Alex in Wonderland - 4

Alex always wanted to be a girl.
He gets his wish when he wakes up on an alien world.
Alex in Wonderland
Chapter 4
Sweet Sixteen

I nodded agreement, giving a nervous laugh as I replied quietly, “Well we're in the same boat then. I never thought that I'd be a Princess in her Giftsun Parade.”


Author's Note: Here's chapter 4 of Alex in Wonderland. This one just wouldn't let me stop until I was finished. Thank you as always to all my readers for the comments, kudos, and thinking that my work is worth reading. Also thanks to the Big Closet team who work tirelessly to give us all a wonderfully supportive venue to read and post TG fiction ~Amethyst.

Chapter 4: Sweet Sixteen

We were all very tired when Patar came to take us home. The bonfire had died down to mere embers, Chrissy was asleep in my lap, and Michelle and Grayle were sleeping peacefully. Jezz and I had also fallen asleep, the Cinole's head resting on my chest, while mine rested on Michelle's back. Patar gently shook Jezz and I awake and, once we were both alert, we woke our Drakans.

Chrissy awoke from the jostling and scurried up to take her place around my neck as we all shuffled over to a large wagon that Patar had prepared. Two massive black horses, which Patar had called Machuls, were hitched up to it. Getting the Draklings into the wagon proved a bit difficult given their size and their clumsiness. Once we had them loaded, Jezz and I climbed in with them and Patar got into the drivers seat and flipped the reins to set the Machuls into motion.

It was a bit of a bumpy ride across the huge cobblestone bridge that spanned from the shore of the lake to the island in the center where the castle stood. As we made our way over the huge black drawbridge, we were stopped momentarily by the gate guards. Once they saw Patar and his passengers though, they quickly let us pass. Then in the courtyard Patar began issuing orders. “The Princess and Michelle are to be taken to her rooms for tonight, Jezz and Grayle are to be taken to one of the guest rooms, and then all of their needs are to be seen to.”

We were escorted to our rooms by palace servants and, as soon as we entered the princess' rooms, Michelle found a spot on the floor to settle down and sleep. I was led by someone that Patar had introduced as my personal maid, a reddish brown Zenin named Felice, to the bedchamber. “Can I get you anything before you retire for the night Your Highness?" she asked.

I was really tired, but I also realized that it had been over four days since I had had a bath. It had been too cold to do anything but drink from the glacier fed lake in the valley. The only time I had taken off my bodysuit and cloak had been to relieve myself, and I had always made sure that had been quick. So with that in mind, I reluctantly removed Chrissy from around my neck and placed her on one of the pillows before saying, “I would really like to clean up a bit.”

“Of course your Highness,” she replied, “I will prepare a hot bath for you.” She disappeared into a room connected to the bedroom and I could hear her moving around, and water splashing, for a while before she returned. “Your bath is ready Highness, let me help you off with those clothes.”

It was more than a little awkward having someone undress me, but I was really too tired to argue. Soon I was relaxing in a hot bath as Felice scrubbed my back. Once my back was clean Felice left at my request, leaving me a robe and some towels for when I was finished. I was amazed at what I was seeing in the bathroom as I soaked and let the hot water relax me. It practically had all the comforts of home. There was hot and cold running water for the large marble bath and smaller wash basin, and even indoor plumbing. I later found out that this was all made possible by Enchanters, and that only the very wealthy could afford such convenience.

I soaked for some time before I started to carefully clean myself and, once I did, the bath was a learning experience. Firstly, I discovered that while I only had two breasts, I did also have two other sets of nipples hidden in the fur on my belly. Secondly, I discovered while shifting position to better reach my feet, that sitting on one's tail hurts, a lot. Felise rushed in looking panicked after the yowl I let out when that happened. Lastly, once I was out of my bath, I discovered that fur is a bitch to dry. I first had to shake myself like... well like a cat I guess, and then towel off if I wanted to get dry in any decent amount of time. By the time I actually got into my bed I fell to sleep immediately.


