Becoming a Girl - Part 3

“Well what do we have here” she asked me as she wasted no time in her approach.

She walked right over to my bed and had a seat while pulling off my blankets. She took her key from her neck and unlocked my chastity device. She was not very gentle in her methods of removing it either.

Becoming a Girl
Part 3

by Dr Love 1968

Copyright © 2009 Dr Love 1968

Part 3
“What have you been doing and are you out of your mind” mom screamed at me as she caught me in the middle of the night. She came into my room to put away a new pair of shoes that she had bought me that were supposed to be a surprise for being a good girl.

Ever since my training has really taken off as my step mom’s new daughter and Ms. Smith has gotten involved, I have had a strict and busy life. I have forever been changed from the boy I once knew into the girl my mom wanted. It hasn’t been all bad but when it is, it is usually my fault for going against the program. Mom loves me very much and I owe her this much to be the best daughter I can be. She has been there for me my whole life and the least I could do is to do as she wishes.

I also owe a lot to Ms. Smith who with her time and training has showed me what is expected. She has given me a job, helped me get a G.E.D. and instilled in me the ways to keep mom happy. Between the two of them I feel like I can be a productive part of this household. The two of them buy me things that any girl would die for. They just ask that I follow a few simple rules and when I don’t it is their right to straighten me out. That sounds fair to me but then I have always had trouble with being good and keeping up with a plan.

I have been allowed to live the life that should keep me happy and mom is really generous usually. Being her girl has changed what I find to be fun from isolating myself in video games to every once in awhile to include sex. But that is something I haven’t had in a few weeks now and with the chastity device Ms. Smith got for me, that is totally up to them to decide the when, where’s and how I get any relieve.

I do have chores and work hard with Ms. Smith at her shop but that does teach me the skills I will need someday to get by on my own. I also do spend time at her place taking care of her house and needs but that is expected for all the guidance she has given me so far. I owe her that much and besides she still enjoys it when she gets the chance to show me the error of my ways I think.

She had mom pick me up early today because I cost a sale when I was rude to a gentleman who was trying to get all touchy feely with me while she was out to lunch. I told him to leave not knowing he was a dear friend of hers. He showed up a few hours later while I was busy in the back doing laundry when the two of them cornered me. I was made to apologize and then was not only felt up but spanked by him. She had me get on my knees and say how sorry I was. He just smiled as he known he had me where he wanted me before she handed him a small then cane.

She told him “I am so sorry for her attitude Charles, I’m sure this will make it up to you.”

“Now get up and assume the position little girl” she snarled at me while she pointed to a spot in the middle of the room.

He not only was going to spank me but now I was wide open for him to do as he wished when I bent over and had to grab my ankles. He first walked behind me and after lifting my skirt up and fondling my ass, reached around and grabbed my tit. My breast has grown a couple of sizes ever since I have started to take the pills that they have me take. I began to cry at the thought of what was to come as he let go and began to slowly take the cane up and down my legs. Before the first blow he told me how much he was going to enjoy this.

Ms. Smith said “She could probably use ten strokes to remind her of how I expect a friendly attitude when I am not around.

With that he hit me with the first stroke and my knees went weak. I haven’t had to be disciplined ever since the night of Ms. Smith’s party a couple weeks ago. The way they put me in my place that night I will never forget.

“THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER” I screamed as the welt rose on my thigh.

Ms. Smith did not like me yelling and quickly grabbed me by the hair and slapped my face. She told me that is not necessary and I should keep my voice down a notch or two. With that she let go and he delivered blow number two. I thanked him in between sobs and when he was finished was allowed to stand up. He thanked her and came over to inspect his handy work. After he finished rubbing my welts, the two of them left me to fix my make up. After a few minutes she returned to scolded me about how disappointed she was in me once again. She had me call my mom to come and get me and to tell her what had happen. Not only that but she went into more detail as I was told to finish the laundry.

Mom arrived a bit after that and was not happy to see me. She had a talk with Ms. Smith as I tried to just not think about it and hope it was all forgiven. She finished her discussion and walked up to me and just grabbed me by the ear before getting my collar and dragging me to the car. Once there we sat there while she told me that I was in for it as soon as we got home. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that because my ass hurt already from the newly acquired welts. I was worried what she had in mind but was too scared to ask. On the way home she even got madder at me and at a few stop lights pulled me close by the leash and slapped me hard a few times.

