New Werewoman Handbook

New Werewoman Handbook

A Manual for the newly transgendered



~Table of Contents~

Chapter 1: What is a Werewoman? Many people know a werewoman is a man who transforms into a woman during the full moon. But there is so much more to it. Chapter 1 examines the werewoman lifestyle, both the good and the bad.

Chapter 2: How Does One Become a Werewoman? Some men are born predisposed to becoming werewomen; others become weres after being infected by existing werewomen. In chapter 2, learn the many ways to trigger this condition.

Chapter 3: Early Symptoms of Infection. So you think you're becoming a werewoman? Chapter 3 covers the symptoms experienced by werewomen during incubation, the period between contraction and their first transformation.

Chapter 4: Your First Transformation. Will it hurt? How long will it take? When will I change back? The first change can be confusing if you're not prepared, Chapter 4 addresses some common questions surrounding this rite of passage.

Chapter 5: Learning to Read Your Body. Your new body, its shape and size reveals much about a new werewoman. In Chapter 5 learn to read the signals that your new body is sending, and learn what to expect from your present condition.

Chapter 6: The Lunar Cycle and You. All werewomen have varying degrees of control and sensitivity, but only 1% can resist the call of the full moon. In Chapter 6, the role of the moon in our transformation is discussed in detail.

Chapter 7: Changing Outside the Moon. Why am I changing when the moon isn't full? Chapter 7 focuses on transformations that occur at times when the moon is not full. Learn how to prevent an unwanted transformation, or cause one for fun.

Chapter 8: Conclusion. There are different types of werewomen, and this book tries to cover them all. In Chapter 8 we revisit what we've learned and put it all together to answer the question, “What kind of werewoman am I?


~Chapter 1~

What is a werewoman?

Everyone has heard of werewolves, people cursed to undergo a horrific transformation into a strong, savage beast under the light of the full moon. The legend has permeated literature, film and the internet, telling countless tales of those cursed (or blessed) with this supernatural condition. The word originates from two Germanic root words, ‘wer’ which means, ‘man’ and, ‘wolf’ which means… well… yeah. So if the literal translation of, ‘werewolf’ is, ‘man-wolf,’ you probably already know how to translate ‘werewoman.’

And if you are reading this book, than you are most likely a werewoman yourself. Well, maybe you’re not one yet, but you probably will become one soon.

So what does being a werewoman mean?

That’s the million dollar question. It can mean a lot of different things depending upon the individual affected. You may not find a description in this book that matches your own were-personality to the letter. You may even find yourself identifying with several different ideas of what a werewoman is, or is not, but that’s okay. To lump all men or all women into a single, mono-bloc entity to which sweeping generalizations apply is mission impossible. Pigeon-holing all werewomen is no different.

So if we’re all so unique and different, like genderific little snowflakes in a blizzard, why even bother trying to classify werewomen at all? The answer is this: Although we are all so different, there are some basic rules that apply to all werewomen. Describing these commonalities will be the main focus of this volume.

A good place to start is with the fundamentals of being a werewoman. What separates a regular man or woman from a werewoman? For starters, your garden variety person spends their entire life in one gender. Boy becomes man OR girl becomes woman; either-or. Not so for a werewoman. We change genders frequently; although some more frequently than others.

When do these changes take place?

All werewomen transform into female form under the full moon. That’s probably why we share the same prefix as werewolves. So on the three nights of the full moon each month, our metamorphosis from male into female is a command performance. It doesn’t matter how much you bench-press or how tough you think you are; if you’re a werewoman, the full moon will change you. It will usher out your inner woman, and there’s no stopping it. Older, more experienced werewomen can delay the change for a little over an hour before it’s forced upon them. Less experienced werewomen usually transform almost immediately after moonrise.

So you may be thinking, ‘Three nights per month, I grow breasts and my male equipment will shift into the female configuration? Ha! Is that all?’ Well I’m afraid there is more to it than that. See even when in male form, our wereself is just below the surface, able to influence your thoughts, actions and emotions. Our inner women will actively seek out opportunities to re-emerge outside the full moon’s influence. Some of our ‘inner girls’ are stronger than others, and tend to have an easy time forcing their way out. Others have a very weak femme side and as a result seldom feel the need to change outside the moon.

In most cases, a well trained werewoman can hold back the changes that happen between moons. They aren’t forced upon us like they are on full moon nights. Thank goodness for that, or we’d transform every time we walked through the mall past Victoria’s Secret. Proximity to certain items does have a way of getting your were-side’s attention, causing her to compete for control of the body she shares with your male side. If your girl side sees something she wants, she may try to come out and take it. It could be the adorable dress in the shop window, or the cute guy at the food-court that gets her all revved up. So even as a man between transformations, you will still feel a woman's needs. Most experienced werewoman force the change to happen between full moon nights to keep things on an even keel. Doing so allows them to better control when, and equally important, where they change.

Chances are you’ve never heard of a werewoman before picking up this book, and there is a good reason for that. We keep our condition a secret from the public, and few non-weres have ever witnessed a transformation.

Think of your girl side as a boiler that needs to be dumped once in a while. The pressure inside the furnace keeps rising and rising, and if nobody comes to open the valve and relieve the pressure, the boiler will explode. A werewoman who allows the change to take hold a couple times in between moonsets is responsibly managing the boiler, dumping it at regular intervals to avoid the promised explosion. Werewomen who ignore their urge to change and let it build up often find that eventually, their girl-side explodes to the surface with all the urgency of a full moon-induced transformation. Avoiding the change when your body is craving it can be dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of our condition. It could cause a shift at the wrong time and place, which could lead to exposure.

