Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 280

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Easy As Writing Vacuous Ramblings.
by: Bonzi (back from jury service)
part 280.

I sat in the car with Monica chuckling to herself. "That surprised you, didn't it?"

I sat silently for a moment looking at my reflection in the darkening widscreen. It wasn't a clear reflection, but once again I resembled a panda. "Yes it did."

"Feel happier now?"

"I don't know, yes I suppose I do, but tomorrow she may be different."

"But so might you."

"I'm pleased that she seemed calmer and we were able to talk about a few things, but she was on some tablets, you could see that from her constricted pupils."

"I didn't notice."

"That room wasn't exactly light was it?"

"No dear, it wasn't."

"So in poor light, your pupils expand to allow extra light gathering."

"Yes dear."

"Well yours were, so I suspect were mine, her's weren't."

"So what exactly are you trying to tell me?"

"What happens when she comes off the pills?"

"Hopefully, she'll be fit and well again."

"It wasn't you she tried to kebab."

"Ah, so you are worried that she may only have forgiven you in word rather than deed."

"Actually, Monica, I am frightened that she still wants to stab me."

"Oh, I don't think she does any more."

"Sorry, but I don't know if I believe anyone. You weren't there, I saw the look in her eye."

"Come on girl, we can talk about this all night, let's go and find somewhere to eat."

"I need to go and clean off my makeup, I can't go anywhere like this. Let's go and see if Tom is home and he can come with us."

"Oh yes, the nutty professor, yes let's do that. You go and clean up your face and I'll chat to our learned friend."

I drove back to Tom's house feeling exhausted and also worrying about Monica preying on Tom. Okay, so he was old enough to look after himself, but against Monica? I did wonder.

We got there and Tom was home, I called out to him that I'd brought Monica back with me and that I needed to run to the bathroom.

"Week bladder eh?" said Tom to Monica.

"No it's a girl thing," offered Monica.

"What!" exclaimed Tom.

"She wants to freshen her makeup."

"Oh, you had me worried for a moment." He smiled and she laughed. "You are such a tease Monica."

"Just the way you like 'em, eh Tom?"

"Hush or you'll have me breaking my vow of chastity," he tried to keep a straight face but her guffaw of laughter was contagious and he laughed as well.

By the time I got down, they were both almost helpless with laughter.
"Has she invited you out for dinner yet?"

"No, she's been too busy chatting me up."

I sighed, "Monica, the only way to Tom's heart is via his stomach."

"You know this for certain?" she asked me.

"Absolutely." I nodded to emphasise my point.

"Before you go searching restaurants, I think I need to tell you that my heart is already lost to Cathy. She cooks the best roast beef in Portsmouth."

"Does she now?"

"You had some with us remember?"

"No, that was Henry, I wasn't with him that day."

"No you weren't Monica. It was just Henry." I recalled the day quite clearly.

"Oh, I must be getting old," said Tom.

"We had Christmas dinner with Henry and Monica at the hotel in Southsea."

"Yes, I recall that, and a fine meal it was."

"We could always go there if you want," Monica sugested.

I didn't fancy driving all the way there and back however good the food was.

"Yes, let's do that, I could stay overnight in our suite and catch the train back tomorrow. Would you like to call Simon and tell him to meet us there?"

I went off to phone him, his mobile was on voicemail, so I left a message. He called back about five minutes later.

"Hi Cathy, sorry I can't make it to Southsea, I'm going to be late but I will be home. How was Stella, did Monica say?"

"Can we talk later? I saw her too."

"Yes of course, I'll see you later, don't be too late back."

"I'm tired, I won't. Love you."

"Love you too, babes." He rang off.

I had hoped to get Tom to drive back from the pub, but not from Southsea. He also had a few glasses of wine and nearly succumbed to Monica's flirting while half tipsy. I had to speak sternly to him at one point. She had gone to the loo and I berated him, reminding him that she was a married woman and my future mother in law. "She's practically your family Tom, please don't let her lead you astray, you know you'll regret it."

"You, I suppose will make sure of that?"

"Absolutely, Tom, as your 'adopted' daughter, it would be my duty."

"Oh hell," why did I let you talk me into that?"

"Tom, if you were sober, you may remember that you talked me into it."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did."

"Damn! She is quite a looker for her age and mileage."

"She is still family Tom."

"Okay, okay already."

Although the flirting went on, I could sense it was different and I no longer worried quite so much about Tom losing his 'virginity.'

Eventually, it was time to go home and Monica wouldn't hear of us offering to pay, which I was rather glad about, the meals there are very good but also very expensive.

Simon was waiting up for me, which pleased me. He hugged me and we had a quick cuppa before we went to bed. Tom had already gone, sleepy after his food and wine.

Simon pressed me about Stella but I refused to discuss it until we were in bed.

I took off my makeup and cleaned my teeth and popped on my nightie, Simon was already in bed. "So, how was Stella?" he asked.

"Stella seemed better, she asked to see me and we sort of made up a little."

"What do you mean, sort of?"

"She was drugged up quite a bit, so I have no idea how much she will remember and how much would have been like a dream to her."

"Are you taking Monica tomorrow?"

"Not that I'm aware of, why?"

"Well as she's still down here, she may ask you. If she does, go with her, won't you?"

"I suppose so."

"If she doesn't, will you go anyway?"

"Alright, but if she does kill me, you'll know I had reservations about it won't you?"

"I don't think she would try anything, that was a cry for help."

"It was me who was screaming for help, Simon. She just had such a funny look in her eye, that was what frightened me as much as the knife. She meant it."

"She's hardly likely to have a knife in a place like that, is she?"

"I suppose not. Okay, I'll go and see her."

"Thanks Cathy, you are so good to me."

"I know, but that's all you're getting, so go to sleep."

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Monica's back!

In fine form, and omnivorous as ever. I suppose she does make allowances for underage, but other than that, watch out world!

Karen J.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Stella And Cathy

Need to heal their friendship. I can see Monica being the one to help too.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

How many men can Monica…

How many men can Monica devour in one day, I wonder? Or is she omniverous? She's a great character, Angharad.

More power to your elbow,



Nice episode.

The usual mixing up occurs, some nie repartee. I did find it quite interesting. Thanks.


Cathy Kebab

I'm trying to get rid of the image of Cathy turning on a vertical spit surrounded by loads of swarthy-looking men with moustaches and large knives, led by Stella . . . Not pretty.

France can do things like that to a man you know.

I'll be alright soon . . . anyway, on to the next chapter.


I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.

Love the interplay between

Love the interplay between characters.
Is Stella on the fast track to recovery?
Tune in to this Bat Channel, this Bat Time, next week. Sorry flashback to my youth, mushrooms you know
