
The Samantha Project - Chapter 26 - 30

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam is further seduced by money, power and his love of elegant dressing as he goes from modeling wedding dresses to political power brokering.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

Terra: Between a Rock and... Another Rock

Terra: Between a Rock and... Another Rock
Lilith Langtree

Kara talks Terry into going to her mom's office costume party for Halloween, and she's got just the costume for him to wear. Too bad about that whole Metagene thing.

Princess For Hire Part 7

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

IN ADDITION, a special note for this chapter: at some point over the next couple of days I might go back and redo parts of this one. If I do, I'll post a blog about it, but it's pretty rough, sorry :(

Part 7: Princess Buttercup?

And The Bass Player Gets the Girl - Part 4

Sometimes being a musician is not enough
and one must rise up to the challenge to play to a different tune.

And The Bass Player
Gets The Girl
Part 4 - A New Home?

By TGJaime

Copyright© 2007 TGJaime
All Rights Reserved.

Special Thanks to Angela Rasch for her continued Help,
Guidance and Masterful Editing. ~TGJaime


Jenny: Chapter 1


By Princess!

Stanman63 proofread

“Jennifer, you ungrateful bitch! Why haven’t you done any of your chores today?” she yelled as she entered the bedroom. He was sitting on his bed wearing a black satin maids outfit.

The Samantha Project - Chapter 21 - 25

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam falls further into Lisa’s clutches and suffers the repercussions. New experiences and friends enhance his enjoyment and reduce his resistance to crossdressing.

Femdom, crossdressing, corseting, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

Choices Chapter 18

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. We've learned that Kirk is TS at age 13 and Blair is TG at age 10 and 11/12ths. Poor Laird! Does it all work out for the best? Dawn, your intrepid reporter, asks a crystal ball to predict the future of the two Finlayson family.

Choices, Chapter 18 A wedding choice

Choices Chapter 17

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. His mother says she is leaving his family because of his refusal to feminize his body. To stop her from going, Blair has to make a choice that is, thanks to Maggie, no real choice at all.

Choices Chapter 17 Blair’s choice

Photo Shop

by Lauran

There are many programmes out there that allow you to manipulate photographs, some might say improve on the original. Magazines do this with their models to create perfect skin etc. But what if those changes affect more than the skin and go deeper?

Princess For Hire Part 6

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 6: Princesses On Parade


Choices Chapter 16

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. With the help of a sex-crazed, guilt-ridden doctor Maggie has obtained the "Big Pill" and Blair is fast running out of wriggle room. Will the Big Pill Party go as Maggie wants -- with Blair making a psychologially irreversible decision to be a girl for life?

Choices, Chapter 16 Maggie’s Choice

Jamie and the Peach - 11


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, June 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 11

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Choices Chapter 15

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. It seems impossible for Blair to stay a girl, even in a play. Maggie decides to take him to a doctor to accelerate his feminization. But why would any doctor cooperate?

Choices, Chapters 15 Mandy’s choice

Choices Chapter 14

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. Thanks to Kirk, everyone at school now knows that Blair is a crossdressing, Na'vi turncoat. Does Blair have any future at Lewis A. Clark? Is s/he now trapped in skirts forever? Does it matter that Cody gets turned on by the sight of Blair in a dress?

Choices, Chapter 14 A Shakespearean choice

The Sissy Farm 9

This chapter explores further corseting and the vulnerability of sissies to all sorts of perils.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

9 Sissy Farm


Suchi looking angry because we've been out in the car.

I call this her 'I can't read' look.

List Of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.

Janice My Younger sister

A Summer of Changes - Book 3 Chapter 8


Now that Denise’s family accepts her situation
she can relax a little and enjoy her summer,
but there are always complications in life

A Summer of Changes

by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 3 Chapter 8

Decisions decisions!

Choices Chapter 13

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. Blair is feeling blue after his first public appearance as a female Na’vi. Kirk’s best friend Cody, however, believes he has found his Cinderella in the strange girl from Rose Villa.