So give into the urges and 'girl-out' often, for safety’s sake; for the sake of our secret.

At first some werewomen resent ‘losing’ to their femme side so often. Over time though, we get used to losing that battle and come to enjoy the defeat. The observed trend is that the longer a person has been living with the condition, the more time they tend to spend as a woman. As a werewoman ages, the frequency and duration of their voluntary transformations seem to increase, and their feminine persona becomes more dominant.

It may sound scary, but it really isn’t anything to worry about. When that time comes, you’ll be ready.

There are plenty of benefits to being a werewoman too. We live way longer, healthier lives than most people. It’s not unheard of for a werewoman to live for several hundred years without aging a day. But with long life and permanent youth and beauty come some unforeseen risks. After living in the same spot for many years, friends, neighbors and co-workers are bound to question your continued youthful appearance. You will watch friends and loved ones shrivel up and die of old age long before your time comes. And you’ll never have anything to fear from illness or injury. The werewoman immune system and regenerative capability see to that. Fall down and break an arm? Watch as the bones heal in seconds. Worried about flu season? You could bathe in flu germs and come out without as much as a runny nose. Cancer? AIDS? Nothing you’ll ever have to worry about as a werewoman.

So with all this information, let’s now attempt to answer the question asked at the beginning of this chapter. What is a werewoman?

A werewoman is a man, forced to change into a woman on the nights of the full moon, who usually transforms at several points between full moon nights as well. A werewoman is an individual free to choose their own path, capable of making good decisions and bad. A werewoman is honor bound to keep her secret and manage her condition to the best of her ability. A werewoman is a man who has a strong feminine side that will continue to grow stronger throughout their lifetime. I am a werewoman. You are a werewoman.

I have no doubt that you and I are very different people, but let’s now look at some of the things we have in common.


~Chapter 2~

How does one become a werewoman?

If werewomanhood were a destination, there would be two roads leading towards it. Travelers on the first path inherited the condition from werewoman ancestors. Those on the second road became infected with werewomanhood after being born, ‘normal.’

Let's start with the hereditary brand of werewomanhood. A person born to werewoman parents has a chance of manifesting the condition themselves. If one parent is a werewoman, there is a 50% chance that their male offspring will become werewomen too. Say both parents are weres, I’ll explain how later, there is a 100% certainty their offspring will become a werewoman too. Maybe only a grandfather in the ole family tree was a werewoman, but not your father or mother. There’s still a 25% chance that you’ll take after good ole gramps and receive regular visits from the gender-fairy.

But hereditary weres won’t be transforming in their cribs and nurseries. Until the first transformation, called the ‘quickening’ by were-kind, the future werewoman will be indistinguishable from a regular genetic male. During this period of dormancy, a soon-to-be werewoman will not exhibit any outward signs of his condition. And why would they? In most cases, a future werewoman has no idea what’s in store for them unless they are prepared by their parents.

The first shift usually occurs during puberty, but has been known to happen earlier or later in some cases. Typically, a born weres first change is preceded by a period of heightened interest in all things femme. This is really the only warning sign that a transformation is on the horizon. This heightened interest can take many forms; take for example the exhibition of traditionally female thoughts, behaviors and emotions. These are often accompanied by persistent transgendered fantasies, crossdressing and/or dreams of being female.

Guess what?

If you are a teenage male reading this book and experiencing these symptoms, get ready honey, because you’re going to change soon! Don’t worry, there’s no need to freak out. At least you’ve been forewarned by this book, unlike so many others who experienced the run up to their first transformation with no warning about what comes next. Relax and accept that there isn’t anything that can be done to prevent or even delay the coming transformation. It’s out of your hands. Read this book, absorb its lessons and learn to make the best of being a werewoman. Remember, this is not a curse that has to ruin your life. With the proper balance and the right attitude, it can positively enhance it for the better.

You may still even have a shot a ‘normal’ high-school or college experience, because being a werewoman seems to come and go at first. In some cases, a year or two after the initial transformation, the affected individual may enter a period of remission. This period can extend from the late teens into the early twenties. While in remission, the full moon has no effect and the urge to transform between moons seems to abate altogether. Female thoughts and behaviors seem to disappear. But sooner or later, the woman inside will reassert herself, and the familiar lunar routine will begin anew.

It’s important to remember that last bit. Your lunar transformations, and those in between, will eventually happen again. So many werewomen who go through this period of remission mistakenly believe that they are, ‘cured.’ There is no way to predict when the transformations will resume, but they will be preceded by a period of heightened interest in all things femme, very similar to the one experienced before the first transformation.

The other way to become a werewoman involves being infected. Amongst werewoman this is called, ‘being turned.’ A man can be infected by having unprotected sex, or being bitten, by a transformed werewoman under the full moon. When the moon is not full, a werewoman bite, or unprotected intercourse with her female form will not transmit the condition.
After the bite, for a period of about a month, the newly infected male will begin to experience a period of interest in things femme that culminates in his first physical transformation. It’s strikingly similar to the symptoms exhibited by a hereditary werewoman before their first change. The only difference is the timing of it all. Hereditary werewomen could remain in the period of heightened feminine interest for several months on up to a year or more. A man who is turned has the luxury of knowing that he will transform roughly 30 days after the initial infection, when the next batch of full moon nights hit.

So if you went to bed during the last full moon night with a lovely lady, and woke up alone with a copy of this book on your night table, guess what? You’re going to be a werewoman soon, sweetie! If you’d like to know just how soon, take a look at a calendar and circle the next full moon. You’re probably experiencing some strange thoughts and behaviors by now, but it’s all part of the count-down to femininity. We'll cover what’s to be expected in the next chapter.

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