Princess for Hire
By Melanie Ezell
Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...
NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)
Part 11: Thanksgiving Interlude (2)
I walked out of the bathroom clutching my old clothes in my hand to find Sarah standing there waiting for me. When she saw my face, she shrugged her shoulders and grimaced in a way that said quite clearly 'I tried!'
"Now come here, sweetie, let me see. Oh, now isn't that so much better on you than those old boy clothes, a girl as pretty as you shouldn't be dressing like that."
"Yes, Mamma Graham." I said, suppressing my sigh and trying to match her smile.
"Good. Now, come and help me with setting the table."
Sarah and I had been standing at the door for only a few seconds when it had been pulled open. Before me had been the biggest, most adorable eyes I had ever seen on a human even though they were on a small woman who must have been old enough to be my grandmother's mother.
"Good morning, girls!" She had said in a melodic voice and wrapped us both in hugs. "You must be..."
"I'm Beck," I had said, "nice to meet you, ma'am."
"You can call me Mamma Graham, sweetie" she had said, giving me an extra squeeze, and I had known then that I would never be able to say no to her.
Miss Sakaki, Mr. Graham, and Sarah all tried to tell her that I was a boy while Tommy had simply looked on bemused, but the little old lady was like a whirlwind of good-natured misunderstanding. She thought I was like Sarah, and could not be swayed, so I had eventually pulled the three of them off to the side and told them to let it drop.
That had been when she had spoken the ominous words.
"Dearie me, I was so glad when Sarah stopped trying to dress like a boy. Honey, come here, I've got something for you."
I had thought Sarah's puppy-dog eyed pout was bad enough, but I soon found out she held nothing on Mamma Graham.
At least the dress was warmer than my old clothes, I told myself, or as warm as a calf-length dress could be anyhow. My sneakers looked somewhat out of place with it, but the plain white did not clash too badly with the cream and yellow print dress.
As soon as I walked in the kitchen, I heard Miss Sakaki gasp, and when I looked about I saw Mamma Graham giving her a broad grin.
"See? She's so much prettier when she wears pretty clothes, isn't she?"
Sarah's mom simply nodded, giving me a sad look. I smiled at her, and shook my head, trying to let her know it was okay.
In a way, it was actually somewhat of a relief to get it over with. Though I had wanted to be a boy for at least the majority of the weekend, and everybody had told me that was fine, there had been a tension between us that I had known was because of my presentation. They had expected a girl, in a way at least, and instead had gotten me. It probably would not have been so bad, but with my looks...
Now, I knew that tension would be shattered. For better or worse, I was Becky for at least the rest of the visit at Mamma Graham's home, and more than likely the rest of the weekend. Considering it, I surprised myself by realizing how little difference it actually made to me.
Soon, all my thoughts were taken by helping the rest of the women in the house prepare the table and take care of any last minute food items that may have been forgotten. I had never gotten on well with my mother's or stepfather's parents, and my dad's parents had died before I was born. Seeing how much love there was not only between Sarah and her own parents, but her grandparents, and aunts and uncles and too many cousins to count, it was a powerful experience.
"Hey, are you okay?" One of the random aunts whose name I had not managed to catch asked me worriedly.
"Yeah, why?"
"Because you're crying," she said, with a frown, and reached up and wiped the tears I had not noticed falling from my cheek.
I laughed. "I'm fine, really. I'm just not used to seeing a family as close as this."
She gave me a small hug. "Well, get used to it," she said. "As long as you're here you're part of our family. Right girls?" She asked the rest of the room.
A chorus of yeahs, yups, and of courses answered her, and I found myself being passed around to all the aunts and cousins there. When I eventually reached Sarah and her mom, they both hugged me at once, while I no longer bothered to try and stop myself from crying. It was a surreal, but immensely happy feeling to be with these crazy, wonderful people, and a dress was an insignificant price to pay for that feeling.
