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Jeannie and Claire Part 1 - Un Giorno Per Noi
by Andrea Lena DiMaggio Thanks to Jill for your help! Un giorno sa, per noi verra A time for us, some day there'll be A time for us, at last to see |
Jeannie’s fingers strained to grip the bedroom handset, her hold made more perilous by her damp hands. She peered at her husband, who had just finished punching in the number for his brother. She listened to the ringing on the other end. Maybe it would be better if he doesn’t answer. Jerry’s likely to be abrupt and Todd’s so sensitive. He’s going to be disappointed by how Todd receives his news. . . .
“Hey, Jerry, got some time to talk?” Todd asked hesitantly, his face screwed into a question mark.
“Sure, what’s up?”
His tone is flat, and almost without emotion, which is typical of Jerry’s “phone” persona. He’s marginally warmer face-to-face.
“I’ve got something I need to talk to you and Craig about, and it’s nothing I can really talk about over the phone.”
“What. . . . What is it? You’re not sick, are you?”
Jerry’s most likely remembering Craig’s prostate scare last year. He’s okay, the biopsy tested negative, but it sets the three brothers on edge whenever they talk.
“No. . . . I’m not sick, and no. . .before you even ask, I’m not looking for a hand out. . . . We’re fine. It’s just something that doesn’t fit well into a ten-minute phone conversation.”
If it isn’t that serious, why can’t you tell me now?” Jerry’s tone had turned from one of concern to impatience. “What’s going on that you have to be so secretive?”
Todd is being somewhat “secretive,” but he thinks revealing what’s troubling him to Jerry in a phone conversation won’t go well. . .and he’s probably right.
“Come on; cut the crap and get to it. I don’t have time for this shit.” Jerry’s tone had gone from impatient to rude.
Todd looked flustered.
He’s not anticipating a good outcome.
“You’ve heard of PTSD, right?” Todd asked tentatively
He’s worried that Jerry will hang up.
“Yeah. . .they briefed us about that after my first tour in Iraq. What does that have to do with you?”
Why is he snarling?
“I’ve been diagnosed with it, Jer. . .after I started going to the neuro-guy for the all the shaking and shrugging I’ve been doing.”
“Wait a sec. . .bro.” His use of “bro” sounded less than cordial or familial. “If anyone in the family should have it, it would be me.”
It’s understandable that he’s so resentful. I can’t imagine how it would be to watch your best friend get killed right before your eyes. They shouldn’t have gone back for their second tour.
“What the fuck ever happened to you. . . . What have you ever been through? At least Craig and me served. . . .What the fuck have you ever done?”
His tone’s downright mean. She carefully walked over to within inches of where Todd stood and started rubbing the back of his neck with her free hand, trying to ease the tension. His tremors have improved over the last few weeks, but his hands are shaking once again from the stress of the call.
“I’ve got something to tell you, and you getting pissed off at me doesn’t make it any easier. Can you let me finish?”
“Sure, what the fuck. . .go ahead. . . . It’s bound to be a beaut.” Jerry spat out his taunt as if he was talking to a street bum or a panhandler.
“PTSD happens. . .post traumatic stress disorder. . .when the brain can’t handle a significant trauma. . . .”
“What have you ever been through. . .?” Jerry interrupted him. “I saw my best friend’s head blown off. . . . What did you ever have happen like that. . .? You’re just like Mom said. . .what a fucking baby!”
Jerry would be sorely pressed to explain his own behavior, without first looking at his own loss and pain. He’s a victim. . .he’s suffered, but tries to get rid of the pain by getting involved in his job and activities and such after work. . . . As long as he stays busy, he doesn’t have to face the pain he feels and maybe get the help he needs.
“Jerry, please, I know you’ve been through a lot. . .a lot more than I ever will have happen.”
I can’t stand it when Todd minimizes his own loss and trauma while trying to placate his brother, but he’s wrong. You can’t compare pain to pain. . . . Both are tragic -- like apples to oranges -- separate but painfully equal.
“You remember when you and Craig used to go with Mommy and Daddy to the shore every summer when we were kids? Sometimes you’d stay at Uncle Tommy’s and Craig would hang out with his buddies. They always left me at Grandma’s house.”
“What the fuck? You’re telling me you’re hurt because you didn’t get to go to the dog shows in the summer. Fuck. . . . I lost my best friend and you’re fucking upset because you didn’t get to go on the rollercoaster? I don’t have time for this shit!”
Todd and his wife stared at each other in disappointment. It was apparent from what they were hearing on the phone that Jerry would have hung up, but for Mickey, his wife, who was trying to get him to calm down by talking quietly to him.
“Jerry,” Todd said slowly, “please shut the fuck up for one sec and listen to me. It wasn’t about what you guys got to do. . . . It was about what happened when you guys were gone.”
“Whaddya mean? What was so bad? Come on, what could be so bad. . . . Jeez, you’re such a fucking baby.
