
The Mother-in-Law

The Mother-in-Law

By Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

“Dave. Have you been doing the housework in heels again?”
“Yes darling why?”
“You’ve left a whole load of heel marks on the carpet”
“So? At least you know that I’ve done it…”
The woman sighed and looked at her husband.
“Sometimes my darling, you can be really dense. You know my Mother is coming for a visit tonight. You know how she snoops over the house looking for her ‘signs that you are having an affair’ as well as dust and everything else”

Summer with Auntie Kate - Part 3

Summer with Auntie Kate

By Rose Dahlia

Part III — New Discoveries

Kelly lay sprawled across his Aunt Kate’s lap, basically naked save for the satin pajama bottoms and panties bunched around his knees. Kate rested her head on the back of the couch, the top to her elegant, silky evening-wear lay splayed open, revealing her heavy breasts.

Womanless beauty contest

Two friends who grow up together, but as puberty hits their relationship changes, and there is always the contest that will affect how they go from firm friends to lovers.


Chapter 1

I got in to the carriage of the tube, which was already pretty crowded, at the front of a large mass of people all trying to do the same thing. Standing room only, and not much of that. I flashed a quick smile at the man in front of me, before turning to take hold of a pole. More and more people pressed in after me and we ended up with everyone pressed against each other.

Like Mother Like Son 1

Co-written by Victor G.
A special thanks to Victor G who co-wrote 'A Mother's Love' at Sapphire's site. Vic has a litterary way of making a boy look as if he walked out of the pages of a fashion magazine. He's a fantastic solo writer and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to write this story with him. Now for a little info about the story.

Darren Peterman is a 16 year old high school football player who is at odds with his feminine side. As the title suggests, Darren's mother is his role model.

This story explores Darren's feelings as well as his family's as they struggle to define Darren's identity and gender. What would you think, do, and feel, if your parents told you they understood? Darren will try to answer those questions for himself and I suspect it will take more than a couple chapters.

Susie and Jeffrey 79 - 94

Rugby Boys

A Susie and Jeffrey Novel

After some minor skirmishes, Susie and Jeffrey go from Wags to pitches and win a major battle on the playing fields of Heighton.

"Oh, Susie, that will be even worse - I can't be two people at once."

"I'm three steps ahead of you, Jeffrey. It won't matter if you're half-and-half this afternoon, because it's all taken care of by my master plan."

"I don't like the sound of this, Susie, your ideas are liable to have unintended consequences. You always make things more complicated than they need be."

"I've learned my lesson; this is genius in its simplicity," she smirked. "You won't be the odd one out, because I'll be on the pitch rugbying with you."


"You heard, Jeffrey - we'll be as peas in a pod."

"Nuts in a fruitcake, more like - our double act will call for an even more convoluted explanation."

Susie and Jeffrey 79 - 94 by Jamie Hayworth

Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 2

This time we meet up with Chris and the gang several months after the previous episodes have taken place.
It's a simple enough trip but this time...
Sod's Law comes into play against the reluctant Nena!

Nena: Book 4
Four Star
Part 2

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2005 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Alexandra's Story Part 2

Alexandra's Story
(a spin-off from: From Knight to Dawn)
Lesley Renee Charles
email address: [email protected]

Queen Elizabeth summoned Christopher, Dawn's younger brother. The Queen wanted him to be the husband of the former Alexander du Lac. She knew that Christopher wanted the man responsible for raping his older sister punished.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *19* Aachen All Over

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *19* Aachen All Over
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Knowing Yourself - Chap-14

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Fourteen

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

‘Most people live on a lonely Island’

Once again I’ve had my nightmares although this time was considerably different. The bullies came to pound me and I pulled out the same little pistol I had used when we practiced. I fired one or two hundred shots hitting absolutely nothing but it frightened them all away. I’ve seen too many movies where the good guys never need to reload. Their guns never run out of bullets. Then Dad came to tell me that using a gun was a crutch and he’d teach me how to do it right.

From Knight To Dawn Part 8 - Conclusion

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Eight

Queen Elizabeth led Dawn into the local seamstress' shop so that they could select a fabric for Dawn's wedding gown.

