New Werewoman Handbook Pt. 11

It felt like I was floating on air as I carried my make-up kit into the bathroom. I also brought along some products for my soon to be long and silky hair. I spread them about automatically, adjusting them as the strengthening girl voice in my head commanded me to. I even slung the push-up bra and a pair of no-line panties I wanted to wear after the change over my bath towel. Erin was preparing my house to suit her needs knowing that she would be unleashed again very soon. Aaron, on the other hand, was growing weaker as the day progressed. Somehow, knowing that the coming transformation was unavoidable allowed me to accept it.

The New Werewoman Handbook
Part 11

by Werewomaniac

(Later that day, at a random workspace in Aaron's office)

It was getting near the end of the day that Monday, and Jerry sat anxious in his cubicle. It wasn't because the other males in the office treated him like an outcast. Being a crossdresser as far back as he could remember, he'd gotten used to being left out of 'guy talk.' Not that it bothered him. Jerry didn't even mind the fact that the women at the office, who he got along with so well during the day, weren't calling to hang out after work. It did bother Jerry that as a crossdresser in a place where it was none too common, he thought he was desperately alone in what he did. So he hid his feminine alter ego from everyone he knew as 'Jerry.' He'd met friends on line and done a couple conventions in places like Las Vegas and San Fransisco, but in daily life he had nobody who was capable of understanding his feminine side. But all of that changed in an instant the other night at the mall. The day would soon be over, and Jerry had done little other than replay the scene from last Friday evening in his mind.

*          *          *

Jerry recalled standing in between the food court and the Victoria's Secret shop in the mall. He'd come here to shop this evening, dressed as his female self, Jenny. This was something he'd done many times before. But this time something seemed off, call it woman's intuition. As Jenny relished the sound of her high heals clicking off the tile floor, she suddenly saw a site that made her freeze in her tracks. A man she recognized as her macho, arrogant boss, Aaron had just walked right past. The sudden shock brought Jerry's panicky persona back to the fore...

He thought to himself, 'Will he recognize me? Am I passing? How will he react if he sees me like this? Is my make-up good? What about my wig?' All of these thoughts processed in the instant it took Aaron to stroll past without a word or any acknowledgement. A feeling of relief washed over Jerry. Jenny had passed in front of a man her male alter ego saw almost every day.

But that relief was temporary, it was quickly replaced with a sense of wonder. His boss had just wandered into Victoria's Secret. One of the sales girls was leading him around piling up bra's and panties in his hands. In a moment, he was paying for the package and exiting the store. It was gift-wrapped but something seemed odd. Jerry had been in Aaron's office dozens of times, and never saw a picture of a wife or girlfriend. Come to think of it, every time he heard his blow-hard boss speak of romance around the office, he was bragging about a new conquest. To Jerry's knowledge, Aaron never had a girlfriend long-term enough to buy lingerie for.

Jerry reminded himself that he wasn't spying as he followed Aaron down the hall to the Anne Taylor boutique. He wanted to get close enough to hear the sizes being asked for, but couldn't for fear of discovery. But Jerry watched as 2 dresses were rung up, folded and placed in a bag for Aaron. And he continued towards another feminine clothing store. Then another. He bought something at each retailer he entered, and topped it off with a visit to Macy's make-up counter. Judging by the volume and content of the total purchases, it appeared his boss was a cross dresser on a binge, perhaps returning from a recent purge.

'That has to be it' Jerry told himself, 'there's no other explanation.'

*          *          *


And that lingering thought persisted throughout the weekend, and even managed to consume his Monday. The feeling of lonliness and desperation Jerry felt before was now replaced with uncertainty. How was he to proceed from here? Jerry had been careful to insulate his male life from his female persona, but these two worlds seemed to be colliding. As the day wound to a close, he realized that he'd hardly managed to get any work done.

Jerry was preparing to go home for the day when Aaron walked past on his way out. Before he could stop himself, he found himself smiling as he said, “Have a good night, Aaron.” He wanted to say more, but as the two locked eyes he fell silent.

*          *          *

(Back in Aaron's office moments earlier)

I spent the rest of my day working, not really paying any mind to the interview I had just conducted. I was anticipating the full moon and my change dates over the weekend. Saturday October 3rd, Sunday the 4th and Monday the 5th at moon-rise I'd become Erin again. I thought about using sick time next Monday to avoid a close call with my change, the days were growing shorter after-all. I might even take off Tuesday of next week to recover from the inevitable feminine hang-over. So I convinced myself to work ahead to ensure I could take the days off without falling behind. As I left the office walking my familiar route, I strode past Jerry's cubicle.

“Have a good night, Aaron.” Jerry said, spinning around in his chair to face me and smiling.

