The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 4 Honeymoon Trips Ch. 08

The Honeymoon Trips
Chapter 8

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.


We travel in the Emissaries’s star ship. It doesn’t take long to arrive at Aang’s world. We look on the monitor screen to see their world.

“This visit is for both of you and your fairies. The wizard won’t be with you on this trip. We’ll be back here in seven days to pick you up. We have complete confidence that you will learn the water bending element. Brianna, it is time for you also to learn the martial arts. Richard will teach you the basics of the white sash in the Shaolin discipline.”

Brianna nods her head up and down, “I understand, Emissaries.”

“Richard’s fairies will also start to learn the water bending element as well. By the time Richard is a Shaolin Dragon Master, his fairies will be just as strong as well. When all of his fairies are united together. They will do the impossible as well. This unification will be needed during the Ultimate Last Battle.”

All of the fairies respond together in one voice, “We understand, Emissaries.”

“What about us, Emissaries? Won’t we be able to do those impossible feats?”

“You will, King Oren and Queen White Dove. Your clan will be taught by Richard’s fairies back on Earth.”

“Thank you, Emissaries.”

“Richard, we are going to beam you and Brianna down to a secluded area that is several blocks from Iroh’s tea shop. The name of the city is Ba Sing Se. Then you can walk out from the alley and get on the main road to the tea shop, which is to the left. The tea shop is located in the upper ring of the city.”

“Put these robes on. It is the current fashion for them.”

An Emissary walks over to a closet, he removes two cloak robes for us. They remind me of the cloak robes from the Shaolin movies that I have seen. We take off our satchels and place them on the floor. We put the robes on and button them in place. We then put the satchels back on our shoulders.

“Fortunately, you already have your armor underneath your current clothes. Keep your sword sheathed. Don’t draw it unless you are threatened.”

“At what point in the story are we arriving there, Emissaries?”

“That’s a good question, Richard. You’ll be arriving when Katara has given birth to their first child. Their third child will be an air bender. It will be six months after his birth. Zuko is the current Fire Lord. He still hasn’t found his mother yet.”

“Will he find her?”

“He will, Richard. He hasn’t exhausted all of the possibilities of where she is hidden. It will be the last place he will find her.”

“Did Aang find anymore air benders?”

“No he didn’t, Richard. New air benders will be born soon. Aang is slowly rebuilding the Air Temples one at a time. Right now he is at the Northern Air Temple. ”

Brianna and I hold our hands together. We disappear in a blink of an eye. We appear in an alley way. “Now remember my fairies, keep quiet as long as possible.”

“We’ll try, father, mother, Omega.”

We adjust our cloaks and put the hoods over our heads. We exit the alley and walk out onto the sidewalk and turn left. We walk past a large beast pulling a cart full of building material. The beast senses me quickly. We look at each other quickly.

You’re a beast, but you look human.

I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon on my world. I am here to meet Iroh.

He’s an honorable man. I’ll tell the other animals that you are here.

I am here for seven days only to learn the water bending element. I will be representing the animals at the Ultimate Last Battle. I will be here a few more times to learn the other bending elements.

Ah, that explains it. I am honored to meet you and your mate.

Then the driver on top of the beast yells out, “Come on now! Get going! We have work to do! I am sorry for the interruption, sir.”

I keep my head down and let the hood hide my face. “That’s okay, sir. We just had a nice conversation about the weather.”

“The weather!? Since when do animals talk? I never heard them speak a word!”

“Maybe it is because you don’t know how to talk to them. Besides, animals are very sensitive to the weather, land and sea quakes. Anyway, I have a question before you go. Where is Iroh’s tea shop?”

“His tea shop is the fourth building on the left. It’s called the Jasmine Dragon.” He kicks his legs into the side of the beast. “Come on now, get moving!”

The beast continues to pull the cart. The beast grunts a laugh as we walk by.

That’s the way to remind them. Heh, heh, heh, . . .

Brianna and I chuckle to ourselves when we heard his comment in our minds. My fairies chuckle lightly as well.

We walk down the sidewalk next to the street. I see other beasts in the street as well. We nod our heads up and down slightly. The beasts nod their heads up and down slightly in response.

