The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 55

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 55

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


On Hell World, there is a gathering of male and female vampires standing before King Azazel. King Azazel smiles at the gathering. “Now you are wondering why I brought you here, vampires.”

“That’s right, Azazel. Why are we brought here?”

“I know you are from a parallel Earth. Well, I’m sending you to a similar Earth. There are no vampires there, but there are people who have a blood disorder called porphyria.”

All of the vampires smile, chuckle and giggle.

“We are familiar with that blood disorder, Azazel. For us, it is the last stage before we become true vampires. All we need to do is give them a quick bite to bring them over to our side.”

“That’s right. Where I am sending you is to a certain valley in Romania. Yes, it is in Transylvania.”

They all smile again.

“In that valley, I am having a certain colonel attacking a clan of dragons in the valley. They are protected by a magical barrier. I have a group of wizards and sorceresses taking down that magical barrier. Then they will unleash a neurological toxin that will wipe out only the dragons. Then the colonel will send in his military air and ground forces to kill any who are left alive. When that is done, then you can go after the soldiers to add to your numbers.”

“Hah, hah, hah,. . . . That is great, Azazel!”

Another vampire speaks up, “Azazel, is there going to be anyone else there? I mean, what if there are too many soldiers for us to bite? It does take time to drink their blood and convert them to vampires.”

“There will be another group there. On that Earth, they have werewolves. They are designed to hide among the people during the day. But, as you know at a full moon when this event happens, everyone will be satisfied by having their numbers increasing. It will happen on May 21, 2110, a Sunday of all days!!!”

Then everyone begins to laugh and giggle evilly. “Hah, hah, hah,. . . .!!” Heh, heh, hah, hah, . . . .!!” “Giggle, giggle, giggle, . . ..!!”. “Hah, hah, hah, . . . .!!” Heh, heh, hah, hah, . . . .!!” “Giggle, giggle, giggle, . . ..!!”


The spirit of Sauron flies invisibly through Europe. He enters the region of Transylvania, Romania. He enters a remote village. He searches each cottage until he finds the one he is looking for. He sees a hairy man sitting in his rocking chair before a fire in the fireplace. There is an empty rocking chair there as well. Sauron slowly fades and becomes visible in the room.

The hairy man in the rocking chair sees Sauron appearing. “Have a seat, Sauron.”

“Thank you, Emil.” Sauron becomes solid and sits in the rocking chair. He rocks it slightly.

“I know you are here for a reason.”

“Of course you do, Emil.”

“Before we start on that, I have been searching the internet on the history of werewolves. I found an interesting piece of information. I do know of the gene disorder where the body and the face become very hairy like a wolf. However, that doesn’t explain the transformation into actual wolves.”

Sauron smiles, “Go on, Emil.”

“It seems to me it started when the Dark Ages appeared in Europe. I tried to narrow it down to a certain event. I even searched many other books as well. I did find a reference to a wolf from Middle Earth. His name was Huan. He was given the special ability to speak three times to Elves and Men before he died. I do know you came here after you died on Middle Earth. That was about the year when the Dark Ages appeared in Europe. So, I thought, are werewolves tied to you somehow? Do you have a connection to start the Dark Ages, Sauron?”

“I must confess, Emil. Yes, I did start the Dark Ages. And yes, there is a connection to werewolves from me. I know the story of Huan very well. However, his spirit was too tame for my tastes. So, the next time a great wolf was killed on Middle Earth, I was able to trap the spirit of the wolf and created the demon wargs. From that experience, I created the werewolf here. Are you disappointed, Emil?”

Emil smiles, “Not really. So, what did you do to start the Dark Ages?”

“I killed a unicorn in England. His name was Caliber.”

“Are you sure there are no offspring from him?”

“I’m sure of that, Emil. I checked all over the British Isles. I couldn’t find any at all.”

“That’s good. Now for my last question, Sauron. Why are we sensitive to silver? There has to be a reason for it.”

“Right now I have none, Emil. I have a task for your werewolf clans. I have been in contact with King Azazel lately. He tells me. He is sending a troop of real vampires from a parallel Earth to this Earth. They will be here to attack the nearby dragon valley. I want you and your wolf clans to join them.”

“Have The Eleven taken down that magical barrier yet?”

