Kate and Amy's Corset

Kate and Amy's Corset


Pamela ([email protected])

Note: This is the sequel to "Aunt Caroline's Girdle"

Midweek after my Sunday appearance at church, the phone rang while I was
cleaning up the dinner dishes. I could hear Caroline in the next room

"Yes, Kate, Blake is doing just fine, thank you."

"Oh you would would you? He's doing the dishes now."

"Yes, very well trained, Kate."

"OK, I'll ask."

"Blake dear?" Caroline called to me.

I turned off the sink water and said, "Yes Aunt Caroline?"

"It's Kate on the phone." Caroline put her hand over the receiver and
continued, "she wants to know if you'd like to spend tomorrow evening
with her and Amy? Actually she says she could return you the following
morning if an over night visit is OK with you."

"I would love to visit them if you don't mind. We talked about a visit
at church. But if it would upset you at all, then I definitely wouldn't
want to go."

Caroline smiled. "Posh! Ít won't upset me. As long as you're comfortable
with an overnight visit, its OK with me. While I'll miss you, I think
its good for you to see how other people live, and it's just one night
after all. Kate and Amy go way back with me, and if you can give them
pleasure by paying them a visit that makes me happy."

Caroline removed her hand from the mouth piece and said, "OK Kate, it's
all settled. Come here tomorrow and pick him up right after dinner at
about seven."

Caroline listened for a second and said, "OK, I'll see what I can do.
Bye, bye."

Caroline came over to me and said, "Kate wants you to bring a strapless
bra. Luckily, you remember that one of the bras we bought you has
removable straps? That will be perfect."

"Why does she want me to wear a strapless bra?"

"For her corsets no doubt. She says she's going to introduce you to
corsets. I'm sure that'll be fun, though I hope you use common sense,
you know things can get out of hand with corsets."

The truth was I didn't know what Caroline meant by that remark. I wanted
to ask her, but I felt suddenly shy and all I managed to say was, "I'll
try to be careful."

"Good. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with them. They are a riot,
the two of them together."


The next day, right after dinner, Kate and Amy fetched me. Aunt Caroline
had helped me pack my suitcase with a couple of bras, panties, girdles,
and dresses so I would be prepared for any contingency. I wore a simple
red A line dress for the trip over to their house, which was about two
miles away.

On the way over I sat in the back seat of their large out of date shiny
Buick. Kate said, "we've decided upon the most perfect corset for you.
You're going to love it. And matching it is a lovely skirt."

"And don't forget the heels," Amy said.

"Yes, we also found fishnet stockings and spike heels that match."

"I can't wait to see the corset," I said. "I've never worn one. Is it
sort of like a girdle?"

"Well, sort of but not exactly. Corsets help give you a beautiful figure
while girdles are more about trying to prevent one from having an awful
figure." Amy and Kate laughed at the allusion. "And we both wear girdles
as you'll find out!"

I found myself liking the two women. They were a bit large, that was
true, but they were full of life and in their own way they were sexy. It
might be kind of nice to snuggle with the two of them, if that was the
sort of thing they wanted to do.


Amy and Kate lived in a large Victorian house lushly decorated in
antiques and old fashioned objet d'art. Inside, I followed them upstairs
to their bedroom. It had an extra large king bed. "You can sleep with
us, well, if you ever get to sleep!" Amy laughed.

My imagination took off thinking of what the two ladies might want to do
with me at night. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the most
beautiful pink, ribbon and lace-adorned object I had ever seen lying on
the bed. "Is that the corset?" I asked excitedly.

"It sure is," Kate said.

"It's so beautiful. I just love it!" I picked it up and examined it
trying to see how it went. It had long pink garters dangling from the
bottom. "How does it go on?" I asked.

"Take off your dress but leave on your panties and you'll need a
strapless bra. Did Caroline pack one for you in your suitcase?"

"Yes, I brought my strapless bra with me. It actually has adjustable
straps that Caroline say can be removed."

