wave my hand again. The numbers revert back to 4 and 5 like before. You could still see the blurring motion over the original numbers. “I could explain myself, porter. But, then I don’t want to reveal my background. I don’t need any prying eyes or ears here.”

“Hmm . . . okay. I’ll trust you on that. You may enter.”

Brianna and I turn to Mr. Pierre and the chauffeur. We shake hands. Mr. Pierre gives us the traditional cheek to cheek French greeting.

“We’ll be here Monday morning, Richard. We expect to hear a great story from the both of you.”

“I’m sure it will be a great story, Mr. Pierre.”

Brianna and I hold hands together. Mr. Spellman takes the lead. He walks right through the metal ticket box. We follow right behind him. As soon as we enter the metal ticket box, we walk through a brick arch support. We then appear on the other side. We look up and see Platform 9 and three-quarters. It is between Platforms 9 and 10. We all have a smile on our faces. We are actually seeing the train station that is portrayed in the Harry Potter movies.

Mr. Spellman leads us to another porter.

“You’ll need to purchase a ticket to go to Hogwarts. It is one gold coin for each person.”

Then our fairies pop up their heads from the pockets with a smile. “Does that include us?” They all giggle when they see the surprised look on the porter.

The porter is taken aback when he sees the fairies. “Uh, uh,. . . . I think you are too small to have a gold coin with you. You’re allowed to get on board.”

They all smile and respond in one voice, “Thank you, Mr. Porter.” Then they get back down into the pockets and get comfortable again. We can hear them giggling again.

I smile to myself. Silly fairies.

They all giggle again, including Brianna. “Giggle . . . giggle . . .”

I reach into my satchel and take out my coin bag. I open it to take out two gold pieces. I hand the gold pieces to the porter. I put the coin bag back into the satchel.

He takes them and looks at the coins closely. “These are not from the Isles. Where did you get these gold coins from? I don’t recognize the mint details on the coin.”

“They are from a far country, Mr. Porter. Let’s say that it is out of this world.”

“Well, it is gold. That is for sure. Let me give your tickets. You’ll need them for the return trip back here.” The porter takes out two tickets and hands them to me. I put them into my satchel.

Mr. Spellman produces a gold coin in his hand by magic. He gives it to the porter. The porter hands him a ticket as well. Mr. Spellman places the ticket into his pants pocket.

We walk down the platform and board the train. We find an empty berth. We put our satchels on the bench in the berth and sit down. Brianna and I are sitting next to each other while the Wizard is sitting across from us.

“There is going to be a lot happening these next two days. My Eleven friends are in Romania as we speak. They are getting ready to tear down the magical barrier on Sunday. You must be there to confront them. There are other forces there as well. Right now, you don’t have the means to defeat the other forces there. We’ll need a visit to a special loch here. It is time to solve the water horse and the centaur problem, Brianna.”

“I remember those are the two symbols that represent Guinevere and her descendants.”

“That’s right. Also, there will be a very special important meeting tomorrow morning. It is there you will be equipped to do battle with the other forces in Romania, Richard.”

“I understand, Wizard.”

More people get on board the train. Then we hear the whistle sound out really loud, “TWWWWWEEEEEETTTT!!!” The train moves from the train station. We slowly pick up speed. We see the landscape roll by as the train moves northward. After about thirty minutes, we enter a tunnel.

While we are in the tunnel, we feel a subtle shift in the tracks done with magic. Then we emerge on the other side. We see a mountainous type region. It is just as cloudy as we left the station.

“Did we encounter a track change in the tunnel, Wizard?”

“We did, Richard. We are now deep into Scotland. In fact we appeared in the Forbidden Forest. This forest is classified as an undocumented Scottish National Park. We just traveled four hundred miles to the North. We are in the Highlands of Scotland. We are on a hidden rail spur that is not shown on the public use maps. There is strong magic here. The Forbidden Forest is hidden by this magic in another phase frequency. If you were outside the Forbidden Forest and not magically aware, you could walk in here and not be aware of what is really here. Deep in the forest is one of the last veins of Ethereal Space ore found here. Only the First Ones here know where it is located.”

We see the train move along for another ten minutes. Then it slows down and comes to a stop at a rural train station called Hogsmeade Station. We disembark the train and walk down to the end of the platform.

“Over there is Hogsmeade; that is the same town shown in the movies.”

Once we are at the end of the platform, we see a carriage station. We walk to the station to get on board a horse drawn carriage. It will take us around a loch to the Castle.

Just before we get on board, we hear a lot of neighing!!! We hear horses speaking to our minds.

Omega Unicorn! It is an honor to meet you!!

Hold on, horses. We’ll come to greet you.

Thank you for the honor, Omega!

