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(aka Bike) Part 1065 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I waited in casualty, while the medics gave me funny looks after I explained what had happened to my foster child.
“Let me get this straight, this girl isn’t a girl, but a boy who lives as a girl and has been kidnapped and buggered by the kidnapper, who’s a known drug user?”
“Mostly right, except Julie isn’t a boy, she’s transitioning to female and is doing her real life test.”
“So she’s a transsexual?”
“Yes, you have a problem with that?”
“Obviously you don’t,” said the doctor.
“Why should I?”
“Well, was she held to ransom, or is she just gay and selling you a line.”
“As I was carrying a quarter of a million pounds about to get her back earlier this evening, and half the Hampshire Constabulary were hunting for her–I don’t think she was telling me fibs. Please examine her and do whatever tests you have to do to make sure he hasn’t given her any nasty diseases.”
He actually did so and returned about half an hour later. “Her rectum has received quite a savage assault, I’m sorry that I doubted you before. I’ve called in a surgeon to check her out, she may need to stay overnight. I’ve started her on retrovirals, so hopefully that should help prevent HIV, and we’re running tests for Hepatitis A, B and C.”
“Okay, thanks for that.”
“Did you know that three men assaulted her?”
“Three? No, I didn’t.”
“If we could get any health records from them, it would help.”
“They’re all in custody, I’ll see what I can do.”
I tried in vain to get to speak to someone who could help from the police, either they couldn’t help or weren’t senior enough, couldn’t divulge confidential information even if they knew it. I left threatening law suits and called Henry.
While the political flavour of ministers and Secretaries of State changes, the civil service don’t. Henry knows several at the top end and within half an hour of speaking with him the hospital had a print out of the health records of all of the three prisoners.
The doctor was hopeful that the drugs would protect her, and the surgeon wanted to try and do a repair the next day–she was quite badly torn apparently. I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t complaining about it more than she had, maybe she’s tougher than I thought.
I went and sat with her. “Why didn’t you tell me about this assault?”
“You didn’t ask.”
“No I didn’t because it came as something of a shock to me. Now tell me the real reason.”
“I was ashamed, Mummy.”
“Why should you be ashamed? You were the innocent party, weren’t you?”
She sobbed and nodded.
“Did it hurt?”
She nodded, “Like buggery,” she added and smirked.
I snorted, and squeezed her hand.
“Did you enjoy it?”
That broke the dam, apparently part of her did. She saw it as confirmation of her attractiveness to men, except it hurt more than she thought it would and then some. It also was more prolonged than she thought and when the other two joined the assault she tried to dissociate from her body. Now it was hurting like hell, even though they’d packed it with dressings and antiseptics.
Tomorrow, according to the surgeon, they were going to do a bowel wash and then he was hoping to be able to repair the worst of the tears. She was understandably anxious.
She was partly disgusted because she had agreed to do it, I reminded her why–to save her younger sister. I did wonder if part of her was curious about being penetrated to feel some sort of vindication of her gender belief. It was going to be a job for Stephanie, all I could do was be supportive and protective. Vindictive would happen later.
I wasn’t to know it, but apparently on remand a few days later, when it got out what the three abductors had done, Donny Baker had a mishap with some hot water, he managed to drop quite a lot of it in his groin–did I mention it was very hot, like boiling. There were stories that the doctors had to amputate his dangly bits, but they might have been simply stories. I suspect the blue light wouldn’t have helped too much had I been near, probably because I would have refused to let it.
I got Julie home the next day, she was quite dopey and slept most of the time. She had to be on a residue free diet for a couple of days and then eased back into a normal diet plus the use of mild laxatives to avoid straining.
I’d love to say she was an exemplary patient, but she wasn’t–she was in pain and she let us know about it. She reckoned it hurt more after the repairs than it had before. I took her back for a check up and the surgeon was very pleased with the results so far, so he said to me. Julie however, gave him a piece of her mind to go with the piece of her arse, he already had.
The salt baths helped and brought back memories of my SRS, that and the non-residue diet. I hoped she would cope better with that if and when it happened. She still had nearly six months to go of her life test.
The other children were, as expected, very supportive of their big sister whom they revered as a heroine, Billie was especially attentive, fetching and carrying like a personal slave and that was despite me telling her not to. I suppose she felt guilty.