“No, they haven’t, Emil. But I was told they will be through it this Sunday. They plan to unleash a neurological toxin to kill them. I have also been informed. The Eleven have released a certain general from jail. His name is Colonel Wermongaue.”

“I’ve heard of him. What’s his role?”

“He will bring in an elite air and ground attack on the dragons. They will kill any dragons left over who might be alive.”

“So, what do you want us to do?” Emil gives a wicked smile, “Convert the soldiers after the dragons are dead?”

Sauron gives a wicked smile, “Precisely.”

“I love it. We get to expand our numbers rapidly. Now for my last question, Sauron. Are you sure no one is coming to stop us?”

“Why do you say that, Emil?”

“I’ve heard rumors of a man who can.”

“I know who you are talking about. There is no way he can be in two places at once. Right now, he is in Greece. I am expecting him to be in the British Isles soon. It will be a three on one attack. There is no way he will survive that.”

“I hope you’re right, Sauron. I hope you’re right.”

Sauron stands up, “Well, I must be going, Emil. I have other hidden agendas to do from the Eleven.”

Emil smiles wickedly as he stands up, “I’m sure you do, ahem, father.”

Sauron smiles.

“Take care until we see each other again.” Emil nods his head up and down.

Sauron nods his head up and down as well. He fades from view and flies invisibly toward the British Isles.

The hairy man looks at the fire, “Sigh . . .” A woman joins him from another room.

“What are you thinking, Emil?”

“I find it strange, we are very sensitive to silver. It can kill us if too much enters our blood stream. Caliber had silver blood. I’ve heard he had four offspring a long time ago. One was killed by Voldemort. The other three are somewhere in the British Isles. Where is their mother, Florina?”

“I don’t know, Emil.” She puts her arms around her husband and brings him close to her. She looks up to him, “We have an opportunity to increase our numbers greatly. It is unfortunate. Our own two children cannot change to werewolves. It seems our gene skipped over them.”

“I know, Florina. It seems to be skipping every other generation here. We are not like the ones in Central America where there are many successive generations. However, they don’t change into wolves at all.”

Florina smiles, “Maybe they just need an extra bite from us.”

Emil smiles at her, “Then let’s plan a vacation to Central America.”

“That sounds wonderful, Emil.”

They kiss each other and break apart. They go about getting ready for bed.


We wake up in the morning at 6 AM when the alarm sounds out loud. “BZZZZZZ!!!”

We all wake up quickly. I turn off the clock alarm fast. We get ourselves out of the beds. Brianna and I walk into the bathroom. The fairies fly over to their shower stall setup in the sink.

We all take a shower to get ourselves clean and freshened up. Then we dry ourselves off and get dressed for the day. I make sure the fairies satchel are full with their food, water skin, honey bottle. I also make sure the extra batteries and memory disks for the video camera are there as well. I make sure the crystals are there as well.

Once we are ready, Brianna and I put on the multi-pocket coats. The fairies flutter into them quickly. Soon we feel them falling back asleep. We exit the room at 6:30 AM. We see Duris and Mr. Pierre there waiting for us.

“We’ll be having breakfast about an hour into Corinth. We know a good café in a small town along the way. There are plenty of flowers in bloom at the café.”

“That’s good, Duris.”

“We’ll be back here for dinner. Tomorrow is Thursday. You’ll be taking a flight to London at about 10 AM as planned.”

“Thank you, Duris. Well, let’s see the ancient games.”

We all get into the elevator and arrive on the first floor. We get into the car once the valet brings it up to the front entrance. Duris drives along the streets until we leave Athens. Once we are out of Athens, the landscape is more picturesque. We cross over the major bridge connecting the mainland to Corinth. There is a total of five bridge crossings for the canal. We look down and see the water way that separates the two land masses. We see the sheer embankments of white rock that lead down to the narrow canal. We see ships moving slowly through the canal. About a half hour later, Duris is taking the roads upward to get over the Oneio Mountains on Corinth.

After ten minutes of driving in the mountains, the car slows down and enters a small village. Duris pulls into a curb parking spot near an outdoor café. We get out of the car. Then all of a sudden we see a large patio area in front of the café. There are flowers everywhere. Immediately, the fairies fly out in butterfly mode. They have their fill of nectar and then some.

