The Day We Became Girls 3

The Day We Became Girls
by LostNeo
Chapter Three

I woke up early Alison was still holding me close I watched her sleep for a bit then kissed her softly. She woke up and smiled at me.

“Morning Nicole did you have a good sleep?” she asked me smiling at me

“Yes I did cuddling with you all night. I think the pill’s effect wore off” I said still unsure if I wanted to be Nicole again.

“Thank you I loved having a girl friend I’ll put some leos and pills in your back pack just in case you want to be Nicole again okay?” Alison said cuddling me.

“ Okay I had fun being your girl friend and nightgowns and tights are comfy to wear. ” I said smiling at her.

Alison pulls me close and kisses me softly “we should get you back to looking like Nick for school”

I nodded and sat up on the bed. I looked down at my Body and smiled a little thinking I’m going to miss wearing a nightgown and tights. I thought to myself that girls have a lot nicer clothes then boys do I’m lucky that I got to wear them for a little bit.

As I got dressed and changed back into Nick Again Alison was putting some things into my Back pack smiling to herself.

I looked over at Alison “Um can you help me take off theses” pointing to my fake breasts.

She looked over at me and smiled “are you sure you don’t want to go to school as Nicole? I have a pretty dress you can wear”

“Yes I’m sure I don’t want to, people wouldn’t know what to think” I said smiling at her.

Alison got the solvent then came over and put it on where the skin and fake breasts met they came off really easy. She smiled ant me then pulled me close and kissed me softly.

“Um Nick do you want to pick out a leo for me? I have Gymnastics this morning” She said cuddling me.

“I would love, to you can model them to if you want” I said smiling brightly at her.

“Of course I will” She said playfully punching me in the arm.

I smiled at her then finished getting dressed. I stood up “Where are your leos?” I asked her looking around her room.

“In my top dresser” Alison said pointing to her dresser.

I went and opened the drawer I smiled I was in leotard Heaven she had so many cute leos I wanted to see her in everyone of them. I picked out two I liked and brought them over to her she smiled at me then striped right in front of me then put on her spankies and sports bra.

“Would you like to put a leo on me?” She asked me being all sexy.

I nodded then slipped a black and white Leotard on her then adjusted it .She kissed me softly and modeled it for me.


“You look really cute in that one Alison” I said smiling at her.

She giggled at me and wiggled her butt. I was really enjoying this I feel like the luckiest guy n the world.She slipped off the leo and pick up the blue one and looked at me. I got then went and put it on her I saw it had a zipper so I zipped it up for her. She smiled at me then posed.


“I like that one it brings out your eyes” I said smiling at her.

I turned as I heard a knock on the door “Nick its me Tommy can I come in please?”

Alison went and opened her door Tommy was standing there looking a bit down Alison picked him up and hugged him tightly. Tommy smiles up at her trying to cheer up.

“What’s wrong sweetie? Do you miss being Tammy?” Alison says as she sits down on the bed with him.

Tommy nodded “Yes I really like being Tammy now that I’m a boy again I don’t feel right”

I looked at Tommy and smiled softly at him I wanted him to be happy and I really liked have a sister “I’m sure if you talk to Mom you might get to be Tammy on March Break”

Tommy smiled at me and hugged Alison “ I like your leo thank you so much for everything I love being a girl I hope I can be a gymnast like you one day”

“Thanks Tommy and you never know maybe one day you will be” she said smiling at him.

I smiled at him them gave them both a big hug “we should go and have breakfast before we go to school”

Alison nodded then put a pair of shorts and a shirt over her leo then took Tommy’s hand and lead him downstairs I grabbed my back pack and followed them. As we got downstairs we could smell breakfast being cooked we headed into the kitchen Miss Conner was wearing an apron we smiled at her.

“Do you need any help Miss Conner?” Tommy asked really nice.

“No its almost done sweetie please sit down” Miss Conner said smiling at him

We all sat down and waited for breakfast to be done. Miss Conner put the eggs and bacon on the table then poured us each a glass of orange juice. She sat down at the table smiling at us.

“Thank you Miss Conner I had a really fun night I hope me and Tommy can stay over again.” I said smiling at her.

“Maybe you and Tommy can stay over one day during the March break will all do something fun again”. Miss Conner said still smiling at us.

Tommy was smiling brightly at me and Miss. Conner as he ate breakfast It was great to see him in a better mood. We finished eating then got ready to head to School Alison took my hand and smiled at me.

“I’ll see you in the afternoon at School after practice ok Nick?” Alison said smiling at me.

“Ok sounds like a plan we can have lunch together” I said smiling back at her.

Alison put her arms around me and kissed me long and softly I held her close and kissed her back.

“There that should last you till I see you at School” Alison said holding me close.