"Great. I'm sure it will be perfect."

I stepped out my dress and took off my bra while Kate and Amy watched.

"What a cute little pink lacy thong you're wearing," Amy said.

"Caroline has gotten him the cutest clothes," Kate said and to me she
said, "you've got such an adorable tush. It looks so squeezable!"

I blushed as I took the adjustable strap bra out of my suitcase and put
it on. "Can you help me take off the straps," I said, "I'm not exactly
sure how to do it."

Kate came over to look and said, "it's really very easy. The straps are
held on by these little hooks that fit into hidden loops." She quickly
took off the straps and said, "see how simple it is. Any girl should be
able to figure that out."

I put my breast forms in the cups. While I was a bit afraid the bra
would slip down without the help of the straps, it seemed to be designed
to stay put and it did not slip down at all. Then Kate and Amy arranged
the corset around me so that it just covered the top of my bra, and then
began lacing it up in the back. Amy said, "girls have to be trained into
wearing corsets properly. It takes time so don't expect to get a perfect
figure right away." Amy and Kate gently tightened the panel of pink
cords that fastened the corset. "Let us know when it starts to feel

"So far so good," I said as it started to gently squeeze in on my
stomach and ribs.

A little bit further and I started to feel it encroaching on my breath.
"I think its starting to make it hard to breathe," I said.

Amy stopped what she was doing. "OK. So that means we just tighten it a
teeny weenie bit more. When you're used to that, we can tighten it
again. That way, you'll slowly acquire a perfect figure."

The ladies pulled again on the strings and I felt my waist shrink a bit.
"Whew, that's snug!" I said and they stopped.

"Very, very good. This makes you look a little coquettish. And the more
we narrow your waist the prettier you'll feel," Amy said.

"Now we'll help you on with your stockings that get held up by the
garters," Kate said. The ladies sat me down on the bed and they each put
a fishnet stocking up my leg and hooked them to the garters. When they
were done Kate said, "now you can put on your skirt and heels."

The skirt was made of a pink, stiff, crinoline-like material very much
like a tutu, and surrounded my now thinner waist and stood straight
outwards. I couldn't see my feet looking down, and while Amy held my
hand, Kate helped me put on the spike heels. They had thin little straps
that she buckled tight onto my feet. Now all dressed and within the
confines of the corset and heels I felt constrained to adopt a daintier
walk than normal.

"You are looking so gorgeous," Amy said, "and now it's time for your

The ladies sat me down in front of a mirror and applied rouge, lipstick,
eye shadow and then spritzed me with perfume. Kate put a gold chain with
a cross around my neck. They brushed my hair that partly cascaded down
my back. When they were done they were thrilled at their handiwork and
had me preen in front of a full length mirror to see how pretty they had
made me.

"How is your corset now?" asked Amy.

"A little tight, but I'm getting used to it I think. I guess it doesn't
really bother me to tell you the truth."

"Then tighter we will go!" Amy said. The ladies proceeded to pull the
strings to make the corset even tighter. Once again I was back to where
I had been before, with a small but noticeable discomfort when I

"Now we're getting somewhere. Your waist must be down to about 32

I was amazed to hear that since I normally wore 34 inch trousers.

"We'll get you down a lot further than that I hope," Amy said.

"Really!" I said. "Is that possible?"

"If we do it gradually. To corset train you, we need to very slowly
tighten the corset in such a way that your organs rearrange themselves
to accommodate the fit. Once you're fully trained, you'll actually
prefer to wear corsets because they'll feel so good and because you'll
absolutely love the figure they give you."

"You'll be so beautiful with that little coquette waist," Kate said.

"So what would you like to do now?" Amy asked me.

I thought for a second and said, "well, one thing is that you mentioned
that both you and Kate wear girdles. So I was wondering, if its no
bother for you, could you show me what kind you wear? I'll understand if
you don't want me to know about them."

