
Skipper! Chapter 9

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes how Sian and Margaret persuade Beverly to agree to let them renovate part of the barn. It also re-introduces Judge Elizabeth Porter with respect to Martin's revealing himself as a transvestite.

On the Flip Side, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Okay Lacy, 10 more crunches!"

I swear Gina Lenetti missed her calling. Did I mention she should have been a drill sergeant?

She pushed us at field hockey practice.

Now she's pushing us in P.E.

"Push ups next, you know what your goal is," Gina said, holding a clipboard, bracing it with her crutches.

"Mears, who said you were through?" Gina barked. "You've still got 10 more crunches to do, too. So do you, Miss Crue."

Fitness test day, you gotta love it.

Coach Martin sets the goals she wants us to reach. It's part of offseason work for field hockey.

Total Recall 22

The love affair continues……………………………….

Total Recall

Chapter 22
by WannabeGinger

Jenny and Karen had spent the afternoon in the garden, taking in the “rays” and talking about the way their love might go in the future, against the imminent background of Christine’s return.

Andy had done most of the talking, it was true, and he was more than a little concerned that Jenny’s feelings hadn’t been expressed sufficiently. He knew what he wanted but he was unsure how Jenny saw this…….

Catch Her in Disguise


This is a follow-up story to Catch Her. William loses his
job. He discovers that he can make a lot of money at a strip
club, but he has to dress as a waitress in a French maid
outfit. Fortunately, he has the necessary physical
attributes. Or will someone see through the disguise?
Originally posted in the summer of 2003 on Fictionmania.


by Laurie S. aka l.satori

A Summer of Changes - Book 1 Chapter 3

Skipper! Chapter 8

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter dwells upon Sian And Margaret's decision to live at the 'cottage' The logistics prove to be perfect and the 'family' begins to grow. All in all a very sweet chapter with some surprising developments towards the end.

On the Flip Side, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I hadn't been to "the barn" since I was about 8-years-old.

"The barn" was what Aunt Paige called the building where she taught gymnastics, cheerleading and tumbling.

She talked Mom into letting me take class when I was in kindergarten and I took lessons for about three years. I never really told anyone, but I could still tumble, do cartwheels and handstands.

That is until I showed I could tumble during gymnastics tryouts.

"My gosh, Janice, it's seems like he's grown!" Aunt Paige said when we walked into the building.

Skipper! Chapter 7

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes the childrens presents after the certainty of their having accepted Skipper changing permanently to Beverly. Beverly buys Jennifer and Beatrice each a pony then Margaret and Sian decide on buying their children Chennile and Martin each the same.

The second part of the chapter explores Beverly's heterosexuality and the strange exploration of it by Margaret and Sian.

Wi-i-ild horses; couldn't take you from me!

A Summer of Changes - Book 1 Chapter 2


One of his colleagues did not want
to exclude him from her 'Hen Night',
but now Denis finds that there is more to being a girl
than he had previously imagined

A Summer of Changes

by Louise Anne Smithson

Chapter 2

‘Welcome to our new colleague Denise’

Catch Her

Catch Her

by Laurie S. aka l.satori


Novelist J.D. Salinger passed away on January 27, 2010. This tale has a few minor similarities to J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. To tell you the truth, Salinger's novel is absolutely terrific, way better than the story I made up. So maybe you might want to read Salinger's book because Holden Caulfield is an extremely funny character. Catch Her was first posted in the summer of 2003.


A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.

An Apprentice needs help 5

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 5

The evening with Ginger had left my head in a spin. We hadn't made love to eachother but we were closing in on that, I could tell.

We both wanted it to happen. Equally, though, the pathway towards my playing my part in the training of our friend, Karen, as a hairdresser's Apprentice was leading us both towards making love as two girls not boy-and-girl. Could the two be separated? Was one coming nearer because of the other?

An Apprentice needs help 4

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 4

It was indeed a night to remember. I had arrived at Ginger's house expecting to go out on the town. I had done my hair as best I could, with its red colour, a glorious deep dark auburn, and its Wedge shape cut. I had back-combed the crown and smoothed the sides, using as much setting lotion as I could without drowning! And she wasn't even ready! Hadn't even washed her hair! But that was the catch….. that was for us to do together. It would be a long night.

Skipper! Chapter 6

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter covers how Skipper finally gets Jennifer and Beatrice to accept his transition to Beverly.

They organise a Fancy-dress Party and Skipper tells the girls that he is going to dress up as Beverly.

On the Flip Side

On the Flip Side
by Torey

Author's note: On the Flip Side is the sequel to Switching Playing Fields.

Chapter 1

I looked down the lane at the vault.

I can't believe I'm actually going to try this.

It was a dare. Jessi dared me.

I took off running. I placed my hands on the vault and soared into the air, turning a flip.

I landed on my feet.

An Apprentice needs help 3

I did as I had promised myself. I got home from the second evening with "The Girls" and made it up to my bedroom without encountering parents. What their reactions would have been, I still don't know — a young man's dream coming true.

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 3

A Summer of Changes - Book 1 Chapter 1


Denis was both the youngest in his office and the only male.
When one of his colleagues is arranging her hen night,
she does not wish to leave him out of the celebrations

A Summer of Changes

by Louise Anne Smithson

Chapter 1

'What shall we do about Denis?’

An Apprentice needs help 1

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 1

A young man, keen to spend time with some pretty girlfriends, finds himself entangled in what proves to be a joyful girly experience.