When we arrived home she told me to get out which I must not have done quick enough for her. She was around the car before I got out and snatched my lead and drug me inside. She too told me how disappointed she was in me and how good she thought I was doing until this. She had me strip out of my uniform and took her shoe off before spanking me some more. Then she slapped me one more time before drawing on new circle on the wall about four feet off the floor.

“You will put your nose in this until I decide what to do with you” she said as I had to bend over to do as told.

She left me there and I could not see what she was doing as she walked away. After just a few minutes though my back and legs were hurting something terrible. I knew better to move since it would only make it worse. She left me there for what seemed like days but was more like an hour while she would walk by to make sure I was doing as told. Then she finally came back and allowed me to stand up straight. I turned to her and started to say how sorry I was when she stopped me and told me to go get cleaned up. I was going to be busy tonight writing Ms. Smith a letter telling her how sorry I was later.

I quickly went off to my room picking up my clothes as I went. I got out a maids outfit and the things that go with it before finally reaching the bathroom. I ran some hot water in the shower before taking out my butt plug. I prepared my enema like I had now been doing everyday to make sure I’m clean. Then when satisfied I retrieved some gel and climbed in the tub. I shaved my body smooth and the water felt so good on my rear. After getting cleaned up, I got dressed and went to find mom.

She was on the phone and I stood at attention and waited for her to address me. She acted like I wasn’t there although I knew she did because her legs were facing me as I looked straight at the floor. After ignoring me for several minutes she lifted my chin and looked in my eyes as she finished talking on the phone.

“I can’t wait to see you Tom, don’t be long because diner will be ready soon” she said as she gripped my chin tighter.

As she said her final goodbyes and hung up the phone her stare went from happy back to the one of my ass isn’t out of the woods yet look. She told me a friend of hers was coming over for awhile and that I needed to get dinner started. She didn’t want anything fancy, just some spaghetti and garlic bread. That was simple enough to make and I quickly had it done. I then set the table for two and began to get mine when she told me that would not be the case.

“You will not be getting any supper tonight after the way you acted today” she said as she dumped my plate back into the pot.

She went on to tell me that Tom wouldn’t understand me and that I would be busy in my room writing my letter to Ms. Smith. She told me that I best not make a sound tonight if I knew what was good for me. She had me straighten up the living room after putting away the stuff in the kitchen. She turned on the television before getting online and chatting while I tried to stay busy. The house was pretty clean so that was hard to do when she motioned for me to brush her hair. I started to brush her hair but was getting distracted by the show on television when I pulled a little hard.

“Ouch, why don’t you pay attention Vicky” She shouted at me to snap me back to my job at hand.

I brushed her hair for about fifteen minutes when the door bell rang and she told me to go to my room. I was sent to my room and after she herd the door close she went to answer the front door. I could hear the two of them talking and wish I could make it out what they were saying but it just was impossible. I sat on my bed feeling very left out and alone, not to mention very hungry after making dinner. I was lost with what to do so I began to do my favorite thing now a days which was play with my newly acquired breast.

I would play with them and was amazed at how big they have gotten over the last few weeks. They were filling out like moms were and my nipples which have always been sensitive, were even more so now. My sissy cock was shrinking though since I started taking those pills but after playing with my chest I still could not get fully erect. The cage would only allow me to get excited to point of frustration and not fully hard. I filled the cage and that caused me some pain but I also noticed that lately not as much.

After awhile I heard mom say as she was coming down the hall “Just relax Tom while I go slip into something more comfortable”.

I could hear her walk by and heard her door open and close as I quickly stopped fooling around and tried to look busy cleaning. I straightened up the dresser as she came back a few minutes later and stopped in my room. She was whispering so I guess Tom wouldn’t hear her.

“What are you doing little girl” she asked as I turned to face her.

“You haven’t even started your letter yet have you” she wanted to know.

I told her no and she quickly reached in my closet and produced a notebook and pen and told me a ten page letter of how sorry I was and how much better I intend to be should do. I could also thank her for everything she has taught me and the gifts she has given me. I cleared my vanity and sat down to write as mom told me once again that she didn’t want to hear a sound from me tonight.

“After you finish your letter you can go to bed and tomorrow we will see what Ms. Smith wants to do with you” she said as she turned to leave.

With that she quietly shut my door and I began to write. I came up with a letter I knew they would like with not much effort at all in no time. It probably only took an hour or so and I put my things away. I got out my night gown and changed out of my outfit. I brushed my hair trying not to make a sound. I could hear the television but nothing else. So I went to bed and crawled in still very hungry and frustrated. The welts were still there and between them and the letter was thinking a lot about how badly I screwed up today. I laid there for an hour or so not able to sleep when I began to play with my breast again. That just made me frustrated and unable to sleep that much more.