I smiled back at her “I’ll be thinking of you all day”

“Ok you two love birds its time to get you all to School and Gymnastics practice. I’ll drop you boys off at school first then take Alison to practice.” Miss Conner said grabbing our backpacks and handing them to us.

Miss Conner locked the door then we All headed to her Car and got in. Tommy sat in the back with me and Alison he seemed to be a better mood.

“Tommy if you want I can ask my Gymnastics teacher if you can join the School, You already have lots of leos to wear” Alison said smiling at Tommy.

“Oh please Ask Alison your teacher I really want to take Gymnastics and I wearing leos” Tommy said sounding really excited.

“Ok I will sweetie and maybe we can get your Big Sis to join to” Alison said winking at me.

I shook my head and kept to myself I was unsure about being Nicole around other people and besides I had soccer I don’t think I could do both. We pulled up to Tommy’s School and I gave him a big hug.

“I’ll see you after Soccer try outs big guy Mom will pick you up” I said ruffling his hair up.

Alison Gave Tommy a big hug to and smiled at Him “Have a good day at School Tommy”

“ Bye Miss Conner thanks again for the fun night I will see you guys later” Tommy said getting out of the car waving.

“Your Welcome Sweetie” Miss Conner said waving to him.

Next we drove to my School it wasn’t far From Tommy’s School I often picked him up from School. When we got to my School I saw my best friend Rob out front waiting he waved to me when he saw us pull up. I waved back to him Alison looked at him then looked at me and smiled.

“He would make a cute girl to I think” Alison said smiling Brightly at me.

“Um I don’t think he would want to be a girl, I’ll see you at Lunch Alison” I said in a bit of a rush.

Alison made a cute pouty face at me “What no kiss for me?”

I Smiled at her then reached over and gave her a long soft kiss on the lips. I hugged her and Miss Conner.

“Thank you both for the fun night hope we can do it again” I said getting out of the Car.

“Your Welcome Nick have a good Day at School” Miss Conner said hugging me back.

“Bye Nick see you at Lunch” Alison said waving to me.

I smiled at them and waved as the drove off then walked up to Rob.

“Hey what’s up Dude?” Rob asked me.

“Not much I had a Great night and I’m looking forward to soccer” I said smiling.

“ That’s Great Man I heard we’ll get to watch the Cheerleaders while we practice” Rob said grinning at me.

“Nah I’m good I’d rather watch Alison in her leotard” I said trying not to blush.

“Yeah your a lucky guy to have a girl like her. We should head to class” Rob said smiling.

We headed inside and went to class most of the Morning was pretty boring I was looking forward to lunch with Alison. Lunch time finally got here I headed to the cafeteria with Rob we always sat together he was a great friend. We walked into the cafeteria and spotted Alison at a table we got in line and ordered lunch I got a BLT and Rob got some Stew and we each got a coke. We went and sat down at the table. As I sat down Alison slipped into my lap and took my hand and put it under her shirt to show me she was still wearing her leo. I smiled brightly at her.

“Hey you I’ve been thinking of you all day” Alison said nuzzling my neck.

“I was thinking of you all Day to” I said nuzzling her back.

“So Um are you guys ready for Drama Class Miss Becker said she had something different planned for us today” Rob asked us.

“I have no idea what she has planned for class I saw her bringing in a Box on a Dolly Earlier” Alison said looking at us.

“I wonder what’s in the Box, I guess we’ll find out after lunch” I said cuddling Alison.

We all sat quietly eating wondering what was Drama class was going to be like it was our favorite class we always so much fun. The Bell Rang signaling it was time to go to class Alison got up and took my Hand I got up and we all headed to Drama class.

“You two are adorable” Rob Smiled at us

“That’s because Alison is an amazing girl” I said smiling at her.

“Aww your so sweet Nick” Alison said blushing a bit.

We walked into drama class and sat down together. The class filled up quickly Miss Becker walked in shortly after smiling at everyone.

“Today Class we’re going to do something different your going to pick out costumes from a box and act out that character for the rest of the class then walk around the school. I’ll be taking pictures” Miss Becker said looking at us All.

“So who would like to be first?” Miss Becker asked looking around as everyone raised their hands except Rob.

“Miss Becker look right at him “Rob please come up and pick a costume out of the box”

Rob got up slowly and walked over to Miss. Becker looking unsure.

Miss Becker opened the huge box inside you could see a bunch of smaller boxes in side it.

“Go ahead and pick one Rob” Miss Becker said smiling at him.

Rob Nodded and looked at the boxes none of them had names on them. He picked one up and looked in side it and gulped. Miss Becker pecked at the costume then looked over at Alison “please come and help Rob Alison”

Alison hugged me and got up and walked over to them. I watched quietly.