The Wizard smiles when he sees this happening. The drivers are perplexed at the excitement from the horses.

“I’ll calm them down for you, drivers.”

“Thank you, sir. We would greatly appreciate that.”

We walk up to each horse. Brianna and I put our hand onto each side of the horse’s jowl. They reach down to allow us to hug their necks. They all quiet down quickly.

We heard from the birds you are coming, Omega!

Yes, there is a lot to do these next two days!

Well, I’m sure we’ll get it done and solve some mysteries, horses.

After greeting them, we walk back to the carriage we’ll be taking to the castle. The carriage drivers are amazed. The horses are more calmed down. They have never seen this happen when all of the horses reacted to anyone at the same time. They might understand one horse being excited, but all of them at the same time?

Once we get on board, the carriage driver takes us to the front entrance of Hogwarts Castle. We see and hear the birds chirping and singing our arrival. We get escorted by several different song birds along the way. It takes about ten minutes to arrive at the gated entrance. We then disembark from the carriages.

Brianna and I look at the song birds hovering around us.

Thank you for the beautiful songs, birds of the Forbidden Forest.

You’re welcome, Omega Unicorn Dragon, Brianna and fairies. There will be a meeting tomorrow morning at the edge of the forest near here.

We look forward to being there.

Then the birds fly away singing more of their songs.

We get ourselves repositioned with the satchels on our shoulders. We approach the open front gate. We walk down the long grassy walk way to the stone arch that leads to Hogwarts Castle. Some of the birds follow us along the long grassy walk way singing their songs. We see the stone arch bridge is the same design as we saw it in the Magic Verse. We walk across the bridge to the front porch area. We stop before the door. He puts his hands on the door handle just before he opens it.

“Stay together. Don’t come out flying, fairies, right now. Come out just before we enter their main hall. We are just arriving before they finished their breakfast this morning.”

We open one of the doors. We walk inside and close it. When the door is closed, it makes a loud “CLICK= = =!!!” sound.

We follow the Wizard down the hallways until we come to the main doorways of the main hall. My fairies fly out of the multi-coat pockets in fairy form. We open the doors and walk inside.

The dull roar of talking in the hall quickly becomes silent. They turn to see who has come into the main hall.


Tom Reynolds arrives at the US Embassy in London. He knows he is going to get his ears burned on this one. Once he pulls into the empty parking spot, he sees two marines and Albert walking out to his car. They stop before the car. Tom gets out of the car and closes the door.

Albert Montague speaks up, “You know you’re in trouble, Tom.”

“I know sir. I impersonated your title.”

“Not only that, you took a piece of US property. Fortunately you returned it. Come on inside, let’s get this grilling done.”

Tom tries to crack a quick smile, “Will I be well done?”

Albert keeps his stern look, “Not even close, Tom.”

Everyone walks into the Embassy. Tom gets the full interrogation treatment from the staff. They make the phone call to have the Secret Service from the Circus to come and pick him up. They agree to it with no problems. They will make sure the person Tom replaced is returned back to the US Embassy.

Tom eventually learns he won’t be given a citation for stolen property, i.e., the car. But he is going to be charged with impersonating an US Embassy official.

The Secret Service picks up Tom and is taken to the Circus. He is given another full interrogation treatment from the British Secret Service.


Hermione is amazed to see us for real. She mutters to herself. “I don’t believe it. It’s them.”

A fellow student next to her leans in. “Who are they, Hermione?”

“I can’t say, Mary.”

Mary smiles, “Hmmph, another secret for me to dig out from you.”

“Not this time, Mary.”


The Head Wizard stands up. “Greetings stranger, what is your name?”

“My name is Richard Moore. I am from the USA.”

Immediately a shot of words are whispered across the main hall.

“Quiet everyone.”

Everyone gets quiet.

“Are you the same Richard Moore who saved our money from the Euro Scam?”

“I am.”

Then everyone shouts out loud, “Thank you for saving our money!!” This goes on for several minutes.

I respond back as best I can many times. “You’re welcome. . . . You’re welcome . . .”


A wizard leans over to Leonde and whispers to him, “He’s the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”

“I see. Yes, I can detect a special aura about him, his wife and their fairies.”


The Head Wizard gains control of the noise again. “Quiet everyone!!”

Everyone gets quiet.

“We are honored to have you here, Richard. We are just finishing breakfast this morning. Please join us up here on the dais. We have a lot to talk about.”

“Thank you for the kind offer.”

We walk toward the front dais.


In Slytherin, there is some mumbling going on between three students.

“Do it now, Robert!”

“No, I won’t, Kenny. We don’t know how strong he is. He could be stronger than any of us.”

“He’s from the USA. He is no wizard. I say let’s knock him against the wall.”

“Will you stop it, Gregory!”