Then I heard a loud thud on the wall just outside my room. Scared but not wanting to go see what it was I got down on the floor and looked under the door. I could just barely see but what I did see made me more curious then ever. There was my moms legs wrapped around a set of mans legs and they were rubbing each other and soon headed past my room together. I heard her door open and shut and then I could hear them making out somewhat in the heat of passion. I jumped up and slid back in bed hoping they didn’t notice me when after a few minutes I heard the unmistakable sound of them having sex. I could hear her bed springs going and the head board banging. I heard her moaning in pleasure and thought to myself that he must be some kind of animal because she sounded so excited. They kept it up for like a halve an hour or so and all I could do was imagine what was going on in there.

Then it got quiet and I tried to hear if I could make out something else when it started once again. This time mom got even louder and began to scream his name over and over. This drove me absolutely crazy. I wanted to be in there feeling what she was feeling and had been left to suffer in my room. I was locked in my chastity device which made it ten times worse. I wanted so badly to masturbate so badly but it was impossible or was it? It was true that I couldn’t do it let alone touch myself with this thing on without her key but ever since I started taking those pills, I could tell I was shrinking somewhat down there.

I went to my dresser and got a dap of Vaseline and jumped back in bed. As mom was busy with Tom, I would see if I could get this off. I lubed up the cage and pulled on it only to find both my balls pulled with it. After a few minutes I tried one nut at a time and to my surprise I got it out. That hurt like hell but it was free. I then was able to get the other set free with not as much trouble. The cage then slid off and for the first time in weeks I was free. I stopped to listen if anyone was coming and heard them still going strong so I applied the rest of the Vaseline and began to stroke myself to climax. I was long overdue and it didn’t take long before I shot a big load all over my stomach.

Again I listened for mom and although they slowed down some, I still heard them in her room. I was relieved to have an orgasm but it was over way to soon. So I played with my nipples and began to get hard once again. I stroked myself until I felt it building up again. It was taking longer this time and I had to play with my nipples and thought of the last time I had sex. I remembered the party and how strangely good it felt to be used like the girl I had become. After awhile I shot my second load as a free girl and did it feel good.

Then I was scared to death as I heard mom’s door open and began to panic when I heard them coming down the hall. I pulled the covers up and pretended to be sleeping as I heard them walk by my room. They kept going and I felt worried now that I no longer was in my cage. I pulled the blanket off and also discovered that I had made a mess with my load all over the place. That would have to wait, first thing I needed to do was get the cage back in place. I grabbed my chastity device and inserted my sissy cock and started to slide the first nut though. Then to my surprise I discovered that although it came off easy enough it wouldn’t go back on. I started to panic and struggled even more now to replace it but it just wouldn’t go. I apply more Vaseline and it finally slid in and then I tried to get the next one in but with less room to operate then the first one, I couldn’t get it together. I took some tissue paper and clean my hands hoping it would help but still it would not go.

Then I was startled to hear the front door of our house squeak open and then I listened in stunned silence. After a minute or so I heard some mumblings from the living room and then the front door shut. I really was freaking out now because it seemed no use to succeed in getting this thing back in place. I struggled even harder now but still trying to listen for mom. Then I thought I heard her coming down the hall so I pulled the covers back up and pretended to be sleeping.

As I thought, my door slowly began to stir as the door knob started to twist ever so slowly. Then it came open just as slowly and the light from the hall lit up my room. I did not move and acted as if I was sound asleep and hoped beyond all hope she would not know that I was wide awake and my heart was pounding nine hundred miles an hour. She walked up to me and I heard her whisper as to me as she put her hand softly on my shoulder.

“Vicky, are you asleep” she said in a very quiet voice just to see if I would react.

I did not move just wishing she would go away and that she would believe I was asleep. She must have fallen for it because she turned and started to leave. But then she stopped and picked up the letter I wrote as I peeked through my eyelids. She had her back to me as she read it in the light from the hall. She read every page and after reading the last one she turned and placed it back in place.

She then turned and silently headed towards the door. She went out and shut the door behind her almost all the way leaving it cracked ever so slightly. And I thought I had pulled it off and was free and clear. Just as I was about to try once again to finish my task, she returned and came back in. This time she had a shoe box with her and she placed it on my chair. She came back over to me and this time she sat down on the edge of my bed. She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss and stroked my cheek before gently grabbing my arm and shaking it a few shakes.

“Vicky, wake up dear” she said still in a whisper but also trying to cause me to stir.