Then we hear several people shout out with joy from the café.

“Duris, Mr. Pierre, it is good to see you both again!!”

“How are you both doing?”

Then an elderly man and woman come out to greet them. Duris exchanges hugs with them.

“We are doing fine, mama and papa.”

Brianna and I look at each other and smile. Now we know why are here. This is Duris’ hometown.

“Bonjour, mademoiselle and monsieur.”

He quickly exchanges hugs and side kisses to the cheeks with them.

“Who are these two with you, today?”

“They are on their honeymoon trip. We are going to see the ancient Olympic games here on Corinth. May I present to you, Richard Moore and his wife, Brianna.”

They all look at me, “The Richard Moore?”

I speak up next, “the one and only.” Brianna and I both smile at the same time.

The father speaks up very fast in Greek, “Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την εξοικονόμηση χρημάτων μας!”

We have a perplexed look when the father just spoke in Greek. Duris and Mr. Pierre smile.

The mother speaks up next, “I’m sorry. He said, Thank you very much for saving our money!”

“You’re welcome.”

Then they both hug me and Brianna.

“Then you must be here for breakfast.”

“It seems that way, ma’am.”

“Then come. There is no one here at the moment. We’ll serve up some goat milk yogurt, grain cereal with goat milk, pastries, toasted Greek bread with honey, and coffee.”

“We are not coffee drinkers, ma’am. Herbal tea will do.”

“That is no problem, sir. Herbal tea it is.”

“Do you have any fruit here?”

They both smile, “Do we have any fruit here? Of course we do. Greece is the fruit basket of the Mediterranean. We can provide a bowl of mixed fruit for you to start off with. Usually, fruit is served as a dessert after the main evening meal.”

“Thank you very much, ma’am.”

The parents walk into the café to prepare breakfast for us. Duris and Mr. Pierre direct us to a shaded table with chairs. There are several awnings over the patio portion of the café. We sit down and get comfortable around the table. I put the fairies’ satchel hanging on the back of the chair.

A waitress comes out with several fruit bowls brought out for us. She sets four smaller plates in front of us. We see a wide selection of different fruits.

“You will find their figs are very different from the ones found elsewhere around the world.”

“Yes, they are huge.”

We each take a different fruit and put on the smaller plate in front of us. We put slices of oranges and lemons, figs, watermelons, grapes, apples, cherries, and pears on our plates. Brianna and I give a quick ‘Thanks to the Creator’ in our minds.

We sample each one in turn. Brianna and I look at each other and smile after we have taken a bite of a different fruit.

“It is very delicious, Duris. Thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome.”

After we have eaten the bowls of fruit, the grain cereal and pitchers of goat’s milk is brought out. We see it is a granola type combination. It took a brief second in getting used to goats’ milk unique tang flavor. After we get done with that, the pastries and toasted Greek bread are brought out. The honey is served in a bowl with a wooden spoon.

Brianna and I are impressed with the pastries and the Greek bread itself. Again it is very delicious. In the honey, we can detect a slight flavor of orange blossom in the honey. After the pastries and bread, the coffee and herbal tea is brought out.

We sip on the drinks. I see the fairies are very satisfied with the nectar from the flowers. They flutter over to several nearby pots that are near to us.

“This Olympic location is where the torch is lit for the annual Olympic games. It is done in front of Hera’s temple there. Zeus’ temple is there as well.”

“Then where is Mt. Olympus?”

“It is located on the mainland. It is north of Athens near the Eastern shore.”

We finish our drinks. Then everyone comes out from the café. They all clap and cheer.

“Thank you for saving our money, Richard.”

“You’re welcome. May you all have many prosperous years. This is a great location to relax from the big cities like Athens, but from the other big cities around the world.”

“Thank you for those encouraging words, Richard. We think that way anyway.”

Then they all hug me and Brianna. We pay our bills to the owner. I give an extra one hundred dollars in twenties to the mother. She gladly accepts it. She promises it will be put to good use for the café.

As soon as Duris opens the rear on the left side, the butterflies flutter in really fast. They wait for us to get in the car. Then the doors are closed. Our fairies flutter into the coat pockets and change back into fairies to save their energy. Soon their heart beats are in tune with ours. Duris drives onward to the ancient Olympic games located in Archea Olympia.