"You poor dear," Amy laughed, "you don't have to be afraid of us. We're
not going to bite your head off if you want to see our girdles. Of
course we're happy to show them to you."

"Yes indeed, we're happy to show you our underwear," Kate said, "but
first tell us once again how is that corset coming? Is it still hard to

"Well not really. Its kind of tight, but I think you're right that my
insides are sort of getting used to it."

"Good, then lets get you down to 31 inches."

"OK!" I said.

The two ladies once again began pulling on the strings and slowly the
corset moved in on my waist. It was the strangest sensation, because as
much as it seemed to be painful and restrictive, it also made me feel
more complete and whole. Having a small waist seemed to make my breasts
feel larger besides making me feel like I had a wonderfully sexy rear

"There, that's probably enough for now. Let's measure," Amy said. She
found a tape measure and put it around my waist. "Oh my goodness," she
exclaimed, "you're 30 1/2 inches!"

"Really?" I said. I was so excited that I hugged Amy.

"3 1/2 inches already. Probably 5 is the most you can do. We'll try
again later on," Kate said, "now we'll show you our underwear."

"In this dresser are my undies and in the other dresser are Amy's." Kate
opened a drawer and I saw that it was filled with bras, panties and
girdles. "This is one of my favorite bras," she said holding up a pale
blue bra that was bigger than any of Aunt Caroline's bras.

"It's a pretty shade of blue," I said.

"It's very comfortable, particular for ladies with large breasts like

"What size is it?" I asked.

"Just take a look at the label," she said.

I read, "36DDD. I'm only a C cup. Aunt Caroline is a D cup."

"Yes, I have much bigger breasts than Caroline and you. But relative
size is important too you know. With your tiny waist, C cup boobs seem
to be quite enormous."

"I suppose you're right. But I think its amazing that you need such a
large bra."

Kate and Amy looked at each other and laughed. Kate said, "well, I'm
going to guess that you'll eventually find out the answer why."

I blushed when I realized that she meant that I'd probably get to see
her breasts first hand.

I said, "which are some of your other favorite bras and girdles?"

"Well, Kate and I love wearing body-briefers like this one." She picked
up a peach colored outfit that looked sort of like a lace bathing suit.
"See, its a very comfortable way to contain our bulges."

"Wow, so you don't have to wear a separate bra and girdle. You just wear
your body briefer. That's neat. Maybe Aunt Caroline can buy me one of

"I'm surprised she hasn't already," Kate said laughing to herself.

"A similar idea are all-in-one long leg girdles and open corselettes."
Amy pulled one of each of these out of her drawer. These are maybe not
as pretty as my shaper, but they keep me more under control. They even
give me a more shapely figure."

"I think they're very pretty," I said.

"It's so nice to be with a man who is interested in our bras and our
girdles and loves corset training," Kate said.

"I don't know about other men, but I really do enjoy learning about bras
and girdles and all the other pretty things that you wear. I'm really
liking this corset. It makes me feel so pretty. Actually, I think I'm
ready for you to pull on it again. I think it can go tighter."

"Are you sure?" Amy said.

"Yeah, I think it would be OK. It's kind of tight but I think you should
go ahead and try," I said.

The ladies now once again pulled on the strings of the corset and with
great effort I felt my waist narrow yet again. I could tell I was
entering a new realm where my body was offering less resistance. I
imagined that some of my insides had found a new place to move to, so
only what couldn't move remained behind. "I think this maybe is enough
for now," I said, as I felt it getting harder to breathe. My breathing
was now quite shallow since there was no way I could take in a deep

"OK, Blake, but one more last squeeze!" The ladies tugged some more, the
corset went in about another half inch and then they tied it up.

"Oh my goodness," I said, "I feel so, I don't know, it's such am amazing
feeling. It's like I'm just so sexy or something. I mean everything
below my waist is just so, what can I say, expectant?"

Amy came up close to me and reached her hand under my skirt and inside
my thong. "What exactly are you expecting?"

