
Knowing Yourself - Chap-08

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Eight

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

I walk alone and wonder “who am I?”

The Rosetta Stone program finally arrived, so now on top of everything else I’m going to spend my evenings learning Dutch. Thanks, Tanner. I was hoping he had been joking when he said he sent for the program.

We spent the early afternoon getting my driver’s license changed while Irina was ‘minding the store’ then we went around in circles trying to change my birth certificate.

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

(Not insignificant re-write February 9, 2015)

First day of term, first class, gym teacher’s office.

There's a knock on the door and Tom, my best friend, enters.

-Hi Dave, is Mr Ferguson around?
- He’s already out there warming up.
- I see your little sister is taking ballet this year.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-07

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Seven

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Into the Valley of Death, or... ‘What do you mean... Audience?’

We are in the RV and on our way by 7:30 and Tanner figures we will just make our arrival time to begin to set up. I’m not exactly dressed to help with that and remind him. He again takes this moment to assuage me and to give me a bit of a heads-up as to what’s coming down.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

by Maeryn Lamonte

Chris had a secret that was burning a hole in his soul. He’d tried to share it with his wife some years before, but she hadn’t been ready to hear it then, so he’d kept hidden and struggled on as best he could. Most of the time he did pretty well, but at stressful times like Christmas it would rise close to the surface, near enough for others to notice.

Ann loved her husband and she knew there was something deep inside him that was tearing him apart. She longed to know what it was, to help him, but somehow the time was never right. She had griefs of her own to bear, but she always found her thoughts returning to Chris.

Emily needs a home for Christmas. All too recent memories of seeing her parents violently attacked has left her traumatised and in need of love.

Christmas is a magical time when people pray and wish harder than at other times of the year. Perhaps at such a time there’s a way they can all be helped…

Knowing Yourself - Chap-05

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Five

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Half a league onward.

That morning Irina picks me up at Tanner’s place. I’m in another one of the skirt suits and before we leave, Irina does my makeup and hair.

“Your hair isn’t perfect, but then you are going to see a judge not do a photo shoot so a few imperfections are permitted. Be certain you have your male ID with you. I'm so proud of you, Schatzi”

To See Through a Glass Darkly 12

To See Through a Glass Darkly

Chapter 12

Sasha sits down again with his mother for a cup of tea and talks with her about his appointment with Dr. Torricelli. He also talks with his wife— well, with Tina, although she isn't there— well, she is, but…

Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 1

This time we meet up with Chris and the gang several months after the previous episodes have taken place.
It's a simple enough trip but this time...
Sod's Law comes into play against the reluctant Nena!

Nena: Book 4
Four Star
Part 1

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2005 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

La Suite Danse Macabre 4

La Suite Danse Macabre

IV. Chanson d’amour

To get into character for the coming Hallowe’en party, Danny/Danielle dresses up for his/her first girls’ night out. However, this also creates some unexpected dynamics within the family.

Photo Opportunity - Part 3

Photo Opportunity
Part 3
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2006 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.


Although there was still no formal identification of any of the crash victims, a simple headcount in the village supplied enough information to have a shrewd guess as to at least some. In a small place like Aldwinkle news doesn't take long to get around

And the vicar was already in town with Jonno's parents. With tragedy inevitably comes the morbid curiosity of the outsider and two TV crews and Hereward Radio were already camped out to cover the tragedy.

"Something's up." Peter Ward stated as he steered the family car into the village.

"Look there's a TV crew over there." Josie Ward noted, craning her neck for a better look.

In the Freezer - Part 3

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

Spacetran 19

Khatia has been kidnapped and Beverly pulls out some stops to find her.


Spacetran 19.

List of Beverly’s children, grandchildren and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.
Farina & Francine. Khatia and Bennie’s twin daughters.

In the Freezer


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank, in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

This story is complete but will be released in three parts at daily intervals.

In the Freezer - Part 2

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

This story is complete but will be released in three parts at daily intervals.

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?
by Holly H Hart

This story starts just hours after the end of my story Ida The Spy.
Holly has just found out that a third daughter has become hers as a result of some black magic. But who dunnit? And why? How Shannon appear out of nowhere, (somewhere?), on the mountain above the house Holly is in the process of buying?

In the Freezer - Part 1

by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Angela, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank, in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone has to witness her signature. Although the family resemblance is fortuitous, Nigel has reservations about the whole scheme. With just cause, it would appear.

This story is complete but will be released in three parts at daily intervals.

Spacetran 18.

This chapter leads up to the kidnapping of Khatia.


Spacetran 18.

List of Beverly’s children, grandchildren and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.
Farina & Francine. Khatia and Bennie’s twin daughters.

Spacetran 17

Spacetran 17
This chapter continues the story of Khatia and Bennie's burgeoning relationship. Rather a sweet chapter describing their progress towards marriage and parenthood.


Spacetran 17

List of our children and their friends.

Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.

Sweet Dreams-5...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams I’ll Never have them-5

Chapter 5


It hurt, dreaming had hurt. It had been awhile since I had dreamt about my dad. It had been as much as about him as it had been about my childhood. Yeah I know I’m not really that old.
But I really feel old.
I know, that I shouldn’t be but.
There’s just got to be a point where you just can’t take it anymore.

Photo Opportunity - Part 2

Photo Opportunity
Part 2
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2006 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.



The Waldron's spare room isn't really much more than a cupboard with a bed in it but it was at least a bed and I was missing mums inquisition, which is always a bonus. Mind you, I told Mrs. Waldron that I spoke to mum but in reality there wasn't a reply when I called - I did leave a message tho'.

