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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 3473


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Character Age: 


The Weekly Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 3473
by Angharad

Copyright© 2024/2025 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Josette's Story: The Prequel to "The Dark of the Moon"

"Josette's Story" is a prequel to my story "The Dark of the Moon," here at Big Closet. That story introduced Josette Melford as a boy temporarily turned into a girl by magic. This novelette looks back in time and to tell the story of how Josette's strange adventure began months earlier. Read and enjoy.

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This story is 54 words long.

Magic Shoppe - Romp

Author's Note: There is sex in this story. Some of it is explicitly described. I've seen folks post in the comments of other stories they were surprised or unhappy with this. Be forewarned.

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This story is 33 words long.

Prometheans by Joyce Melton & Lainie Lee from Doppler Press


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Doppler Press's offers a compilation of the Promethean Metaverse stories previously posted on BC.


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This story is 14 words long.

The Girl with a Curl. Chapter 4 of 7


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Chapter 4

For me, the main effort was going into the winter catalogue. I went traditional for this, with coloured balls, holly leaves, and snow drifts in the coats and jackets section. The interior outfits had warming fires, Christmas trees and decorations. All six of us were featured, this time mixed up on the pages.

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This story is 54 words long.

Masks 13 - Vic, The Other Half, on Kindle NOW!


Audience Rating: 


"Oh, you know you love it!" said his Mother, cheerfully. "Anyway, the doctor says you need to stay here longer than originally planned. The good news is, it's because they think you have powers!"

Maks 13 - Vic

Masks 13: The Other Half

Rodford Edmiston
Buy on Kindle NOW!

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This story is 45 words long.

Laura, part 2

"Show me! Show me!" Nicole eagerly giggles. Also giggling happily, I take the mirror from the kitchen table and show my new friend the glittery highlights me and my other friends have applied to her eyelids. "So cool!"

"Me next!" Megan insists. Giggling almost feverishly, Nicole, Suriya, Priya, Harriet and myself take our glittery make-up brushes and set about giving my best friend a make-over just as pretty as Nicole's.

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This story is 70 words long.

Sara, Becka, and me. - Chapter 1


Sara, Becka, and me.
by Teddie S.


Chapter I
How it all started.

Hi. My name is Peter Carter. And, my girlfriend, Sara, has returned after a year in Germany, and it brings Becka back into our lives. Before she went to Germany, we were very close. And, in the two years that she’s been back our souls have become completely intertwined again. This is the story of how thing became very interesting for Sara, Becka, and me.

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This story is 79 words long.



Susan Brown.

Originally published in 2000, this story has been reworked, tidied up, edited a bit more and hopefully made readable.

Please note that this story is a bit naughty in places and girls of a delicate nature should not read it without smellings salts to hand.

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This story is 48 words long.

Flushgate: Uncovering The Transgender Agenda of Taking Over the World One Bathroom at a Time


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This story is 17 words long.

Wishing Well


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Lionel makes a wish to become one of the senior managers at work. Unfortunately he didn't specify what sex he wanted to be.

This story is one of six stories in the compilation, A New You by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.


The well was ancient; easily as old as many of the oldest houses in Bycastle, the original village from which Nockton and its twin-town Barton spread.

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This story is 84 words long.

The Transit of Venus, Book 2 - Ch 41

The Transit of Venus
Book 2 - Ch 41

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This story is 7 words long.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XXIX(a)



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Character Age: 

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Chapter 87

Rach had an ache in her side, like she had laid down wrong on something. Uhh, what a…

The pain in her side was explained away as the misshapen lump of blue clay, Rach looked at it and…

Wait a minute, that dream. Her eyes fluttered open to a beautiful shade of blue; when she moved to get up, the blue moved with her. A quick glance at the mirror over her dresser confirmed her suspicions.

Fucking magic shit. Rach sighed as she remembered everything else.

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This story is 87 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2622


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 


The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2622
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

A New Start in Life part 26


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Character Age: 


A New Start in Life Part 26

The Girls Mk2.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

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This story is 70 words long.

The Transit of Venus, Book 2 - Ch 40

The Transit of Venus
Book 2 - Ch 40

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This story is 7 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2621


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Character Age: 


The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2621
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The African Masks


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Some time ago I read and liked the wonderful story by Rasufelle "This Isn't What I Wanted" and the author's opinion after it. However, a phrase in that opinion - "the fetish and non-fetish elements of the community" - stuck to my mind. Is this community limited to these? Who is part of it and who is not?

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This story is 58 words long.

Nikki, part 12

“Seventeen!” The assembled guests yell. “Sixteen! Fifteen! Fourteen!” I stare over at Sarah, who is smiling happily, much to my relief.

“Thirteen!” The guests continue. “Twelve! Eleven! Ten!” I look to my left at Katie and Lauren, who are both excitedly bouncing up and down in chairs.