"You girls go on, we'll finish up here," Mamma Graham said, shooing me and Sarah out of the kitchen. We ended up on the front porch, wrapped in our coats and sitting side by side on the old bench swing that hung there.
"Sorry about my family, I probably should have warned you they can be a little intense."
"A little?" I said, then laughed. "It's alright, I just didn't expect it is all." I paused, listening to the wind and watching it blow the dry brown leaves across the lawn.
"It's nice," I finally said, after what felt like five minutes of silence.
"I bet you would prefer to be with your own family, though."
"Are you kidding?" I asked her, giving her a look of disbelief. "Being tormented by my stepbrothers and cousins, listening to my stepfather argue with HIS brothers and their Aunt Mary, getting the standard speech from his grandparents on how I needed to cut my hair and start playing football. Having to WATCH football, ugh," I gave a thumbs down for emphasis. "This is infinitely better than any Thanksgiving I've had since my mom and dad were still together."
"Wow," she said, her eyes wide. "I'm sorry."
I shook my head. "Don't be. Even if I was with my dad, it'd just be us, or a few of his friends from the club. It wouldn't be anywhere near this wonderful." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Thanks for inviting me."
"You're welcome," she said, smiling.
"Now, let's get back inside." I stood up, dragging her with me. "I'm hungry, and I don't want Tommy to eat everything before we get in."
"He would," she said, giggling as she followed me into the warm, inviting, and cheerful home of Mamma Graham.
I gave Mamma Graham another hug before loading into the back of Miss Sakaki's car.
"You come back and visit any time you want, honey."
"Thank you, ma'am. I will."
Sarah and I waved to her and the rest of them as we pulled away, including Tommy, who had stayed behind with Mr. Graham's SUV so he could play more football with his cousins.
I turned to the front, and caught the dirty look Miss Sakaki gave her husband as he cradled his bruised but not broken hand and grinned at her, a few pieces of grass still stuck in his teeth.
"I thought you promised not to play so rough? You could have gotten seriously hurt!"
"Yes dear."
"Most of those boys are half your age, and Tommy's not the only one in the army! What were you thinking!"
"Sorry dear."
He continued to grin, and it was not too much longer before Miss Sakaki's mask of anger cracked and she began to giggle, just like Sarah had a tendency to do. "Did you at least have fun?"
"Yes dear," Mr. Graham said in the same tone of voice he had been using when she had been berating him.
I looked over at Sarah, and we were both smiling at their antics.
"So, when we left the house, you were a boy," he said matter of factly, looking at me in the mirror. He was trying to be stern, but the leaf hanging off one ear and the grass in his hair made it hard to take him seriously.
"Um, yeah?" I looked down and nervously played with the hem of the dress Mamma Graham had told me to keep.
"They didn't make you change, did they?"
"I just want to make sure," he said, interrupting her.
"Uh, no sir, not really."
"Not really?"
"Mamma," Sarah said, as though it was enough of an answer, and when I looked up Mr. Graham was nodding.
"The puppy dog eyes?"
"Uh huh," he said, biting his lip. "Do you want to stop somewhere so you can change?"
"No that's alright, I'm -- crap!" I said, realizing I had never grabbed my clothes.
"Don't worry, they're in a grocery bag in the back."
"Oh, thank god. Thank you so much, Ms. Sakaki."
She gave me a smile, then returned to her driving.
"You can change when we get home... if you want to," Sarah said with a shrug.
I sighed. This was going to be a difficult part no matter how they took it.
"Actually," I started, "I was thinking I'd just go ahead and be Becky for the rest of the weekend, if that's alright."
Mr. Graham's eyes popped up to look at me sharply. "Are you sure? Why?"
I shrugged. "It just seems... easier, is all," I said quietly, not looking at him.
He grunted. "We already told you to make yourself comfortable. If that's as a boy, then, well." He stopped.