I tried my best to act as though I would be woken up but she just repeated herself a little louder and harder this time. I finally came around as if I had been in a deep sleep just wanting her to leave but knew I could not fake it anymore. As I started to come to she let go of me as I looked at her. She reached down and took a hold of my chin and kissed me on the lips with her most loving kiss.

“I just read your letter you wrote and loved it very much” she told me.

“She will like it too I think and I had no ideal how you really felt about all this until now” she went on to say.

“I also am so glad that you like being my girl and I got you a present that might cheer you up”.

“I do understand that it has been hard for you being such a young girl and all with your hormones kicking in , how hard this is for you but never gave it any thought about you wanting a boy friend for yourself either” she continued to tell me as she rubbed my face with the back of her hand.

“You have been doing so good with all off your rules except for today and I think you can be forgiven if you promise to not let it happen again” she continued as I was now wide eyed still wishing she would just leave.

She played with my hair some before edging herself up and I thought she was going to leave. She reached down to pull the covers up before she left me to go back to sleep when she finished. She was about to let go when she noticed her hand had something wet on it. She looked at her hand more closely and then looked at me. She then went over to the switch on the wall and turned on my light. As she looked at her hand with the light on trying to figure out what she got on her, she walked back over to me.

“What is this” she said as if I would tell her.

She then tried to find whatever it was on my blanket as she inspected it more toughly. She found the wetness and then to my shock and horror she slowly pulled back the covers. Then it was very apparent what it was. I was laying there with my cage halve way on and a big load smeared on my sheets and stomach. I had a cold feeling sweep over me as the blanket was thrown to the floor.

“What have you been doing and are you out of your mind” she screamed at me after seeing the mess I had made and my cage halve on after I had tampered with it.

She stood over me waiting for a response but all the while knowing good and well what I had been up to. I was caught red handed and knew there was no explaining this that would convince her other wise. She took her finger and ran it up my thigh scooping up some of the mess before placing it to my lips. I didn’t want to make her have anymore reason to get even more upset and knew what she wanted me to do. I opened my mouth ever so slightly and she slides her fingers in as I closed my mouth around them and sucked them clean.

“I can’t believe you and you will clean every last drop of this up little girl” she went on to tell me.

She went back and scraped up another load off my leg and feed it to me also. She repeated this until she was satisfied that she had gotten it all. She then took my cage and with a steady pull, pulled it off. It was covered in Vaseline and a big mess along with my genitals. She threw it on the bed and looked at me like she was going to kill me. I was scared to death as she snatched me by the hair.

“I suggest you take these sheet and things and go get changed and cleaned up before I wear you out” she told me while pulling me up out of my frozen state.

I gathered up all the blankets and sheets. I also grabbed the chastity device before getting a new nighty and some more panties and thigh highs and running to the bathroom to clean up. I just wanted to do so as fast as possible but also glad to be away from her and in another room at the same time. I put the stained clothes away and washed me and the cage clean and got dressed. I then very slowly headed back to my room not knowing yet what I faced when I got there.

When I arrived she was gone and that worried me a lot. Where she went and what was she getting was racing though my head. Was she getting something to wear me out or was it going to be even worse. I had been naughty before but knew this was far worse then anything I had done before. I couldn’t imagine what she had planned but at the same time knew I was stuck to face it soon enough. I sat on my bed after making it back up to face the music when she returned and didn’t have to wait long.

She came back in and swiftly stormed over to me. Her silky night gown flowing behind her and she stopped in front of me. I couldn’t look at her and quickly stared at the floor. She picked up my chin with one hand and took the necklace with the key to my chastity device off with the other. After getting my attention, she took my cage and unlocked it and had me put the ring back around my sake where it belonged. Then once it was in place she jammed the cage back on and applied the lock. With a loud click I was back in my prison where I wish I had just stayed before all this started.

“Now I suggest you don’t tamper with it again and tomorrow we will ask Ms. Smith if she can help with this somehow” as she reached over and place the key down.

She then told me to lay down as she got in my panty draw and retrieved some hose. She then had me give her my right arm and tied it around my wrist. Then she tied it to the head board of the bed before repeating it with the other one. Then she slapped my legs apart as she tied them with some more thigh highs from my drawer. She then tied the last one to the foot of the bed and took a hold of my balls and squeezing them very hard. She squeezed them until I squealed like a pig. Then she let go and slowly raked her long nails down the welts I still had from earlier.

“I think this should insure you don’t play with yourself until we get this problem fixed” she said with a bit of satisfaction with her handy work.

