
Trailer Park Baby Chapter 16 & 17

Chapter 16: Bob

I left Sarah sitting there. I think she started crying again. I was about to do one of the cruelest things I could think of. I didn't want to do it, but right now there was only one person that could help Dave, and I wasn't that person. I looked down at Thor and whispered, "Well Thor, you have to help Dave, and he isn't going to be happy about it." Thor looked back up at me.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 14 & 15


Chapter 14: Dave

I was working one afternoon, when there was a knock on my door. I got up to see whom it was, and was surprised to see Judy and Ashley there. "Hi, what's up?"

Judy, looking a little harried, answered "There was a big crash on the Interstate. They need me at work right away. Can you watch Ashley 'til Joe gets home? He should be home in a couple of hours."

"Ummm, sure. But doesn't Sarah usually do that?"

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 11, 12 & 13

Chapter 11: Sarah

Dave called me from the hospital asking me to pick him up, I told him be there right away. At the hospital, I expected Dave to be waiting for me. I checked at the desk and was told that he hadn’t come down yet. So I went to find him.

Getting off the elevator, I was stopped by a nurse, “Can I help you? Visiting hours aren’t until 10 AM.”

“I’m here to pick up my neighbor, Dave Wilson. He’s supposed to be discharged today. I expected to find him downstairs, but he wasn’t there. So I came looking for him.”

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Dave

It was shortly after lunch and I decided that I could use a break. I pulled on a pair of shoes, and checked out the door to see if that monster was around. I could hear it, but it didn’t seem to be nearby. I locked my door as I went to check to my mail, I never got much and the box was usually empty. I walked briskly over to the mailboxes, the less time where the dog could get at me, the better.

Checking for mail, I found the box empty as usual, I heard a voice. “Hey, little girl give us your money.”

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 8 & 9

Chapter 8: Sarah

I didn't expect Dave to really take a nap, but when I checked on him an hour later he was asleep, like a baby. I had some more coffee and started making dinner, I hope Dave likes spaghetti.

I let Dave sleep another hour and then got him up for dinner. After dinner while we were watching a baseball game I asked Dave about his life growing up. He told me, it made me want to go strangle his parents. Now I think I understand why he is letting me treat him like this. I don't believe anyone ever really showed him any affection as a kid.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 4

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

Calamities usually don't happen unless several mistakes to come together...

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Dave

Friday afternoon, I had tried to work some on all day, but my mind kept going back to what I was doing this weekend. Why had I ever agreed to spend the weekend dressed like a little girl? I thought for what seemed to be the hundredth time today. Quarter to five, her official office hours would be over in fifteen minutes, and then I would have to go over and spend the weekend with her. I killed some time playing solitaire on my computer. I couldn’t concentrate to do any work.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 5 & 6

Chapter 5: Dave

I couldn't believe it. I just went to a movie and a restaurant wearing girl’s clothes and diapers and no one noticed. Not even Steve, I've known him for four years, and he held the door for us. Something was seriously wrong.

I went and looked into a mirror. I didn’t really look like a little girl did I? I didn't think so, but then again if I did I could really stick it to my father, the old bastard that he is. I should get a picture of me dressed up and send it to him, `From your loving Son.' That would piss him off.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 3

By Lora Guy
Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"Len, this is gonna take some getting used to. You sound so damn... pretty."

For My Princess: Part 1


Lady Ysabel saw no problem taking her son into the castle, it was summer and most of its occupants were away. While he plays innocently someone hears him in a place he is not supposed to be.

"Mother, someone comes, I heard his boots upon the stairs," he said. The fear etched on his cherubic face.

"Did he catch sight of you?" Ysabel replied.

"I do not believe so."

A voice boomed from the bottom of the stairs."Come out child, I know you are there."

= = =

Thanks to Kirstyn Fox, Maggie Finson, and Arcee (not to be confused with Arecee) for their help and all my friends who encouraged me.

This story was written specially for LG Tales, it will appear there first and on Bigcloset a few days later.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dave

I woke up and wondered where I was. I looked around and it dawned on me. I was in a crib, wearing a diaper and girls Care Bear nightie. And I needed to use the bathroom, desperately. I listened and wondered what had woken me. I heard a door shut and realized that Sarah had gotten back. "Sarah," I called out.

"Just a moment," came drifting back, and then a knock at the door.

I heard the door open and a loud voice, "I heard you wanted to talk to me about my dog, Thor."

