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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy

Being raised as a boy but developing female body changes at puberty makes for a very difficult mental condition. Sometimes I present as a boy who dresses as a girl and other times I present as a girl who hides the fact that there is a penis in my panties.

A New Year's Promise

A New Year's Promise

I promised her this year would be different from all the others. That this year would be the year she could finally come out from hiding in the shadows, up till now she had only been allowed to come out. This year I've finally worked up the courage to allow her to spread her wings and soar high into the heavens. To walk the freshly tilled earth, to feel the gentle breath of spring, the warm of summer sunshine, the cool crispy of autumn air and to feel the sting of winter's breath upon her rosy cheeks.

New Year Resolutions, Broken and Kept

Right, this story carries all kinds of warning flags. I’m not joking. If you have even the faintest trace of triggers don’t read this story. Otherwise it's rather sweet.
The town where I grew up was not exactly a multicultural metropolis like New York. On the other hand, it was not a redneck backwater either. While most of us were white we had our share of other ethnicities as well. Mostly native Americans and blacks. Still, none of those blacks were as black as the new student in my high school class. She was really ebony black, not the various hues of brownish black of the “native” blacks. Native in the sense that they, and their forefathers had been in this country for at least fourscore and seven years. Rasa on the other hand was pure African. Pitch black, tall, muscular and moved like a large feline. No wonder she soon was tagged with the name “The Black Panther”.

My Hero

My Hero
A first (short) story by Suzi Auchentiber - I made it my New Year Resolution to try to join the ranks of writers and not just be an avid reader . . .just hope I can cut the mustard!

Constant in All Other Things 2 - Interlude (3/3)

Constant in All Other Things 2
Interlude II
Fakeminsk ([email protected])

“Friendship is constant in all other things
Save in the office and affairs of love:
Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;
Let every eye negotiate for itself
And trust no agent.”
Much Ado About Nothing


“What are you up to on Sunday, Beth?”

I pondered that one for all of two seconds, staring at my phone. She had no need for the details of why I had such an aversion to New Year’s Eve.

“Getting outside some Pinot Grigio, and probably most of a box of Quality Street, but you already know that, Taylor”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, and watching Jools Holland on the Beeb. Not fancy some excitement?”

I drew in a slow breath, wondering if cracking her egg had ever been a sensible course of action. Adult head on, woman.

Dot and Sam 3

Dot and Sam3

Dorothy Philpot. Landlady of The Harbour Light pub
Sam Philpot. Drag-queen.
Billy Parkins Doorkeeper.
Jessica Merlot The town’ and county archaeologist.
Josephine MacDonald The town and county archivist
Richard Drummond Town planning inspector
Robert Vincent. Junior planning inspector.

Christmas Concert-P12

The kids from Cindy at Music Camp are back!

Christmas Concert
By Teek
December 2023

Part 12
1745 words long

Sammie isn't finding rehearsals fun. What will Marcus and George do to turn things around?

View from a Bridge.

View from a Bridge

The old tune was on constant repeat in my head as I walked, slowly, across the bridge, carrying a heavy knapsack. The view was particularly stunning this bright early summer day. Following the lines of the song, though, I couldn’t take any more.

To Save the Worlds - Chapter 4

To Save the Worlds

Chapter 4

Alexa kept the lights off in the kitchen and there was just enough light outside to see by. She sat Harmony down on a stool while she made a quick patrol of the house. Harmony watched as she moved around the house, her expression still, not sullen or vacant, just observing. Once she had satisfied herself that the house was still secure, Alexa returned to the kitchen.

Crouching before Harmony, she asked, “Hey! Are you going to be okay?”

The Three Ps

Patience, practice, perseverance……..That was my new years resolution this year. I didn’t come up with that on my own, though. It is what Mr. Jolden, my karate teacher, says whenever someone in the class is struggling. I’m not as good as some of the kids I started the class with but that’s not Mr. Jolden’s fault. Unlike some of them, I only take one class a week. I started going because dad said that spending all my free time practicing guitar and making videos wasn’t good for my health. He was right; I was looking kind of fat in the videos.

Pretend Princess - Chapter 8


The worst part? Sophia didn't actually tell me what she wanted me to to do for the money.

"When the time comes, you'll know"

That was what she had said. What the hell did that mean? Would it be today? Tomorrow? Next week? I wished I could just get it over with, claim the money and sign out today.

Silencing the Storm - A New Year's Resolution Contest Short Story

Samuel was struggling with life when things got even worse. The new AI system at work that tracked his efforts exposed his deepest secret and gave him a New Year's resolution to remedy his work output. This put Samuel on a collision course with destiny.

Wet Weather Companion Part 2

Wet Weather Companion Part 2

This is the second part of my story and deals with my usual niche rainwear fetish. If this is not to your taste, read no further.

Lily holds James to his offer to help sell Dorothy's raincoats in an unusual way which may or may not delight James. Then unexpected visitors arrive ....


Lily decided to try her wiles with James' inhibitions lowered by being unused to alcohol.

Just Another Midnight at the Chapel

Just Another Midnight at the Chapel.png

Just Another Midnight at the Chapel
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Mmm, New Year's Eve in New York City. If you never experienced it, um, consider yourself lucky, ha.

Two people meet, and change each other's lives, whether they really had something to do with it or not... I hope YOU like it...


"Which way is Times Square?"

I smiled, I would point.

New Years Trans

You’ve read this story at least a dozen times on BigCloset or some other site. Maybe those stories were all farfetched, had some mystical or magical component, or maybe even an alien encounter of some type drove the story. This story won’t involve any of those things, though theoretically my story might actually benefit from the introduction of one or more of those ideas, but I’m hoping this is an interesting enough read without those distractions.

So, let’s get the basics covered, and you’ll see what I was dealing with as I tell my story.

Cosmic Loophole

Clarence sat on a wobbly barstool, trying to ignore the static on the television above the bar and endure the smell of fresh vomit wafting from a drunk man three stools away. He just wanted to sip his watered-down daiquiri in peace, with no sissy drink jokes, and no insults about his slender physique or hated first name.

Dot and Sam 2

Dot and Sam 2

Dorothy Philpot. Landlady of The Harbour Light pub
Sam Philpot. Drag-queen.
Billy Parkins Doorkeeper.
Jessica Merlot The town’ and county archaeologist. (Jessie)
Josephine MacDonald The town and county archivist
Richard Drummond Town planning inspector
Robert Vincent. Junior planning inspector.


More DopplerPress

The Novitiate by Angela Rasch from DopplerPress


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Tim is patiently waiting for his high school days to draw to a close. He can’t wait to go away to college, far from a dad who is disappointed with his son’s tiny frame. Tim is also unhappy with his body, for a much more shielded reason. Music provides the catalyst for lasting change.


Ma Cherie Amour on Kindle


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Twins Lea and Zack want to spend their last summer before college together, because Lea is going off to an all-girls college. Their mother finds the perfect job for them as nannies at a lake cottage, perfect except the woman is looking to hire two girls.

Sledgehammer by me from DopplerPress on Amazon


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Sledgehammer on Kindle


This is the same story that's been in the Hatbox for some time, now released with new editing and a new cover on Amazon. The story of Jake and Cody, friends--and Freds--for a lifetime. See story for joke about the Freds.


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