Choices, Chapter 13 Kirk’s choice

Choices Chapter 12

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. In the last chapter, Kirk was enlightened about US politics and Blair about the long-term effects of hormones and Maggie's plans for him. And now they want him to play on a girls' team in front of a hometown crowd!

Choices, Chapter 12 A Na’vi choice

Choices Chapter 11

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. After the pandemonium at McDonald’s, Blair has ingested his first feminizing hormones and Maggie thinks she sees a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Or was that merely a Golden Arch? In this chapter Kirk get wiser about politics and Blair, about sex change.

Chapter 11 A choice of tea parties

Choices Chapter 10

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. After his extraordinary dance debut, Maggie is determined never to have Blair appear in public as a boy again.

Chapter 10 Choice at McDonald’s

Princess For Hire Part 5

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 5: The Princess's Escort




Written by Dauphin
A boy and family get a visit of a nanny. She changes their lives forever
"A sweet story where Reality TV actually helps someone" Diana
"This must be fiction, as would this really happen in Reality?" Dauphin

The Point of No Return

Outline: A mainly factual auto-biographical account of my fascination with womens' clothes and crossdressing, and how, what I once thought was a harmless, clandestine kink transformed into a world of intense public humiliation, self humiliation, sexual submission and, ultimately, my irreversible transition to extreme submissive transvestite homosexuality.

Choices Chapter 9

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. With Alicia determined to turn him into a lesbian and Maggie to turn him into a ballet dancer (and Wili), Blair doesn’t know which will come first: the loss of his virginity or a broken leg.

Chapter 9 A ballet school’s choice

Choices Chapter 8

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It’s a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. Blair’s life has become more complicated now that he’s joined the Breakers, a girl’s soccer team and Big Al, the coach’s daughter, has decided that he’s the girl she wants to marry. Big Al also turns out to be Kirk’s ideal female (and mate?).

Chapter 8 A lesbian’s choice

The Center: Chapter 9

The Center: Chapter 9 (conclusion)
Lilith Langtree

Sixteen years ago, Cameron's mother was accidentally poisoned. Today, he and others like him are finding out exactly what that means. These children, kidnapped by a government black bag operation, learn to deal with their changes and other amazing abilities while they live at The Center.

Choices Chapter 7

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. With the help of a rotund school psychologist, Blair still attends Lewis A. Clark School despite the fierce objections of his teacher to having a transsexual in the class.

A league’s choice

Choices Chapter 6

A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13, in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. Having discovered Blair’s crossdressing, Miss Umbridge, his dragon of a teacher, has summoned Maggie to a showdown at the school.

Choices Chapter 6
A psychologist’s choice

Princess For Hire Part 4

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 4: The Princess's Court


What Kind Of A Guy Do You Think I Am?

This is a 21-page follow-up to my first two stories in my series about a 16 year old boy who envies his mother and gets the chance to live the life of an older woman over the summer. The first two stories are: "Not That Kind of Guy" and "What Kind Of A Guy Am I?" Like the first two stories, this one stands alone, but if you like this kind of stuff, you'd probably enjoy reading the other two stories first.

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapter 37, 38, & 39 - Final Post

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 23 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Intro by Carla Ann

“Tiffany, I’ve asked you how everything is going with people and the activities you’re involved in, but you haven’t mentioned how you are coping with everything.” She emphasized the ‘you,’ when she asked that.

“Well, better than I was last year,” I started. “Way better than last year… I have a lot of friends now, and I’m not getting picked on every day.” I saw her eyes boring into me looking for something else. “Alright, I don’t know how I’m doing right now.” I told her honestly.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well for one I’m really tired of everyone guessing I’m five if I wear the wrong clothes.” I told her hesitantly. I was sure my parents had filled her in with everything anyway, “Tuesday was pajama day. Mom and I had found some cute pajamas with feet on them that would fit Amy and me, so we wore them for pajama day. We really did look cute dressed like that, and I was having a lot of fun with it. That was until the sub in English class thought that I was someone’s little sister that had come them to school that day.”