“You’re a coward, Robert!”

“I’ll do it!” Kenny stands up and takes out his wand and points it at us.


Rex Turner sees this happening quickly. He smiles. You’re in for it now, Kenny and Gregory.


I heard them, Brianna and my fairies.

Turn it back against them, father.

Yes, Tiger. Left gauntlet on. My left gauntlet appears on my left hand in a blink of an eye from the cabin closet.

Some people scream. “Look out!!”

An energy blast comes from the wand right at me. I bring it up quickly to block it. The energy blast gets absorbed into the gauntlet. It is glowing brightly.

Everyone is amazed that I stopped a wand blast like that. “Whoa! Did you see that? He doesn’t even have a wand.”

I look at the glowing gauntlet. I look at it closely, “Hmmm . . . “

Everyone gets quiet to hear me speak.

“I think this spell belongs back to the one who sent it that includes the other one who wants to knock me against the wall.” I point the gauntlet at the two friends. The blast gets sent back to them very fast.

They get lifted up and slammed against the wall six feet from the floor. “OOOooofff!!” “OWW!!!” Then they fall to the ground. “Thud!” “Thud!”

“You should have listened to your friend. You don’t know how strong your opponent will be.”

“Grrrooann . . . we get the message. We’re sorry we misjudged you.”

“You’re forgiven. Now study hard and be good wizards and sorceresses. I know of a future event that will get everyone’s attention. I won’t say it now. I don’t want to bother you with the details. Your teachers and professors will let you know what is going on.”

Robert, Rex, Hermione and everyone else have smiles on their faces. Then they all start cheering out loud. “Whooo . . . hooo!!! All right!!! Way to go!!!”

We walk up to the front dais. Left gauntlet return back to cabin closet. The left gauntlet returns back to the cabin closet in a blink of an eye. We walk up the steps and get greeted by them.

The Head Wizard, Albus the Younger speaks up to be heard above the cheering, “The breakfast period is now over. It is time for your morning classes!!”

They all groan, “Ahhh . . .”

Everyone leaves the main hall. Rex stays behind and watches. We stay up there a little longer.

“We know you are the Omega Unicorn Dragon, Richard. You are the true descendant from King Arthur.”

“How did you find out, sir?”

They point their finger at the man standing in the main hall. “It is Rex Turner.”

We turn to look at Rex Turner. He has a big smile on his face.

“I remember you now. You and Daphne showed up on Halloween Night several years ago on my college campus. You tried to take my unicorns and dragons away from me.”

“But, once you told us they are memories, we really had no chance against you. You seem to become stronger since we last met, Richard.”

“I am, Rex. I have the third degree black sash in the Shaolin Discipline. I have complete command of the air and water bending elements. A lot has happened since then. I still have seven more sashes to earn.”

“From what we have read about you that doesn’t seem to tell the whole story.”

“No, it doesn’t, Rex.”

“Richard, we have some dire news to give.”

“What is it?”

“There is a group of eleven wizards and sorceresses that will take down the magical barrier protecting the dragon valley in Romania.”

“It’s going to happen to tomorrow on Sunday. A neurological toxin will be emitted to kill the dragons. ”

“I knew about the magical breach. I didn’t know about the neurological toxin.”

Then Tiger hovers in front of me quickly. “We must protect them, father.”

“I know, Tiger. We will. But there are some things that must be done first. Isn’t that right, Wizard?”

“Yes, Richard. You must visit the loch that has the water horse and the centaur. You must solve the mystery, Brianna.”

“Yes, wizard.”

“Did you say the water horse and the centaur, Wizard?”


Then the head wizard looks at Brianna. “What are your two symbols of your heritage, Brianna?”

“I am a true descendant of Queen Guinevere. The two symbols are the water horse and the centaur.”

“That is what we need to open the book in the library.”

Rex steps closer and looks at the wizard, “You’re Merlin the Great Wizard from King Arthur. Your image appeared above the book in the Library with the Goddess Rhiannon.”

Merlin smiles, “Yes, I am, my boy. I have been watching and waiting for the right moment when the four ancient houses get reunited.”

“What is inside the book when it is opened, Merlin?”

“There are only four pages inside the book. It contains drawings and some notes.”

“Obviously you are not going to tell us what the drawings are.”

“No, you will discover that for yourself. Once you see it, you will then understand the need for secrecy until the time is right. That is when Richard and Brianna will rule the British Isles. This meeting tomorrow morning in the forest, will give Richard the help he needs when he is in Romania tomorrow.”

“Also, there is one more thing I must take with me tomorrow, my friends. Under this castle is the lair for the basilisk.”

“Yes, we are aware of that. Are you saying you need to go underneath the castle?”

“I do, my friends. The basilisk left behind an egg for the next generation.”