"That's just it," I said, shaking my head. "It doesn't really matter all that much, it's just clothes. I mean, it doesn't matter to me, I mean I thought it did, but it's more, grh!" I hit my leg a couple of times in frustration, trying to work out how to say what I needed to say. Then it came to me. "The clothes don't matter so much to me, as how people act around me. When I'm dressed as a guy, I just want to be treated like a normal guy. If I'm gonna be treated like a girl, I might as well be a girl, or dressed as one anyway."
"But we weren't--"
"We were," Miss Sakaki cut him off. "We just didn't think about it." She turned to me. "Beck, I'm sorry, we can watch how we act around you more."
I shook my head again. "It's okay. Really." I was getting so tired of saying that. I knew what I had to say next would hurt them, but, it had to be said. "You weren't as comfortable around me as a guy as you are with me as a girl."
Everyone in the car was silent at that, even Sarah, who was staring at her shoes with a frown on her face.
"It's up to you," her dad said at last, after almost half an hour of silence.
I looked over at Sarah again. "I'll need to borrow some clothes, if that's okay?"
She finally looked up at me. She did not look happy, exactly, but she did look more comfortable. "Okay, we can find some when we get home."
"Good. So, where are we stopping to eat?"
That caused all of their eyes to boggle, and when I began to laugh the tension that had again built between us quickly drained as the conversation picked up again.
I flopped down on the inflatable mattress, glad to finally be able to rest after a long and stressful day.
"Was it fun?"
I looked over at Sarah, who had begged her mom until she had agreed to let her sleep on the couch in the room with me. "Thanksgiving? Yeah," I said, nodding sleepily.
"Not just that." She growled softly in frustration. "Being a girl."
"It was okay. I mean, I've gotten used to it."
"But you don't enjoy it?"
"Well, I won't say that," I said. "It can be fun sometimes, but it's mostly a hassle, and I get annoyed when people see me as a girl when I'm dressed as a guy."
"Why?" She asked, in a confused tone.
"Because I'm not a girl."
Sarah gave me a tired grin. "But sometimes you are." Then her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.
I wanted to drift off myself, but like so often lately, instead I found myself trapped in my thoughts.
I really had enjoyed the day immensely, and I knew that if Sarah ever asked me to stay over at her home again, I would probably accept. Her family was wonderful, and seeing how much they all cared for one another made me hope that some day, when I was older, I could have that kind of family too.
But that brought me back around to the whole issue of me being seen as a guy or a girl, not to mention my sexuality. Or did it? I was so confused.
Did it matter whether I was a boy or a girl? No, that was the wrong question. The question was, did it matter whether people saw me as a boy or a girl?
I thought over the last few months I had spent in the Princess program, and I could easily tell that it mattered to me a great deal. I was surprised to note, however, that I was only really irked when people determined me to be something other than how I was presenting. Being seen as a girl when dressed as a girl failed to bother me like it once had, but being seen as a girl when dressed as a boy still grated on my nerves. I imagined that being seen as a boy when dressed as a girl would bother me as well.
So, what did that say about me? Was I a boy who could play a girl well, or was I somewhere between boy and girl? I thought about what it might be like to actually be a girl in body, and I recoiled at the idea. Changing myself so drastically... for what? For the most part, I was happy with myself. Why would I change that just because nobody else saw me for who I was?
Who was I, exactly, anyhow? That was really the question, I told myself as I rolled over and wrapped up in the covers against the chill that had crept into the room. Was I Becky, or was I Beck?
What was the difference between Becky and Beck besides clothes?
If there was no difference, then why did everyone around me see one?
I tossed and turned, but eventually I must have fallen asleep, only to find myself trapped in my dreams, a princess trying to hide herself from an evil magician by dressing as a boy, but no matter where I ran, everyone saw through my disguise. No matter what I did, everyone would shout "there she is, there's the princess!" everywhere I went. Finally, after many days of torment and fear, I fled to the tower of a good wizard, who gave me a magic potion that he said would let me be whoever I wanted to be, and make the evil wizard leave me alone forever more.
