
The School Play

The Play

It's amazing how over life's courses that you forget many an occurrence that at the time were important to you. This is just such a story and memory, one from a long since forgotten time (but thats what diaries are for right?).

Sweet Dreams-8...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams I’ll Never Have Them…8

Chapter 8

I’m actually shaking by the time I get out of the Starbucks and through the other set of doors and into The Renaissance Center, it’s kind of this high end mall kind of place that’s been around forever. I even knew about this place living in my neighborhood. It kind of went through this slump when most of downtown did too but has come back into it’s own with that whole push to revitalize old Detroit.

Honesty or a lie? which would you choose

This could be a story of morals, is it ever wise to lie, should we always be truthful and honest, even if it will cost us.
Or maybe it is just more drivel with bad grammar and spelling mistakes from Lauran.
I just hope you enjoy it, and if you don't, at least I enjoyed writing it. :)

Mission Impossible? Part 2

Mission Impossible?

Chapter 4

The Major gave the CID officer a harsh look and stood up. She tossed her blonde hair back and walked toward the hotel door. Amber and the CID officer walked behind her out the door and to the black government sedan in the parking lot. The Intelligence officer opened a rear door and Amber was pushed into the back seat. Amber's head dropped to her hands and she began to cry. The man slammed the door shut and turned to face his partner.

Aurora - Book 1


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Aurora Book Cover/Image
Aurora - Book 1

by JulieChristine

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?

This is the first chapter, in what I hope to be a near novel length book. Chapter 2 is with editors, and work has progressed well on Chapter 3. Your comments and encouragement will help speed me along.

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


Mission Impossible? Part 1

Mission Impossible?

by Amber Lynn Kain

The yellow, convertible Mustang cruised along the straight stretch of highway, eating the miles. The 302 hummed quietly; its owner took very good care of the car. While not mechanically inclined, he appreciated a fine tuned machine. Arron made sure his "stang" was cared for. He smiled, turned up the CD player louder and pushed down on the gas pedal.


Aurora - Chapter 1 - The Plan

Aurora Book Cover/Image

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?


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Character Age: 


Like Mother Like Son 7

Written by Sharon Parsons and edited by Victor G.

16 year old Darren Peterman tries out his older woman disguise and is presented to his little brother as the boy's Aunt Nancy- a 46 year old smoker. Later that day, Aunt Nancy takes her young nephew to the park.

New Girl in the Band Chapter 2

The New Girl In The Band Chapter 2

By Princess
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:David submits to the bands demand that he be a girl for them and some interesting and uncomfortable situations develop.

Barbie Doll at the Station Newsagents

Barbie was the kind of doll that every boy would want to play with. I certainly did, that first time I saw her on display in the station newsagents. But boys should remember that playing with dolls may lead them in unusual directions!

In a Class by Himself-Part 1

Jenny shivered in the cold draft wafting through the Emerald Gymnastics Center gymnasium and hugged herself, tracing and stroking her bare hands, peppered with white gymnastics chalk, over equally bare and chalky arms and shoulders, legs and knees, then trying to rub some warmth into the white-powdered soles of her bare feet, then coming back to rest on the soft, smooth, form-fitting Lycra of her sleeveless gymnastics leotard.

Like Mother Like Son 6

16 year old Darren Peterman goes shopping with his mom at the mall as a woman. Later that day, he meets his father while wearing his "older woman" make-up for the first time.

A Change of Style


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Alex Adams begins his High School journey with the help of his friend Roxanne. His journey takes him places few boys have the opportunity to experience. His gradual acceptance of his changes helps enrich his life, but forces him to make some complex choices.

O My Son, My Daughter Absolom! 3

O My Son, My Daughter, Absolom!
Anam Chara

Gabriel talks with both his Mom and his sister Mitsumi, then sees that his own life has changed no less dramatically that weekend than his brother Michael’s.