“What?! We must destroy it!”

“No! That is not wise. I’ll take it with me to the dragon valley in Romania. I have every intention of returning the basilisk back to its proper home.”

“Are you saying the basilisk is not a serpent?”

“Yes, I am. For within me is a drop of Eingana’s blood. I can detect when dragons are nearby. Brianna and I can talk to the animals, mind to mind. I feel the basilisk egg underneath this castle is a dragon and not a serpent. Right now, he is at peace because I am near to him. He wants to go home.”

“Do you have the proof you are speaking the truth, Richard?”

“I most certainly do. First of all, I visited a world called Twainor. That is where I met the First Ones there.” With each one mentioned, I sweep my arm and hand to produce their images. “I met Eingana, the greatest sea dragon. I met many dragons. I met centaurs. I met true dwarfs. I met the twelve unicorns there. They all have our origins here on our Earth. I met the people of Twainor there as well. I am counted as one of twelve ambassadors to Twainor.” Then I sweep my arm and hand again to make them disappear.

They all have a look of awe when they see the memories recalled.

“The Creator took them there just before the Great Flood for the time of Noach. He brought them there to preserve them. I was brought there to make that reconnection back to our Earth. It was there, I became the Omega Unicorn. When I came back, I met the great Leviathan.” I sweep my arm and hand to bring forth his memory.

Again they have their mouths hanging down a bit.

“Leviathan is the greatest fire breathing dragon on our Earth. He breathed upon me to complete the other half in me. He is still alive on our world. He swims in our deepest oceans for safety with the other fire and sea dragons.” I sweep my arm and hand to make him disappear.

“I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon! I am the true descendant of King Arthur!! I will be the greatest animal fighter for Earth!! We can speak to the animals with our minds. I will have complete control of the five elements. The animals are joyful that a unicorn is back in their midst!!”

I sprout my feathered wings quickly. I flap them to hover in the hall. Then I project out the twelve unicorn images. Then Croin comes out of me and hovers above me. I quickly retract the feathered wings and sprout the dragon wings.

Brianna sprouts her feathered wings and six unicorn images. She flaps her wings and hovers near me.

Every one of them has their mouth open in astonishment.

“Oh my Creator. He will be the living embodiment of all of the animals.”

“My name is Leonde. I am an Elf from Middle-Earth. I came over during the Second Crossing. Do you have the Caledfwlch?”

“I do, Leonde. Yes, it was I who drew out the famed sword from the stone yesterday. Right now it is hidden. I can call if forth when I need it.”

“Bring it forth when you meet us tomorrow morning. They will be pleased to see you.”

“I’ll have it with me, Leonde.”

Brianna and I have our images return back to us. We then hover down and land on the floor before the dais. We quickly retract our wings. Our fairies land on our shoulders, heads and in the pockets of our coats.

“Where is this loch where the water horse is, Merlin?”

“It is located on the loch where the dragon caves are.”

“We then bid you peace. Return back here for the lunch period at twelve noon.”

“Thank you, sirs and ladies.” Our fairies quickly fly into the coat pockets.

We all walk out together from the main hall. Some of them go their own way to the various classrooms they are teaching in. They quietly talk to each other what they saw.

Head Wizard Albus is following us to the main green square. We then walk to the wall and look out toward the loch.

“The Forbidden Forest spans two lochs. The dragon caves are on the next loch over to the right. I just want to give you a fair warning, Brianna. The water horse is very elusive. People would try to get on the horse and try to ride it. Then the horse would immediately dive into the loch to drown the rider. It first speaks a strange language to the mind. We think it is asking a question for someone to solve. So far, no one has been able to solve the mystery. The centaur on the other hand has two axes in his hands. We think he is the protector of the Pict people. No one has been able to get him to put his axes away into the sheathes strapped on his flanks.”

“Thank you for the history lesson, Head Wizard. That is more than what I knew before I came here.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll stay here until you come back.”

We put our hands onto Merlin’s shoulders. He quickly disappears with us in a blink of an eye. We find ourselves flying over the loch. Then we fly to our right. Once we get over the ridge, we see another loch. We see dragons flying around. They sense something in the air near them. They start circling above us as we land on the shore. Once we are on the ground, we appear in a blink of an eye. Then all of the dragons quickly zero in on us. They land on the ground roaring at us.


I look up to them. They all quiet down. “My name is Richard Moore!! I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon!! I have a drop of Eingana’s blood within me, your Great Mother!! I have been breathed upon by Leviathan, your Great Father!!! This is the proof I am speaking the truth!!!”

Brianna and I quickly project our unicorn images out. I also bring out the images of Eingana and Leviathan as well. We then sprout out feathered wings. We flap them to hover in the air. Then I quickly change my feathered wings to dragon wings. Our fairies quickly come out of our pockets. Even Croin comes out to fly with us.