“You too, Jerry.” I said in my normal boss-like voice. We made eye contact briefly, and for a second I saw a faint pink light surrounding my subordinate. I thought about our brief exchange on the way to my car, and I realized that it was the first time Jerry had ever told me to have a good night at the end of a day. We'd been working together for a couple of years now too. I didn't dwell on the thought though. I had more work to do at home.

*          *          *

When I reached my apartment that evening, I opened up my new day-planner and began to mark off the dates of the full moons ahead. Just like the manual suggested, I marked several years off ahead of time. According to the full moon forecast device I just created, New Years Eve this year, 2009 to 2010, would be an interesting day. I would wake up that morning as Aaron, but ring in the New Year as Erin. It was fitting and somewhat ironic. Looking further ahead, I giggled about the gifts I'd want on Christmas in 2015. It dawned on me that I would have to miss quite a few family holiday's in the future in order to keep my secret. Unless of course I tell my family about my new condition, but that didn't strike me as being a wise move.

The rest of the week passed in a blur, and still no word from Heather. Every night when I got home, I looked out my window at the moon. Each evening it appeared slightly larger than it had been the previous nights. Before I knew it, Friday arrived and I was driving home from the office intent on a quiet night of rest. If this coming moon set was at all like last month's, I would need all the energy I could muster.

And I slept like a baby on Friday night. I didn't wake up until nearly noon on Saturday.

*          *          *

I immediately ate a large breakfast and although I knew what tonight would bring, I felt rather like my normal self. Emily called to ask how I was feeling. It was kind of her to call, and I was happy to report that I felt as good as ever. We agreed to meet up later that evening at her house, once I was good and prettied up. It wasn't easy to admit, but I was looking forward to moon-rise.

As the day wore on, I gleefully noted the subtle mental changes that preceded my physical transformation. My posture was positively feminine. Out of habit I corrected myself when I noticed it happening, but it was a lost cause. I gave up trying to sit, walk and stand in a masculine fashion. Just after two in the afternoon, as I blankly watched my television, the image of a beautiful woman on screen drew a litany of comments from the female voice in my head. It was Erin reemerging as though a finger were flipping a light switch.

An hour or so later, I found myself in my bedroom rummaging through the feminine finery that I purchased at the mall. Everything from heels to lingerie and make-up was spread out all around me. Without even thinking about what I was doing, my hands began to match the different items together. I was delicately hanging my beautiful dresses and blouses on hangers, and placing the undergarments into my top drawers, neatly folded. Everything was put away with care, except for one of the Anne Taylor dresses which I gently spread out on top of my neatly made bed. It didn't bother me in the slightest that I was looking forward to putting it on. On the contrary, I could hardly wait to feel the material's snug fitting grip against my svelte form.

It felt like I was floating on air as I carried my make-up kit into the bathroom. I also brought along some products for my soon to be long and silky hair. I spread them about automatically, adjusting them as the strengthening girl voice in my head commanded me to. I even slung the push-up bra and a pair of no-line panties I wanted to wear after the change over my bath towel. Erin was preparing my house to suit her needs knowing that she would be unleashed again very soon. Aaron, on the other hand, was growing weaker as the day progressed. Somehow, knowing that the coming transformation was unavoidable allowed me to accept it.

After the bizarre ritual I had just engaged in was over, I made myself comfortable on the couch in front of the television. My curtains were drawn tightly and I didn't notice the sinking sun outside my windows. But as the moon began to rise to prominence in the night sky, I could feel my magic moment drawing near.

I was on my feet and heading in the direction of my bathroom when my pores began to open up. I was dripping sweat as I plugged my tubs drain and ran the tap to the 'hot' position. My hand reached out and grasped a bottle of what looked like shampoo. It said 'bubble bath' in delicate pink letters. I didn't even remember buying it, but Erin knew what she wanted. I emptied some of the bottles contents into the warm swirling torrent of water, and observed the pink gel mix in and beginning to bubble. It made the room smell like lilacs.

I lit a few candles I acquired over the past couple weeks, it appeared Erin was rather fond of candle light. As I shut off the regular lighting and closed the door, the flickering candles illuminating the room seemed to transform my surroundings. I wasn't in 'my' bathroom, it was 'Erin's' bathroom tonight. The tub continued to fill behind me and although I could not see the sky outside, I knew the moon was very close to the magical, transformation inducing angle.

I remembered earlier that month, I was wondering what about the full moon forced a werewoman to shift. The book explained that the combination solar radiation reflected off the moon and gravitational extremes threw the process into motion. The gravitational force of a moon in full phase had tidal implications all over the world. Throughout the month, high tides and low tides came and went, but during a full moon the high tides were higher and the low tides lower than average. It was a time of extremes for sea-levels worldwide, but also impacted cellular tides within the human body. Just like the tides, reflected solar radiation was present all month long too, though in varying quantities. As the surface of the moon crept out from behind the shadow of the earth becoming fuller, the radiation levels gradually increased. On the three nights per month when the moon was fullest, levels of reflected radiation were sufficiently strong enough to burn away any trace of masculinity on a person like me. So gravity plus radiation with a dash of magic made the whole process possible, rather inevitable for a werewoman. I reminded myself that the show would begin any moment now.