The two days following the nest breaking were extremely hectic. Not only did the baby Drakans require a lot of care and attention, but when we weren't doing that Patar and Jezz spent all the time they could teaching me about life in the Greylands, and specifically in Azure. I learned about the geography, the various Gods and Goddesses that were worshiped, and how time, weights, and distances were measured. Most Importantly though, I learned about Gifts.

With my Giftsun coming up fast, it was felt that basic education on various Gifts and the Gifted was of the utmost importance. Gifts were granted to people on their sixteenth birthday, or birthsun as they called them, by the Goddess of Gifts, Selune. Because of this, the sixteenth birthsun was called the Giftsun. On their Giftsun people are taken to Diviners to test for Gifts, and to trigger those Gifts if any are discovered. Triggering, or Gifting, can sometimes result in various degrees of physical and/or mental changes. The Giftsun is a rite or passage into adulthood, whether one is Gifted or not, and when people set aside their childhood name for the name that they will carry into adulthood.

Not everyone has Gifts though, and those who do are called the Gifted. The Gifted harness kida, the spirit energy found in the earth, the air, and all living things to use what I would call magic. There are various types of Gifts, and each type of Gifted has a different name. Healers can heal illnesses, wounds or diseases, though the more serious the injury the more kida they need to use. They also make potions, balms, and use various other non magical healing methods to care for the ill. Jezz is a Healer.

Patar is a Diviner. Diviners are those whose Gifts are mind based. These abilities can include such things as telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, sensing the history of objects or places, and empathy. They can also detect Gift potential. Diviners are the most diverse of the Gifted, and their abilities vary widely amongst them.

Both my parents, Queen Nisa and King Janis, are Thaumaturges, who can use their Gift directly for a wide variety of spells. These spells can be offensive, defensive, or completely neutral. In any type of combat situation Thaumaturges are extremely useful. It was assumed that I would be a Thaumaturge as well, should I receive a Gift.

Another type of Gifted are Enchanters. They can't use kida to do anything directly, but can permanently enchant objects with pretty much any effect spells they can imagine, should they have enough power. Enchantments can be temporary or permanent, but permanent takes more power. Then there are Wilders, who can communicate with and influence animals; Wind Walkers, who can control the weather; and Shifters, who use their Gift to change their shape, appearance, etc. More powerful Shifters can subtly reshape the bodies of others or materials as well. Finally, there are also people with more than one Gift, these are called Dabblers.

It wasn't all work during those two days though. Michelle and I spent quite a lot of time just being together again, and getting used to the new connection we had. Being able to speak in each others minds all the time took a lot of getting used to. Thankfully we weren't the only ones new to this, since Jezz and Grayle were going through the exact same thing. It turned out to be a good bonding time for the four of us, and I felt myself feeling close to someone besides my twin for the first time in years.

Semi permanent living arrangements had been made as well. Most Chosen and their Drakans were deeded land to make a home on by the Queen, but in my case that wouldn't work so both Jezz and I were staying in the palace, or Misalet Castle as it was called. I of course had the princess' room, I shouldn't call it a room though, since is was practically a home all by itself. Jezz had one of the spacious guest rooms, which sat beside mine. For Michelle and Grayle, one of the larger private courtyards had been set aside and made comfortable for the pair. Guards were posted to ensure that the Draklings, myself, and Jezz were not bothered by anyone, and food was brought to Grayle and Michelle whenever we requested it.

On the second day I also spent some time with my new parents. Queen Nisa and King Janis were a bit withdrawn, still mourning Visanee's death. Luckily, most people were attributing their mood to almost losing their daughter and the shock of my amnesia. To their credit, both the Queen and the King tried their best to get to know me and start to build some sort of relationship with me. Jezz was treated as a special guest, she even dined with us. She was a country girl and, although she seemed to enjoy all the fancy clothes and servants waiting on us, I think she was a bit unsure how to act, and nervous about her new social standing. I couldn't blame her, since I was feeling the same. It was another bond that we shared.