"I don't know," I said. The combined effect of the corset tightening
that was still reverberating through my body with Amy's hand on my organ
made me feel suddenly helpless and close to fainting. The corset had
taken control of my physical body, but it had also taken over my mind so
that I wanted to be available for whatever use the ladies needed to make
of me. I was a beautiful object now, with a marvelously sexy figure and
the ladies should reap the benefits for themselves. I suddenly craved
having the corset even tighter.

"Can you tighten me some more?" I asked in a faint voice.

"You're ready already?" Kate asked incredulously

"I want to be pretty for you and Amy," I said breathlessly.

"We know," Amy said as she continued to fondle me. "You've got such a
nice handful here. I've wanted to grab one for so long that I can't

"You save some of that for me too," Kate said and turning to me she
said, "corset training is all about being pretty for us, so don't worry,
Amy and I will use you as we see fit, and we know that will make you
very happy."

"Do you think we should tighten him up some more now?" Amy said.

"Let me measure him and see where he is," Kate said.

Kate put the tape measure around my waist. "29 inches!"

"A small adorable waist!" Amy said, "and a wonderful big sausage." Her
hand was stroking every part of my penis. It was barely being kept
within my thong and I was mesmerized by the feeling.

"It's such a cute little thong you've got on," Amy said. "It really
makes for convenient access, doesn't it?"

I nodded my head.

"And I love that its pink and frilly," Amy said. "That seems so
appropriate for a girl as pretty as you are. Am I right Kate?"

"OK Amy, let me see if that's true." Kate took over from what Amy had
been doing. "Oh, my goodness I see what you're saying. There's so much
to hold here, but his skin is soft and girlish."

With the skirt covering me I couldn't see what was happening but I
sensed how I had stretched out the thong as far as it could possibly go.

"And I mustn't forget that delightful squeezable butt!" Kate said. One
of her hands reached around and felt the path of the thong as it went
deep inside my cheeks. I felt her finger playing outside the passageway
to my prostate.

Amy said, "be careful, we don't want to uncork him now!," and Kate
retreated from where she had had her hand.

"His waist is so pretty now, isn't it. Let's wait a little while and
then we'll try to take another inch or so off," Amy said.

"OK," I croaked.

While Kate gently stroked me and I continued to revel in the newly found
obedience that the corset demanded of me, I relaxed and leaned against
the bed. I realized that I could not actually take the corset off if I
wanted to, or even take off the spike heels that the ladies had strapped
me into, or the bra or panties I was wearing. I was trapped and
dependent on Kate and Amy. While my skirt blocked my view of what Kate
was doing with her hand, my breasts were pushed out so much that I
couldn't see past them to my waist.

Kate stopped what she was doing and dimmed the light in the room by
drawing the shades. "We were thinking that you might like to undress
us," Kate said.

"Sure, I'd love to," I said in a husky voice, reeling from the sudden
withdrawal of Kate's hand.

"Good. Go fetch our black nighties. They're kept in the third drawer of
our dressers."

From each of the dressers I found a black negligee and took them out and
gave them to Kate and Amy.

"Now help me undress," Amy directed and I undid the back zipper of her
dress and helped her pull it over her head. She was wearing a black full
slip that I then collected at the hem and pulled up over her head. She
was wearing a black girdle with matching black bra. Both of them were
formidable in size and construction. They were meant to but a woman's
flesh where she wanted it to be put. I marveled at the size of the large
DDD cups of her bra and the way that her large breasts nestled inside
and rounded out the bra cups.

"Shall I help you take off your bra and girdle?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," Amy said. "Start with my bra."

I went to undo the clasps on the back of her bra. There were four of
them and I tried to open them. It was somewhat of a struggle since the
weight of her boobs exerted a considerable force holding the clasps

"Can't you do it?" Amy said.

"I'm trying," I said, "it's hard to pull the sides together to undo it.
I can't believe how big you are."