Budding Lilli Part 4

Kyle has purged and is trying to be "normal" - only to find it impossible. After two years of misery, his sister Christine dares him to put on their sister Taryn's dress. Can he resist? What happens to Kyle - and what does his mischievous sister have in store for him?

This time: How will Mom react? What will happen to Lilli?

Shell Shocked!

Shell Shocked!


Samantha Michelle Davies(SamanthaMD)

The arrival of a heavy thunderstorm produced a lull in the almost relentless bombardment from the Enemy positions less than half a mile away.

High Explosive & Very high static in the Atmosphere didn’t go well together. For an early September day in 1916 in the Western Front, and after a very dry period where the fields had turned from mud to dust the clear atmosphere was a welcome relief.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-17

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Seventeen

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

One where they know they would like to be

Tan goes through the selections figuring he may as well have supper since we are both here and it’s available. I con him into bringing back a little more of the cottage cheese with a peach half and another of the meat patties for me. A fiancee can be a good thing at times.

New Girl in the Band Chapter 1

The New Girl In The Band

Chapter 1

By Princess

Thanks To Stanman63 for editing!

A popular all girls rock and roll band needs a new member for their world tour. The lead singers annoying little brother seems like a good choice.

Budding Lilli Part 3

Kyle has purged and is trying to be "normal" - only to find it impossible. After two years of misery, his sister Christine dares him to put on their sister Taryn's dress. Can he resist? What happens to Kyle - and what does his mischievous sister have in store for him?

This time: What will Lilli do about Mira, the girl she loves?

Wife Made Me Do It

She handed me panties and a bra. I looked at her saying, "I can't wear these." She smiled and said, "Yes, you will and I want them on you now! You will be wearing pretty bras and matching panties the rest of your life, do you understand?"

I laughed and said "No way." Then she said "You are so beautiful" and I was now putting on the panties and bra. What was happening? I lost all my control and was doing exactly what she wanted.

My Wife Made Me Do It
My New Life
By Terry Hansay

Like Mother Like Son 4

Edited by Victor G.
16 year old Darren Peterman proves that he's very good at being a boy, giving his mother some concern about his future. Why would a boy who is so good at being a boy want to give it up to become a woman?

Budding Lilli Part 2

Kyle has purged and is trying to be "normal" - only to find it impossible. After two years of misery, his sister Christine dares him to put on their sister Taryn's dress. Can he resist (please stop laughing)? What happens to Kyle - and what does his mischievous sister have in store for him?

This time: Just how devious is Christine?

Knowing Yourself - Chap-16

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Sixteen

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Most people long for another island

We entered the first class lounge where we relaxed for a while before boarding the plane for our short trip.

Soon we were up and it seemed like a very short time before we were down again. Actually only about two hours, one of which we lost to a time change. We collected our things and were out looking for our ride long before midnight.

Budding Lilli Part 1

Kyle has purged and is trying to be "normal" - only to find it impossible. After two years of misery, his sister Christine dares him to put on their sister Taryn's dress. Can he resist? What happens to Kyle - and what does his mischievous sister have in store for him?

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 1

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?


Anam Chara

Cousins Sean and Kelly are as close to one another as they are to their siblings. Yet as close as they all are, their outlooks, interests, and aspirations have diverged while growing up—until destiny binds them together again.

Like Mother Like Son 3

16 year old Darren Peterman comes home from school to find his mother has bought him a new outfit, befitting of a middle aged woman. Can he face his father and little brother for the first time in a dress?

O My Son, My Daughter Absolom! 2

O My Son, My Daughter, Absolom!

The next morning, Michael’s—or Mikki’s—family sits down to a good breakfast complete with all the nutrition, controversy, insight, and wit needed to begin a long, busy day.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-15

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Fifteen

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Lost in the middle of a foggy sea

Hanging the last of the clothing on the rack, I return to see what assistance I may to Tanner and Irina who have been disassembling everything and gradually moving it over to the RV. Going over, I begin to place some of the lighter items into their places on the shelves, plugging them into the power strips as I go.


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