I was awoken early on the day of my Giftsun. Felice woke me with the dawn, insisting that I needed time to prepare for my busy day. She immediately ushered me into a hot bath and started washing me, despite my objections. I had no time for a leisurely soak so the bath was an exercise in precision cleaning. Once I was extracted from the hot water, I was instructed to dry myself as quickly as possible while Felice went to fetch my breakfast. It seemed that Michelle was getting similar treatment as, while I was drying myself, I heard ~Coooooooold!!!~

I continued to towel myself as I giggled. ~At least I'm not suffering alone. What's going on sis?~

Michelle sounded irritated. ~Patar has some servants here in the courtyard. They're giving Grayle and I baths for some reason. Why did they have to wake us at this ungodly hour for this!? Mmmmmm, at least they brought us breakfast.~

I rolled my eyes at that as I started toweling my hair. ~Hey, if I have to suffer so do you. Just try to cooperate. They probably want you accompanying me on the parade through the city to the Temple of Selune.~ I finished drying off and stepped into my bed chamber, where Felice had my breakfast laid out on a small table. I took my seat and looked over the broiled fish, hard-boiled eggs, some sort of dark bread with butter, and a glass of milk. ~Ah the breakfast of champions.~ Michelle's only answer was a contented warmth in my mind as she ate her own meal.

Breakfast was delicious, the fish was delicately spiced, and the milk had a sweet taste to it. It was over all too quickly though, and soon Felice was getting me properly dressed. Green was the color of Itari and, since much of today would be committing myself to Her, that was the color of the day. After I was placed in appropriate undergarments we began with a crinoline followed by a full length skirt of a hunter green velvet. The skirt felt heavy and I thought that it and the crinoline were going to be difficult to move in, making me suddenly very grateful for my new body's inherent feline grace.

A golden colored satin-like chemise with large billowing sleeves was next on the list, the color chosen to honor Selune when I visited the Diviner Priestess at Her temple. It was actually fairly comfortable, but I could see the sleeves having the potential to cause problems when I ate. Over the chemise was placed a corset in hunter green velvet to match the skirt. Corsets may look great, but they should probably be banned by the Geneva Convention, as they are sheer torture to put on and wear. As I was being squeezed into it I mentally grumbled. ~Be glad you just got a bath sis. You could be in my shoes.~

Speaking of shoes, those were the next item on the list. Well boots actually, made of a dark green suede with a three inch heel. They looked intimidating at first, but since I walk on the balls of my feet they were actually very comfortable. I thought that we would have been finished then, but Felice had me sit down (not an easy feat with what I was wearing) and she started working my hair into a complex looking bun, with a braid at the back center and two more falling to either side of my face.

Then it was time for more torture. Three gold rings were placed in each of my ears. This wouldn't have been so bad if they had been pierced beforehand, but apparently it was tradition to wait until the Giftsun for it. You try getting needles thrust through one of the most sensitive parts of your body and try not screaming. I only marginally succeeded... the first three times didn't count since I wasn't ready.


After my torture session, Felice took Chrissy for me and led me down to the main courtyard, where I found half the castle waiting. All the nobles and officials from my parents retinue on the day of the nest breaking were there, as well as close to thirty guards, several horses, and two of our machuls. Patar sat astride Runne, who took up a good portion of space, and both Grayle and Michelle sat in another large wagon decorated in golden flowers, which was hitched up to the two machuls. Sitting demurely just ahead of the Drakans was Jezz, who was dressed in a similar fashion to me and looked just as uncomfortable.

Normally on her Giftsun, the Princess rides a in a carriage behind the Queen and King with a trusted servant, handmaiden, or sometimes a friend from the nobility to help her throughout the day. It was decided that Jezz would do that for me, since we had been bonding so well. Since this was our first public appearance since the nest breaking, it was decided that the Drakans would come too. With a hand from some of the guards, I managed to climb into the wagon and get myself seated on the padded bench beside my Cinole friend. “You look about as nervous as I am,” I grumbled. I took Chrissy from Felice and placed her between Jezz and I.