The shop owner greeted them with a cheery "Good morning, Your Majesty, Dawn. What can I do for you today?"

"We want to look at several yards of your best white fabrics, and best hand tatted lace. We have to make the most beautiful gown for her upcoming nuptials." Queen Elizabeth replied.

From Knight To Dawn Part 7

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Seven

Queen Elizabeth, Christian and Dawn arrived at the palace where the ball was to be held a couple of days before the big ball. It was proper procedure for them to spend a few days at their host’s place.

Dawn was escorted into her bedchamber, where her maid proceeded to unpack Dawn’s lovely new ball gown. Dawn was told to lie down for a few hours, so that she will be well rested for the evening’s festivities. There was to be an elegant dinner and reception for the royal couple’s anniversary.

Birth of Lesley Renee Part 1

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part One - Preschool Years

I was born on Sunday, September 26, 1965 in Somerville, New Jersey. The first three years of my life were uneventful. Around the age of three, I realized that I would grow up to be female. I had no idea of the different plumbing of the sexes at the time so I just knew I would grow up to be a woman.

From Knight To Dawn Part 6

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Six

Queen Elizabeth, disguised in ordinary clothes, wound her way to the town’s physician. She wanted to discuss the medication she would need for Dawn’s becoming a she-male.

"Doctor, is there some herbs that I could give a male that would help his mind and body become more feminine while he still could achieve an erection?"

From Knight To Dawn Part 5

First I would like to thank those who responded to the poll questions. You have helped me to decide on a course of action for this story. Thank you again, for some very creative suggestions. Thank you for continuing to read all about Dawn.

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Five

Summer with Auntie Kate - Part 2

Summer with Auntie Kate
By Rose Dahlia

Part II — A Sensual Evening

Kelly and Kate settled down on the soft, living room sofa to kick back and relax. The thunderstorms continued to pound the roof and windows with heavy rain, wind, and hail. Even though it was nearing summer, Kate had built a warm fire in the fireplace as the storm brought cold winds from the high country.

From Knight To Dawn Part 4

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Four

Dawn decided to spend the next day strolling through Queen Elizabeth’s royal flower gardens. She wanted to ponder her situation and come up with a plan to try to hold onto his male identity. It was a beautiful day in late spring and the roses were just starting to bloom.

Dawn found a spot where she could sit and enjoy the beauty of the pure white rosebuds.

From Knight To Dawn Part 3

First, I would like to thank Jezzi Belle Stewart for her suggestions. I have taken some of them and implemented them into the story. I hope you will enjoy the further adventures of Dawn. I want to thank everybody for their kind words regarding this story.

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part 3

From Knight To Dawn Part 2

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part Two

The Queen asked, "Shall we begin your lessons on how to act and behave like a lady?"

Dawn, who was very uncomfortable in her new clothes and new position in society replied, "Yes your majesty."

Knowing Yourself - Chap-13

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Thirteen

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Once Upon a Time

I’ve been in my room studying and Tanner has been in his office away from the office, I’m beginning to think he has a ‘red phone’ hidden in there somewhere. After about an hour he comes knocking at my open door and invites himself in when he sees I’m studying my Dutch.

From Knight To Dawn Part 1

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part One

Sir Eric decided to take a short cut through the forest. He was a 6’ tall. The sun glittered on his flaxen hair.

Suddenly he heard high-pitched laughter coming from his right side. He decided to see who could be out on a nice, sunny day. He peeked through some branches. He saw a lovely maiden. She appeared to be in her late teens, with her long golden hair flowing around her face and shoulders like a halo. Her complexion was so fair and clear, just like a porcelain doll.

The Sun will come out Tomorrow

.The sun will come out tomorrow

Written by Dauphin
A bad boy is sent to the Pink institute, where he cannot get into trouble.
"Bad boy to good boy with the help of brainwashing. It may also brainwash the reader!" Diana
"Personally, I do not think there is anything special about this story. It is not that original. Despite this, it was fun to write" Dauphin

A Fantasy in Shades of Scarlett

by: Lesley Renee Charles

I woke up from a good night’s sleep. When I noticed a sudden heaviness an pulling on my chest. I looked down to find a nice pair of breasts. I also noticed I was not wearing my usual pajamas but I white lace nightgown.

