With this chapter, this story is literally upping the ante to the insanity.
Revy comes up with a scheme to make a quick buck. Though, given Revy and her family are rich. Her idea of a quick buck, nowadays, is a million dollars. And she has roped Lee into her money making scheme.
To make matters worse, Rock and Revy, drag Lee to the Daiyu Palace Casino, where Lee meets with Chang, and Lee learns that Chang is Revy's mark.
Only, for Revy and Lee, Chang already realized what was going on, and he allows Revy to make her suckers bet with him. And Chang changes the rules a little bit. With Revy only later learning that she is the fool in this bet.
And given Revy foolishness, Lee is really starting to wonder if Revy really did lose her mind.
Now, Lee has been force into a situation, where playing with a full grown tiger would arguably be preferable, with the person he is not forced to play at a private gaming event. That Chang is advertising, and will be streaming videos of, without his new casino.
Also, given that Lee has been forced into the spot light of everyone attention. And that both Revy and Chang, are both known to occasionally be sore losers, with Lee caught in the middle.
If Lee hopes to get out of this mess, with his hide intact, and his cover not blow, he will have to play every angle he can, while he brings out his A game. And even then, Lee realizes, that if he does survive all this, while maintaining his cover, there will be fallout for him, from what happens, during the day, he is forced to play that poker game.
Unfortunately, Chang is stacking the deck against Lee.
But, Lee has a few cards of his own, that he has yet to play.
And it all happens, in Chapter 14: “Gambling With Insanity: Part One: A Stacked Deck.”
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