Stripping off the grubby t-shirt, jeans and boxer shorts that I had worn all day, I tossed them carelessly into the hamper. My skin was warm to the touch, but as I cautiously dipped my toes into the hot bath the waters seemed soothing. Lowering myself into the tub, I could feel the familiar tingling sensation slowly beginning take hold. It started in my belly and groin, and gradually crept outward. I was beginning to feel the effects of stronger than average lunar radiation and the tidal extremes combine. The change has been triggered.

The handbook explained the tingles I was experiencing, and I remembered reading that passage as they continued to wash over me. The sensation I felt when changing was a result of every cell in my body beginning to femanize. See, women have a genetic advantage over men, it has a lot to do with the double X pairing of their sex chromosomes. As a result of this combination, every cell in a woman's body is symmetrical. An identical copy of the X chromosome is present in each cell. So when one side of the cell dies, the other side can carry out it's intended function uninterrupted before succumbing some time later. Men have an XY pairing at a chromosomal level. So when one side of a male cell ceases to function, the other side is not able to compensate and the cell as a whole dies off. Superior cell structure partially explain why women outlive men in virtually every society on earth. And right now, each cell in my body was simultaneously purging itself of every male component, replacing these with female equivalents.

I suppose it was reflex, but as my skin began to squirm and the first physical signs of my change began to appear, I started grunting like an angry cave-man. I was tense but shaky as the water surrounding me splashed about, some of it leaving the tub. But something inside of me screamed to relax, to let go. As much as I wanted to think it was 'Erin' telling me to calm down, deep down I knew it was 'Aaron's' idea to surrender to the change willingly. It was as though my boy side had given me permission to enjoy what was happening to me. My body went still and the splashing died down. The tingling I felt increased in intensity all over, and for the first time I reveled in the pleasurable feeling of becoming a woman.

I relaxed my whole body as my face quivered and contorted in sharp but pleasant spams. The sand-papery feeling of my stubble ridden face smoothed over as I ran my hands across my chin. The hard male features softened to a more feminine configuration a moment later. I could feel my nose shrinking as my lips inflated and my jawline became less prominent all at once. It was hard to keep up with all the changes wracking my body. The tub grew larger around me as I my height and weight diminished. Hard muscles softened, rough skin smoothed out all over. A more slender and delicate hand reached down into my lap and gently handled my shrinking manhood. The pleasure I felt increased dramatically.

My eyes were closed tightly, and I was moaning in ecstasy in a voice several octaves higher than it had been moments before. The desperate, urgent need for relief in the male sense of the word diminished as new erogenous zones began to beg for my touch. Roaming hands wandered freely across my changing form, pleasure coming from innocent places that now seemed deeply erotic. Shaking my head side to side gently, I thoroughly enjoyed the wet strands of long brown hair clinging to my neck. Soon this lengthening tangle of hair touched the tip of my slender shoulders. My penis had completely disappeared into my body at this point, leaving behind something far better.

I gasped a dainty feminine gasp as my skinny boy-hips splayed outwards approaching child-bearing proportions. At the same time I could feel the remaining fat cells in my body beginning to migrate. I usually carried my extra weight around in the stomach and face, now it seemed to be redistributing itself to my hips, rear and chest. It accumulated in those places at an astonishing rate, changing the shape of my tiny androgynous frame into something recognizably female.

A tickle behind both nipples signaled the start of my most fascinating change of all, one I found myself looking forward to as tonights transformation event unfolded. The tiny twin pink nubs on my chest stiffened as they grew in size becoming more sensitive with each heartbeat. Suddenly the area surrounding my thickening areaola began to itch. I scratched lightly, pausing to tease my growing nipples. I was imagining Emily gently drawing upon them with her puffy lips the way she'd done last month. I was getting myself really worked up again, the sense of erotic urgency seemed to be returning. I could sense my labia swelling and my inner moisture building up within the soft pink folds of my femaleness. My breathing became erratic as the mounds of subcutaneous fat behind my erect nipples pushed ever upwards. The itchiness subsided, but my growing breasts burned oh so slightly as they gradually blossomed to their full size. Soon they were too large for my girly hand to contain. They spilled out of my dainty mits as I cupped them, massaging the fleshy masses seemed to ease their growth. The changes stopped at this point, and the tingling sensation began to subside. I was a woman again, head to toe, body and soul.

And I was incredibly turned on to boot.

*          *          *

End of Part 11
To Be Continued...

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