Then all of the dragons roar again!!! “RRROOOOARRRR!!!!” RRRROOOOAAAARRRRR!!!” “RRROOOOARRRR!!!!” RRRROOOOAAAARRRRR!!!”

We fly around in the air, circling each other. We land on the ground again. This time, the dragons speak to our minds.

Welcome Omega Unicorn Dragon, Brianna and fairies. Have you met the red and white dragon yet?

I did, honorable dragons. I met Y Ddraig Goch and Albion a few years ago. The rings are hidden well. They won’t be revealed until the current usurpers are judged by the Creator. Then, I, the true Pendragon, descendant of Arthur will rule after that time. My wife here, Brianna, is the true heir to Queen Guinevere.

That is good news to hear, Richard, son of Arthur. We will wait patiently until that time. Why are you here on this loch?

Brianna speaks up in her mind. I have come to solve the two symbols of my past. I have come to see the water horse and the centaur.

We wish you the best in solving their mystery. We will watch from afar. Behold! The water horse is running down the shore now to your right. The dragons take off and fly further up the loch to their caves.

We look to our right. We see a beautiful white horse running to us. It stops and looks at us. We then hear a garbled phrase in our minds at the same time.


We look at each other quickly.

“Didn’t that sound like two different voices, Brianna?”

“It certainly did, Richard. I heard a female voice and a male voice.”

The horse quickly shakes it head up and down.

“What do you think they are saying, Richard?”

“I think they are saying their names at the same time.”

The horse quickly shakes it head up and down again.

“All right, it is two different names. Wait a second, didn’t Arthur have two different horses, Merlin? One was a mare and the other a stallion?”

Merlin smiles.

The horse quickly shakes it head up and down again.

“All right, what were those two names. Hmm . . . I read them on the internet just before we came on our honeymoon trip. The names are on the tip of my tongue.” Then it dawns on me. “The mare horse is Llamrei. The stallion horse is Hengroen.”

Then Brianna turns to face the white horse. “The two horses of King Arthur are Llamrei and Hengroen!”

Then the water horse quickly splits into two white horses.

Brianna and I quickly project the images of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. They are standing beside us. The horses come up to each one. The stallion walks up to King Arthur. The mare walks up to Queen Guinevere. The images stroke the sides of the horses’ heads. We hear a slight comforting ‘neigh’ from the horses.

Then we hear King Arthur and Queen Guinevere speaking to them.

King Arthur speaks first, “We are now talking to you from the heavens. These are our true heirs. Protect them well on the battlefield. Be proud and erect on the parade field before the dignitaries.”

Queen Guinevere speaks next, “They will help give you form and a purpose in life. You will be needed throughout their lives, especially with the Ultimate Last Battle, the war to end all wars. Then we can rejoice together.”

The horses nod their heads up and down. Then quick as lightning, they enter into us. Llamrei enters Brianna. Hengroen enters into me. We feel a sudden surge of energy, then calmness.

We hear them speaking to us in our minds. Now think of us like you do with your unicorn images.

We think of the two horses. They quickly come out and stand before us. We quickly make them solid. Then their leathers and saddles appear as well. We quickly mount them. Then they take off running down the shore line. Our fairies fly out quickly to join in the flight. Then the horses run across the water with no problems. We look down and see the horses feet splash in the water surface. The spray around us has a merging effect of not seeing their feet. After ten minutes of running across the water, they come back to the shore where Merlin is standing. He has a big smile on his face.

We dismount from the horses. The horses walk up to Merlin. The images of Arthur and Guinevere are still there. Merlin pats the side of their heads. We hear them talking to Merlin. Our fairies quickly fly into our coat pockets to get some rest.

It worked, Merlin. Your idea to preserve us worked.

Yes it did, Llamrei and Hengroen. You are now joined to the true heirs of Arthur and Guinevere. You’ll see me from time to time. You’ll be needed in Romania for starters. That will be your first test.

We’ll keep them safe. Now it is time to meet the centaur, Brianna. He is running down the shore to us. He has two axes in his hands.

We look to our right again. We see a large centaur running toward us. He has two axe handles in his hands. He stops before us. We see him like a ghost. Yet, we hear him speaking plainly to us.

“This is my question. What can you say, so I can put away my two axes?”

Brianna speaks up, “Axes are for war and defense. Axes can be used to build homes. Are there any female centaurs here on Earth?”

“There are none, my lady. They were all killed by the invading armies. There are only male unicorns left here on Earth. We stay in the Forbidden Forest to stay hidden and to live longer. There is only one named centaur in the world. His name is Chiron. He has four centaur brothers with him. They come here to get recharged with his other centaur brothers. He over sees Camp Half Blood for the sons and daughters of the Greek Gods.”