We find the fourth building on our left. We see a large sign on an outer wall, “The Jasmine Dragon.” We walk up the steps and open the door and walk inside. Soon, we smell the wonderful aromas of the many different teas that are sold here. We see there are many sitting areas for groups to gather or to sit by themselves. Some of the sitting tables have windows viewing the outside.

A bearded man sees us come inside. “Welcome to Iroh’s Tea Shop, The Jasmine Dragon. Is there a particular blend you are looking for?”

“Some of those aromas I’m smelling remind me of the ones where we come from.”

Iroh smiles, “That’s good, my lady. That means I have a customer already.”

“Well, truth be told, we were just married about a week ago.”

“Congratulations on your marriage.”

We both respond with a smile on our faces, “Thank you, Iroh.”

“Now you didn’t come all this way just to meet me. Did you?”

“Not entirely, sir. We are here for you to take us to meet Zuko, your Fire Lord. He will then take us to see Aang. I am here to learn the water bending element.”

His eyes narrow at both of us, “Hmm . . . there is more to you than meets the eye. Please remove your hoods. I need to see your faces.”

We push our hoods back to reveal our faces.

“You’re not from around here.”

“No, we are not, sir.”

“Follow me. We need to meet in a private room.”

Iroh leads us to a large room. He slides the door and we walk inside. He then slides the door back.

“In fact we are from another world called Earth. Your story with Aang, Zuko, Katara and the others are told on our world. In fact there are many stories that we have written about on other worlds. I know for a fact they are for real.”

“I see, so, we are not alone in the universe.”

“No, we are not, Iroh.”

“Then you are here for a particular reason besides trying to see Aang.”

“That’s right sir. I don’t know when according to your time cycle, but on our world it is different. In about 800 years, our world will see a major battle take place. For lack of a better name for it, it is called the Ultimate Last Battle. It is when King Azazel will send his dark forces of demons and fallen angels to attack our world. We are expecting a billion star ships to arrive at our world to destroy it.”

“Why would he do such a thing?”

“Because he rebelled against the Creator of the Universe. He was thrown down to our Earth a long time ago. He refused to give the praise of the angels to the Creator, he coveted the praise for himself. When he was on Earth, he saw men rise up to take his place. He therefore became determined to destroy all mankind. If we don’t stop him on our world, he will come after others like your world here.”

“Hmm . . . I think you speak the truth on the matter. Ever since I became a true fire bending dragon, I have often felt the pulse of our world more acutely than others. Not only that, I also sense a darkness trying to creep back in that will disturb our just earned peace.”

“I have felt the same way as well. But in my case, I am different than the others on my world. We have Shaolin Dragon Masters on our world. There are about forty at any given time on our world. Some are good, some are bad. Or at least they have been told lies. There are no Avatars on our world. We have over one hundred countries on my world. We used to have magic on our world, but that was removed from the people because they used it to control people. However, there are still traces of magic hidden on our world. People have tried to find it and use it for the wrong or right reasons. The skilled martial art masters can do the element bending techniques. For me, I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon that is promised on my world. My wife and I will live long enough until this Battle is over with.”

“I see there are some common traits between our worlds.”

“That’s right, Iroh. Since I’m the Omega Unicorn Dragon, my wife and I can communicate with the animals easily with our minds. I already have made a connection to your animals in your town here.”

“Will you turn our animals against us?”

“No, that is not my intention. It is matter of giving them respect and taking care of them properly. When the Ultimate Last Battle takes place, I will represent the animals at the battle.”

“Ah, now I understand what you are trying to say. Do you mind if I give you a test? It is for me to determine if you are telling me the truth or not.”

“I know what test you are referring to. But after you test me and Brianna, you must test my fairies as well.”

“Fairies? What are those?”

“Fairies are small winged people. On my world, fairies come from male unicorns such as I. I am dual gender with both sexes. My wife Brianna, is a female unicorn who will give birth to our children.”

“Can I see these fairies?”

“Yes, you may.” I unbutton the cloak and open it up. Stay in this room, my fairies.”

“We will, father, mother, Omega.”

As soon as our cloaks are wide open, they fly out of the pockets. They quickly fly around. Then they hover in front of Iroh to check him out. They quickly talk among themselves.

“I like him, he has a good heart.”

“I like him too, Tiger.”

Iroh smiles at the compliments from the fairies.

“What kind of test is this, Iroh?”