“Lets go and get you into your Costume Rob” Alison said smiling at him.

“Alison you might as well grab a costume to sweetie” Miss Becker said.

“Ok Miss Becker” Alison said grabbing a box.

Alison took Rob’s hand and led him to the change rooms. I was really starting to wonder what costume Rob got. Each of the kids walked up one at a time and picked up and box and went and changed I walked up and picked out a box and looked inside it was a joker Costume. I smiled and went and changed. I didn’t have any trouble putting it on but I didn’t have a clue how to do the face paint I opened the change room door and waved over Miss Becker.

“Can you um help me with the face paint please Miss Becker” I asked her.

“Of course I will Nick and your costume will go good with Rob’s” Miss Becker said smiling at me

“Now sit down and I’ll paint your face for you” She said pointing to a chair.

I sat down really wondering what costume Rob had on. Miss Becker painting my face it was so relaxing. I closed my eyes I heard people walking over to me.

“Why Hello there Mister J” I heard a girl sounding like Harley Quinn.

“Ok your face is done Nick you can open your Eyes” Miss Becker said.

I open my eyes thinking it was Alison I blinked at the two girls standing in front of me. Alison was dressed as Miss Marvel and I didn’t have a clue who the second girl was. I decided to take a wild Guess at who she was.

“Rob is that you dressed as Harley?” I asked the girl unsure.

She nodded and put her arms around me “Yes its me Mister J what do you think?”

I blinked at her I couldn’t believe that this cute girl dressed as Harley was Rob.
Alison smiled and sat on my lap

“He didn’t want to be Harley at first I told him it was just a costume and to have fun with it. I did his make-up for him and add a few things to make him look me female” Alison said smiling brightly at me.

“Ok you two Lets take your picture “ Miss Becker said taking out her Camera.

We both stood up and posed While Miss Becker took a picture of us.


We walked out of the change room still in character everyone was sitting around in costumes their was so many miss Becker went about taking pictures She called over Alison to pose with the other people dressed as Superheroes.


“Miss Becker can you take a picture with me and Nikki? Please” Alison asked.

“Of Course Alison I will ok you two pose” Miss Becker said to them.


I know Alison was a big fan of Spider-Women I saw how happy she was that her friend was dressed as Her. I smiled at her and waved at them. Nikki was also the Head Cheerleader her Alison taught her a lot of flips and tricks.

“Where’s my kiss Mister J?” Harley asked me pulling on my arm.

I blinked at him he was really getting into the character I was unsure about kissing my best friend. Alison walked over to me and whispered to me.

“Its okay Nick I know you how much you love me and would never cheat on me go ahead a give her a little kiss”

“Please my pudding?” Harley asked me again

I blinked at them both and thought they’ll keep bugging me if I don’t. So I put my arms around Harley and kissed her softly on the lips. I thought of Alison while I kissed Her, I had a strange feeling about Harley.

“ I never told you I was Gay Nick I was worried what you would think of me I didn’t want to lose your friendship I hope things don’t change between us” Harley whispered to me.

“Rob it doesn’t matter to me if your Gay this doesn’t change anything you’re my best friend and will be no matter what. Did Alison give you a special pill and things to make you look and feel more female?” I whispered back to her.

“Yes she did um how did you know?” She whispered back

“Um well Yesterday I was a girl to” I said quietly unsure what he would think of me.

“Really that’s Great Mister J” Harley said doing a few Cartwheels around the room. I smiled at Her I had a feeling Rob was enjoying being a girl.

A few Girls clapped loudly as Harley did the cartwheels then walked over to her

“ Those chart wheels were great have you ever thought about being a cheerleader?” Nikki asked her.

“Um I don’t know and I’m a guy” Harley said shly to them.

“Please we really need more cheerleaders and no body will know” The other girl said looking at Harley pleading.

Alison smiled at Harley and whispered to her. Harley nodded then looked at the girls.

“Ok I’ll be a cheerleader if you promise no one will find out.” Harley said to them

“Of course we promise not to tell anyone we have practice after School We’ll get you a uniform to.” Nikki said smiling.

Miss Becker came out of the change Room she was dressed as a pretty Fairy.


“Ok Classes its time to walk around the School” Miss Becker said grabbing her camera

Everyone headed out into the Hallway people looked at us and smiled it was like being in a parade. It was a blast walking around.

Alison took a great picture of me and Harley posing.

Once we walked around and posed for everyone and had our picture taken a ton of times we all headed back to Drama room the 2 hours went by so fast. We All got changed back into our normal. My last class was english Alison took my hand and walked with me. When we got to the classroom their was a note on the door saying class was cancelled because Mr.Decker suddenly got sick and their was no subs to teach the class. The two Cheerleaders saw their was no class and took Rob to the cheerleader’s room he waved at me as he went.