“I remember reading my Greek studies, the male centaurs mated with the Amazon women.”

“That is right, son of Arthur. But, there are no more Amazon women in the world right now. We left Greece and came here to hide with our northern centaur brothers.”

“Then here is the proof there are still female centaurs left in the cosmos. I met them on the planet Twainor. The Creator brought them there for safe keeping.” Then Brianna quickly produces the female centaur images from her memory. There are twelve of them standing before the male centaur.

Chiron smiles, “Praise to the Creator. There are still female centaurs alive.” The male centaur turns his upper torso. He puts the two axes into the sheathes. He then looks at Brianna again with a big smile. He walks up to Brianna and puts his right hand on Brianna’s left shoulder. She feels a slight tingle there. “You have disarmed me, Brianna, daughter of Queen Guinevere.” Then the centaur walks to the images of Arthur and Guinevere. “It has been too long since I have seen you, Arthur and Guinevere. Your descendants will make you proud.”

“I am proud of them, Chiron. Your descendant, Chiron, is doing well at Camp Half Blood. Richard and Brianna will be going there from time to time to get them battle ready for the next level.”

“Yes, they will need to be better, stronger and faster warriors for the Ultimate Last Battle.”

Then all three puts their hands on each other’s shoulders as they smile at each other. Then Arthur and Guinevere fades from view. Then Centaur Chiron looks at Brianna. “I am the protector of the Pict and Scot Houses here in Scotland. I am always here roaming about Scotland. I am checking to see how they are faring with their lives. Now that you have seen me, you can recall me as a memory to help you and protect you, Brianna.”

“Thank you, Chiron.” Brianna quickly waves her hand. Another image of Chiron appears next to the real Chiron. Then the real Chiron turns around and takes out his axes from the sheathes. He runs down the shore line until he fades from view. Then Brianna waves her hand again to make her memory image of Chiron disappear.

Merlin walks up to us. “Well done, Brianna. So did you, Richard, in recalling the horses’ names. Now we can return back to the Castle to have lunch.”

“What will we be doing after lunch, Wizard?”

“You’ll meet some important people for starters. You can fly back on your own this time. The horses will help guide your ‘horse sense’ to be more sensitive from this time forward.”

We think of Hogwarts Castle. We recite the transport spell within our minds. We disappear in a blink of an eye. We find ourselves flying back to Hogwarts. The dragons quickly roar as we fly past them. We fly over the ridge to the loch where the Castle is located. We see it sitting high looking over the loch. It is the same view we saw in a sleep dream a month ago or so. We fly back to the green square. We see the Head Wizard waiting for us.

We appear right beside him in a blink of an eye.

“So, how did it go, Brianna?”

“We found out the water horse is actually two horses. They are the two horses of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.”

“What’s this? You mean to tell me that Llamrei and Hengroen were both in the same body?”

“That’s right. They even said their names at the same time in our minds.”

“Wow! Are they with you now?”

“They are, Head Wizard. They are residing within us. We can call them forth when we need them.”

“That’s good. What about the centaur? What’s his story? Were you able to disarm him?”

“I did. I told him there are female centaurs alive on the planet Twainor. Then he praised the Creator. His kind is still alive on another world. He then sheathed his axes. He told us, he is the protector of the Pict and Scot Houses. He roams about checking everyone here.”

“That’s a good thing “

”He told me, I can now bring his memory forth when I need him for protection.”

“That’s a good thing as well. Come it is time for lunch. You were gone for a couple of hours. After lunch, we’ll meet some important people. Leonde already has returned to the Forest.”

“Before we go inside, Head Wizard.”

“You can call me Wizard Albus.”

“Wizard Albus, I need to feed some fruit to my fairies. They did some hard flying this morning.”

“Then go ahead and do it, Richard.”

I open the fairies’ satchel and their food bags. I take small pieces of fruit for each of them. I put the pieces into the pockets.

“Thank you, mother, father, Omega. That is greatly appreciated.”

They slowly nibble on the pieces of dried fruit to regain their energy.

“They will eat more during the lunch hour. This will help perk them up for it.”

Wizard Albus smiles, “That’s good. Follow me. We’ll do a little tour of the castle to the main hall.”

We walk the hallways of Hogwarts. We see the many pictures of the previous wizards and sorceresses. Wizard Albus recounts their lives with some flair. We see them moving and talking to each other.

“This one here is Wizard Merwyn the Malicious. He was known for his jinxes and hexes.”

I look at him. “I met you on another Earth.”

“You did? Where? What is your name?”

“My name is Richard Moore. It was in the Magic Verse. The Richard there asked for my help.”