I didn't sleep well; maybe it was the cider or the passive hash smoking, whatever it was I felt really crap when I woke up. And we've got school and I haven't got my uniform or books, sugar!

Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Day three, or is it four, depends how you count I suppose, duly arrived and started much the same as the previous one. After the usual morning routine he dressed in his cycling togs before going to once again partake of breakfast. By the time the tent was down and the bags packed and installed on the bike it was heading on towards nine and strangely the intrepid explorer was feeling both excitement and trepidation at the prospect of leaving Detwang. It may have only been two nights but he was already feeling some attachment to the place. Well he'd get a last look at the place on the way out, the computer clicked on as he moved off and the next step of the adventure was underway.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *18* Cos Choice

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *18* Cos Choice
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Photo Opportunity - Part 1

Photo Opportunity
Part 1
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2006 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

"There, that does the job." she tilted her head one way and another to get the full effect, "yes, a masterpiece if I do say so myself."

Which of course was never going to be good news.

"I'll just take a couple of photo's."

"Muu-uum" her offspring groaned.

Nena -Book 3- Part 8

After the excitement of Chris's second sojourn as Nena, there is an unexpected development at Global.
This time he has to embrace being Nena more fully than ever before!

Nena: Book 3
Part 8

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.


Started by Zoonatic
Finished by Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: Up to the first break, it's Zoonatic and from there on it's all me. This is something of his I felt could be extended. It's some of my earliest work in furry fandom. About four years now, I think. Not really up to the same standard as the Unplanned Adventures, but in a similar vein and I figured why not? There are plenty of things in this that could be considered prototypes for later development in the UA, and it isn't half bad, although it could be improved. Then again, a year after writing anything I believe that.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *17* Dance Away

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *17* Dance Away
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Head Case

Head Case

By Paul Calhoun

Summary: Another crossdresser, this time more experienced, tries a new thing and gets into more trouble than he'd expected when his fursuit head gets stuck. Illustrations done by the same person as who did WVI, and so once again you can extend this story with money or illustrations.
PDF here:

To Catch a Thief~3

There was the immediate noise of hundreds of starving girls as they started eating, drinking and being jolly merry. I was pleased, as the racket distracted possible attention from how upset I was...


By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Spacetran 14

This chapter describes how Bennie, (Beverly's Transgendered son,) Meets Khatia the runaway Muslim girl who become's Bennie's bride.


Spacetran 14.

Bennie’s Story.

List of our children and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.

Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.

Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.

Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.

Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).

Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Unlikely Convergence
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced a good bit more for this one and the ones that come after. The only reason why most of my own high school experience was not drawn from is because I'm afraid you'd never believe me unless you've actually seen the inside of the school I went to.

Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 2

Unexpectedly Mary

I'm not intending to do weekly postings of it, it may take many, many months before you see anymore on here, the best way to read the whole thing - complete with pictures, is to get yourselves a copy of the book in either paper or digi format by heading to Scaramouch Books. As an incentive you can currently save 25% off the list price of the print version making it a great gift option for the forthcoming season!

Chapter 2

Luckily the drying room was empty and I was soon back at the
tent. What now? I'm sat here wearing a mini skirt and girl's pants and
I'm starving! Well I guess that woman didn't notice anything odd,
maybe... Nah that's stupid. I settled into writing my journal, moving
onto the ass in front of my tent to take advantage of the evening sun.
I'd actually been sat there for nearly fifteen minutes before it
occurred to me that I was just sitting about in a skirt. I was still
hungry maybe I could get away with it, there's a restaurant on the
site, I could go there, maybe?

The Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace

Unintended Grace
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader:
This is where the main series really began. The TG elements get stronger as everything continues, as does the cumulative strangeness of the entire situation. Here we see Mike at age 15 and well into the 2030s going to his first con and meeting one of the main characters for the rest of the series.
Chapter 1:
Getting Out the Door

La Suite Danse Macabre 3

La Suite Danse Macabre

Danny knows that he must do something about his lack of confidence, so he visits his psychiatrist. But what can even Dr. Beecham do for him now? Has Danielle already won?


A Gaby Fan-Fiction by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.

Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 1

Unexpectedly Mary

Okay, so you want something to read and its a digital first this week, the first part of my first ever printed book, Unexpectedly Mary, is offered up for your enjoyment. In case you've not come across this little tale it's a bit of a travelogue with a twist, Mark - the lead character, embarks on a cycling trip along the German Romantic Road and - well you'll have to read it to find out what happens next!

I'm not intending to do weekly postings of it, it may take many, many months before you see anymore on here, the best way to read the whole thing - complete with pictures, is to get yourselves a copy of the book in either paper or digi format by heading to Scaramouch Books. As an incentive you can currently save 25% off the list price of the print version making it a great gift option for the forthcoming season!

Chapter 1

Mark queued up with a sense of excitement and a degree of impatience. This trip was going to be one of those things you remember forever, the fact that he'd used all his savings and every bit of spare cash he had to make it happen was immaterial. For over a year he'd been planning his route, the accommodation and budget. The queue shuffled forward again. It was the culmination of a dream and a desire to do something a bit more adventurous than a week in Lanzarote for the annual hols.

O My Son, My Daughter Absolom! 0

O My Son, My Daughter Absolom!

by Anam Chara

A traditionalist minister discovers that his son is crossdressing and indeed may be transgendered. How does he, his wife, and their family deal with it? Can they reconcile all the various issues that they must face both as a family and as individuals?


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