I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror over the dressing table. What I saw reflected back to me was a beautiful young girl of about sixteen with dark hair and emerald green eyes.

Summer with Auntie Kate - Part 1

Summer with Auntie Kate
By Rose Dahlia

Part I - The Homecoming

Kelly Grace arrives at his aunt's ranch during a college break. Will an unfortunate incident allow his sexy, feminine aunt to help him enjoy a "softer" side of life? Or will his masculine stubborness be too strong?

Santa Monica

crude composite picture of images taken from costume site
Santa Monica
by Jennifer Brock

A single mother about to spend her first Christmas alone receives the gift she needed most from an unusual Kris Kringle, who opens her heart and her mind to new possibilities.

Turning Tim into Tammi

A while back I had separated from my husband and moved in with my friend Debbie. I wasn't sure how long I would be there, but had an open invitation to stay as long as I needed.

Debbie had an older house in the Village that she was renovating into several apartments. It was perfect.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-11-12

Knowing Yourself:
Chapters Eleven & Twelve

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

I long to wake up in the morning and find everything has changed

When Tanner said this evening would be ‘a little dryer’ he certainly was not speaking of the liqueurs. “I don’t believe I’ve seen so many soused people at one gathering before. It’s a wonder they accomplish anything at this dinner.”

“Basically they don’t, Kat.”

It Was Only A Winters Tale

"Come on kids, time for bed."

"Mu-um!" Amy whined.

"Do we have to?" her sister Zoá« chimed in.

"Yes you do, now scoot; I’ll come and tuck you up in five minutes."

"Can Auntie Maddy do it?" Zoá« pleaded, "Please?"

"Mad?" Helen looked across to her friend for confirmation.

"Okay girls, I’ll be up in five minutes."

Preparations: The Quest for the Perfect Cosplay!

Follow along with our hero as he tells the story of a guy (himself) who was brought along for the ride in his girlfriend's mad quest for perfection in costuming in preparation for the masquerade at an anime convention called Otakon. There is humor, a tiny bit of romance, and an experience he will never forget! It's set slightly in the future, and is told as a series of blog entries.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-10

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Ten

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

The show must go on

Tanner and I make our way around the floor and he does manage to snap some pics here and there before we return to Ellen’s booth where we take a few more shots using the equipment so the strobes light up the area which hopefully attract even more attention. When the number of people has increased a bit I go in and change back to my own clothing then we leave to find Irina and go to lunch.

An Unexpected Engagement for Christmas

An Unexpected Engagement for Christmas
by Charlotte Dickles

Synopsis: He thought it was simply a case of helping a friend out of difficulty over Christmas, at the same time solving his own problem with a faulty central heating boiler. OK, when Bob was told what he had to do, he was both terrified and exhilarated by the prospect, but no one could have forecast how it was going to turn out.

Spacetran 21

This chapter dwells upon beverly's retirement and the handing over of control to her superintelligent twin grand-daughters.


Spacetran 21.

Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.
Farina & Francine. Khatia and Bennie’s twin daughters.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-09

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter 09

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Long ago, and oh so far away

A few moments later, Ellen has come over and She and Irina begin speaking. She has a plan... Of course she has a plan. I seriously doubt she intends to pay me money to just sit here. She has some clothing items tucked away and a small (make that very small) changing area for me where I may put on the outfit she has for me to model.

Weekend with Mistress

Started 1pm Sat, written standing up at desk ,on a laptop on top of a stand on desk,wearing my yellow satin shortie nightie and wrap, fluffy 4” mules ,my rose collar with chain attached to it running to desk fixture. For the purposes of this story I have set it in the summer.

I await excitedly, but with trepidation for her flight to arrive, standing in my short black mini, a tight white mini t shirt over a black bra and my D breasts, a short black jacket, black satin panties and 4” black heels.

A Santa Fantasy

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... Wait a minute, I think someone has already used that line. Darn, why can't I think of things like that first? But anyway, it really was the night before Christmas and the only difference between me and a little kid was about 45 years.


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