“Ya Yer Highness, I ne'er thought I'd e'er be sittin' 'side the Princess fer her Giftsun parade,” she said, wringing her hands.

I nodded agreement, giving a nervous laugh as I replied quietly, “Well we're in the same boat then. I never thought that I'd be a Princess in her Giftsun Parade.”

Michelle's voice slipped into my mind, radiating calm. ~Relax Alex, we just need to sit here and look good for the most part. Then you do your thing at the Temple, and we look good on the way back too. Then you do your vow thingy and get crowned. Easy, right?~

~Easy for you to say, but thanks for trying sis.~ I turned around to give her a smile. Then I turned back to the front as two large and heavy sacks were placed in front of Jezz and I. From what we had been told, the sacks were filled with a mix of sweets and copper coins for us to toss to the children out to see the parade.

Despite my concerns that this would take a while to get organized, under Queen Nisa's supervision we were soon underway. Ten guards in golden armor took the lead with my parents behind them on large bay horses, followed by our wagon, then ten more of the golden clad guards, the members of the nobility, and finally the final ten guards. Above us Patar and Runne flew with six other Drakan pairs in formation. I had thought the parade wouldn't really get started until we crossed the bridge spanning the lake, but even at this early hour people were lined up along the sides of the bridge to get a good look at the procession.

I groaned and reached into the bag for a handful of coins and sweets, speaking loud enough so my companions could hear me. “Showtime girls, let's smile and look pretty.” I put a nervous smile on my own face and tossed the handful out into the crowd. Jezz followed my lead and our companions sat up doing their best to look proud and noble. All eyes were upon us as we made our way across the bridge and through the capital.


Somehow I had managed to make it to the Temple of Selune without throwing up from nervousness. Our sacks were now depleted, and the only thing keeping me from being glad it was over was the fact that after the temple we'd have to do it again in reverse. Once I was helped out of the wagon, I walked along the path of golden flower petals that Jezz was spreading out before me leading to the small dais had been erected in front of the temple, for the sole purpose of my Gifting. Once I had stepped onto the dais, Jezz moved to one side as she had been instructed and knelt waiting, while I stepped in front of the Priestess in white and gold robes.

The Priestess smiled at me and began to speak in a voice that carried well over the hushed crowd. “Visanee Misalet, daughter of Nisa and Janis. Why do you come before the Goddess Selune?”

I swallowed hard, hoping that I was remembering all of this correctly. We'd only gone over it a thousand times or so. I knelt and raised my face and hands to the heavens. “I come before Selune to ask Her favor. I am sixteen passes old today, and humbly ask Her for Her touch. I ask for no more than She is willing to give. I ask that She bestow me with what Gift or Gifts that She finds me deserving of.”

The Priestess took my outstretched hands, and I could feel a warmth filling me as she looked for my Gift. Then I felt something release in me, like I wasn't quite whole before and now I was. Then the Priestess raised me to my feet. “You have been found worthy. Set aside your childhood and tell me the name you will carry into adulthood, so that I may know who to bestow these Gifts upon.”

She said 'Gifts'. For a brief second I was unsure what to do, luckily the murmuring of the crowd as they realized the same thing gave me a few seconds to compose myself. I was careful to speak loudly and clearly as I said, “Alexis.”

“Alexis Misalet,” the Priestess intoned as the crowd now hung on her every word, "Selune has seen fit to bestow upon you three Gifts on this, your Giftsun. She gives you a great Gift in Healing. She also gives you a small Gift in the Divine, and another in the Wild. I pronounce you Dabbler.”

This was unexpected. It was thought I would be a Thaumaturge like my parents, but I got three Gifts and none of them were what I had been told to expect. The crowd was shocked too for a moment, before they suddenly burst into applause and loud cheering. I quickly shook off my confusion and said, “I thank Selune for these Gifts and will do my best to be worthy of them.”

