New Werewoman Handbook Pt. 17

"What's all this about the moon now?” Heath was confused.

“A werewoman, you know, like werewolf except not hairy and violent.” Tina was walking up to Heath, unfastening the remaining buttons on her Oxford as she went. Heath could see her stiff, pointy nipples pressing against the fabric of the strained white t-shirt beneath. “Instead of fangs and claws, I grow these” Tina cupped her breasts in her hands through her shirt. “And instead of howling at the moon, I like to moan at it.” she continued. “But that's not the best part.” Tina said with a wink.

Heath went for the set up. “What is?” he asked. He was already under her spell.

Tina smiled wickedly, she had Heath right where she wanted him. “I can make you one too..."

The New Werewoman Handbook
Part 17

by Werewomaniac

Copyright © 2009 Werewomaniac


(Moments before, Vanessa led Jenny out onto the side-walk.)

“We're parked over here.” Vanessa said, pointing to a nearby alley-way. For the first time, she noticed her companion was barefooted. But that didn't seem to bother Jenny as she made her way down the side-walk, arm in arm with Vanessa.

As the pair made their way, Jenny noticed something strange. The illumination provided by street lights and the full moon above set differently upon Vanessa. She didn't have any give-aways in the club, but Jenny expected to see a kink in her armor out here. Nothing presented itself though. Vanessa looked like a real girl!

Looking ahead a couple of slabs down the sidewalk, Jenny spotted a sickly looking, black cat walking across their path. The moment she noticed it, the mangy critter froze and craned it's head up at Jenny. It stared at her with faded, cloudy eyes for a second. Then the pathetic creature continued it's journey, disappearing into the bushes on the other side of the path.

Jenny felt a chill running down her spine. Something here was not right, though she couldn't put her finger on what. Before she could stop herself, 'Jerry' blurted out,“You're not a cross-dresser, are you Nessa?” She was terrified of how her friend would react to her male voice.

“Not exactly.” Vanessa admitted, locking eyes with Jenny. “I'm something better.” The gurl seemed to be piecing things together, it was time to improvise. “And you can be too, if you come with me. Won't you come home with me, Jenny?” Vanessa spoke seductively as she wrapped her arms around her prey. She was using her charms to seduce the gurl's male side, which seemed to perceive danger. If Vanessa could relax 'Jerry' enough to get him in the car, she could have her way with he and Jenny both. It seemed to be working.

Jenny felt the blood from her brain rushing lower, towards her securely tucked deformity. As it inflated slowly, she felt the uncomfortable tightness of the gaff, and her Veronica II shaper. She instantly wanted to be rid of them, 'Jerry' wanted access to this exotic woman. Jenny would soon be forced to oblige, and hand the reigns over to him. She didn't mind somehow, her inner boy deserved some tender loving. And opportunities with women as beautiful as Vanessa never came along for him.

Vanessa had Jerry right where she wanted him now, and quickly broke away from the embrace to fire off a quick text to Heather. She then hit the 'unlock' button on her key-chain, and a nearby black BMW lit up.

Jerry was terribly excited as he started towards the passenger door.

“Not there.” Vanessa corrected Jerry. “That one's taken.” She pointed to the tiny back-seat. “That's all you.”

*          *          *


(Heather moved casually despite the fact that she was in a hurry to leave the club.)

Heather was glowing as she shuffled past the patrons on her way out of the club. She could hear Erin shouting as Emily struggled to apologize. Her quick thinking tonight allowed her to kill two birds with one stone. She'd kept her sisters busy so Vanessa could extract Jenny, and also managed to create somewhat of a rift between Emily and Erin. They'd patch it up soon enough, as day-walkers they were drawn to each other like opposite ends of a magnet. But the seed of doubt had been planted in Erin's mind. With help, that seed would germinate into a mighty oak. One day, when Emily most needed Erin to trust her, that lingering doubt would influence Erin's decisions.

