
Skipper! Chapter 25

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter follows events after the and the court case that ensues concerning the 'Honour Killings' There is litle or no transgendered material in this 'interim connection' chapter but there is some philosphical exploration of the relationships between faiths and transgenderism. (Have I got an agenda here?) I ask myself. Possibly, even probably, yes.

Beware sweet little old ladies, part 2. A postscript

Our friend and generally sweet little old lady, Edith had had her fashion show with her unusual models, it had been a great success, but what of the future. How would the five men react to their experience, how would the wives respond to seeing their 'men' in frocks.
This postscript I hope answers some of those questions.

Healing Mishap -5-

Healing Mishap -5-

They eventually reached a clearing, A mine cart junction. It was essentially a cavern that had been carved even larger by hands other than goblins. A single shaft of light filtered down from a single opening in the roof of the room. In the center of this light was a small chest, it was boring was all Verris said to describe the chest. It was nothing more than an ornate wooden crate with a hinge. Ash took the honours of stepping forward to try and pick it's lock.


I have heard that medical mistakes are made all the time, but my parents never thought I would become another one of the statistics. I suffered from a torn ligament in my right knee. I had been out jogging yesterday morning when I stepped in a hole and heard a pop. I went down writhing in pain holding my knee. I had to use my cell phone to call home and tell my mother what happened. She came and picked me up and we made our way to the hospital where I was taken for an MRI. The doctors told us that the damage required surgery.

A Summer of Changes - Book 2 Chapter 4


After a busy weekend in which she considers her future,
Denise is offered some new living accommodation,
but is not sure whether to accept

A Summer of Changes
by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 2 Chapter 4

A weekend of social engagements

A Day in the Country

A Day in the Country

by Charlotte Dickles

'How would you like me to buy you lunch at the Kingsford Manor, in return for you doing me a favour?' It seemed an innocent enough question that his photographer friend Rosemary asked. She wanted him to pose wearing some of Charley's clothes so she could sell them on e-bay. There was only one problem.

Nena -Book 2- Part 7

The return of Chris, Global tour host, or should I say Nena? After the events of "Hostess" he vowed never to wear a frock again, but girlfriend Julia came up with a challenge - is Chris man enough for the job?
Will he survive the experience?

Nena: Book 2
Das Ist Normal
Part 7

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *7* Deflation

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *7* Deflation
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Jamie and the Peach - 05


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, February 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 5

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapters 1 and 2

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 1 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Foreword by Carla Ann

The door opened slowly. Inside, the elite Holden Coyotes Dance Squad is busy learning a routine. The girls are smiling despite the sweat and exertion. Two captains in front of the squad appear even more intense. Moving as sisters and leading by example they prod their team, their aim set on State or even National titles, lofty goals for their first year team. Tiny Co-Captain Tiffany Jacobson is entirely in her element and it shows. No one could watch and disagree.

Principal Henry watched, unobserved, as her friend Mandy Holt worked the girls. ‘She’s right, they have the makings of a championship squad.’ She smiled at the irony. ‘It almost didn’t happen.’ Weeks ago factions had allied to prevent Tiffany from trying out. The girl’s family and friends had to take their fight before the school board. Tiffany herself had finally laid matters to rest, courageously facing down her accusers at the meeting. She had merely asked for the same chance as any other girl. Luckily, the Board agreed. ‘Thank God for that. I’d still be trying to fill vacant jobs — certainly Mandy’s.’

She’d never seen a child blossom like Tiffany had this year. From bright, confused, and scared little boy in a world of bullies to this self-aware girl with so much talent; her transformation from pariah to pretty insider was amazing. Her authenticity made her a virtual friend magnet. ‘It’s worth the trouble she’s caused me. She has such great friends… If only her enemies will let her be’. She wondered what struggles and triumphs her small charge would see this school year. A lucky educator is blessed to mentor at least one student in their career whose intelligence, talent, and drive spurs them to great things in adulthood. ‘I wonder if she’ll be one?’

Nena -Book 2- Part 6

The return of Chris, Global tour host, or should I say Nena? After the events of "Hostess" he vowed never to wear a frock again, but girlfriend Julia came up with a challenge - is Chris man enough for the job?
Will he survive the experience?