With my Gifting complete, Jezz rose to escort me back to the wagon, several women and young girls offering us both flowers as we stepped off the dais and made our way back to the wagon. As we settled into the wagon once again, I had to make an effort not to just slump into my seat. The corset helped a lot with that though, but smiling was still an effort with as nervous as I was. “Am I glad that is over,” I said once we were underway and once again smiling and showering people with sweets and copper coins from new bags.

“You 'n me both 'Lex,” was Jezz's soft reply. “I was nervous at m' own Gifting, but at least mine was done in the privacy o' the Temple. Dinna have thousands of folks watchin' m' every word. Ya did well though 'Lex.” She paused to toss a handful from the bag. “And yer a Dabbler, I dinna think anyun expected that.”

“Least of all me,” I said with a sigh as I too tossed a handful. “I guess we'll both be busy with Healing lessons now too. I wonder what exactly my Wilder and Diviner abilities are. I mean, how small is small?”

The Cinole shrugged, her green wings fluttering a bit. “Ya should be findin' out o'er the next se'ensun. It takes a bit fer the Gifts to start showin'.”

“That's good to know.” I was a bit relieved that they wouldn't start kicking in right away. “The last thing I need right now is to find out I'm a telepath or something in the middle of thousands of people. It's bad enough with the one person I already have in my head.” I giggled and winked back at Michelle before tossing another handful.

I could feel Michelle's laughter in the back of my mind. ~Just for that Alex, I've got something for your Giftsun.~ Then she began to sing. ~This is the song that never ends....~ It was a long parade back to the palace.


It was almost midday when we arrived back at the palace. The procession, followed by all the townspeople who could manage it, filed into the main courtyard. Behind us, I could see that the entire bridge was also full of people hoping to get a look at the ceremony that would name me as heir to the throne of Azure. When we entered the courtyard, I stepped down from the wagon to join Queen Nisa at the great doors that stood at the rear wall of the courtyard. To either side of the great doors were stairs that led up to the balcony, the great hall, the throne room, and the rest of the palace proper.

The great doors themselves were made of the sturdy black wood called yalk, with thick wrought iron hinges and handles. The doors were barred and guarded at all times, unless the Queen or her heir was inside the Queen's private courtyard that lay behind them. Swallowing my fear, I watched as two large Jiquar guards pulled open the massive doors. Then Queen Nisa stepped inside and I moved to follow. Inside the great doors was another smaller door sealed by magic. Only one who had been bound to the land could open that door. My new mother opened the door and we stepped inside, the door shutting behind us.

The Queen's courtyard was large and very well lit by kida lamps, which gave off a natural looking light. I had been told that the light in this courtyard was created to simulate the time of day. There was an illusion of the sky, with moving clouds and the sun in it's proper position on the ceiling. After I was bound to the land I would be able to come in here any time, and it would be just like being outside no matter whether it was day, night, dawn, or dusk. It was an amazing illusion, and even the flowers and small trees that grew all over the bare earth at our feet couldn't seem to tell the difference.

Another enchantment caused the air in the room to stay fresh, and even have cool breezes, which would make this a nice place to keep cool later in the summer. There were even birds and some small animals. The Queen led me by the hand as I took in the realistic environment and she let out a giggle as she said, “I was the same way when I saw it for the first time.” It was the first time that I had heard her laugh since we had met and it warmed my heart.

I merely nodded in answer and squeezed her hand, not really wanting to spoil this moment. I saw several benches as we made our way to the center of the courtyard and then, as I turned to face forward, I saw it. The crystal fountain of Itari was a large formation of crystals, in all the colors of the rainbow, that gave off a light all their own. We stopped when we reached the formation and the Queen spoke. “Itari, Mother of our land, patron Goddess of our people. I bring before You my daughter, Alexis Misalet, and ask that You accept her as my heir.”