Standing on the curb, Heather awaited Vanessa's black BMW. According to her sisters text, Jenny and she were fetching the car from the alley around the block. Heather had been doing this for quite a long time, and she thanked the moon for preserving her youth and beauty. It was Heather's favorite side-effect of being a werewoman. Though not immortal, they tended not to age past a point in their late twenties, and their life-span was far longer than an average humans. She thought wistfully about all of the recruiting activity she'd engaged in over the years. As she waited, Heather was reminded of her own turning. Casting her gaze out towards the busy street before her, it started to resemble memory lane...

*          *          *


(In a small mid-western town, an abandoned newspaper page floated on a breeze down the sidewalk.
The date on the newspaper read August 15th , 1962.)

An embarrassed eighteen year old boy named Heath entered a public library, proceeding directly to the psychology section. He knew exactly what he was looking for, and exactly how to go about his search for the information he desired. Peering over his shoulders, he made sure nobody was looking. Heath's quest for knowledge of self was shrouded in secrecy, and for good reason. If anybody knew what he was looking up, Heath would have been ridiculed in the best case scenario, and hooked up to an electro-shock aversion therapy machine in the worst case. His heart was racing as the moment of truth approached. Once he was sure nobody was observing him, he quietly but swiftly lifted a book titled, Christine Jorgensen: A Personal Autobiography' from it's place on the shelf.

Heath already held a book which was similar in size, and deftly removed the jacket from each of the hard-cover volumes. He then switched them, so it would appear to anybody who strolled past that he was reading Upton Sinclair's, The Jungle. Then he re-shelved the tome shrouded in the Jorgensen book-jacket, and found a nearby chair. His secret mission was going well.

The autobiography he held was about a person who felt she was a woman trapped in a man's body. That's how Heath had felt as long as he could remember. So this person decided to take steps to make her body and mind match one another. Heath heard about it in the newspaper, a lot of publicity surrounded it's release several years earlier. She ingested female hormones, first self administered which is a terrible idea for anybody. Later she continued with the assistance of trained, medical professionals. Her male body began to react and feminize itself, leading up to an operation in which his 'outie' was reformed into and 'innie.' It fascinated Heath, he never knew that sort of transformation was possible. He engrossed himself in the material. Reading intently, his eyes burned through the pages at a furious pace.

That's when he noticed another person in his quiet section. He seemed to stop in front of the same shelf Heath had just visited. As he watched in horror, a red haired man scanned the shelves in the same general area. What were the chances he was here for the Jorgensen book too? Heath felt his pulse quicken as the strange visitor did exactly what he hoped nobody would. The man confidently took the book from it's place on the shelf, and carried it to a nearby seat.

Heath felt his stomach knot up, he might be sick right then and there. He couldn't help but watch as this man opened the book, immediately puzzled by its contents. He looked at the cover, then at the title page inside. Then he took off the jacket. He looked up and scanned the room around him, noticing Heath staring in his direction. Quickly averting his gaze, Heath looked down into the book in his hands. Tears were welling up in the corner of his eyes. He hoped the man would simply let this pass. Heath wished the stranger would be equally embarrassed and simply leave. But it was no use, the carrot topped man approached.

“What-cha reading?” he inquired, standing before the scared kid.

Heath swallowed hard, “The Jungle.” he answered nervously.

“I'll bet it's not what you were expecting, huh?” said the stranger, holding up the copy of The Jungle, unjacketed. It matched the jacket of the book Heath was holding.

He'd been busted, and Heath braced himself for the consequences. But they weren't what he expected.

“My name is Tim,” said the man standing before Heath, “and we should talk somewhere quiet. It will be getting dark soon.” The man named Tim then locked eyes with Heath, taking his hand and leading him out the front door of the public library. Heath didn't even bother straightening up the books they'd left behind.

*          *          *


(The sound of a finely tuned, German engine approaching brought Heather out of her flashback.)

As the sleek, black vehicle stopped in front of her, Heather opened the passenger door and ducked inside. Seeing Jenny in the back seat, Heather smiled in approval at Vanessa. “Well done, sister.” she said, closing the door behind her.