Nena: Book 2
Das Ist Normal
Part 6

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *6* Frankfurter

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *6* Frankfurter
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

A Wife's Indulgence 5

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 5


Zoe, a friend of Wannabe Ginger

I am only three days into my story of the early days of my husband's development into a "sometime" boy/girl. Earlier chapters tell how it was all at my instigation. Earlier chapters tell readers that I'm sharing this true experience with how we began. I hope other wives may benefit. I'm trying to report happenings on the way whilst also recalling the feelings I had at each stage.

Skipper! Chapter 24

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter is (connection device that leads to another theme within the story. There is little or no TG element but quite a bit of intrigue and some violence. (Honour Killing.)




Written by Dauphin
A young boy enters a reality world, and finds that he can be anyone
"It is not about blue people, but a person who finds out who he is. So sweet " Diana
"Some of us would love this game as some find it hard to be accepted in reality" Dauphin

A Summer of Changes - Book 2 Chapter 2


Denis feels isolated at work
but has a conversation with one of his housemates
which affects both of their lives

A Summer of Changes

by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 2 Chapter 2


A Wife's Indulgence 4

A Wife's Indulgence

by Ginger's friend, Zoe

chapter 4

Andy's wife, Zoe, here again I'm getting some control over how my desires are shaping my husband in ways he, nor I, perhaps ever expected... We are gently moving towards his being girly when he fancies being girly... not all the time.. but whenever! This is requiring an intensive first phase.

……The story so far has been one of my thoughts and actions as the wife of a young man who had, shall we say, a tendency to cross-dress. It had been developed, unwittingly, in his college days. He had helped a friend during her time as a junior hair stylist. Along with two other friends, he had volunteered to be a model in a hairdressing competition. Little did he know, this required his being a girl for the duration of a major event. He'd been left with a subconscious fetish which would under-pin the games we were playing.

Nena -Book 2- Part 5

The return of Chris, Global tour host, or should I say Nena? After the events of "Hostess" he vowed never to wear a frock again, but girlfriend Julia came up with a challenge - is Chris man enough for the job?
Will he survive the experience?

Nena: Book 2
Das Ist Normal
Part 5

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *5* Taunus Trophy

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *5* Taunus Trophy
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Why Me? Part 2

Why Me?

by Tanya Allan

Chris Drewett, a teenage transsexual, is caught dressing in his sister’s clothes by his mother. Faced with a problem she can’t deal with, she turns to her sister-in law, a doctor who practices nearby, and she starts Chris on an amazing and very surprising journey.

A gentle tale of teenage angst and discovery, and of relationships and conflicts. Where sexual awakenings cause confusion and tears as well as joy and lasting friendships.

The Cliffside Heroine : Chapter 3 A Vauxhall Corsa?

The Cliffside Heroine
 © Nick B 2010

Mum and dad return and although they managed to get a hire car while ours was being fixed, it wasn’t exactly what one could call practical. In fact, it only had room for five of us–something they weren’t particularly impressed about.

There was something else they weren’t overly impressed about too…

Chapter 3
A Vauxhall Corsa?

Top editing job as usual by the incomparable Gabi, who it seems can knock out this nearly ten thousand word diatribe in less than no time - cheers girly

Jamie and the Peach - 04


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, February 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 4

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

New challenges

New Challenges
by Lauran

We were going to do it, we had discussed what was needed, and how we were going to do it, all we needed to do, was to actually do it.

Running marathons like a lot of things needs planning and preparation.

It started off with one of those idle chats about what if we could do anything, and he suggested that as a serious shopper and general couch potato I would never consider doing a marathon, I liked my heels too much he told me.

A Wife's Indulgence 1

A Wife's Indulgence

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

My husband's now known as Anne. I'm his wife, I'm someone who wants to put our relationship into context, and show how a marriage can grow if both parties develop eachothers' interests and pleasures. I know of My friend's difficulties in her marriage to Ginger, but for me it's been very different and, I hope, you'll agree, much more fortunate.