The crystals seemed to hum, vibrating as I stepped forward to stand beside the Queen. Then I heard a voice in my head that wasn't Michelle's. It was a voice of power that seemed to make my head hum right along with the crystals. ~Alexis, you of two worlds. Your mind is not hers, but you are of the blood. Are you prepared to leave your old world behind forever, to defend and rule this land and these people? Are you prepared to protect this sacred place?~

I quickly shook off the shock I was feeling and formulated my reply. “This land is now my home, these people my own, and I relinquish the family of my old world to embrace the family whose blood runs through my veins. There is nothing for me in my old world. I promise to defend and rule this land, and it's people, when the time comes, and to protect this sacred place from harm.”

The Queen smiled at me, teary eyed, and the voice in my head was happy once it spoke again. ~Very well then Alexis. I accept you as heir and will bind you to the land. Seal the Vow with your blood.~

I nodded and stepped forward to prick my finger on one of the crystals. I held the finger over the crystal letting several drops of blood fall onto it. The blood seemed to be absorbed by the crystal, which seemed to glow even brighter than the rest. Then the whole crystal formation started to glow brighter, shining with a blinding light, and the crystals and the castle around us started to sing.

Sometime during the cacophony of bright light and the music of the earth, I felt a connection begin to form with the crystal formation and the land beneath my feet, like some sort of tether between it and my soul. It wasn't really a binding, as I didn't feel bound to the land, as I think that would have felt restraining. No, this was more like I was part of the land, and it was part of me, and would be no matter where I was. ~You are bound to the land and the Vow. I know that you will serve both myself and your people well.~


"She's been in there a while now," Michelle thought as she waited impatiently for Alex to either come out the doors, or contact her to let her know everything was alright. Things had gone smoothly so far, even if Alex had been thrown a bit of a curve ball with the Gifts. There was no reason for people to think anything would go wrong now. Still, most people didn't know that Alex wasn't the princess in her head. Could that somehow throw a wrench in the works? The more time that passed without something happening, the more worried she became.

Then something did happen. Something she wasn't expecting at all. Michelle's eyes darted around rapidly as the castle began to shake around her, the very walls seeming to hum with the vibrations. The sound carried through the walls and floors, and she could feel it even in her bones. The humming sound seemed to change pitch with each passing second. It almost sounded like singing.

She tried to contact Alex through their mind link, fearing for her sister's... her Chosen's safety. She couldn't seem to reach her though, it was like her thoughts were being redirected elsewhere. She couldn't sense Alex at all. The Radiant Drakan began to fear the worst, that this Earth Goddess had sensed that Alex wasn't the true heir and had killed her. Was that why the earth was shaking?

She was supposed to protect her, she should have insisted she go in with her, regardless of the tradition. What would she do if Alex were dead? How would she make it alone on this new world? She came here to be with her twin, because it would have hurt too much to lose her. How could she go on if she had lost her now? Then suddenly she felt it again, the comforting presence of her former twin in the back of her mind, and she reached out.


~What in the hell was that?!~ Michelle's voice suddenly popped into my head. ~The whole castle was just shaking and humming!~

~I think that was me being made heir, sis. Itari accepted me and all that started happening when we used my blood to seal the deal. I think we should be coming out soon,~ I sent back, trying to calm her down.

~Okay Alex. By the way, your furry little white friend is shaking in Jezz's arms. The whole castle eruption scared her pretty bad. You might want to find a treat for her after all this,~ Michelle said, still sounding a bit spooked herself.

I had to stifle a giggle at that. ~Noted sis, I'll see if I can slip you some sweets too.~

~I wasn't scared. I was just startled is all, but some of those frostberry pies would taste really good.~ I could feel a happy warmth in my mind as she thought of the pies.

I giggled at that and quickly composed myself as my new mother smiled at me saying, “You may now enter our courtyard whenever you wish, but only you and possibly your pet kihr. No other people are allowed in here under any circumstances. This is our place and it's a nice place to be alone with our thoughts when needed.”

I nodded solemnly as I answered, “I understand. It's a very relaxing place, and I think I'll like coming here when I need to think.”