“Thanks Heather.” Vanessa was pleased with herself. Tonight she'd delivered in a big way. Vanessa wanted Heather to know that she could always be counted on.

There was no other conversation as the trio made their way back towards Vanessa and Heather's home. Jenny sat quietly in the back, staring out the windows with a blank expression on her face. 'Jerry' had almost seized the reigns from her in a moment of passion, but she was back now. The entire ride seemed to pass in a blur, and before she knew it Jenny was being herded out of the car by Heather.

Vanessa entered the upscale row-home first, ushering in Jenny and Heather behind her. The interior was decked out in mint condition, antique furniture. Everything looked expensive to Jenny. Even the picture frames. She recognized Heather and Vanessa in most of the photos, but others seemed to feature male faces, always the same two. Jenny hoped it wasn't their husbands.

“You might be wondering why some of these photographs feature women, and others are of men. I assure you, they're not jealous boyfriends or husbands.” Heathers comments seemed address Jenny's unspoken thoughts. “Why don't you... guess who they are.” Heather teased lightly.

“Ooh that'd be fun!” Vanessa said excitedly, looking in Jenny's direction.

“Are they your brothers?” Jenny asked hopefully. “Or some other male relative?”

“Nope.” Heather answered like she expected another guess in quick succession.

“Are they ex-boyfriends or platonic friends?” she inquired.

Heather nodded 'No.'

Jenny thought hard. “Are they pictures of your old selves, before hormones, FFS, electrolysis, and GRS?” Jenny had met a few transsexual women in her life. None kept pictures of their old male self on display in their homes, so she figured her answer was wrong even before Heather confirmed it.

“Close, but no cigar.” Heather chimed in once more.

“Then what? Some sort of magic? Did a spell change you from men into women?” Jenny had read stories about this sort of thing at a site called Top Shelf TG Fiction. It was one of her favorite sites, designed to entertain and sometimes arouse trans-people like her. 'But the stories involving magic were just made-up stories, weren't they?' Jenny found herself questioning reality itself.

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner!” Heather announced excitedly. “And we can share that magic with you.” she revealed, locking eyes with Jenny as she spoke. “You'd like that, Jenny. Wouldn't you?” Heather stared at Jenny as though she were the Great Kreskin.

“Great, either you're nuts, or I'm dreaming.” Jenny said, directing her words at Heather.

That was not the response she was expecting. Somehow, this gurl was capable of resisting Heather's formidable gaze.

“Lets try it my way, Heather.” Vanessa said seductively. She was unfastening her dress as she made her request. She slid the shoulder straps to the side, and began to slowly peel the garment off her amazing body.

Heather looked mildly annoyed. “Very well.” she gave her permission reluctantly.

Vanessa's dress dropped to the floor. She took a mesmerized Jenny by the hand, leading her up the stairs to a bedroom. Heather followed behind. Once there, Vanessa fell backwards onto the bed, now clad in nothing but a bra and panties. Jenny couldn't break off the eye contact Vanessa suddenly established. She found herself completely captivated by the strange woman's erotic display.

When a cross-dresser poses provocatively in the mirror, they call it presenting. But as Nessa struck a number of pin up girl poses, shedding clothing as she went, the only word that came to mind for Jenny was, 'awesome.'

Jenny began to carefully disrobe as a now entirely nude Vanessa stood before her. Like earlier in the alley, Jenny felt 'Jerry' was very close to taking control. And like last time, she didn't mind. Vanessa helped remove her accessories, and soon the only evidence of Jenny was her glued-on breast-forms. The adhesive had lost it's power due to perspiration, time and gravity. They clung to his chest weakly after the bra was removed, and in a moment slid off his body hitting the floor with a muffled thud.

Vanessa maintained eye contact, but by now she was spread eagle on the bed, touching herself shamelessly. “Don't you... want to...feel what... I'm feeling?” she asked Jerry through impassioned moans. He nodded yes. “Then get over here... do what you've wanted to do to me since I first approached you in the club.”