Nena -Book 2- Part 4

The return of Chris, Global tour host, or should I say Nena? After the events of "Hostess" he vowed never to wear a frock again, but girlfriend Julia came up with a challenge - is Chris man enough for the job?
Will he survive the experience?

Nena: Book 2
Das Ist Normal
Part 4

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *4* Frilly Schlüpfer

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *4* Frilly Schlá¼pfer
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Regrets? I've had a few..

Regrets, I've Had A Few

by WannabeGinger

But then again, too few to mention……… I don't think so!

Indeed, many crossdressers have lives filled with regrets. They/we have to console ourselves with the high spots, the wonderful interludes in which we indulge ourselves. Before we feel guilty, or before we hastily hide away things that will betray our desires.

The Presence of Other

The Presence Of Other
By MonaLisa

Lily knew that her backdoor was the entrance to a completely different life — or at least it would be the moment she stepped through it. The only problem was that she didn’t know whether the difference would be wonderful or disastrous. All she knew was that something had to give. She had been keeping a secret from her family and she was literally wasting away inside.

Jacqui - Part V Dating Kurt - Finding Jacqui



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part V - Dating Kurt — Finding Jacqui

"Jacqui, I really do like you."

I jumped up, startling her. "Like, not love? Is that what our relationship has become? And so quickly too?"

. . .this was a wonderful opportunity that so many T’s long for - a formal date with a charming man.

"You and I both know that if I have surgery, it will mark the end of John."

Aunt Arethusa's Legacy

"OK, Osbert. When are you going to admit it?"

"Where are we being admitted? Do I need a ticket?"

"Darling, you are an exasperating bastard, but I love you. When will you abandon your male ego and admit you are lost?"

"When I'm lost, I suppose. Is there a reason for this conversation?"

"Only that we have been driving through the same landscape for half of eternity by now. If we have a destination shouldn't we have found our destiny by this time?"

"I suppose it must be your circumscribed upbringing that's at fault."

Skipper! Chapter 22

Jacqui - Part IV The Parties



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part IV - The Parties

"Well, aren’t we special?" she replied, sarcastically. "Poor little Jacqui was kissed by a boy and she’s not happy about it. Perhaps she should become a nun."

"Jacqui, I’ve noticed a change in you over the past few days. Want to tell me about it?"

"I shall take Jacqui to the ball then," he said.

Jacqui - Part III New Uniforms and Corsets



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part III - New Uniforms and Corsets

Normally, no more than a four inch reduction is recommended for new figure training.

It had been one of the most humiliating days of my entire life.

I didn't need to look to know what I would see. There would be a cute, submissive maid and a strong, dominant mistress.

Jamie and the Peach - 03


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, February 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 3

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Jacqui - Part II Jacqui Becomes a Maid



Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

Part II - Jacqui Becomes a Maid

Our uniforms were quite plain, with white pointed collars and cuffs on the short sleeves. The moderately full, above the knee skirts were pouffed out some by the gathered cotton petticoats we wore.

"Are you two really maids?"

"Yes, we are really maids," I found the courage to reply, even though I was still trying to understand what that meant.

"Melissa," I screeched. "He tried..."

Jacqui - A Maid's Story


A Maid's Story


Karen Anne Summerfield and Kelly Ann Rogers
 © August 2002

In 2001, I read a very brief version of this story, essentially the first chapter, that Karen had written. I wondered what would happen after that. Eventually Karen Anne and I decided to co-write this story to find out. While there is a terrific narrative, mostly generated by Karen, this version is also character driven. Jacqui, the maid, and the other key character each have their own voice and we get know what they are thinking and feeling as they interact with each other, change and perhaps grow.

Like other stories of mine, this is a story about becoming, about how we deal with situations that may be beyond our control while still trying to maintain our core values and fundamental humanity. And while this story has high heels and corsets, Karen just can't live without a little kink, it is not one that is about sex. It is about Jacqui and how she makes her way in a not always friendly world.

Jamie and the Peach


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Jamie___the_Peach.jpg This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Stop the Press!!! Volume 8 of Kubasaki has just been announced!

Maddy Bell, February 2010

Jamie and the Peach
by Maddy Bell


Available in E-Download PDF and Paperback formats!




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