"I don't think you're strong enough to take off my bra," Amy said.

"I'll help him," Kate said and she quickly undid the clasp that I had
been struggling with.

Amy said, "You are a little tea cup, aren't you?"

I then lifted the bra up so her breasts fell out of the cups. She pulled
her arms out of the straps and I lay the bra on the bed. I couldn't stop
staring at her breasts. She had large erect nipples that had become
excited by what was going on.

"Now I want you to help me take off my girdle," Amy said.

"Yes, Amy," I said.

I collapsed to my knees in front of her and sat back on my heels with my
skirt surrounding me in a wide arc. In front of me I placed my hands on
the top of her black girdle and attempted to pull it down.

"No, no. First undo the garters holding my stockings."

At first I was confused and then she showed me that there were two
garters hidden under an elastic lace flap that covered each thigh. I
raised the lace and with some luck I was able to undo the garters. Then
I gently slid a stocking down her leg. My hand ran along her calf muscle
and I was amazed at how hard it felt. "Your calves are so strong," I

Amy then flexed her calf muscle and I ran my hand appreciatively over
the large muscular mass. "Its like iron and its so large."

I felt my own calf muscle and realized it was much softer and smaller
than Amy's. "Your muscle is so much bigger than mine," I said.

Kate lifted up my skirt to look at my legs. "You have very pretty legs.
The last thing you need are real muscles in them."

"Take off my girdle now" Amy said.

I"m sorry," I said and I placed my hands on the top edge of the girdle
and began pulling down. "You're wearing silky panties underneath your

"Yes, we ladies generally wear panties under our girdles."

My hands slid down between her panties and girdle and tried to ease down
the girdle. It was hard to pull it down and I said, "I'm afraid I'm not
strong enough to pull down your girdle. Can you help me?"

"Of course, my dear, it does require some strength," Amy said.

"It's a very pretty girdle," I said, "but it's just a wee bit too hard
for me to pull down."

With Amy's help the girdle got past her butt and I helped it down to the
ground and then as she stepped out of it I handed it to her.

"Come, Blake," Amy said seductively.

She smiled down at me and I looked up into her eyes and smiled at her.
Then impulsively, I pulled down her panties and I began lapping at her
vagina with my tongue.

In surprise Amy said, "Oh my goodness. He's like a little rabbit!"

I put my hands on her butt cheeks and attempted to push my face further
into her cunt.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," she said, "first you have to help Kate undress!" She
pried my mouth away from her.

"I'm sorry," I said. The truth was that her vagina tasted delicious. It
had a strong women's scent that overpowered my senses and made me want
to push my face into it.

"Come here," Kate said, "it's my turn to be unwrapped." She took off her
dress exposing the fact that she was wearing a white open-bottomed

"You're wearing a corselette," I said. "I really like it, it must be so
much fun."

Kate laughed, "fun isn't exactly what corselette's bring to mind."

I immediately got to work unhooking her stockings and rolling them down
her legs. When they were off, Kate reached behind her back and unzipped
the corsellete. "Help me lift it up over my hips," she said, and I
reached up inside from the open bottom and was able to pull if up
exposing her naked vagina. "You're not wearing panties!" I exclaimed.

"Surprise!" Kate laughed.

Without hesitation I forced my face into her vagina and began licking
her the same way I had licked Amy. I fell into a trance and mumbled
"it's so juicy!"

"Now look at him," Amy said, "he's latched onto your pussy."

"I know he's faster than a snake. It feels good though," Kate said.

I felt Kate's hand on the back of my head as she readjusted my position.
"There, that's better. Go for it. You'd think he's been starving to

Amy knelt down beside me as I continued with Kate. I felt her hand come
up my leg. She once again reached inside my panties. "Ah, such a nice
dick," Amy said.

"You better save some for me," Kate said.

"I'll try but first I need a good taste of it." Though it was an awkward
position she lay down on the floor and slid her head between my legs and
raised it up with some pillows. Then she pulled aside my panties to get
her mouth on my penis. All the time I found myself wanting Kate's vagina
more and more.