We decided to let the others know what had happened to her. The younger ones thought it was dreadful if not impossible, Trish nearly went into convulsions over it trying to work out how it could happen–it seemed not to compute in her map of the world and she got quite worked up at one point.
“Is that what you do with Daddy?” she asked me when we were on our own.
“No it isn’t, but we do have penetrative sex sometimes.”
“What does he do?” she looked completely baffled.
“He comes inside me, in my vagina in the same way that most men and women have intercourse.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?” she looked a bit disappointed.
“I don’t think I’ll be doing that–too gross.”
“It can be something beautiful as well, Trish.”
“Ugh! I don’t think so.”
“Not too many years ago, I’d have agreed with you, but these days I can see something more in it and it can also be very pleasurable.”
“You said it hurts, Mummy.”
“Not always, and I’m doing something very personal for Daddy, which I know he loves.”
“He wees in your wotsit and you enjoy it?”
“No he doesn’t wee, he produces special fluids, which if I were fertile could combine with eggs to produce babies.”
“You said he sticks his willie inside you–willies are for weeing through.”
“Not only for weeing, Trish.” Oh boy, how do I get these jobs? I got the laptop out and we called up a few sites on the internet and she eventually got the idea. She still thought it was gross, but then at her age, I had no idea it went on. When I did eventually find out what happened and who put what, where–I thought it was pretty gross, my contemporaries thought I was probably gay, so I didn’t discuss it much with them. My puberty seemed to be delayed anyway and I only recalled my first orgasm because it was so unusual happening in Simon’s car while he was standing outside it and that cheeky mechanic kissed me and it happened spontaneously. Not exactly how I expected things to be, but until then, I considered myself asexual–I think I’m quite happy I got that diagnosis wrong.
Trish might well consider herself as I did myself, but if I’m honest, I hope she’s wrong and is able to find someone she loves and who loves her and that they can have some sort of physical relationship–it is important for most people.

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Overcoming The Squick Factor
Some good realism in this episode, dealing with some difficult issues.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
Well there is always a lesbian relationship
If you think about it, Trish really does not have a sexual orientation yet. Cathy needs to be open to that possibility that her little girl's special someone is another woman. I hope Cathy is not a homophobe.
I wonder why Cathy is not blue lighting Julie?
Oh, FWIW, semen IS icky, no question so I don't really blame Trish. But Trish is learning the birds and the bees at a VERY young age!
I would think that all the
I would think that all the Julie went thru being raped by three men, the "rules" about her RLT would be loosened somewhat. She needs to be allowed to fully transition now, as I would say she pretty much passed the test. Jan
Huh, how's that?
Anybody, can get raped, by that reasoning, if a lesbian is raped, does that mean she is straight afterwards?
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1065.
An eye opener for thhe family. . But considering Don's 'accident, we just might have a Donna to show up in neeeed of Cathy's help.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Love and Light to Julie
to help her heal, overall a little easier to handle. As to seman I guess it comes down to weather or not you find it tasty.
1 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 5 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Facts of Life
Not something you normally explain to a six year old, but then Trish isn't your average six year old.
Meanwhile, it looks as though Donny wasn't one of the three kidnappers, and judging by his self-mutilation, certainly didn't order the rape. But once again we learn of the inefficiencies of Hampshire Constabulary - given there's an allegation of rape, you would have thought a forensic investigator would have been on hand to take a sample for cross-matching against the three kidnappers in custody. But no, they're perfectly content to lose such valuable information until Henry gets those higher up in the chain of police command involved.
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Like others, I'm wondering where the blue light is now
that Julie is in such pain and needs healing. Poor trish - facts of life do sound pretty icky at 6 years old.
You’re their mother, Cathy!
That’s why you get those jobs! Trish really is a sponge for information: it’s somewhat frightening imagining what she’s going to be like in five or ten years from now.
Thanks A+B: there was some gritty realism in this episode, conveyed with sensitivity and humour:
It’s also apparent that you’re writing about things you know about. This series continues to be a great read.
Posterior Sore
Bike Resources
You crammed an awful lot...
You crammed an awful lot into this episode (did you think I was going to say something else? *shudders*).
*sighs* I know some guys seem to LIKE to take it that way, I just can't understand it myself. As to what is done to produce kids... Most kids don't like to think about the possibility that their parents MIGHT have done that... Ewww. Gross, right!
That said, the end bit with Trish, did seem to lower the "tension" in the episode a bit. Thank you.