“Ahh . . . you must have met one of my brothers. There are nine of us all together. Did he ask you to do something for him?”

“Yes, I encountered Leonard, the Master of Black Magic. I also met his Lieutenant, Mullin. He asked me to kick him in the butt for not paying a jinx for his amusement. I was able to break their black swords with my own ice swords. I put flaming ice collars on their necks to keep them at bay.”

“Well, did you kick him the butt?”

“Leonard told me he charged him twice. Leonard never pays what he is owed. So, I kicked him in the butt two times.” I smile at Merwyn again.

Merwyn is now laughing, “Hah, hah, hah, . . . That’s a good one, Richard. Now I have something to talk about when I meet my brothers. Thank you . . . Hah, hah, hah, . . . “

”You’re welcome.”

Wizard Albus has a big smile on his face. He is snickering as he tries to imagine the scene in his mind. We come into the main hall for the dormitories. We see the stair cases moving from landing to landing. “We have a lot of pictures here on the walls. There is one in particular for you to meet.”

We follow the Wizard up the stairs. We quickly change landings to catch the next moving stair case. He comes to a stop at a picture of a lady with a black robe on. “This is Heliotrope Wilkins. Heliotrope this is Richard Moore and his wife Brianna, they are from the USA.”

“I am honored to meet you. What is your maiden name, Brianna?”

“My maiden name is Wilson. I have a Pict and Scottish background. Richard has a Cymry and Eire background.”

“Now I’m deeply honored, Wizard Albus. Do you know whom you have here?”

“I do, Heliotrope. We were just told yesterday.”

“Then you must keep their identities and future titles hidden as long as possible. We don’t want their long distance cousin finding out who they are.”

Brianna and I smile when we hear her speak that way.

“Which long distance cousin, Heliotrope?”

“They know which one it is.”

Wizard Albus looks at us, “Which one is it, Richard?”

“It is King Arthur’s nephew. We were told by King Arthur in heaven that he and his mom are still alive today.”

“What?! That’s impossible!”

“Oh, it’s possible, Wizard Albus. They literally made a deal with the devil to have a long life. They no longer have human blood.”

“Which blood is coursing through them now?”


Wizard Albus looks at Heliotrope. “Is it possible?”

Heliotrope speaks up. “It’s possible, Albus. There were many practitioners of the dark arts even in my time. What is the solution, Richard?”

“I will touch the flat of the famed sword onto their shoulders. This is to remove the darkness from within them. Then hopefully they will repent of their wrong doings as they finally die.”

“Well, let’s hope that happens. For now, we must deal with the current monarchy. The Creator will deal with them.”

“They must be dealt with before these two rule, Albus.”

“Sigh . . . You’re right, Heliotrope. Well, I bid you peace. Come it is time for lunch.”

Heliotrope Wilkins resumes her usual pose in the painting. She has a bigger smile on her face now.

We walk down the stairs quickly and change landings to get to the main floor. We walk along the hallways until we get back to the main hall. We see more students walking quickly to the main hall. We walk up the steps to the dais. We are escorted to the end of the long table.

“We need two more place settings here for the fairies. I have everything here in the satchel for them to eat and drink, Albus.”

“That’s fine, Richard.” Albus motions to a server to bring two more place settings.

Once the plates are set, I set their satchel on the end of the table. They quickly fly out and open their satchel and food bags. They make their own cups of honey water as well. They bring out what they want to eat and place it on the plates.

Everyone else gets into their seats quickly. We all look toward Wizard Albus as he remains standing. Everyone quiets down on their own

“Remember now, students. We are approaching the end of May. This will conclude this year for the school. Study hard for the finals. Take the memories of friends you made here back with you. Of course, some of you will be in constant contact with your friends. For those who are coming back this Fall, we look forward to having you back. Creator of the Universe, we thank you for all of your wonderful blessings. We thank you for this food we are about to eat. Let it give us the strength we need to do your good work. Let us be responsible citizens in keeping the magic safe from those who want to abuse it. Thank you, Creator.”

Everyone responds together in one voice, “Thank you, Creator.”

Then everyone begins to eat the afternoon meal. There is a dull roar of talking while everyone is eating. In front of us, we see broiled fish and vegetables lightly seasoned. We get done eating about an hour later.

When we get done, we all get up and leave the main hall together. Wizard Albus continues to be our tour guide in Hogwarts.


In the jail cell sits Mordred’s assassin. He waits patiently for the phone call. He just finished his fifth interrogation with the police and the M1 agents.

They don’t even realize that I am with Mordred’s Legacy. Heh, heh, heh, . . . They are getting nothing from me.


In Windsor Castle, the Queen gets a phone call in her chamber. “Ring . . . ring . . . ring . . .”