I threw my head back and downed the potion in one gulp, then turned to watch my transformation in a nearby mirror. But before my changes were complete, the world around me began to shake, and with a start I sat up to find Sarah crouched over me with a worried expression on her face.
"Becky, are you okay? You were jerking around and mumbling something."
I sighed, and laid back down. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said, patting her shoulder gently. "Just trying to figure something out."
"Well, if I can help, let me know," she said, giving me a quick hug before climbing back onto the couch and wrapping up in her own blankets.
"I will," I said, then returned to sleep, this time without dreams.
(End of Part 11)
As I write this story, it's becoming more and more obvious to me that I need to get a thesaurus and work on my writing vocabulary. I seem to keep using similar phrases and actions over and over, mostly because I don't feel that I can properly express what's going on in the scene without them, but I know that there are probably better options out there sometimes.
Sorry for the end of this one turning kind of serious. I plan on the next one being a lot of fun, and it's also going to be my first ever attempt to write some kind of shopping experience, so be prepared for it being either a typical TG shopping cliche' or completely horrid, probably both :P Still, stories with that kind of thing tend to do okay, so who knows? We'll just have to see.
Am I making Beck too emo? I am, aren't I? Sigh. And, of course, IF YOU COMMENT, MORE WILL COME.
Melanie E.
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Beck Excessively Emotional?
No, I don't think so. So far, it seems your protagonist is an androgyne, both mentally and physically. He/she has much to deal with, including the behavior of the surrounding people.
As always, very nice. If
As always, very nice.
If you are having trouble with repeating, I would suggest picking up a regular book and seeing how published authors write the types of phrases you are looking for. It's really obvious when writers use a thesaurus for this reason. I used to do the exact same thing and often times find myself still doing it on occasion.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
What to be or who to be seems to be the major question. Is Beck trying to be a boy because of the torment of his past or does he really want to be a boy? He is very strong in his denial of wanting to be a girl, but is that again because of the family abuse he has suffered? Whatever his decision it appears that he is destined to look more like a girl than a boy. How will he deal with that?
I'm sure you will sort it all out for us. He now is at least starting to ask the right questions of himself. Maybe he will gain some insight over Christmas when he is with his dad. We all know he could be the star of the show!
Good story and a heartwarming chapter.
As always,
As always,
Princes for Hire
Interesting chapter and story. I find myself yearning to see Becky
gripped in a tight embrace with a kiss but to remain chaste. It troubles me as to why. But I want the same for Beck but with a girl. As too his fine features, some bones continue to grow after high school, so he is pretty at 16 and at 26 he will be handsome. I remember in high school some guys had perfect features for a man. Ten to fifteen years later I saw them again. They could have been on the commercial "its so easy a cave man can do it." Thank you for your excellent story.
Kaptin Nibbles
A world without gender.
It would be so nice to live in a place where gender and clothing did not matter at all.
How about a school of seahorses?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Beck or Becky?
Hmmm...Beck to emo? Prolly not more than anyone wrestling with questions over their identity and coming from the sort of homelife Beck does. Plus there have been times when Beck has put his own emotional issues aside to help others. Given everything that has happened since parent's day it seems fine. I also enjoy the emotional content of your stories such as the excellent Echoes and Dear John. It's not an easy skill for a writer but you can deliver it well.
Getting back to this chaptger, we almost had the answer to whether Beck truly wanted in his heart to be Beck or Becky when Sarah interrupted the dream. Curses!! Though given the answer to that question would irrevocably change the story, it wasn't perhaps surprising that we didn't see the changes that had already occurred before they were interrupted. I know my view anyway and wait to see where Beck ends up. ;-)
As for the next chapter, perhaps the challenge is to write a fun shopping scene without falling for the usual (oh so boringly predictable) tg cliche? It must be doable and you are a talented enough writer to have a shot at it!