"Oh, this is even better," Amy said, "he's got such a nice full one. No
skinny mini here." A minute later she said, "oh my God I got the whole
thing in up to the hilt."

"Go on I don't believe it," Kate said.

"It's true," Amy said. "I'm going to do it again now."

A minute later she said, "oh my god, that's so much fun. When you get it
all the way up in there the pubes tickle your nose."

I was delirious at this point, with my world revolving back and forth
between the delicious taste and scent of Kate's vagina and the
astonishing pleasure emanating from below my tiny waist and the large
pretty skirt that sheltered it.

Kate said, "Save me some. I want some of that before you take it all!"

"One more time I need the whole thing," Amy said.

"My word Blake I've cum for the thirtieth time already," Kate said,
"you'll have to continue with Amy. We're trading places. Don't you give
her your load."

She pulled my head away from her and I panted excitedly not knowing what
was going to be happening to me next. I felt as if Amy had swallowed all
of my body below my waist. "Please tighten me some more," I said.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea," Kate said.

"Please can't you tighten me?" I said. I desperately wanted as small a
waist as I could possibly get.

"Amy, he's begging for us to tighten him some more," Kate said.

"Sure, it's OK by me," Amy said. She took her mouth off my organ and
stood up. "I left some for you," Amy said. "He has the most adorable
dick. And he's been leaking like crazy. A wonderful flavor."

"Do it now," I said, "pull me in. I know I'm ready!"

"If you say so!" Kate said.

The ladies helped me to my feet and then worked on tightening my corset
even more. I hoped that I'd end up with a perfect hour glass shape. For
whatever reason my body had become pliable and the corset moved in
relatively easily another inch and then Kate and Amy pulled hard and
moved it in some more. They then tied it tight. The pressure on my waist
was severe and not entirely without some pain, but I felt over joyed
with my even slimmer waist.

"Don't you just love my figure now," I said, running my hands over my

"You're absolutely gorgeous Blake," Amy said.

"Get him on the bed," Kate said, "and it's my turn to get at his cock."

My breathing was a bit labored and I suddenly felt woozy and half
fainted onto the bed. The ladies arranged me to their satisfaction and
when I regained my senses, Amy said, "are you back with us now? Girls'
often faint during corset training so you shouldn't worry about it."

"I'm OK, just a bit woozy," I said.

"We know. You just rest comfortably and we'll try out some new things.
You've got such a pretty body and we'll be very gentle with you."

Kate and Amy, in a tender but insistent way, feasted upon the parts of
my body. I felt their mouths on my penis and their fingers probing my
backside. They rubbed their vaginas over my face and had me pull on
their nipples and massage their clitorises. They were expert at bringing
me up to the edge and then retreating. I'm sure I passed out a couple of
more times since my breathing was very shallow and could barely supply
the oxygen I needed to fuel the sexual response demanded by the ladies.
Eventually I sensed that the ladies were approaching a climax of
activity. I felt one of them climb on top of me while the other one
continued to play with my private parts.

"I get him next time," Amy said.

"Isn't he gorgeous!" Kate panted. "And so feminine. I feel sure I'm
going to break him apart. He's so delicate." I felt her guide my penis
into the opening of her vagina.

"You better not break him. Caroline will kill us and I want him next

"His skin is soft and erotic like a girl. And his body is like a soft

"Just get it done Kate," Amy said, "he's having trouble breathing."

Kate started rhythmically thrusting and I held onto the headboard to
stabilize myself from her mad lusting. The feeling was intense and I
emitted a screech of pleasure. "Damn, the window's open," Amy said.

Panting hard, Kate said, "muffle him or we'll have the neighbors

Amy reached over and found her girdle and bra and put them over my face.
"Entertain yourself with my underwear, you're moaning so loudly the
neighbors will come running."

