
The Reluctant Girl Series


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Christopher was seeking a way to make money and found out that Ed needed a date. Soon, events spiral out of control as Christopher becomes Chrissy...
and it doesnt stop there!

The Reluctant Girl Series

by Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 1992 Melanie Brown

My Vengeance-3

My Vengeance-3

By Stanman63
Thanks To Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:Gene loses a challenge and his entire world turns upside down. As punishment he must dress as a girl. In school, he attracts attention and is attacked, causing unwanted changes with which he must cope. Only after his parents seek his forgiveness is he able to seek out his attackers and exact his revenge.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 11

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 11:
By the pricking of my thumbs

Jamie and the Peach - 15


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, September 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 15

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

A Summer of Changes - Book 4 Chapter 8


Denise is approaching the point of no return,
or perhaps has already passed it?

A Summer of Changes
by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 4 Chapter 8

Julia’s second visit to London

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 9

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 9:
One flew over

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 8

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 8:
Help, I need some body. Not just any body.

Jolly Hockey Sticks

by Charlotte Dickles

The problem was there weren't enough girls prepared to play the so-called friendly hockey match against the brutes at Seacombe School. So what could Fiona, the captain of the team, possibly do?

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 7

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 7:
What is it good for?

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 6

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 6:
Can I come out now?

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 5

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 5:
Live another day

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 4

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 4:
It was the two armed man

The Van That Changed the World. Chapter 2 'The Door Opens'


This is a sort of Science Fiction tale. If you include Time Travel in that genre that is. Not that anyone actually travels through time in the story. Dear me no. Nevertheless it is the closest I can get to an accurate description. It's really about a young boy. And what he finds in the forest one day. And how it changed his life.

And your's too in a way. And mine. All our lives I suppose. In due time.

In this second chapter Ugmor'n3 and Er experience a stout Cortez moment. The fears that mingle with their wild surmise are forgotten as they gaze upon their new horizons. Until the awareness of a greater and more immediate threat strikes.

You haven't met Er yet but even my Muse approves of her. Indeed claims she was his idea. Complete codswallop!.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 2

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 2:
How I realized I was special

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Chapter 2-Possibilities

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly is given a very thorough scan to determine if she can have children as her family learn the good news about Debbie, giving them hope for Kelly, too.


TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 1

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 1:
How I ended up in Earth2

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Cast Of Characters-0

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Is a list of people in Kelly's Journey Book-1 And Book-2.


Princess For Hire Part 14

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 14: A Princess And Her Prince

Jamie and the Peach - 14


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, June 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 14

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Boys Will Be Boys - 5 - Impressive, Me? OR The Spy Who Brained Me

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 5 — Impressive, Me?
The Spy Who Brained Me

Last time...
I took him through the whole story from the beginning. He didn't stop me once, just sat there and took notes on a little notepad. He changed pages a lot, I think he must have filled the whole pad!

By the end Marcie was crying openly and had her head on my shoulder. Mrs. Donner had a few tears in her eyes, too. Officer Daniels was scowling. "That's quite a story, John. If we hadn't already searched your aunt's house, I might have trouble believing it. We found the estrogen she was giving you, and that locked basement room. We also found the tactical baton she used to break your ribs. There are still tests to run, including a blood test on you to prove the estrogen is in your system, but it's going to be a slam dunk, I think. You're a really brave kid." he said.

I shook my head, "If I was really that brave I would have broken out of there a lot sooner, instead of giving in to my aunt and dressing and acting like a girl."

Princess For Hire Part 13

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 13: A Princess With A Plan


Jamie Finds Acceptance

Jamie Finds Acceptance

By Patricia Marie Allen

I remember when it started. It was a Saturday in the September of my eighth year. My sister had a nine o'clock dentist appointment and my brother was spending the weekend with friends. I should have been able to sleep in, but Dad got a call from work. He worked in the maintenance department and something had gone wrong with the compressor and it had to be fixed before Monday at six a.m. He woke me at eight and told me that he had to leave and it would be up to me to get the Goodwill bags out on the porch for the Boy Scouts by nine.

The Agony Aunt

The Agony Aunt.

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

This is a sequel to "A cottage by the sea" which should be read before this story.


Briony was enjoying her work for Jim Snow, the local estate agent. She had become familiar with the local area and developed a sense of values of local property. Initially, she worked part time whenever Jim had clients wanting to be shown around properties.

A Reluctant Spirit - Filtered Spirits


By Ingrid Halb

Dan's wife Chrystal, owns the magical vessel but Dan wants to wish for his wife and him to have nicer things. Unfortunately for Dan, she lets him. A cautionary tale set to remind us to appreciate our significant others and appreciate the efforts taken to keep a house clean and tidy.

Fool Me Once

At eleven-years-old, Zoe is fed up with being played a fool by her fraternal twin Zack. Not only did Zack force her to share a womb, but he's aways arranged for her to be blamed for his lifelong efforts to become a girl like her. An unusual story, told from a sister's perspective, with an unusual twist. After all, this is a DeWinter tale. Thanks to Princess Chelsea and Geoff for enthusiasm and editing.

Fool me Once
Dawn DeWinter

“My Life” by Zoá« Enderson —

Tight Money

Tight Money


Patricia Marie Allen

I noticed Sean’s clothes a little near the end of our fifth grade year. On weekends he’d come over to my house wearing shirts I’d see his seventh grade sister wearing the year before and shorts; I know I had seen similar shorts on girls.

Princess For Hire Part 12

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 12: The Princesses shop (Thanksgiving Interlude 3)


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