It takes about two more hours to arrive there. There are a lot of winding roads to get there. We arrive there by 10:30 AM.

“We have about four hours to spend here. We must leave by 2 PM to get back to Athens by 5:30 PM. That means a lunch in a local café for thirty minutes.”

“We understand, Mr. Pierre.”

We see the ruins of the ancient temples nearby. We pull into the parking lot of the complex on the North side of the road. In front of us we see the museum for the site. We get out of the car and Duris locks the doors.

We follow them to the museum first. We pay the admission fee and enter the museum. I use my video camera to record what we are seeing and hearing from Duris and the tour guide. After spending an hour there, we exit the museum and walk south to the main complex. We can now imagine what the buildings could have looked like back then. Then we see some familiar butterflies fluttering around Hera’s Temple. Immediately, our fairies flutter out of our pockets in butterfly mode. They join the other butterflies.


They quietly talk to each other.

“Penelope! It is good to see everyone here.”

“So are we, Tiger. Are you here just visiting the ancient site?”

“We are, Penelope. We had a great breakfast in Duris’ hometown this morning. They have a bunch of flowers around their café.”

“There are a lot of cafes like that here in Greece. We never have to go far for a quick energy boost. Come with us, we’ll show where we stay around here.”

They follow them into a hill rise that is located on the north side of the stadium. It is densely forested with trees. They find the trees easily. They find natural holes in the trees. They change back into fairies.

“Now that we can change into fairies. We are making our beds a lot more comfortable now. When it does get cold here, we gather together in a larger tree hole for warmth.”

They are shown several fruit trees growing wild in the forest. “We planted these fruits and nut trees a long time ago. Now we don’t have to go far from the forest.”

“This is great, we love it. We found some of Caliber’s fairies on the Egyptian and India home world. They decided to stay there. Perhaps they will find a way to find you.”

“Oh that’s really easy. There is a portal on the Olympia Home world in the tree garden. It allows the pantheon gods to get together when needed. Then we must all get together someday and have a great gathering of our own. How are King Oren and Queen White Dove doing in the United States, Traphel?”

“They are doing great, Penelope.”

My fairies give the latest news what is happening with me visiting the last two pantheon gods. They all giggle when hearing the stories repeated again. My fairies show them how to do the water and air bending elements. They all hug each other before they fly back to us near the temples.


We walk over to Hera’s Temple. We see the spot where the Olympic flame is lit on the torches. They use parabolic mirrors to ignite the torches.

I use my video camera to record what we are seeing and being described by the tour guide. We get done in about three hours. We then walk back to the cars. I see our fairies are not too far behind us. As soon as the car door is open, they all flutter in quickly. We then get into the car.

Duris takes us to another café in the nearby village. We have another great lunch this time. The fairies get their fill of nectar from the flowers placed around the café.

We then get back into the car. He stops at a nearby gas station to fill up the car before we leave. Duris then drives back to Athens. It takes about three and a half hours to get back to the hotel.

Once we get there, we take our showers to have our last dinner in the hotel. After eating the great dinner, we return to our rooms. Brianna, Croin, the fairies and I discuss the situation with the sword.

“We are going have to use the water in the lake to stop that napalm, father.

“I know, Tiger. Stopping that armor piercing bullet will be easy. The timing problem is with that wizard. He will be faster than everyone else getting to the stone.”

“I think the best way is to delay them, Omega. Use the flies and bugs to attack their tents.”

“I agree, Traphel. More than likely that napalm missile will be guided. All right this is the plan . . ..”

We hammer out the ideas in the right order. Once we agreed to it, we decided to talk about it between us using our minds until it is memorized during the day. We all go back to bed. We set the alarm for 6 AM again. Duris is going to take us to the Airport where the private jet is parked.

We wake up in the morning fully rested. Once we get ourselves cleaned up and packed. We have our last breakfast in the hotel café. After that we go back to our rooms to retrieve our luggage. The fairies fly into our coat pockets.