I smelled Amy's scent in her bra and girdle, and felt a raw desire for
more of her pussy. "Can I please have your pussy instead?" I begged. At
first Amy didn't seem to understand but then she said, "oh of course.
How selfish of me."

She climbed on the bed, spread her legs over my head and in a second I
had her hot, wet dripping pussy thrust into my face. She let out a small
scream of delight and I sucked on her as hard as I could while Kate
pounded up and down on my cock. Defying all likelihood, in a moment of
true divine inspiration, the three of us came simultaneously. I shot off
inside Kate and her vagina seized up in a massive orgasm while Amy's
vagina squirted a last bit of effluent over my lips and cheeks. We let
out a chorus of screams that no doubt had neighbors scratching their
heads in disbelief.

I felt the ladies climb off of me and collapse on the bed to either side
of me. Amy got up and turned out the lights and came back to bed. In the
dark I lay awake for a few minutes and then crashed into a deep sleep.


In the morning the sun was streaming in through the bedroom windows and
I awoke with the realization that I was still wearing my corset. Neither
Kate nor Amy were around. Whatever pain around my waist I had felt
previously was gone. I got up and stared in the bathroom mirror at my
amazing figure. My waist seemed impossibly narrow. It was if I had
developed a woman's body.

Evidently Kate and Amy had taken off my high heels and skirt when I went
to bed. I admired myself in the mirror. There were fluffy pink slippers
next to the bed waiting for me and I put them on and went downstairs
looking for breakfast.

"Look who's here," Amy said as I entered the kitchen, "notre jolie

"I see you found the slippers," Kate said.

"Thank you," I said.

They fed me breakfast and when I was done Amy said, "have you always
been so pretty?"

"I don't know. I've always wanted to be pretty. With Linda I tried hard
to never let her see it."

"So what made you take Caroline's girdle?"

"I don't know. I guess my desire to be pretty just got the better of my
judgement. But I didn't plan on getting caught."

"But you did get caught," Amy said.

"I don't know how I could have been so blase about the girdle."

"Maybe you wanted to get caught?" Kate said.

"Perhaps, I've thought of that myself. In any event, I'm glad that I was
caught considering how things have turned out. Especially getting to
know Caroline and the two of you and I hope some more of Aunt Caroline's
friends. And I just adore corset training. I can't wait to tell Caroline
all about how nice it makes me feel."

Kate said, "you are a blessing from heaven. Amy and I never thought we'd
get to see our corset appreciated the way you do. And you are so
stunningly pretty wearing it! My goodness, just glancing at your figure
makes me randy! Such a cute little waist and the curve of your swelling
hips and breasts!

"Whoa Kate," Amy said, "where are you going with this? We have to return
him to Caroline and there is no sense in getting us all whooped up
again! Caroline will share him with us again next week when it will be
my turn to impale myself on his lovely, magical, mystical organ."

The three of us laughed heartily and I said, "I can hardly wait myself!"

"Maybe you can get your waist another inch smaller!" Kate said.

I put my hands on my narrow waist and felt the silky softness of the
pretty pink corset that was gathered around me. "Yes, it would be fun to
try for another inch or so," I said.

"Anyway, enough of this love fest," Amy said. "We've got to get you
ready to return to Caroline's."

"Can I show Aunt Caroline how I look in my corset?", I said, feeling
reluctant to take it off.

"No dear. We think that corset training should be your little special
fun activity at our house," Amy said.

"You can tell Caroline all about it, but its best if our house is your
special place to go to wear and train with your corsets. OK?" Kate said.

"OK," I said wondering why they wanted it that way. Then it occurred to
me that that was their way of making me need to go back to visit them.
"You're right, I"m sure I'll always look forward to coming here to be
corset trained. Of course, getting to wear a pretty corset will always
be an attraction for me, and besides that I will always want to visit
you two. You're so much fun to be with!"

"That's so sweet of you to say," Kate said. "You know, we have many
other corsets, and you'll probably want to try out some of the others."