She then turned and left me there tied spread eagle and headed for the door. I watched her hoping she would turn around and untie me but knowing she would not. As she walked through the door she turned to take one last look at me and smiled a big smile.

“Now don’t you go any where and please try and get some sleep tonight sweetie” she said as she shut the door and the light from the hall went dim.

I couldn’t move and thought about trying to free myself but after being caught earlier, thought twice about trying anything. I heard her head to the living room and wondered how I would get any sleep tied up this way. I also was wondering what my fate was going to be in the morning. I was very much at her mercy and was scared to death that she might make my chastity device a permanent thing. Maybe she would keep me tied up at all times or both.

After tossing and turning all night and falling asleep in the middle of the night sometime, I heard mom out in the house moving around. She still had me tied to the bed and my wrist was hurting something fierce. I was in no hurry though to call out to her to set me free. I was just worried because I knew she would return soon enough. Then I heard her coming down the hall and she was not alone. I heard her talking and also could tell Ms. Smith was with her. As my door opened up and Ms. Smith led the way into my room, I sprang to attention.

“Well what do we have here” she asked me as she wasted no time in her approach.

She walked right over to my bed and had a seat while pulling off my blankets. She took her key from her neck and unlocked my chastity device. She was not very gentle in her methods of removing it either.

“This is the smallest ring that they make and if it doesn’t keep her locked up then there is always piercing her that we could do” she told my mom.

After reapplying it in place she tugged on it to make sure it would not move. Satisfied mom started to undo my legs from my restraints. Ms. Smith then undid my wrist and told me to get up. She pointed to the floor at her feet and I crawled down to my position. I kneeled in front of her with my head down as mom retrieved my letter that I wrote. She handed it to her as I sat in silence waiting for her to read it. The room was quiet for a few minutes when she took a hold of my hair and pulled it so I faced her.

“Is this how you truly feel or is this a bunch of bullshit little girl” she asked me as she stared into my eyes.

I assured her that everything I wrote was from my heart and true. From the part about me being sorry for my attitude, to me being grateful for the attention and help in becoming a girl. She placed the letter on the bed and let go of my hair before helping me to my feet. I was then told that they needed to talk some more before deciding my punishment. Ms. Smith took me by the collar and led me to my spot on the wall and I knew what was expected and placed my nose in it. The two of them then retreated to the other room and I was left standing on my toes.

After about twenty minutes or so which seemed like hours, they returned to let me out. Mom called me over to her and I quickly went to stand at attention to hear the results of their conversation. I could see Ms. Smith getting a cane and the tears began to well up in my eyes because I knew what was coming. I still had welts I think from the day before and wanted no part of that once again. But I also knew that I had done far worse then upset a stranger, I had gone against some major rules. I was in for some major discipline but still didn’t want too.

“I and Ms. Smith both agree that you should be punished severely for your actions last night and we think the new ring should fix your chastity device” she said.

“We have gave it much discussion and decided that maybe you should also be aloud to have a release every now and then, maybe even be aloud a date every once in awhile to give you some incentive to be good” she continued.

That last statement caught me off guard but as soon as she said it, Ms. Smith chimed in with one of her own. She turned me around and bent me over while mom pushed me down. I was bent over in the position that I knew well with my legs straight and almost forced me over.

“We think twenty five lashes will do for punishment so I suggest you grab your ankles little girl” Ms. Smith told me as she positioned herself behind me.

Mom knew she needed to stay there to make sure I did not fall down because that was a lot of strokes and that I might need some help in staying in place. But she also wanted to make sure it never happened again and that I had broken some serious rules. It didn’t take them long and the first stroke struck my flesh. I screamed out in agony and mom told me to count every one.

“Thank you Ma’am, may I have another” I said like I had been taught.

With that another blow struck its target, this time striking my thigh. I repeated my response and the next one crossed the first stroke. The pain was unbearable and I bit my lip to quiet the screams. Only stopping long enough to answer each one as instructed before counting every last one. These blows were not love taps by no means and she meant business that is a fact. When the last blow struck, mom was holding me up and helped me stand straight. My knees were weak and my backside was on fire. I thought I had welts from the day before. I was wrong, those were nothing compared to these. Great big welts were sticking out off my flesh. My thigh highs were ruined with runs all the way to my knees. My teddy that I wore had a wet spot not from excitement but I think I pissed on myself some. I could barely stand but she turned me to face Ms. Smith anyway.

“Now if it was totally up to me I would only be beginning with you” she told me as she put down the cane.