I hope you don't have Julie have long term trauma from the event... Having it be a "non-event" though - that's not good either. I do look forward to seeing how you deal with this new situation.
The Doc was disappointing - at least at first. I'm glad he eventually arranged for good care of Julie.
Nice to know
that even in prison, Donny is still getting his just desserts....Even criminals have some standards...
So much for the Chief
So much for the Chief Inspector, he should be on street cleaning broom detail tomorrow.
I was amazed that the police didn't take Julie to the hospital, for treatment and a rape kit (DNA test).
He knew or suspected what happened and did nothing.
An amazing lack of humanity and morals.
Once again a very good plot line.
The nitty gritty.
Thanks Angharad.
I mean that sincerely not sarcastically in case you think I'm offended or something. I'm NOT offended, in fact I am pleased that you have touched upon the reality of homosexual rape. You write about it and describe large parts of the trauma coupled with the messing in the head.
Yes, for us TG people, homosexual rape can be confusing as well as traumatic. A lot depends upon where we lie in the TG spectrum, especially inside our heads.
You touched upon Julie's confusion well and it enlighten's those who've never been there. It may only be a fiction but you've got the facts more or less spot on as they would apply to some like Julie for example. The mental side of rape is different for all of us but you've done well in this particular illustration.
As to the physical side of the pain and the damage, well most people can envisage that and it doesn't need much graphical description. You got the 'nuts and bolts' just about right and balanced for ordinary consumption.
Once again Angharad, thank you.
You've been quite bold in venturing this deep into the trama surrounding rape. Well done!
Love and Hugs.
Beverly. (A survivor, and then some!)
Sometimes there's nothing to be done.
I received this in my mailbox this morning; it's been edited a bit:
I have been somewhat concerned at... the revelation that Julie was violated three times....Rape is rape,no matter what the gender or the fact that she was protecting her younger sister and I can imagine your feelings on that aspect....I still believe that it should be a capital offence as it was in days gone by----nobody,but nobody, should do that to another person....(my emphasis)
I am a survivor, as many of you already know. I wandered into this last night via the commentary. It was like walking into an unmarked minefield and it proved to be a horrible end to an already difficult day. From my perspective, Julie is a hero for giving herself up to protect her sister.
In spite of the fact that the doctor came around eventually, his attitude at first was not only insensitive and mean-spirited, but unprofessional. His initial comments to Cathy were outrageous, since they had nothing to do with Julie's immediate care. Had he asked the same intrusive questions to Julie, he would have duplicated the trauma she had already undergone. She wasn't 'buggered.' She was brutally sodomized, as her injuries attest; I agree with my sister above. There's a reason why this used to be a capital crime!
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I apologise if this seemed too real
But seeing as Bike has turned into a soap of sorts, I feel part of its raison d'être is to explore issues which might affect transgendered people and their families and friends. At times this can be quite traumatic for some readers, which I hope shows that I got some of it right as much of it is my imagination rather than experience.
The dormice are real, so are the bikes.
Just Keep Writing the way you do
For thats what we come for the realism we love Cathy and her Family so yes it does hurt. Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful story
5 gold stars

Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
I'm Back! And I'm Gone Again!
I just made a marathon reading to catch up and I've done it! I admit to being unfaithful and spending the last week or so with another author. [Colour me shamefaced, eh?]
And now I'm gone again with TOWKIA* as we travel our country. (Well, it IS summer and we ARE retired, so....) So I'll be back home and catching up again in late August and hopefully you'll read my next 'catch up' message maybe in early September!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
*The One Who Knows It All
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Believe me, keep the writing as you have been. It was sensitive, yet, it tells a story that is all too common, the kidnapping part, gave into storyline, but the rape description is all real enuff, specially when we know we have younger readers on here, and it show the other side we all have to watch for. this includes men,women,children of all types,religion,or creed.
because of alot of hatred is out there, transgender have to be specially watchful, because while we're in that transition period, we may look the part, but when discovered, that hatred could explode even from a person that may have liked us in 1st place.
you've done this chapter proud in how you handled it
I for one applaud you for it.
I am a hard case on rape.
Sounds like an episode of 'Law and Order- SVU' The poor kid, rape is the worst crime possible.
It is a violent attack that violates any security that one may have.
The violent rape of a child, ranks up there with Felony Manslaughter.