"Do you have other colors than pink?" I asked.

"Oh, yes,most certainly. We showed you only the prettiest pink one since
Caroline had mentioned how much you love pink. If you can enjoy other
colors and styles we can play with those too," Amy said.

"We've got a killer black one with a built in bra with pointy cups and
little starch black lace skirt," Kate said. "I think you'd look
absolutely darling in it, in an entirely different way than the pink

"Wow," I said. "That sounds so nice. I'll be happy to wear the black
corset next time I'm here!"

"Of course you should be aware that each corset has its own
personality," Kate said. "The black corset is particularly interesting
because of the predicaments to which it puts the girl who is wearing

"What predicaments?" I said.

"It's a black corset. I've heard it said that girls who wear our black
corset may find themselves in the dark on moonless lights surrounded by
powerful forces that touch and probe them. Forces that bring the poor
girl to unheard of ecstasy. Never knowing where she is going to be
touched next and powerless to stop the mysterious forces, she has been
known to go crazy!"

"That sounds too scary for me, I don't know if I have the courage to
wear the black corset!" I said pretending to be scared.

"Somehow I think you'll find the courage," Kate said, "the next time you
come here."

"This has been so much fun but now we have to get you back to
Caroline's. Amy said.

"We'll untie your corset, though be aware that it might feel a little
strange," Kate warned me. She and Amy slowly undid the laces in the back
of the corset and it opened up inch by inch. At first my waist stayed
very tiny and then it gradually expanded, but remained a least a couple
of inches smaller than I normally was.

"See how you've got a permanently smaller waist now. It'll be that much
easier to put on your corset next week and get you back to where you
were today."

"Or even a bit further maybe?" I said.

"I hope so, but I don't know if I could stand you being so pretty?" Kate

"Before we drive you back, you'll have to take a bubble bath," Amy said.
"We promised Caroline to return you in the condition we found you, and
we'll really have to scrub you up pretty good to get all of last night
off you."

The three of us shared another laugh together, and then I stripped down
and stepped into the hot bubbly water that Kate and Amy prepared for me
in their bathtub. The bubbles were soft and perfumey and as I lay back
and relaxed while Kate and Amy took turns washing me and shampooing my
hair, I felt very happy and content. First Caroline and now Kate and Amy
were so kind to me. This was turning out to be the kind of future I had
always hoped I would find someday.


When I was back with Caroline, she was eager to hear about how my visit
had gone with Amy and Kate. "It was a lot of fun," I said. "They had the
prettiest pink corset and they put it on me and then bit by bit they
trained my waist. By the end of the evening I was 28 inches!"

"Impossible!" Caroline said.

"I really did have a 28 inch waist. Look at it now." I took off my dress
so that Caroline could see for herself the much narrower waist I had

"I see what you're saying. Didn't it hurt?"

"Just a little after each adjustment. But then I think I got into a zone
where my body craved having a narrow waist. It was so nice to feel the
silky corset around my waist and see how thin I looked in the mirror."

"Do you miss it now?"

"A little, but I also missed not being with you and I'm happy we can be
back together again just like we were before."

"I missed you a lot myself," Aunt Caroline said, "and seeing your sexy
little body in its bra and panties is just driving me crazy!"

I laughed gaily and said, "maybe we should take a little nap together!"

"By all means!" Aunt Caroline said.


Over dinner Caroline checked up on my feelings about Linda.

"The reason I ask," she said, "is that the church is forming a support
group for gals that are newly separated or divorced. If you joined, it
would give you a place where you could sort out some of your feelings."

"That sounds pretty cool. Sure, I'd love to join but will they let me
join a group for ladies?"

"I'm pretty sure it can be arranged, all things considered. In any
event, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't fit in too well with a men's
group on the same topic!"

"No, I guess not," I said, as I imagined sitting among the men wearing
one of my pretty dresses.

The End


Next up: "The Ladies Support Group"

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