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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Home, Alone & Home, Alone 2 by Susan Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


After a family tragedy, young David decides to live by himself in his home where he can be his true self, Katie. It's almost like a dream as Katie explores her new life.

But it's not easy. Where will she get money? How can an eleven-year-old deal with something as mundane as shopping when at any moment some adult may decide she needs help from police, doctors, teachers or lawyers?

It's lonely, too. Katie needs a friend, but who can she trust with her secret? That she's just a child living in her home, alone?



Home, Alone
by Susan Brown
Buy on KIndle & Buy Book 2 on Kindle

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson - Part 6

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson

Written by Kristine Roland
Edited by Joni W

Part 6 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story.

Meghan moves in and Kelly and her friends help out at a "soup" kitchen.

Leprechaun Trickery Part 9

"Tony sat with me in Olivia's office as Robert spouted off," Lydia stated. "He didn't try to deny anything and even confessed to his weakness. Olivia has a close relationship with Dr. Trate whom I mentioned earlier. I'm sure you've heard of her good reputation as a plastic surgeon, endocrinologist, and Hypnotherapist. Well, Dr. Trate has an interesting side line that matches her name quite well and fit in perfectly with disciplining both Tony and Robert. Now what do think Dr. Cassandra Trate's side line might be? Just think of what a good disciplinary procedure Dr. Cass Trate could employ."

The women gasped as they realized what Lydia was getting at. "Oh my," Linda gasped. "Cass Trate... Castrate. You don't mean..."

Leprechaun Trickery

Part 9


Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 15 - Easter Break 3


Book 1
The Anime Days

Chapter 15

Easter Break 3
by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2003, 2015 Madelline Bell


This book is available for sale at Amazon in the Kindle Edition and at Lulu's in Ebook (.PDF) , Paperback , and Hardcover editions.
Book 1 is now in it's 2nd Revision for sale.
Revision 1 is being hosted on BigCloset Topshelf.

Maddy Bell is selling her works in book form at Maddy Bell's Book Shop and has Gaby Character Dolls for sale.
Her Official Web Site is at MaddyBell.com Please Visit!

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 14 - Easter Break 2


Book 1
The Anime Days

Chapter 14

Easter Break 2
by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2003, 2015 Madelline Bell


This book is available for sale at Amazon in the Kindle Edition and at Lulu's in Ebook (.PDF) , Paperback , and Hardcover editions.
Book 1 is now in it's 2nd Revision for sale.
Revision 1 is being hosted on BigCloset Topshelf.

Maddy Bell is selling her works in book form at Maddy Bell's Book Shop and has Gaby Character Dolls for sale.
Her Official Web Site is at MaddyBell.com Please Visit!

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 13 - Easter Break 1


Book 1
The Anime Days

Chapter 13

Easter Break 1
by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2003, 2015 Madelline Bell


This book is available for sale at Amazon in the Kindle Edition and at Lulu's in Ebook (.PDF) , Paperback , and Hardcover editions.
Book 1 is now in it's 2nd Revision for sale.
Revision 1 is being hosted on BigCloset Topshelf.

Maddy Bell is selling her works in book form at Maddy Bell's Book Shop and has Gaby Character Dolls for sale.
Her Official Web Site is at MaddyBell.com Please Visit!

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 1 - Entrance


Book 1
The Anime Days

Chapter 1

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2003, 2015 Madelline Bell


This book is available for sale at Amazon in the Kindle Edition and at Lulu's in Ebook (.PDF) , Paperback , and Hardcover editions.
Book 1 is now in it's 2nd Revision for sale.
Revision 1 is being hosted on BigCloset Topshelf.

Maddy Bell is selling her works in book form at Maddy Bell's Book Shop and has Gaby Character Dolls for sale.
Her Official Web Site is at MaddyBell.com Please Visit!

Whispers in the Mind Parts 5 - 8


Police Sergeant Mike Dunwoody is a small-town cop, nearing the end of his service in New Mexico.