Jerry didn't need to be told twice.

Heather hated to watch her sister work. Vanessa's specialty happened to be Jenny's weakness, seduction. In a lot of ways, Heather was the more powerful of the two, but Vanessa had a special knack for manipulating men. 'Jenny is doomed already,' Heather thought as she watched the boy side of their victim approach his inevitable fate. Heather knew she wasn't needed here. Quietly leaving the room, she was confident that Vanessa had the situation under control.

Heather made up her mind, she was going on a walk. She had a lot on her mind, most of all her interrupted stroll down memory lane. As Heather made her way down the sidewalk in front of her row-home, her mind was transported across time and space once more.

*          *          *


(The hands of time wound back in Heather's mind.
She found herself back in Iowa, August 15, 1962.)

Heath found himself following Tim back to his house near the edge of town. They passed the afternoon talking about their shared desire to become women. Occasionally they spoke about other topics too. Tim was twenty-one years old, and had a lot in common with eighteen year old Heath. They liked the same comic books, listened to the same music and enjoyed the same kind of films. But as the afternoon faded into twilight, Heath's companion seemed to grow more and more anxious.

The reason for Tim's anxiety was simple, he was a werewoman and tonight was a full moon. Soon, Tim knew he'd be changing into Tina. Once that happened, she'd offer to turn her companion, Heath. It was a routine she had developed by practicing it many times.

Tim delighted in his recruiting approach; baiting public library's with a copy of the Jorgensen book, and waiting to see who picked it up. In every town he wandered to, this method helped him to identify potential sisters. After-all, it wasn't as though there were night-clubs and meeting places for trans-gendered people. 'That'll be the day' Tim told himself. He felt confident the boy before him tonight would accept the offer without hesitation. Heath's aura seemed to guarantee it.

When the transformation finally occurred, Heath was positively stunned. He sat speechless as the event unfolded. First, his host fell silent. A moment later, as Heath approached to make sure Tim was OK, the red-head began to tremble. Tim's already sparse body-hair slowly disappeared, and his skin seemed to smooth over everywhere as Heath watched. His new friend was shrinking rapidly, and his increasingly baggy clothing draped around him.

Tim began to moan in a high, feminine pitch. Heath was intrigued. His facial features softened in front of the boy, and his hair began to lengthen. Heath thought he saw the contour of Tim's body change in a decidedly feminine way, but his view was obscured by a layer of baggy clothing. There was no mistaking the twin lumps that seemed to sprout outwards from his chest, though. Their growth forced open the top buttons of his blue, Oxford shirt. Tim was changing into a woman right before Heath's eyes!

The tense, soon to be woman in the chair spoke in a high, feminine voice. “It's OK Heath... don't be... scared.” 'it' pleaded. “I'm not in any pain.” Whatever was happening to Tim seemed to be slowing down now. A woman wearing Tim's clothes now sat in the chair across from Heath. It looked like she was swooning and trying to catch her breath at once. A moment of silence punctuated by the new woman's heavy breathing passed.

It was Heath who broke the silence. “What just happened?!” he stammered.

“I turned into a girl, silly.” the woman that used to be Tim said in a pretty voice. “Isn't it keen?” she stood up and twirled around in front of Heath.

“How?” Heath had to know.

The strangely clad woman walked towards the open window, looking out towards the east. “It's the moon, it brings Tina to the surface. I'm a werewoman, Heath.” Tina admitted with a smile.

“I'm aware of women too. What's all this about the moon now?” Heath was confused.

“A werewoman, you know, like werewolf except not hairy and violent.” Tina was walking up to Heath, unfastening the remaining buttons on her Oxford as she went. Heath could see her stiff, pointy nipples pressing against the fabric of the strained white t-shirt beneath. “Instead of fangs and claws, I grow these” Tina cupped her breasts in her hands through her shirt. “And instead of howling at the moon, I like to moan at it.” she continued. “But that's not the best part.” Tina said with a wink.