A Fortuitous Adventure: 16


I catch the train to meet Mum but find I
have an unexpected travelling companion

A Fortuitous Adventure:
or, how I got my first job

by Louise Anne Smithson

Chapter 16

Another train journey

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Sarah

I left his trailer and thought a lot about what had happened. In reality I hadn't bought the diapers for him, but for one of the kids in the park that I baby-sit. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how cute he had looked crying about the dog after he wet the diaper. I was surprised that he didn't argue more about wearing the diaper in the first place. I thought more about him, how cute he had looked and decided to see if I could him back into diapers on a more regular basis.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 1

Trailer Park Baby

Part I: Infant

Chapter 1: Dave

I had just finished college and was looking for a cheap place to live, when I saw the ad for a mobile home for rent. I had lived in the dorms and an apartment and was tired of either seeing everyone’s or having everyone see my comings and goings. I went to see about renting the place and was surprised by the owner. She was about six-two, I on the other hand was just under five foot and didn't weigh one hundred pounds soaking wet. Inside the office I said, "I'm here about the mobile home for rent."

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Hit Me With Your Best Shot
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!
SynopsisA Transgirl confronts the school bullies that sought to deny her right to be herself.

Like Mother Like Son 10

Its a big day for 16 year old Darren Peterman. He has lots of decisions to make. Will he or won't he- get surgery and drop out of school? What will he do when his mother suggests he try being a girl his own age for a while?

Thanks to Victor G for his editing and inspiration. I'd also like to thank Faith for her friendship.

Sweet Dreams- 9... Am I in a daydream?

Sweet Dreams-9...Am I in a daydream?

Kissing Alex while just letting go I guess was kind of like going from drowning in the surf to riding the wave in on an inner tube? I don’t know if that’d be a good metaphor but…

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 1

The Rusted Blade
A collaborative work by kitn and darkice

“Might as well keep that one, it’s shoddy steel, not even worth melting down. And it can’t be enchanted, not even the poorest wizard would waste magic on that junk. I’ll not pay your master for that kind of thing.”

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 2

Princess For Hire
Book 2: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Beck's return to Kingston Academy has brought more to his plate than he expected. Can he handle the next turn of events? Or will he make a decision he'll come to regret?

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 1

By Lora Guy

Lenny is a cross dresser out for a public stroll when he is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation.
The effects of a far-off war send his life spinning in directions he could never imagine.

The premise for this story is based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella
The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

The Prom Statement Chapter 7

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.


--------------------------Claire’s First Day of School--------------------------

As expected, the principal called my mother to a meeting at the school Friday afternoon. In addition to the principal, the attendees included Ms. Anderson, my chorus teacher, and the school nurse.


The Prom Statement Chapter 6

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

Part 6 of 7:

-------------My Day at David’s Bridal Boutique----------------

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 1

Princess For Hire
Book 2: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Beck returns to Kingston Academy after an eventful Christmas break, for all new adventures -- and maybe a little romance to boot!

She was only fifteen

She was Only Fifteen

By Luthien Maxwell

I'm looking at the last photo I've got of you but I'm not really seeing it, instead I'm seeing you at different points through your life and noticing all the details I should have noticed then.

The Prom Statement Chapter 5

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

Chapter 5 of 7:

---------------Help With Feeling More Like a Girl--------------

The Prom Statement Chapter 4

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

In this chapter Claire experiences the full effect of preparations and the process begins to have a profound impact on Claire’s psyche.

-------------------------------A Trip To The Salon----------------------

On Saturday morning, I came down to breakfast in my new pajamas.

Aurora - Chapter 3 - Parent’s, Family and Friends

Aurora Book Cover/Image
Aurora - Chapter 3 - Parent’s, Family and Friends

“What do you mean, they planned this?” Brian’s Mom, Sarah asked with more than a bit of bite to her voice.

“Not the accident, well not the car accident. The Accident with the costume.” Tracy said as she tried to convey both just how sorry she was, and how important Aurora was to the child that lay in the bed.

Hi All! Here is Chapter 3! Chapter 4 is still a work in progress but I think you will like it. I've been told that Chapter 3 here is best yet, so please let me know your thoughts!

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


What a Day! Chapter 2

Chapter 2
The next time I woke up, about 9 of the 16 girls had woken up. Jane and Claire were among the ones who had woken up, and gave me a warm smile as I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. In about 30 minutes, everybody had woken up, and they were chatting away. I sat there kind of awkwardly, staring at nothing. That’s when a little voice said in my ear,
“Boo!” I jumped straight up, but then slipped and fell on my butt. I turned around and saw Claire. She gave me a smile then giggled.

The Prom Statement Chapter 3

Nina Adams


In the heat of debate, Clarence makes a Prom
Statement that would change his life forever.

In this chapter Claire’s preparations get a kick-start.

------------------------A Foundation For The Future---------------------


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