One evening, whilst waiting for two local miscreants who use the highway as a drag strip for their pickups, he sees something odd in the desert and goes to investigate. A flash flood fills the dry gulch with swirling water, and he sees what he believes is a child being swept off to certain death. He risks his life to save the child, but as he reaches dry land, he discovers that it is not a child, at least not a human child, and as his heart suffers a potentially fatal attack, his sacrifice leaves the commander of the alien ship with something of a quandary.

Mike’s body is beyond repair, but as the individual he saved is special, the captain decides to revive Mike, but so as not to risk certain exposure, the cloned body is slightly modified so the new Mike will not be able to tell of the experience.

The modifications? Mike wakes up as Michelle.

And Michelle is an awful lot more efficient than most girls.

Office Exchange

Office Exchange
by Anne O'Nonymous

James finds himself after being downgraded to his secretary's position. Susan is now his boss. Heh heh heh, what's a fellow to do. Read Anne O'Nonymous's "Office Exchange" at Story Site

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 1)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 1

Lilith Langtree

"Everyone," Mr. Walsh started. "We have a new girl joining us at Desmond for the rest of the year. Her name is Casidhe O'Connor and I want you to make sure you make her welcome."

Dear God, please, someone just shoot me.

Eyewitness Part 5


I quickly stripped off my clothes, apart from my panties and bra.

I slowly got up to my feet and walked with the pretence of being a bit inebriated towards the light, the rest of my clothes hanging from my hand obscuring my groin area.

"Hey you guys, you seen my boyfriend, (hic)?" I said sounding as drunk as I could, " he's run off."

I was almost instantly illuminated by the four nearest beams, they flashed over my body and face before lingering on my boobs.

Eyewitness Part 5

by Alys

Girlwind : 01


"Don't you talk to your mother that way, young lady!"

"I is being doing what is bestest, and you is being a dummyhead!"

"Okay, don't talk to ME that way, either."


The Story of an Irresistable Force
In a Life of Immovable Objects

by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney

Leprechaun Trickery Part 8

"You were right," he grunted. "The damn thing has always gotten me in trouble. Now it won't let me jerk off. Take me to this Dr. Trate! Let her cut the fucking thing off! Let her rip off my balls! Have her give me a complete sex change! I'll fuck the first man you want me to screw. All I ask is that you do it now, tonight, while my hatred for the damned thing is still hot. Do it now, damn it! Do it now!"

Leprechaun Trickery

Part 8


The Catwalk -3-

Whispers in the Mind Parts 1 - 4


Police Sergeant Mike Dunwoody is a small-town cop, nearing the end of his service in New Mexico.

One evening, whilst waiting for two local miscreants who use the highway as a drag strip for their pickups, he sees something odd in the desert and goes to investigate. A flash flood fills the dry gulch with swirling water, and he sees what he believes is a child being swept off to certain death. He risks his life to save the child, but as he reaches dry land, he discovers that it is not a child, at least not a human child, and as his heart suffers a potentially fatal attack, his sacrifice leaves the commander of the alien ship with something of a quandary.

Mike’s body is beyond repair, but as the individual he saved is special, the captain decides to revive Mike, but so as not to risk certain exposure, the cloned body is slightly modified so the new Mike will not be able to tell of the experience.

The modifications? Mike wakes up as Michelle.

And Michelle is an awful lot more efficient than most girls.

Daring to Hope - Part 8 (Final)

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 8 of 8 (Final)
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.


More DopplerPress

Game of Spies by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Who hasn’t had a bad day? But Capt. Wainright’s rapidly went downhill after answering a distress call only to wake up from suspended animation in the wrong body—that of a 15 year old girl! His ship now overrun by heavily armed troops, he (or she), will just have to soldier on—it’s going to get worse before it gets better!

Game of Spies
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

The Model Sister by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Kirk let a little issue of being mistaken for a girl go a bit too far. Sure, he looked like his sister. A lot! And he could make money as a girl model. Bunches! But there were other problems.... Boys!


The Model Sister
by Melanie Brown
Sisters Book 2
Now on Kindle

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