I'm finding these Thanks Giving chapters to be very enjoyable so far. Perhaps all the more enjoyable because a lot of it is about character development. Excellent work Melanie.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Changing The Story
Well, let's just say that the other day I had an epiphany, and I now know what direction Beck's character is gonna go, well enough that I already know what the last few lines of the story are gonna be, and now I'm just focusing on connecting the two parts :P
Melanie E.
Pretty wonderful Thanksgiving
It is probably in the top 99 percentile of Thanksgiving where there is no family in-fighting, tensions but just plain ol' family love. Wow. And for me, it is a five hankie Thanksgiving. Not having had a really close family or extended family I would not have thought it possible either.
I am glad the 'coercion' for Beck to be Becky was not something silly like being tossed into some mud or some other weird incident that would have ruined his clothes. For Beck, the gentle coercion of wanting to be loved and accepted is a flame that no moth could resist.
Luckily for me,
This is at least somewhat based on the way Thanksgivings tend to work on my mom's side of the family. It's rare for us all to be there at once, but the entire day is a steady trickle of family coming over and eating, laughing, and generally just celebrating family togetherness. It really is a wonderful thing, and something I've always felt was a blessing. Everyone always brings something, so there's always far more food than anyone could possibly eat, meaning everyone always leaves with something, too.
I was kind of torn on whether I wanted Beck to become Becky in this chapter or wait until the shopping trip, which he had already agreed to be her for. In the end, the moment Mamma Graham popped up I knew what would happen -- Beck likes the idea of family too much to want to hurt someone who accepts him so readily's feelings, even if they have the wrong idea. There's a story there behind Mamma Graham and Sarah, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna tell it or leave it to the reader's imaginations.
Melanie E.
Dreams interupted, sighs;
Dreams interupted, sighs; just when you start to figure something out you wake and have to start all over the following nite.
Never understood this
I had known then that I would never be able to say no to her. Huh? Why not? Anybody who possesses a spine can say "no". It can even be done in such a way as to save face on both sides. "Excuse me, I feel a bad headache coming on. Would you show me a place where I can rest that is quiet away from everybody."
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Don't tell me
you've never met someone who was so kind, and sweet, that you would feel like you were breaking their heart if you told them no on something? Beck took an instant liking to Mamma Graham the moment they walked through the door. Combining that with the tension that he had already been feeling from Sarah's family, and he was really almost looking for a reason to become Becky and get it over with. I'm sure that if she had asked him to jump off a cliff and die or something he would have said no, but when it came to something that Beck almost felt NEEDED done, he didn't think there would really be any point to it.
Melanie E.
Simple empathy I imagine
He offered. He is not such a hard nose like some people are in the world who only wants things their way or the highway and acts like the king boss of something and only his opinion mattered. This is consistent with his characterization, this is who he is. To not behave this way would be inconsistent.
As far as I can tell, he does not seem to feel he is losing any of his integrity over offering.
Princess For Hire part 11
I think that Becky will need to choose whether or not to be a boy and if she wants to get sorted or stay a male who dresses as a girl.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Expressing Emotions
First off, I don't think the end of this was too serious. There was a lot of fun early on to keep this chapter mostly fun anyway.
I loved the scene with Mr. Graham in the car. Men can be so cute when it comes to sports because sports make a great emotional outlet for them. Not all of the emotions are good but when some men talk about sports, they get a gleam in their eye and get so excited. Sports generally bore me but I keep up with them a little just so I can communicate with men... and see them light up when the get all sporty. Heh.
As for Beck, she's deeply immersed in the world of girls, and girls express emotions... a lot. I'd say the Beck is more girl than he'd like to think, or at the very least, he's more comfortable being a girl than he ever thought possible. It's nice to see. Very refreshing.
Thanks for another chapter.
- Terry
Keep writing the way you are
there's nothing wrong with it. It's better to use words with which you're familiar than use ones which look as if you're trying to impress - especially if you get it wrong.
The storyline is fine too, a nice balance.