“But your mother says that since it has been awhile since your last orgasm, she understands your need to even do what you did”.

“She thinks that maybe you should have something to look forward to keep you good” she told me while mom wiped the tears that were streaming down my face.

She pulled my chair out into the middle of the room and she forced me to sit while she finished her speech. My legs hit first but as my ass hit that chair, I felt every last stroke from before. Ms. Smith continued by telling me that from this moment on that I had a clean slate but would not get anymore breaks with my attitude what so ever. They both explained that if I was a good girl I would be rewarded with a date once at the end of the month were I could be treated to a movie or something if I can go without being disobedient that long.

“We will allow you to go without your cage for twenty four hours and allow you the freedom a good girl deserves if you can just be good” mom whispered to me.

“But first you are going to have to earn it and that starts right this minute, do we have an understanding?”

Ms. Smith waited for her answer as I assured her that would not be a problem. She then told mom that since we were starting over that she would like for me to get ready and she would take me to work with her. Mom helped me up and Ms. Smith got me a uniform and they told me to be ready in fifteen minutes while they left me to change. I didn’t have time to shower so I just changed and did my make up and hair. I then got my butt plug and even though it caused me great pain, inserted it with a dap of Vaseline. After I had finished I reported to the living room where they were waiting and I went on to do what I had grown accustom to doing.

The skirt rubbing the back of my thighs was a constant reminder of how bad my backside felt but that was the least of my problems. I wanted so much to do everything perfect and be good but also knew that would be almost impossible to please them for a whole month in order to get my reward.

After quickly getting dressed and Ms. Smith attached my leash we were off to work. I did a good job she told me at the end of the day and instead of taking me home she told me she told my mom that I would be going home with her tonight. She told me she was in need of some personal care since I had my fun last night.

When we arrived at her place the first thing she did after we walked in was take my leash off as well as had me strip down out of my uniform. Standing there in nothing but my panties, bra, and thigh highs, she came up behind me and reached around me and began by playing with my breast. This caused me to get hard but the cage did its job and kept me confined. I hated wearing it when they teased me like this but had no choice either. After making sure she had me excited she stood in front of me and had me undo her shirt by guiding my hands to her buttons. After helping her out of her blouse she undid her zipper on her skirt. She then placed her hands on my shoulders as she stepped out of it. She then pulled me over to the couch and told me to help her with her bra. I reached behind her and struggled with it for a minute but finally had it free. She then lowered me to my knees as she sat on the couch. As I assumed my position she slid her bra off.

“I want you to suck my toes” she told me as she lifted her foot to my mouth. She still was wearing her hose and I opened my mouth a little.

“Open wider you little bitch” she said as she held her foot under my nose.

I opened my mouth even wider and she placed her toes in my mouth. I sucked her toes for what seemed liked hours but was probably just a few minutes. Then she removed one foot and replaced it with the other. After she was satisfied with that she pulled it out and ran it down my torso to my cage pushing on my cage that was straining me with its small space. Tugging on me and feeling like it was ripping my balls off.

“Now I want you to lick every inch of my body starting with my feet” she told me while pushing me to the floor.

I kissed and licked my way up her leg and back down the other, stopping at the top of each thigh. On my way back up she raised up enough to take her panties and hose down. I helped her finish the job and when I had them off she grabbed me by the neck and guided me to her pussy. I knew what to do from there and started slowly licking her as she lifted her legs over my shoulder. Forcing me deeper into her with a firm grip on the back of my head as she went along.

“Lick it, lick it you bitch” she said while riding my face as she humped me and I did my best to end this as soon as possible.

It would not be over that quickly though because even though she had an orgasm in no time, she held me there and didn’t let me stop until she had another. She then had me suck her breast making sure I spent equal time on each one. When she was satisfied she pushed me off of her and stood up.

“Now don’t you move while I’m gone” she instructed me as she headed for the other room.

I stayed on my knees by the couch waiting for her to return. She came back wearing a huge strap on dildo that was about eight inches long or so. She also had her riding crop in her hand and I was scared to death. Not just from her crop but knowing what she might do to me with that cock of hers. I hated having anal sex with this cage restricting me and that thing she was wearing I thought would tear me in two.

“So the little horny slut wants to play do we” she asked not really expecting an answer.

I responded with a plea of “No Ma’am” but she just stared intently at me.

“Well you must if you are willing to go against the rules and go as far as removing your cage last night” she said as I looked up to her for mercy.