“It’s an element test, my lady. You don’t have to do anything. The elements will react automatically when you are near it. I’ll be right back.” Iroh chuckles to himself as he walks out of the room. He comes back in carrying a tray. On the tray is a small ewer of water, a stone and a candle that is lit.

“Now my fairies, we must do this one at a time. You need to keep your distance and not get near it, but you can watch.”

“Yes, father, mother, Omega.”

Iroh takes the ewer and pours out some water on the tray. It is oblong in shape. Then it slowly forms a circle. The small stone is placed before me. It moves and stands up erect. The candle flame gets higher.

“Well, that answers that question. You do have the potential to learn the element bending techniques. The only question left is the spirit bending. What form will that take place within you?”

“Last night, I had dream that I visited your world. I met the red and blue dragons in the spirit realm. I know their names are Ran and Shaw.”

“That’s interesting. Continue with the story.”

“They said I am welcomed here to learn the element bending techniques. However, they said I won’t be able to remove one’s element bending technique. That is reserved for your Avatar. They said I will use the spirit bending like how the Saiyans use it.”

“How do they use it?”

“They use it as a weapon. They can shoot out large amounts of energy. If one is strong enough, you can withstand their attack.”

“Then you will need to learn the lightning attack as well. That is a special form of energy from the fire bending. I can help you there when you start learning the basics when we get to that point in your training. Let’s see how your fairies and your mate react to the test.”

One by one, my fairies come up. They giggle and laugh when they see the results. The results from the tests are the same for them. It is even the same for Brianna as well.

“Well, this is most unusual. I don’t see a family exhibiting these results at all. But, if the Creator is behind this, then you must be a very special family. I am honored to meet you and your family. Now there is one more test to do. I need to see a small demonstration of the air bending technique. That will tell me the extent of your abilities. From that, Aang might have you to teach you some more air bending techniques than what you know.”

“I understand, Iroh.”

I take off the satchels and put them on the floor. Then I take the robe off and hand it to Brianna to hold.

I step aside to get some room. “I am sure you are aware of the yin yang, the good and the bad in people. We must strive for a balance in our lives. While seeking that balance, you must have a clear mind and be calm with your thoughts.”

“That is what I learned a long time ago. If you have that teaching, then there are definitely connections between our worlds.”

“There are, Iroh. It is learned from the dragons. We have dragons on our world. However, they are hidden.”

Iroh smiles, “That is very good news.”

I smile back, “Yes it is. Within me is a drop of Eingana’s blood. She is the Great Mother of all sea dragons. I received it on Twainor a few years ago. When I returned to Earth, I then had an encounter with Leviathan, the Great Father of all fire dragons. They have given birth to all dragons found on all worlds. Only the Creator knows how they got there. Ran and Shaw would even recognize them as well.”

“That is good news.”

“When Leviathan breathed upon me the first time, I sprouted these feathered wings.” I sprout out the feather wings from my back.

“Oh my, they are beautiful to behold. Does your wife can sprout those wings?”

Brianna speaks up, “I can, Iroh. After I was changed on Twainor, I can now sprout wings like my husband.”

“Now, Iroh here is a question for you. Which part of my chi am I expressing myself here?”

“That is easy, Richard. You are expressing your good side or the yang.”

“That is right, Iroh. Then one day, I learned how to combine both the yin and the yang within me. This time, the wings will come out different.”

I retract my feathered wings into my body. Then I produce my dragon wings. My eyes are glowing with a golden color.

“In all my life, I get to see it for real. I see someone whom has combined both the yin and the yang perfectly. Truly, you are a dragon.”

“Thank you, Iroh. Now, here is a small demonstration of my air bending techniques.” I fold my wings behind me.

I twist my hand to form a mini tornado. My fairies gather around quickly in a circle in front of me. I send the mini tornado them. They catch with it their hands. They play a game of catch with it. When each one has a turn playing with it, they quickly dispel the mini tornado into the air with their wings.

“I love it. That was great.”

All of my fairies smile and give a bow, “Thank you, Iroh.”

“You’re welcome. Now I presume you know how to fly with those wings?”

“I do, Iroh. I can do some very tight moves, dives, sweeping moves and so on. I can even create a wall of wind to keep the flames away and redirect it elsewhere.”

“That’s good, Richard. For your benefit, when you start learning from Aang, you must be able to do those air bending techniques without resorting to extending your wings. If you can keep them hidden, then you will have the advantage when you do need them.”