As I see it from your Notes;
You would want, in your conversations to be as normal to the way that people actually speak as opposed to "Proper English". With that said the narrative, if you want, could be more formal. But then again, I think about how Mark Twain wrote, and realize dose it really matter?
Sometimes, when I run across words I don't know I get frustrated having to look them up. Other times the challenge is kinda fun. Just write what your heart and what you feel comfortable with to let the story flow. That is all that really matters. It's still a very good story and I'm sure everyone agrees.
If I were a story teller I would let someone else worry about grammar.
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
re: story
hey melanie:
good bad or otherwise keep this going. good story. i am enjoying it.
I like how Beck is evolving
He/she is grappling with a very important issue, Beck is not too emo. Being so close to a perfect "in-between" has to be hard, not knowing just what you want and how you wish to be perceived. Since Beck is much more physically appealing as a girl, that may push her in that direction. If her sexual orientation is equally in-between, that might be for the best.
As far as using stock phrases a lot...most authors have their favorites, and they usually rehash important concepts/plot turns. I suppose that is to ensure the skimmers and less attentive readers don't miss anything. I don't particularly appreciate it much. Interestingly, I haven't noticed that many reused stock phrases (see? I reused one right there!) Originality in phrasing is wonderful to read, but it doesn't require many-syllable words (those who love to do that would certainly love the word sesquipedalian, which means, literally, foot-and-a-half-long, as in words that long.) It's more about putting old concepts into a new framework, making them fresh. There may be nothing new under the sun, but it can be told in a new way. No one I've read truly manages a 100% fresh approach. So do not despair about a few retreads along the way.
You are telling this story quite well. Keep it up, please!
looks like
Beck is figuring things out about what really matters and it is not the clothes
1 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 5 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Dream, Interrupted
Given Beck(y)'s dilemma, it wouldn't surprise me if the dream continued that it wouldn't reach a conclusion - perhaps make the body even more androgynous (as if it wasn't androgynous enough!)
Beck's already worked out that he prefers to be treated according to his presentation; unfortunately even when en homme he gets mistaken for a girl. It doesn't exactly help that his interests hardly scream "macho". But then again, he hasn't really encountered many girls in his life, and the significant males in his life to date have been of the "macho" variety. However, he really enjoyed Thanksgiving with Sarah's family, and I'd imagine that even if it meant being 100% Becky in their presence, he'd prefer holidays/vacations there than with dad - becoming an unofficial extra member of her family. I can imagine that in the medium term he'll probably dress and act en femme most of the time, but undergo no pharmaceutical or surgical changes, hoping that eventually his testosterone will wake up and allow him to pass as male again. Whether that attitude changes during the next few years of school remains to be seen, of course :)
I don't suppose Maddy Bell and her stories exist in this universe? :)
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Not caught up, but still...
Obviously I haven't caught up with the whole story yet, but it's hard to stop reading.
You have such a likeable character in such an interesting situation, and so many ways for the story to develop and detour and evolve.
I hope you keep going and going with Becky.
Oh! and I wanted to say: I like the fact that Beck is given numerous serious offers (even with some pressure) to NOT dress as a girl. It really underlines that he's chosen to put on a dress.
No you are not!!
Beck/Becky is just being themselves. More emotional then a
"normal" guy!! And able to accept that about herself. Sorry
I just feel more right using female pronouns. I guess I am
prejudiced being a post-op t-girl. So I see the world through
my experiences and the struggles I had to go through to be my
true self!! I am very happy with the result!! So reading about
her struggles with who she is, I see the road to happiness being
the female path!! I am enjoying the story and still wondering
what the outcome will be!!
"So I’ve been a boy and I’ve been a girl and, trust me, being a girl is better".
We see things as we are not as they are
That is written on the bathroom wall (wallpaper with other sayings.) Beck/Becky hasn't figured things out yet. Pam, you are probably right about the final outcome but right now she doesn't know. We'll just have to see.
Much Love,
Valerie R
"Just trying to figure something out."
sometimes, its tough to look at ourselves honestly