She took my hand again and began to lead me back to the door. “Now it's time to go up to the balcony and complete the tradition.” I followed her back through the door and then the great doors, which were closed securely and barred behind us. We walked up the stairs, my hand still in hers, to the balcony where the King waited. As we got to the balcony, overlooking the throngs of people in the main courtyard and beyond, she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

My mother on earth had always been afraid to show me affection like that, as my father would always complain that I needed to learn how to be independent if I were to grow up to be a strong man. This was a nice change, and I realized that what I had said earlier was true. She was my mother by blood now. This was my family, my home, and my people, and I had to stop thinking about my earth parents that way. I was dead to them before the heart in my old body even stopped beating. There was no going back. I had Michelle, a family, friends and my people. It was time to live in the present.

“People of Azure!” my mother spoke in a tone that commanded attention. “Today my daughter pledged herself to Itari, our country, and all of you. Itari heard her pledge and accepted. She has been bound to the land and our Vow. Today the earth sang for her.” She took a delicate jewel encrusted gold tiara from her husband and placed it on my head. “I give you Princess Alexis Misalet, true heir to the throne of Azure!”

The crowd burst into a deafening cheer, a cheer which almost threatened to shake the castle again, as I stepped up to the stone railing for my part of the ceremony. I tried my best to speak clearly, and loud enough for all those in the courtyard to hear.“Thank you my people. Today I have been bound to you all, and to our country. Today I have been given Gifts. Today I celebrate. But I do not wish to celebrate alone. Let there be feasts, music, and celebration for all!” This resulted in another cheer and some chanting of my name.


My Giftsun feast was well underway in the great hall of the palace. Food and wine flowed freely and people joked and laughed. Chrissy was in my lap, humming contentedly as she nibbled on a cookie. I was so full that if I tried to eat another bite I think my corset would have exploded. People around me were happy, and so was I. I could feel that Michelle was happy too, the warmth of the feeling radiating in the back of my mind. ~Enjoying your pies are you.~

,~Yes I am, and so is Grayle. Thank you for thinking of us.~ She gave me a warm and fuzzy mental hug.

~Good. You both deserve it after spending half the day in a wagon and putting up with Jezz and I complaining about how uncomfortable we were. Besides it's my day, and the cooks want to keep me happy. I think those closest to me should benefit from that a little today. You both enjoy, we'll be out to spend some time with you as soon as we can get away for a bit.~ I turned to Jezz, who I realized had asked Patar something potentially embarrassing. “Oh no Jezz, all these wonderful people don't want to hear that story.”

“Ya, sure they do Yer Highness. Folks have been askin' him all through dinner. An' yer only tellin' how ya woke up an' found yer l'il friend there.” She pointed at the kihr in my lap. “Ya don' tell much 'bout the valley and meetin' Unca Patar.” My friend grinned at me and I resolved to put something squishy in her bed later.

Patar didn't need to be asked twice, and soon he was beginning his tale, leaning in toward his listeners like some sort of conspirator. “So there I was, flying over the Frozen Wastes looking for the Princess. Now I didn't expect to see her out that far, I am still not sure how she got all the way out there. Anyway, we were flying over this nice little valley when Runne tells me he sees something. So we circle down and I see this huge kythir, it was at least thirty tayr long. But that is not the interesting thing, no, I also see this crazy person trying to fight the beast with a dagger and a burning stick.”

I groaned and put my face in my hands. “Okay Patar, while you besmirch my good name, with what is probably the truth, we're going to go check on Michelle and Grayle, right Jezz?” I picked up Chrissy and placed her on my shoulder, where she soon found her favorite spot around my neck and proceeded to happily hum.

“I thought ya'd ne'er ask yer Highness,” the Cinole said with a grin.

"Oh yes, definitely something squishy, cold too if I can manage it," I thought.

As we left the hall Patar's voice trailed off behind us. “So I'm thinking to myself, 'this is either the stupidest or bravest person I have ever seen'...”

(C)2013 Amethyst Gibbs

Image by Andree Wallin at

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