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Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Being Samantha Masters
an homage-sequel to Being Christina Chase

(Content warning: there's a few t-slurs in the very last section of the chapter.)

Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Sammy followed Rowan inside, creeping after her as quietly as possible. She made no such allowance for the late hour (or, rather, the early hour) and clomped up the stairs to her room. She weaved slightly as she went, and Sammy wondered if it was alcohol or exhaustion; the girl had ample cause for both.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 5)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 5

Lilith Langtree

...so I turned to Chloe and laid one on her. She had surprisingly soft lips, oh, and some type of berry flavored lip gloss.


To Fight for a Dream Chapters 6 - 11

To Fight for a Dream
by Tanya Allan

An autobiography is an account of one’s life up to a certain point.
This isn’t my autobiography. It is, however, a fictitious biography of
someone very like me, or me if one or two things had happened differently.
This is a WHAT IF scenario plus a lot of wishful thinking.

Perfect Lady, part 1

Perfect Lady, part 1
Michelle Wilder

Change comes in many ways, each one pushing, following, hurrying more change.
Sometimes, someone else does the pushing. This is a story about hard changes, and gentle, caring pushes.
I've published this before, here.

Best of Both Worlds

"Mom, Dad?"

This was so hard. They both stared at me, probably at how I looked sick. I felt sick. I had to clear my throat, but I got it out.

"I'm... I, I think, I'm a... a girl...."

My dad leapt to his feet. "Get out!"

"Dad!" I couldn't keep the tears from starting. "Dad... please! I can't help it...."

"Shut up!"

Mom rolled her eyes as she reached out to hug me. "I'm the only woman alive with a husband who sounds like Hannah Montana...."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 5

Cathy handed me my other Victoria Secret bra, the one with only half cups. I could not understand the half cups but she said "Wait until you put on the dress, you will see." I was getting better at putting on "my" bras, only taking two tries. I was really surprised at how much higher my bustline was in this kind of bra. Cathy called it a push up bra. Half my breasts showed out of the top of the bra. What is wrong with this picture?

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 5

By Terry Hansay

Netherworlds Chapter 3

And it started again. Nikolosandwhichev looked on in alarm as I spasm’d about. Sarah jumped up, looking alarmed. Alarm, I thought. That’s a word. Like Clock. And Peanut. Peanut clock. Peanut butter jelly time.

My brain had gone kinda insane trying to deal with the pain. While contemplating on whether Hitler’s moustache was actually the barcode for a brand of chinese razor, my bones ground against each other. I was insanely hungry too - it felt like my stomach was boiling. A couple of bits of stomach acid went up my throat. My balls felt like they’d been kicked in. My penis felt like it was being used for a slingshot. And my chest just plain felt weird. The spasm kept going, even as Nikefootwearmanchev went and got another… nurse… or doctor…


Chapter 3

By Taveena

To Fight for a Dream Chapters 1 - 5

To Fight for a Dream
by Tanya Allan

An autobiography is an account of one’s life up to a certain point.
This isn’t my autobiography. It is, however, a fictitious biography of
someone very like me, or me if one or two things had happened differently.
This is a WHAT IF scenario plus a lot of wishful thinking.

Modern Masquerade Chapters 11 - 15


Peter and Katie Marriott are returning to the UK after a lifetime abroad. The brother and sister are simply acting on their father’s directions. He has a plan, intending to join them a little later, but they have to fulfil certain obligations prior to his return.

Whilst at an airport hotel, the pair become entangled with a shady character who is intent on seizing the assets of a beautiful but somewhat scatty heiress, Letty Greyson. Using quick wits and dubious skills, they manage to rescue the girl and return her to the bosom of her family.

However, the attractive Katie and handsome Peter are not quite what they appear.........

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.14 - Boyfriend?


I leant forward and gave him a little peck on the cheek............

Before he could say anything else I had jumped in the back of the car next to my sister.

"Quick Mum, drive off!" I whispered.

"Before Alun gets over the shock of the kiss," said my sister, laughing until I gave her a vicious prod in the side.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.14 - Boyfriend?

by Alys

Southern Comfort, Part 9

The training had been hard, three years of demanding school, no quarter given. In truth, we both took to it like fish to water. I had never realized how much my love simply loved learning for its own sake until I saw how she threw herself into learning the new skills she had to pick up just to get her new professional certifications. We both grew mentally as well as physically during our time in training.

Southern Comfort
Chapter 9

By Theide


Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 4)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 4

Lilith Langtree

I turned to see Ted at the door. He was sporting a pair of black slacks, and a solid red button down. Oh joy, we matched. Won't our pictures turn out well. Then a strong feeling of dread overcame me. Oh no.

"I want you two to stand up against the fireplace over there."

Mrs. Head! With a camera! Curse you Ralph Lauren!

You never listen to my prayers!

Modern Masquerade Chapters 6 - 10


Peter and Katie Marriott are returning to the UK after a lifetime abroad. The brother and sister are simply acting on their father’s directions. He has a plan, intending to join them a little later, but they have to fulfil certain obligations prior to his return.

Whilst at an airport hotel, the pair become entangled with a shady character who is intent on seizing the assets of a beautiful but somewhat scatty heiress, Letty Greyson. Using quick wits and dubious skills, they manage to rescue the girl and return her to the bosom of her family.

However, the attractive Katie and handsome Peter are not quite what they appear.........


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Risky Endeavors by Maryanne Peters on Kindle!


Audience Rating: 


Falling in love must be easy, at least Maryanne Peters makes it seem so -- but maybe it's a risk worth taking to enjoy a happy ending.

Risky Endeavors
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Here are eighteen stories of lumberjacks and bodyguards, fishermen and drag racers, plumbers and financiers who took a risk and fell in love with someone unexpected. They're a lot of fun and one or two of them might make you laugh-out-loud or even get a little teary-eyed. You should take that risk -- after all, romance is worth it.

The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle


Audience Rating: 



The Last of the Fey

by Denise Anesidora Trask

Dennis is a stunt man, er... boy, er... young adult. Being of slight build, although muscular, he didn’t get into sports when in middle and high school. No, he was far too deeply involved in the motion picture business by then. It all began when he was less than a year old and snowballed from there.

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