It seemed like an easy thing to go along with when she first asked. "Let me wash your hair, she said, "now I have this apprentice's job at the hairdressers, I can get practising for my first day". Little did I know where it would lead.

The Ghost Writer

The Ghost Writer

by Jessica Matthews

A Doppler Press Book and eBook

Sierra wanted Todd to understand her, inside and out, before letting him write her life story. The transformation took months and in the end, who had Todd become?


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 10

Chapter 10

I soaked in the silence of the locker-room one more time.

I put on my bottoms, the skirt and pulled on the jersey. I pulled on my ankle socks and cleats.

The uniform never seemed to look cleaner. I pulled out a brush and combed my hair one, trying to make sure I looked really nice.

We were making an end of the year team photo with our conference championship trophy out on the field.

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 9

Chapter 9

It was a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear, wished I didn't hear.

Serves me right for arriving at a team meeting early.

"It's Lucas' fault!" I heard Coach Parker say in Coach Martin's office.

"If he hadn't come out for the team, this wouldn't have happened," Coach Parker said. "It's like the Little League Softball World Series all over again. We're going to be playing a stacked team for the championship."

Skipper! Chapter 3

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This chapter describes the first tentative moves by Social Services to win Skipper around. Skipper is still frightened though and unsure of the reasons for Spocial Services choosing him. The truth is obvious but Skipper is just too paranoid to spot it!. The girls love Skipper and there are few issues about logistics. Skipper could easily afford the girls!

Total Recall 21 = Alternative Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 21

Epilogue - 2nd version, (alternative theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Total Recall 20 = Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 20

Epilogue - 1st version, (original theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Skipper! Chapter 1

Skipper! by Beverly Taff

This story describes how a hardbitten old transvestite ship master has his retirement plans utterly wiped out when he rescues two young girls from the aftermath of a pirate attack in the Indian Ocean.

His plans to retire to his own private little transvestite life are turned utterly upsidedown when he finds himself saddled with the children against his wishes and he finally grows to love them.

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 8

Chapter 8

We stopped by the school to get our permission slips to be out for most of the day.

"Parade starts at 3:30, you need to be at the old bank parking lot at 2:45 for lineup," said Mrs. Baker, the school secretary.

"We'll be there," Gina said.

Gina's sister, Mauve, and her assistant, Becca, were waiting for us at the salon.

"We're closed for everyone except you two," Mauve said when we walked through the door. "I picked up your dresses from the shop and they're hanging. We're leaving straight from here to the parade."

Lost Daughter

.Lost Daughter

Written by Dauphin

"I found this story sad and manipulating. It made me think of the worlds injustice and people with power" Diana
"This is inspired by Charles Dickens. It shows cruelty at it's worse, where one person deprive another person and manipulate them" Dauphin

Being re-written, to correct the spelling and grammer mistakes

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"Ladies, wear the skirts to practice, Coach Martin."

That was the sign that greeted us on the door of the auxiliary gym.

"Hey coach, what gives?" Emily Crue asked coach before we went to get dressed.

"CNN is here to film our practice and football practice," Coach Martin said. "They want to interview Lucas and Beth after we're done this afternoon."

"And they want to see me practice in a skirt?" I said, rolling my eyes. "Coach Martin, do I have to do this?"

Someone e-mailed them the story the local newspaper did on us. That someone was Coach Martin.

Another Con

Another Con

By Melanie E.

It's con time again! Another short adventure with Josie and Greg.

While this story can stand on its own, check out my stories "The Con" and "The Next Con" for more of Josie's adventures -- all conveniently bite-sized, of course.

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I pulled a sweatshirt over my T-shirt and a pair of sweats over my spandex shorts, it was a bit cool outside.

Jessi told me the clothes I wear for practice and a pair of socks would be fine for ballet class.

I was a bit tired. We stayed at the party at Gina's house way too late.

Mom made a pretty good breakfast. Her bacon and eggs were the best. I smelled them as soon as I got out of the shower.

I wasn't rushed, but soon there came a knock at the door. It was Jessi.

"By Mom," I said, giving her a hug as I rushed out the door.

Total Recall 19

Total Recall - Chapter 19

Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……or alternatively, who may have read the first “ending” in my ch.18……, This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It IS a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

Total Recall 18

Total Recall - Chapter 18
Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……. This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It will be a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"OK ladies, take a knee," were the words I'd been waiting for after running what seemed like an endless number of sprints at the end of practice.

I was out of breath, but tried not to let it show.

"Big game tomorrow," Coach Martin said. "It's our season opener and our first conference game. Eat a good meal tonight. Get plenty of rest. We've got a two-hour drive after school tomorrow to Sullins Academy."

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 18

Synopsis: Jamie and Megan attend the party but there's trouble at the party and a storm brewing at Megan's house.

Chapter 18

Jamie emerged from the shower and noticed how smooth his freshly shaved legs looked and felt as he toweled them dry. All day he had been on edge with anticipation. He wanted to call Megan or send email or IM her but he managed to avoid the temptation. He didn't want to be a bother, but he had this strange fear that she would forget about the cookout and they would arrive at her house to find her out with her friends.

Switching Playing Fields, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Gina Lenetti and I sat quietly in Coach Martin's office.

I had no idea what our fate was going to be.

"Imagine my surprise when I was told to come to the principal's office to pick up a couple of my players," she said as she sat down in her chair. "He wants me to handle the punishment. And we're going to do that."

It started off with a little teasing from a couple of football players, Josh Bryan and Chuck Lawrence. I didn't like being called a sissy and shoved Chuckie into the lockers, only to be penned up by our quarterback.


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