I was really surprised Dr. Reynolds didn’t laugh about it, but I continued, “Then the next day the whole squad was wearing shortalls and our hair done in pigtails and I looked to be about five again. One of my best friends even brought a doll to school to play a joke on the sub that we’d had. I don’t think she knew that it really upset me though. I’m not five, I’m twelve! Amy has grown about five inches here in the last couple months, but I’m still the same height I was last year. It’s good for cheerleading stuff because people can toss me so easily… but…” I was doing my best to not go into tears over all of this. “as long as we’ve got my puberty stopped then I won’t be doing much growing. That’s all on top of the fact that I’m never going to be able to have periods like my friends… and I’m stuck with this stupid thing between my legs,” I told her with a great deal of exasperation. “I’m so tired of having to look at it, or hide it, every time I turn around. I know you can’t do anything about it till I’m eighteen – but I wish it could be gone now!” I had gone to tears now.

My Summer Time Romance

My Summer Time Romance

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:Two friends figure a way to get into the Spring Dance, where going Stag is not allowed. One will go as the other's date. The gambit is a dream come true for one.

Susie and Jeffrey 70 - 78

A Quiet Evening In

More happy hokum for the faithful few.

And even non-followers of S and J may find the working of the tricky hustle, a third of the way into chapter 78, of interest).

"Don't panic, Jeffrey, I'm used to being closely cross-examined - follow my lead."

"I invariably do, Susie, but try not to take us on a ramble up Mount Improbable and into cloud-cuckoo-land with your explanations."

"A creative defence may be a necessity, Jeffrey, if the elders are looking for a scapegoat to supply their pound of flesh."

"In that case, Susie, let Denise play Portia and be the mother of invention."

Susie and Jeffrey 70 - 78 by Jamie Hayworth

The Samantha Project - Chapter 1-5

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. The pulchritudinous Lisa Hawthorne and her mother begin plotting their transformation of Sam Springer into Lisa’s future wife and concubine.

Femdom, crossdressing
The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapter 35 and 36

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 22 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Intro by Carla Ann

“Tiffany, I’ve asked you how everything is going with people and the activities you’re involved in, but you haven’t mentioned how you are coping with everything.” She emphasized the ‘you,’ when she asked that.

“Well, better than I was last year,” I started. “Way better than last year… I have a lot of friends now, and I’m not getting picked on every day.” I saw her eyes boring into me looking for something else. “Alright, I don’t know how I’m doing right now.” I told her honestly.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well for one I’m really tired of everyone guessing I’m five if I wear the wrong clothes.” I told her hesitantly. I was sure my parents had filled her in with everything anyway, “Tuesday was pajama day. Mom and I had found some cute pajamas with feet on them that would fit Amy and me, so we wore them for pajama day. We really did look cute dressed like that, and I was having a lot of fun with it. That was until the sub in English class thought that I was someone’s little sister that had come them to school that day.”

I was really surprised Dr. Reynolds didn’t laugh about it, but I continued, “Then the next day the whole squad was wearing shortalls and our hair done in pigtails and I looked to be about five again. One of my best friends even brought a doll to school to play a joke on the sub that we’d had. I don’t think she knew that it really upset me though. I’m not five, I’m twelve! Amy has grown about five inches here in the last couple months, but I’m still the same height I was last year. It’s good for cheerleading stuff because people can toss me so easily… but…” I was doing my best to not go into tears over all of this. “as long as we’ve got my puberty stopped then I won’t be doing much growing. That’s all on top of the fact that I’m never going to be able to have periods like my friends… and I’m stuck with this stupid thing between my legs,” I told her with a great deal of exasperation. “I’m so tired of having to look at it, or hide it, every time I turn around. I know you can’t do anything about it till I’m eighteen – but I wish it could be gone now!” I had gone to tears now.

Princess For Hire Part 3

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 3: A Princess's First Day



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