A letter from a broken toy

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A letter from a broken toy

To whom it may concern:

I really don’t want to use your name. For decades, I didnt even remember it. And you might not even remember mine, but I was one of your toys, all those years ago. Only God and you know how many of us there were. I do not know if I can do justice to the havoc you have created in your search for self gratification. But I must try, if only for my own peace of mind. You striped me of 2 and a half years of my life, feeding me drugs to make me compliant, warping my mind to better suit your sick fantasy.

Nor did the damage end when my time with you was up. The drugs permanently damaged my ability to remember and concentrate, and the filth in my mind cannot ever be removed. I am damaged goods, now and until I die, thanks to you. I was a child, entrusted to your care and you betrayed that trust in the most repulsive way imaginable. I believe it was your goal to twist me in such a way as so I would never come forward, but instead blame myself for what you did.

I did just that for decades.

I paid a heavy price for what you did to me. I failed at every relationship I attempted. I spent years fighting nightmares and flashbacks, I flinch sometimes even yet when someone attempts to touch me. That’s your legacy. No court could give you a strong enough sentence, nothing on this earth could equal your crimes.

As a Christian, I must forgive, but I am finding it extremely difficult not to wish to be present when you must appear before God and finally have the masks and lies stripped away from you before you receive justice. Yet I must forgive, and even ask for mercy on your behalf. I have no choice but to leave your fate to Him and find a way to move on with my life. And that’s what I plan to do, with God's help.

A former victim, now a survivor.

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