“See you later Rob” I said waving to him.

“So Um what do we do now?” I asked Alison

“Well you could watch my new floor routine in the Gym till your Soccer practice” Alison said smiling at me.

Can I pick out a leo for you to wear to?” I asked smiling back at her.

“Only if you put it on me to” Alison said nuzzling my neck.

"You know I will lets go" I said taking her hand and walking to her locker.

We got to her locker and she opened it for me I looked around and decided on a Unitard for her to wear since our Gym was a bit chilly. We headed to the Gym change rooms and he went into make sure it was empty then came out and gave the all clear then I went in. I sat down on a bent and Alison sat beside me and smiled at me.

“Well what are you waiting for? undress me please Nick” Alison said smiling brightly at me.

I Smiled back at her then took her shirt and shorts off she was still wearing her Gymnastic under wear. I pick her up and put her on my lap and slid the unitard on her then zipped up the back for her then rubbed her body the Unitard was so smooth on her. She Giggled at me then kissed me softly and got up and posed in it for me.


I smiled at her “You look so sexy in that Alison”

“Thank you Nick I have another one you can have if you want” Alison said wiggling her butt.

“Yes that would be great thanks” I said taking her hand and walking into the Gym

“Can you put this type on for my floor routine please” Alison said handing me a type

“Ok I can do that you go and get ready” I said taking the type

I walked over and put the type in the stereo that we use for sports sometimes and hit play then went and sat down. Alison got into position for her floor routine I was so happy I got to watch her. Alison did a really cute routine with lots of flips and chart wheels she was just amazing. I looked at the time then looked at Alison.

“I need to get to Soccer try outs now Did you want to come and watch me?” I asked Alison.

“Of course I’ll come and cheer you on can you unzip me please so I can get changed” Alison said walking over to me.

I smiled at her then unzipped her Unitard for her so she could change.

“I need to go and change to” I said taking her hand and walking into the change rooms.

Alison smiled at me as we got changed I could see how much she loved me I loved her so much.

“I love you Alison”. I said smiling at her.

I love you so much to Nick” Alison said cuddling me close.

Alison took my hand as I got up to go to try outs we walked together I was a bit worried about them I wanted to make the team. I didn’t know what I would do if I didn’t make it. We walked out to the field Nikkii waved to us and walked over to us. I looked around for Rob but didn’t see him anywhere.

“Hi Nikki where is Rob?” I asked her

“Oh you mean Robin she’s there on the grass having her picture taken” Nikki said pointing to Robin.


I looked over and blinked at the girl on the Grass I couldn’t see any sighs of her being a girl. I waved over at her. She got up once her picture was taken and ran over to me and gave me a big hug. Then she gave Alison a big hug to.

“Wow Robin you look so pretty” I said smiling at her

“Thank you so much Nick” Robin said in a cute voice

“If you want I can teach you some flips and Tricks Robin” Alison said smiling at her

“I would love that and can we go shopping to I need to get some work out Leos for practice” Robin said smiling at her.

“Yes we can do that I love shopping and maybe we can get Nicole to come along to” Alison said poking me.

I shook my head at Alison. ”What do you think your Mom will say Robin?”

“I think she will be ok with me being a girl she’s always wanted one but she can’t have any more kids I’m going to tell her when I go home” Robin said smiling brightly at me.

“That’s Great Well I should go and try out for soccer wish me luck you two” I said

The both smiled at me then kissed me on my cheeks as I walked over to the coach. I didn’t see really any kids around.

“Hi I’m Nick I’m here to try out for the team” I said looking at the coach.

“I’m sorry Nick I don’t think there will be a team this year not many kids are here to try should try out for one of the other teams” He said looking at me.

“Ok thanks Coach I will” I said sounding a bit disappointed.

I walked back over to Alison and Robin they both hugged me tightly when they saw how disappointed I was.

“Maybe you can try out for Gymnastics I talked to my Teacher she wants Tammy to come on Sunday” Alison said cuddling me close.

“I don’t know right now I just want to go home and relax its been a long day” I said cuddling her back.

“I’ll come over during the March Break and hang out with you ok Nick?” Robin said hugging me again.

“That sounds Great Robin good luck with your cheerleading. Alison did you want to walk home with me?” I ask her.

“Of Course I will Silly” Alison said poking me

“Bye Robin have fun” Alison said giving Robing a big hug.

“See you Soon Robin call me tonight and let me know how everything went” I said hugging her to.

“You guys are the best” Robin said smiling Brightly at us both

Robin waved at as she went over to the cheerleaders Alison took my hand holding me close. We went and grabbed out back packs and walked home.

To be continued...

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