Heath went for the set up. “What is?” he asked. He was already under her spell.

Tina smiled wickedly, she had Heath right where she wanted him. “I can make you one too, would you like that, Heath?” she asked, never breaking her stare. She was unfastening her belt now.

A gulping sound came from Heath's throat. He tried to speak, but only a low, strangled growl emanated from his trachea. As Tina's pants and underwear dropped away, she pulled her white t-shirt over her head. Her breasts bounced into view, perfect hanging pendulums of woman-flesh topped with light, pink disc-like nipples greeted Heath's eyes. Her muff of pubic hair was as shockingly red as the hair on her head. It formed a feminine shaped, inverted triangle pointing to the floor.

Heath had never seen a naked woman live and in person before, just in his fathers dirty magazines. He never had much luck with the ladies romantically speaking, they all seemed to want to be his friend. Heath was aroused past the point of articulation, partly due to the woman before him, and partly due to the promises she made. “I want...but how?...” Heath managed to say at last.

“Relax, my boy. I'll be gentle with you.” she said.

“What do we do? Should I...” Heath felt Tina's index finger press into his lips.

Tina was 'shushing' him. “Just sit back, and let me do all the work.” she commanded.

Heath nodded.

Dropping to her knees, Tina removed the boy's P.F. Flier sneakers, and pulled them off his feet. Next she unfastened his belt-buckle, tugging open the fly button atop his jeans expertly. With the zipper safely down, Tina tugged at the base of Heath's jeans. Soon he was naked from the waist down.

Their eyes locked and Heath felt his 'spirits' rising.

“Why didn't you say something earlier?” Heath asked.

Tina straddled his lap, “Would you have believed me?” she asked rhetorically.

Heath felt a feminine hand reaching down, guiding his throbbing member towards the entrance of Tina's womanly opening. Heath felt the velvety, wet flesh slowly separating against his mushroom-tip, gradually swallowing his entire length. Tight, soft skin surrounded his shaft, and he heard a womanly moan escape his consort's mouth. Tina slowly rose and fell atop him, her breasts bobbing in time with her thrusts. It was Heath's first time with a woman though, and he didn't last long.

A few hours later, Heath was dressed and ready to go back home. His parents would worry if he ran too late. “So when will it happen?” asked the excited boy.

“On the first night of next months full moon.” Tina explained. “And the second and third night as well. Each and every month...” she continued. “...for the rest of your life.”

“Is there any way to forestall it, in case I can't get away from my family on one of those nights?” Heath asked hopefully.

“No. Once the sun has set, you have at most 40 minutes to one hour before the change starts.” Tina answered. “And once it has begun, there is no stopping it.” she warned. “Come to my house next month. Get here before sun-set, and I'll help guide you through your first shift.”

Heath agreed, and with a hug and kiss left the house and headed toward his own. The month passed quickly, and when Heath returned to Tim's house, just before sunset on the appointed night, there was no sign of him or Tina anywhere. Just a note.

*          *          *

“Dear Heath,
I'm sorry that I can't be here for your big night. I really wanted to see how you would turn out. But I fear I've been discovered and therefore I must move on. Small town life has many risks for our kind, so I am heading to the big city. I recommend you do the same as soon as you are able. Hopefully, our paths will cross again. Until then, enjoy your new gift.



*          *          *

A tear rolled down his cheek. Heath felt like the only person in the world that understood his yearnings had abandoned him. Heath never saw Tim or Tina again, but the note she left rested atop a book. With the message in hand, Heath could now see the title. The bright white letters against a dark black cover read, The New Werewoman Handbook.

Heath felt his body temperature rising, and shed some of his clothing. He was dripping with sweat. As he sat watching the moon grow higher in the night sky through the window of Tim's abandoned house, a tingling sensation began in his abdomen and slowly spread outwards. In few short minutes, Heather came into the world crying bitter tears of loneliness...

*          *          *

End of Part 17
To Be Continued...

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