She would have none of that and walked right up to me dangling it in my face. She went on to tell me to enjoy it because that is what girls like me do as I took it in my mouth. I slowly tried to take it all in before reaching the back of my throat and slowly coming back up. I did this until she told me to suck harder and faster, I then picked up the pace. After a few minutes of that I slowed up making sure to change the pace every so often. Every once in a while I would stop and grab it while licking it up and down before resuming my deep throat of it.

“That is a good cock sucker” she mocked as I went along making sure I meet her approval.

When she had me totally defeated and my jaws very tired she told me to stop. I was then helped up only to be told to bend over and grab my ankles. After rubbing my legs and ass feeling her hands on the welts from the night before, she took her crop from the edge of the couch.

“My little pet wants to get lucky and thinks she deserves a release every once in a while does she” she stated as I was waiting for whatever she wanted to do.

“Well your mom might think that is fair but I don’t, you are lucky you aren’t mine or I would castrate you for good” she explained as she struck me with a swift blow from her crop.

The sting of the blow was made worse as it hit the welts from before. She then ran her nails down my back but I did not move. She then struck another blow as the tears began to flow. She then took my butt plug and yanked it from me and tossed it on the floor. She then slapped my ass with her hand leaving a hand print I was sure.

“I want you to spread your checks while I show you how a slut takes a cock” she instructed me from behind.

I let go of my ankles and spread my ass waiting for her to lube up her dildo. She didn’t grab any lube though, instead grabbed my hips. She thrust it in me all the way to the hilt causing me great pain. Holding it all the way in grinding her hips to my ass, I could feel her in the pit of my stomach. Then without warning she with drew it only to slam it back home again. I squealed like a girl only to have her do it once again. She kept this up again and again until I was seriously thinking that she might have ripped me apart.

“Now I want you to grab your ankles while I show you how to properly take a cock” she whispered to me.

As I grabbed my ankles she slowed her pace some back and forth to a steady speed only to ram it back in hard to make sure she proved her point. She kept this up until the pain turned to numbness and my knees were weak. She then finally pulled all the way out and I thought she was done. She was not but only slipped out or was it on purpose I’m not sure. I looked behind me just in time to see her slide it back in.

“Oh no, don’t you dare move” she told me as she buried it all the way in again.

“If you are going to be a slut, then a slut I will show you” she said as my knees buckled only to have her catch me and hold me up.

After she continued this for about ten minutes she withdrew her cock and let me go. I fell to the floor and collapsed in a heap. She told me to get up and picking up my butt plug and placed it back in with no trouble at all. She then told me to take her strap on as she unfastened it from her and go get cleaned up. I went to wash everything and took a wash cloth and clean myself up too. Before going back to her I made sure my make up was fixed the way she wanted it to be. I then gathered up her strap on and returned where she then took it and told me to go get dressed. I went and found a maids outfit before returning to her and did the chores she expected me to do as I always did. After diner was done and put away she allowed me to go to bed and from that day on it would be back to a more normal routine of what I was use to.

After about two weeks of a normal routine of work, being a good girl for both of them, cleaning and chores, personal care and the being a maid for a couple of Ms. Smiths parties, mom brought home another guy one night.

After work and diner was made, mom came home and was not alone. I heard her talking with a man and they came into the kitchen. I was done setting the table and made meatloaf and veggies. The table was set for her but she told me I needed to set another spot for Rob.

“So this is your girl” he said to her like he had already heard all about me.

“Yes this is Vicky” she told him while he looked me up and down.

I was busy getting the extra plate and silverware out as he watched me go from the cupboard to the table. He pulled my moms chair out for her to sit down and then went to the other side to take his seat.

“Get him a glass of wine sweetie” mom told me as I tried to ignore his stares. I did as she asked and poured him his glass.

As I started to walk away I heard him say “She is cute like you said, I think she can come live with us.”

That caught me off guard and I turned to mom to see her smile and get up from the table and go sit in his lap. She kissed him deeply and when she finished she looked him straight in the face.

“Oh Rob you have made me so happy, I’m sure you will not regret it one bit” she said before kissing him again.

I quickly asked mom “What do you mean by we can live with him.”

She looked at me all smile and went on to explain that we would be moving in with him and they were going to be getting married in a couple months. I was in shock and took a step back as she went on. She continued to explain that she has told him all about us and that he was willing to let me come with them instead of leaving me behind. She went on to say that my life wouldn’t change that much except now he would be in charge and would take good care of us. The rules and chores as well as my job would all stay the same except now I would be his girl also. This was coming fast and furious and I was getting light headed as she went on. She got up and still with a big smile came over to me. I backed up all the way to the counter backing up until I knocked over the bottle of wine on the counter.