“Hmm . . . I see what you are saying.” I retract the dragon wings back within my body. My eyes return to normal. I take the robe from Brianna and put it on. Then I put the satchels back on the shoulders. Brianna does the same as well with her robe and satchels. My fairies quickly fly back into our coat pockets. We then button the cloaks back up.

“Fortunately, Zuko is here right now. He is visiting the Earth King. They are discussing what else needed to bring peace to the world. Follow me please.”

We follow Iroh out of the tea shop. He talks to a co-worker who will over see the shop while he escorts us to the royal building.

It takes awhile to walk down the streets to the main royal building. We get stopped at the main doors by the guards there.

“What is your business here, Iroh?”

“I am escorting these two people to see Zuko only.”

“That’s fine, Iroh. He is now free to meet people this morning. You know which way he is located.”

“I do, guards. Thank you for your assistance.”

Iroh leads us down the hallways until we come to a side room. There are two fire nation guards at the door. They come to attention when Iroh comes near. They turn and open the doors to the side room. A man comes up quickly to greet Iroh.

“Hello Iroh. What can I do for you?”

“I have two people here that want to meet with Zuko. Is he available?”

“He is, Iroh. Right now he is trying to calm down from the latest talks with the Earth King. It was a bit grinding on him. This will be a nice distraction for him.”

“I appreciate it. Thank you.”

We follow Iroh and see Zuko sitting on his portable throne. He looks up and sees his uncle approaching him. He smiles and steps down to greet him.

“It’s good to see you, Uncle Iroh.”

They hug quickly and break apart.

“It’s good to see you again, Zuko. How is it been going?”

“We are making headway in the talks. I see two people behind you that I’ve never seen before.”

“You haven’t Zuko. They are visitors to our world.”

Zuko quickly catches the inference with his words. He comes in close to whisper.

“They are from outside our world?”

“They are Zuko. They are here to see Aang. They have business with him. He and his wife are here to start learning more air bending techniques.”

“They are air benders? He appears to be a warrior. I can see he has armor underneath his robe.”

“I saw it too, Zuko. On his world they have masters who can do all of the element bending techniques. However, there are forty at a given time.”

“Hmm . . . that is most unusual. All right, I’ll take them to Aang. He is at the nearby Northern Air Temple.”

They break apart and approach us.

“I’ll take you to see Aang. It will be good to see him again as well. We have an air bison right here for me to use. It allows me to get around quickly.”

We follow Zuko and Iroh down several hallways until we come to a large open area. We see several bisons on the large quad grass area. A bison quickly recognizes him. He walks up to Zuko and stops.

“We need to see Aang at the Northern Air Temple.”

The air bison nods his head up and down. He kneels down for us. We climb up his tail and get into the large saddle seating mounted on his back. The air bison then floats into the air. Once he is high enough, he flaps his tail to move forward.

“What are your names?”

“My name is Richard Moore and this is my wife, Brianna. I am here to start learning the water bending. Hopefully I will get it learned in seven days.”

“Usually that take years to get it right.”

“Don’t worry. I have had about twelve years of martial art studying. I have the first degree in the black sash. Once I earn all ten black sashes, I will be a Shaolin Dragon Master. During that time, I will be learning all five element bending techniques.”

“I will need to see a demonstration when we see Aang. Iroh and I need to know everything about you.”

“I have no problems with that, Zuko. Your world is told about in stories on our world.”

“Do you know where my mother is hidden?”

“You will look everywhere, Zuko. It will be the last place that you will find her.”

“Sigh . . . well at least that provides some hope.”

We fly high above the ground. Soon we see the Northern Air Temple at the edge of the seas. Across the expanse of the water, we see the large island for the Northern Water Tribe. We make our descent to the Northern Air Temple. We see several Earth Benders helping Aang in rebuilding the Northern Air Temple.

They look up to see us flying in. The air bison hovers lower to the landing area for us to disembark. We climb down from the air bison.

Aang quickly smiles as he sees us. He runs up to greet us. He hugs Zuko and Iroh quickly.

“What brings you here, Zuko and Iroh?”

“Some two students for you to teach.”

“That’s great, Iroh. Which tribe are they from?”

“They are not from here, Aang. They are from another world.”


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