Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1128.

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1128
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

Later that evening Simon phoned and I told him about the stolen boots. “What d’you expect, it’s a council school.”

“Yes, well I went to one of those as well, so don’t get all elitist on me. Not everyone wants to go to Eton and the Household Cavalry, even if they are stupid chinless wonders.”

“Eton and the Household Cavalry? Good gracious, woman, casting nasturtiums like that, what happens the next time we need HM escorted to parliament or trooping the colour?”

“Perhaps the Queen could catch a bus, like lots of other Londoners, it would be quite a novelty for her and she’s eligible for a bus pass at her age–perhaps she doesn’t know about free bus passes for pensioners; although I’ve heard tell she has an eye for a bargain–and they don’t come better than gratis.”

“This is sedition, ol’ girl, if MI5 are listening you’ll be locked up in the tower.”

“I doubt it, the local council would have to pay for the care of all our children, which would double the Budget Deficit.”

“Hmm, with this lot in power you might be right. Besides, it would be a first offence.”

“I do have the consolation that if they sentence me to be be-headed, because I’m the wife of a peer, they’d do it with a sword not an axe.”

“That’s a consolation?”

“Well yes, the sword can chop you in one hit, the axe can take several.”

“I don’t think I like this conversation, wee wifie o’mine.”

“It is a bit morbid, I suppose.”

“More than a bit, it’s positively full of morbidity.”

“Well okay, let’s talk about lessbid, then.”

“About lesbians?” he asked in a very perplexed manner.

“Lesbians? Who mentioned lesbians–I didn’t.”

Just then Trish walked past, “Lesbians? Billie said she would probably be a lesbian. What’s a lesbian, Mummy?”

I put my hand over the microphone of the handset. “If you didn’t know you wouldn’t be asking. Be off with you, you scallywag.” She disappeared giggling.

“Who was that?” asked Simon.

“It was Trish trying to yank my chain.”

“Oh, she’s a girl isn’t she?”

“Yes, I think that’s pretty well official these days.”

“You know what I mean, babes, so stop trying to pull mine. What are you planning to do about Danny’s boots?”

“Wait and see what the school does next. It’s Friday tomorrow, so they’ll have a weekend to sort themselves. I’ll start asking awkward questions on Monday.”

“I thought you were against the idea of using titles?”

“When it suits me, I’m happy to use them, and it seemed to impress the deputy headmaster. What I don’t understand is why the games master didn’t take Danny’s claim of theft seriously–so I’d like to meet him and ask him why.”

“Well don’t go pissing him off too much. He’s in a position to make life difficult for Danny.”

“If he does that, I’ll make all sorts of noises, including rude ones until he gets the message, I’ll also send Danny to a private school.”

“And who’s going to pay for all this?”

“How much money did you make today?”

“Before lunch a few hundred million.”

“Well then? I rest my case.”

“Ah, but I lost most of it after lunch.”

“So how much profit did the bank make from your connivances?”

“Twenty million, net I suppose.”

“And you’ll have a sizeable proportion of that.”

“A bit, shall we say, yes.”

“Your quarterly bonus would pay for all the kids to be schooled privately.”

“Just remember the kids are dirt cheap, it’s my wife who costs me a fortune.”

“I’ll remember that, darling, and make sure it’s true.”

He rang off before he had a nervous breakdown. He’s probably one of the most generous men on this planet, but he likes to have a moan–so I indulge him, then indulge myself–usually at his expense–and he has never once complained, but then Stella had pretty well trained him before I came along.

The next morning, Tom took the girls to school, Jenny cleared up after breakfast and I took Danny to school asking him to show me the way to the games teacher’s office. He was there, and I knocked and entered before he could say anything.

“Mr Bailey, I’m Danny Maiden’s mother.”

“Oh the boy I stuck in detention for fighting?”

“Yes, that Danny Maiden.”

“It’s school policy, and I did the same to the other boy as well.”

“I have no quarrel with you over that, but I do with the apparent theft of a valuable pair of football boots, which I’d only bought the day before.”

“He didn’t say anything about a pair of boots–mind you, you gotta watch them round ‘ere, they’d steal the milk from yer tea. Dunno why he didn’t say anything about them.”

“Apparently you wouldn’t let him say anything.”

“What, the little liar,” he went crimson in the face.

“Mr Bailey, Danny is many things, but a liar is not one of them.”

“You don’t know these kids like I do...”

“That is a patently absurd statement. He lives with me, I think I know him better than you.”

“You only see one side of him.”

“I think the same could be said for you–you only see the young man who lives and dies football, whose valuable boots were taken while he showered. Aren’t you supposed to supervise changing rooms?”

“I ‘ad to come and get something from the office–besides, it don’t do to hang around with thirty naked kids–gets you a bad name.”

I left him preserving his image as best he could–I didn’t think for one minute he was a pervert, just lazy and uninterested. I walked back towards the exit and bumped into Mr Edwards.

“Good morning, Mr Edwards.”

“Lady Cameron, how nice to see you again,” he lied.

“I went to have a word with Mr Bailey.”

“Just where I was going myself.”

“I’m sure you know the way.”

“I do, Lady Cameron, having worked here for twenty years, I think I do.”

“Any progress with Danny’s boots?”

“My investigations are still ongoing, Lady Cameron, but I’ll do my best.”

“I do hope so, Mr Edwards, I do hope so.” I said it in a way which almost made it a veiled threat. I hoped he got the message, because, if anyone could resolve this it was probably him.

I left and drove to the supermarket and did some shopping. I had stirred the pot sufficiently for the moment. I’d put the two teachers under pressure and led them to believe I’d keep the pressure on until I got a satisfactory resolution. It was all bluff, but they didn’t know that, did they?


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