“Oh baby don’t worry, as long as you are a good girl, you will have nothing to worry about” she tried to tell me as I turned to clean up my mess.

She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug around my waist while laying her head on my back. I finished cleaning up and turned to face her. She looked very happy and pulled the hair from my face. I tried to whisper to her that I didn’t even know this guy and that I didn’t need a daddy.

“He’s not going to take your dads place, more like I am moving on with my life and you are going along too” she said like she had expected this from me.

“He is going to take care of the both of us and you will belong to him now as his girl also” she said.

I wanted no part of it and stepped back removing her hands from me. I started to leave the room when he stood up. He was much bigger then me and mom and I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible. Mom was yelling now for me to stop but I acted like I didn’t hear her and just kept going for the door. That is when he reached out with his strong, long arm and snatched a hold of my wrist.

“Enough of this shit” he said as I froze in his grip.

“Your mother is talking to you little girl” he said as he turned me to face him.

I turned around and noticed he was not smiling and either was my mom. She had a look of disappointment on her face that turned to a look of fear.

“Don’t hurt him honey, he just found out of our plans and needs time” she pleaded with him.”

“I don’t care, she is not going to disrespect you like that” while she tried to step between us.

He let go and she took my hand and looked me in the eye again. She went on to tell me that for now on that was how it was going to be like it or not. I looked down not wanting to hear any more but she lifted my chin to face her while she continued. For now on she was expecting me to listen very carefully to her because this was coming either way. She had already made up her mind and I was either going to go along with it one way or another.

“In fact sweetie, he has said that since I‘ve told him what a good girl you are, that he would allow us to have lots of fun as not only mom and daughter but as his girls, doing whatever we wanted when he is at work” she tried to tell me as she went.

“All you have to do is continue to do as told and life wouldn’t change all that much from what you have now” she insisted.

“I will take care of your needs also just like I do your mom as long as you agree and do as told” he added.

Still not liking change or wanting anything to do with this, I shouted my reply.

“NO I DON’T WANT THIS” I screamed at them both but no one in particular.

That is when he pushed my mom out of the way and took me by my maid outfit in his hand. He shoved me to the counter drawing back his fist and I thought he was about to rearrange my face when he suddenly stopped. He demanded I apologize to mom which I did and then he then slapped me with the back of his hand busting my lip. He hit me one more time across the face before letting me go. Mom steeped up grabbing a towel to wipe my mouth. Instead of saving me from him, she told me that she hoped that was the last time he would need to discipline me. That is when I knew she was serious and I was doomed to this. She went to the freezer and got me some ice as he went back to finish his dinner. After she applied the ice to my face she whispered that it might be a good ideal to go ask for forgiveness for my out burst.

I stepped over to him and lowered my head and softly told him “I’m sorry sir for my out burst and hope you forgive me.”

He didn’t even stop to look at me and kept eating while I stood looking down. When he finished eating his meal he turned and pulled me to me knees. He made me look at him and told me that it was alright but better never happen again or I would get a lot worse the next time.

“Right now I’m horny and think I’m going to go fuck the hell out of your mother” he said while spinning around to place me between his legs.

He took my hand and placed it on his crouch and I could tell he was huge. He mad me look him in the eye as I tried to look away. He told me that as his girl he expected me to get him ready for that.

“It is going to be your job for now on to prepare me for her” he said before telling me to undo his pants.

I reached over finding his zipper while he held my face staring at him. I knew what he wanted and reached in his boxer shorts and found his manhood, pulling it out of his pants. I then was allowed to see his cock and was amazed at how big it was even in it’s deflated state.

“It will be your job to be a good girl and get me hard for her” he said as I stared at it.

I took a look over to mom who was now seating next to me playing with herself. He got my attention once again and turned me to face him. He took his cock with one hand and my chin with the other. He placed it on my lips and I opened up to accept it like I knew he expected. I sucked him and soon felt him growing to an erection. He laid back in the chair and kept me there with his legs and told me to watch his eyes and no teeth or else. I was guided to a pace bobbing up and down on him that left me gasping for air but was told to suck harder anyway. After a few minutes he pushed me off and to the floor before standing up and helping mom to her feet.

She was still going at it herself but kissed him deeply before telling me to “Be a dear and put the things away and then you can go to bed.”

I did as told and then went to go change feeling confused but then again shouldn’t have been. They explained it to me in lame mans terms and after being put in my place all I could do was wonder what else would change around here or if we would still be living here at all.

*          *          *

End of Part 3
To Be Continued...

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