She picks it up, “Hello, who is this?”

“I want you to release the man, the agents arrested in Wales at the lake with the famed sword.”

“Who are you?”

“I am the one who keeps you in power. I am Mordred’s Legacy.”

“Yes, yes, I’ll give the pardon.” She slams the phone down. “He called me directly. I better do as he says.” She picks up the phone. She dials the direct number to the Circus. “Ring . . . ring . . . ring . . .”

“Click.” “This is the Central Security. How can I direct your call?”

“This is the Queen. I want you to release the man arrested at the lake in Wales.”

“Yes, my Queen. I’ll relay the request as quickly as possible.” “Click.”

“Brrrr. . . . I have a bad feeling about all of this. If we don’t recover that sword, we are finished.”


The man in the jail cell hears some foot steps walking his way. Two men stop in front of the cell.

“I don’t believe it. You got the Queen’s pardon. You are one lucky stiff.”

The man smiles, “Well, at least I didn’t kill anyone.”

“Yes and no. The son of Arthur saved the people, not you.” He takes the key and opens the cell door.

The man gets up and leaves the cell. He gets escorted through the compound until they get to the front entrance. Once he signs the release forms, he takes his keys and wallet from the envelope. He checks the wallet to make sure there is no ID or credit card in it. He puts them into his pocket. He leaves the jail compound. He looks around and sees the familiar black limo. He walks up to it. The door opens. Someone from inside speaks up.

“Get in.”

He gets into the rear seat section and closes the door. He sees the black partition is in the up position. He can’t see the driver or the passenger. He can’t see out the rear windows. The driver maneuvers down the roads. He makes several left and right-hand turns. The car comes to a stop. The man up front speaks up.

“What happened in Wales?”

“As soon as he pulled out the sword, a swarm of flying insects descended upon me. I could barely see out from my tent. I aimed the missile carefully at the stone and fired the missile. Then all of a sudden, a blast of water came right at me. It froze me on the spot. The next thing that happened, I see a flaming dragon coming right at me. It burned down the tent, my skin has cracks all over it. Then to top it off, I get doused by water. Fortunately that put the fire out.”

“What were you thinking through all of this?”

“I felt totally humiliated!! I got frozen! I got set on fire! I got doused with water! I am so mad . . . I want to pummel this son of Arthur to pieces!! Not only that, I want to charge you double for time and food out there. I need the money to replace my tent and belongings. Even the cell phone got fried!”

“You’re one of my best assassins. I will give you one more chance to come through. If you don’t, your services are terminated.”

“Yeah, I know what that means. Termination is the end of my life.”

“I’ll pay you double for time and food. You may get out now.”

“Thank you, sir.” He opens the door. As soon as he steps out he quickly loses his balance and falls face first into pile of mud on a remote road. “Whhhatttt!!!!” “Spllloooooosshh!!” He lifts his head from the mud. He puts his hands in front of him and pushes his body out of the mud. “Blech!!! Ptui!! Ptui!!” He spits out some more mud from his mouth. “Ptui!! Ptui!! Ptui!!”

He stands up and sees the car pull away from him. “That’s very funny, Mordred.” He walks down the mud lane to the nearest town. He stops and sits down on a nearby log. He takes off his right shoe. He removes the heel to reveal a small sized debit card with no magnetic strip. He smiles when he sees it. “Heh, heh, heh, . . . totally untraceable.” He puts the heel back onto the shoe. Then puts the shoe back onto his right foot. He puts the debit card into his rear pants pocket. He continues to walk down the mud lane to the nearest town.


We continue our tour of Hogwarts Castle. We see the various classrooms where the students are learning their lessons. We meet more portraits hanging on the walls.

“This one here is Albus Dumbledore.”

“I am honored to meet you, Mr. Dumbledore.”

Albus whispers back to us, “It is I who is deeply honored. I finally get to meet in the flesh the future king and queen of the Isles. Where ever you go, be on guard.”

“Yes, sir.”

By the time we get done with the tour, it is time for dinner. We gather again in the main hall like before. After dinner, we are escorted to our room for the night. We see a spacious room. There is a beautiful thick bed in the middle of the room against a wall. We see a lot of pillows in the room as well. The fairies quickly arrange the pillows how they want it on the chairs. Then they set up their bed rolls and pillows on them. They set up their shower setup on a small table with a bowl. We get our clothes out of the satchels. We drape them over another chair. We brush our teeth where the pitcher of water and bowl is on another table. Brianna takes off her make up before we go to bed.

Brianna and I get ourselves undressed and put our night clothes on. I set the portable wind up clock I brought to ring at 5:30 AM. We get under the thick covers. The fairies all snuggle into their beds. Soon, we are fast asleep by 10:30 PM.

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