“Nine!” The crowd yells, working itself into a near frenzy. “Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” Dannii- the most excited person of any in the packed restaurant- takes a deep breath and, in one go, blows out the seventeen candles on the rich chocolate cake placed in front of her.

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This story is 99 words long.

Sisters Forever~Final Chapter



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The reaction to the interview was interesting. My school were somewhat surprised at my almost miraculous gender change.

Sisters Forever ~ Final Chapter

By Susan Brown

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This story is 25 words long.

Mathew's Secret Desire - Chapter 4


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Character Age: 



Author's Note: Here's Chapter Four of Mathew's Secret Desire. Sorry for the delay in posting, like Chapter Three I had to do some re-writing. I also apologise for any spelling or grammar errors as my spell and grammar checker is Canadian English.

So please enjoy and as usual constructive criticism always grateful.

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This story is 52 words long.

The Transit of Venus, Book 2 - Ch 39

The Transit of Venus
Book 2 - Ch 39

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This story is 7 words long.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 3: Chapter 04

Bob, Ed, and Boris enjoy their vacation throughout the multiverse. With them heading to places, times, and realities, that will leave readers asking. Where are they going to next?

But, all is not going perfect, some the hunt for them reignites, with a new group after them. A group far more dangerous than those that were previously trying to capture them.

Unfortunately, Bob is about the make one of the biggest mistakes in his life. He is going to enrage Revy.

And Revy is going to call in some more help of her own.

It is a Lagoon Lion Dance of insanity.

Caution: Nudity And Sexually Suggestive Scenes.

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This story is 108 words long.

Synergy - Chapter Two



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Synergy - Chapter 2

Story Img.jpg

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

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This story is 75 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2620

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2620
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 11 - The Fortress



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TF cover.png


Book 11 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa is still struggling post mission,
but what of the mysterious Rodrick?

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.


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This story is 29 words long.

Honey Bunny: 13

Lunch in Barcelona
Ally in her Bunny outfit
Sometimes it is more important to listen to your inner voice than those around you.

Honey Bunny
Chapter 13

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2015 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 31 words long.

The Transit of Venus, Book 2 - Ch 38

The Transit of Venus
Book 2 - Ch 38

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This story is 7 words long.

No Ticket


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No Ticket


Gwen Brown
Actually posted on Facebook


The Morrison Bridge, all of it, is now 25 MPH!

While crossing the Morrison Bridge, I got pulled over by a totally HOT male cop driving an ATV with all the lights and sirens, who I thought said "I'm going to write you a ticket". I asked him if he expected me to believe that ATV he was driving was a police car?", and not in a respectful manner.

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This story is 81 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2619

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2619
by Angharad

Copyright© 2015 Angharad


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This story is 11 words long.

Charlotte, part 10

My heart is racing and my palms are clammy. My mouth is bone dry from not having eaten in 24 hours and I'm shaking like a leaf.

"Okay Miss Burke," the doctor says as he injects a syringe into my IV drip. "I want you to count backwards from ten. Can you do that, please?"

"Ten," I whisper hoarsely. "Nine, e-eight, um, seven..." My head starts to spin as I find it harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

"Six, um, six?" I ask as my brain fogs over and my entire body feels like it's made out of lead.

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This story is 100 words long.

A New Start in Life part 25


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A New Start in Life Part 25

The Girls Mk2.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

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This story is 70 words long.

Alibi Omnino - 02 - Posterus


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grakh on parch full_0.png
AO purple on blue.png

by Julia Phillips

02 - Posterus

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This story is 5 words long.

Here Comes the Sun - 6


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Here Comes the Sun
a series of Vignettes celebrating transgender romance
through the songs of George Harrison*

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Little darling
It's been a long, cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun,
and I say, It's all right

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This story is 54 words long.


More DopplerPress

Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on Kindle


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It's finally here!

Aria - Book 3
Bring Down the Curtain
by Emma Anne Tate
Now on Kindle

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This story is 17 words long.

She Like Me - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


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He had to find out: what do women think?

She Like Me
by Angela Rasch
Now on Kindle

Faced with the need to pick a thesis topic, amid the turbulent sixties, Gerald looks to solve the mysteries of the female gender by disguising himself as one of them. In a world faced with the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Southeast Asia Conflict, can a man successfully pretend to be a college co-ed and discover the secrets of how women think? Gerald has read all the pertinent sociology textbooks and has a list of questions he will seek to answer, but is he asking the right questions? And, once he understands women, what decisions will he make about himself?

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This story is 120 words long.

Sky on Kindle


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Sure, Peaches is small and cute and makes a lovely girl; everyone says so. But Sky? More than six feet of champion male athlete and he wants to be a girl? How is that going to work? Can even Peaches help? Are Sky's hopes too high?

by Angela Rasch
Sky by Angela Rasch

Sequel to Peaches
A BigCloset/HatBox Book
from DopplerPress

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This story is 59 words long.

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


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George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

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This story is 76 words long.
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