After paying the hotel bill and returning the key cards for the rooms, Duris takes us to the airport. We get there at about 9 AM. With Duris’ permission, I place my hand on his forehead to transfer his Greek language to me. We get loaded onto the jet. We say our goodbyes to Duris and we thank him for his hospitality. We have our last hugs with him. Then we board the jet. The pilot takes us to the runway. He revs the engines once he gets clearance from the tower. He takes off into the air and flies to the British Isles and London’s Heathrow Airport.


It is Thursday morning in London. Rex is walking through a large train station. He looks at the signs to determine he is in the right location. He sees the two numbers for the platforms. He sees nine and ten. He sees the metal ticket box separating the two platforms. As soon as he steps closer, a uniformed man intercepts him.

“Hello, Rex.”

“Hello, porter. I am surprised you remembered me.”

“I remember the ones who are the strongest. You are one of them. Now that I look at you, you’ve seem changed somehow. Did you have an eye opening event in your life?”

“I did, porter. I need to have a talk with a wizard on the other side.”

“Which one, Rex?”

“Wizard Albus.”

“The Elder or the Younger?”

“The Younger, his son. I know the Elder is not there. The Elder is the son of Harry. He is retired.”

“He’s there.”

“Good. I am going through now.”

“Good luck.”

Rex looks straight ahead. “Thanks.” He walks toward the metal ticket box and passes right through it. He walks through a brick supporting arch and appears on the other side. He looks up and sees the sign for Platform Nine and three-quarters. He smiles when he sees it. He walks to another porter. He takes out a gold coin and hands it to him. He hands him a ticket from his pocket. Rex takes the ticket and puts it into his inside coat pocket. He pats his pocket again to make sure his shrunken suitcase is still there. Its still there. He boards the train and finds an empty berth. He sits down on the seat near the window. He brings up his hand and takes off the glove to look at it. He smiles as he sees the faint crack lines on his skin. “The skin is healing. But, I can’t forget the pain from what Richard and that dragon did. I hope I can find the answers to my questions here.” He puts the glove back on. He looks out the window. “Sigh . . .I had a long talk with the Coven Master. He quickly boasted of what is happening here and in Europe. He told me there is nothing I can do about it. Then Daphne and I both decided to quit the Coven. It took two years to save up the money for the trip to the Isles here. I need to warn them about the Romanian Dragons.”

More people board the train. After fifteen minutes, the train blows its steam whistle, “TWWWWEEEEEET!!!” The train pulls forward and travels to Hogwarts Castle inside the Forbidden Forest.

When the train passes through a tunnel, the scenery quickly changes to the familiar landscape found in the movies. There is a magical barrier inside the tunnel. If it is an ordinary train, the train continues to its normal destination on the tracks. The magical train travels on a different set of tracks that leads to the Forbidden Forest.

After an hour from the tunnel, the train slows down and comes to a stop at the rural train station. Rex gets up and disembarks from the train onto the platform. He leaves the station platform and walks to the horse drawn carriages. He gets on board. He is taken to Hogwarts Castle.

He sees the familiar landscape. He remembers his time here at the school. He smiles as he recalls those memories. The carriage comes to a stop before the bridge into the castle. Rex gets off and thanks the driver. He walks across the bridge and up to the main entrance to the castle. He opens one of the large doors and enters inside. When he closes the door, the door makes a loud echo sound with the locks. “CLICK = = = !!!”

Anybody who is in the main hall takes a look to see who has come to the castle. There is only one who recognizes Rex.

“REX!! It’s good to see you!” It is the Wizard of Potions, Wizard Thaddeus. He quickly comes up to greet him. They give each other quick hug. Then Thaddeus looks at him again. “You’ve changed. What happened?”

“I had an interesting encounter about three years ago in the States, wizard. He is not a wizard, but he is stronger than me. He’s probably stronger than a lot of us.”

“What’s his name? Is he good or bad?”

“I won’t say his name yet, Thaddeus. I think he is very good. I need a meeting with the council here. That even includes Albus the Younger.”

“This is serious. All right, I’ll put the notice out. It will probably happen tonight. Did you come with a suitcase?”

Rex smiles as he pats his coat pocket, “I sure did.”

“That’s great. You know where the extra bedrooms are kept for our guests. Get yourself comfortable. I’ll let you know when the meeting will happen.”

“Thanks, Thaddeus.”

They go their ways inside the Castle.

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