“Uncle Todd raped me. . .he fucking raped me.” Todd began to cry.
Jeanne held him tightly and squeezed his hand. She kissed him lightly on the cheek.
“No fucking way. . .you’re fucking wrong. What the fuck is that doctor fillin’ your head with. You’re wrong.” His tone changed from defiance to . . . confusion.
Jeannie could hear Mickey console her husband. Mickey and Jeannie were fairly close, and had long suspected something was wrong in their husbands’ family that no one could put a finger on.
“He raped me. . .every which way. . .when I was ten. . .the help I’m getting with the neuro-doc is sorta odd. . .biofeedback. . .affecting the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion.”
“No fucking way. . .your doc probably told you to say this. . . . He’s trying to get you into some fucking program so they can get money out of you.”
“All of this came out days after I saw him. . . . It’s fairly common. . . . Listen to me, please. . .have I ever lied to you. . . . This happened. . . . Every feeling. . . .”
“I don’t understand. How the fuck didn’t you remember this until just now?”
Todd apparently had calmed down. He wiped his remaining tears with a hand towel Jeannie had handed him.
She cried and stroked his arm . . . more to comfort herself.
“You know how Tommy likes to play with trains?” Todd said, referring to Jerry’s son.
“What the fuck has that got to do with anything.”
“Well. . .think of the brain as a railroad and all the paths for signals as tracks. When something bad happens, like what you saw with your friend. . . .” Todd paused, apparently waiting to see if he’d struck a exposed nerve. Hearing nothing on the other end, he continued. “When the brain can’t handle a trauma, it makes a new ‘track’ like Tommy’s train set, to bypass the memory. And the new track keeps you sorta safe. . . .”
“Why now, Todd? Why the fuck now?”
“Because Uncle Todd died last year.”
Todd hates to even say his uncle’s name. . . . It hurts him so bad to be named after his abuser, but he’s doing better.
“So. . . . I don’t understand. What the fuck has that to do with anything. . . . For Christsakes. . .you’re fucking thirty-nine years old. What the fuck?”
Jerry sounds more confused than angry, but his tone’s making it so hard for Todd to say what he has to say next.
“Jer. . .fuck. . .Jerry. . ..” Todd began to cry once again, and struggled to continue. “He said he’d kill someone. . . . He fucking told me he’d kill you if I ever told anyone.”
Todd drop his handset and collapsed on the couch, sitting up holding his face in his hands -- weeping tears of sadness.
It’s such a relief for him to finally be able to tell his brother. Jeannie picked up the phone and began to talk. “Jerry. . .it’s Jeannie. . . . You there?”
“Jeannie, what the fuck is going on?”
“Todd’s doctor explained that even as an adult, the fear was always in the back of his mind that your uncle would kill you if he talked. When your uncle died, it took away that block.”
“I don’t understand. Uncle Todd died last year. Why now. . .why so long after he died?”
“There’s a lot more to talk about. . .that’s why he wanted to meet you and Craig together. . .face-to-face. Honey, let me talk to Mickey, okay?”
Jeanne heard sounds of the phone being passed. “Mickey. . .hon. . .have you been listening?” Jeannie hoped for an ally. Mickey had been a good friend to Jeannie since she married Jerry.
“You know, I never trusted that fucker. . . . There was just something about him. . . . How is Toddy doing, hon? How are you doing?”
“We’re doing fairly well. I knew something like this was going to happen, but there really isn’t anything we can do to prevent or make things easier. He’s going to go through what he goes through. It’s been hell, but it’s so much better now. And you know this will be so much better still if Jerry and Craig can be there for him. I need you guys to call Craig and Connie. Todd needs his family more than ever, and I don’t think he can handle another phone call like this.
“Sure thing, sweetie,” Mickey said. “Give me your hand, Jer,” she said softly away from the phone. “I think we can help out,” she said, apparently turning back to talk to Jeannie. “Jerry loves Todd. . .you know that. . .this is just such a shock. We’re going to be okay. . .you’ll see. I’ll call Connie tomorrow. . . . It’s kinda late for this stuff. We’re going to be okay. Love you. . . . Talk to you tomorrow!” Mickey hung up.
Jeannie turned around and saw Todd sitting up with his face buried in the side bolster of the couch. She carefully lifted him off the couch and hugged her husband. How he would get through this -- how they’d all get through this -- was still a mystery, but her faith helped her believe it would be alright.
Two figures lay side by side in the large bed. She stroked her lover’s longish hair, wanting to provide some solace after what had taken place earlier that day. Their bodies were pressed together, almost as one. She wore a long pale nightgown, which matched the light grey gown worn by her lover. Another time perhaps, this scene might have been sensual, satisfying soul, body, and spirit. Tonight, it was simply one woman comforting another, trying to help her lover fall asleep after a horrific day of hurt and memories and rejection and pain. Another time. . .maybe someday in the future, these two might make love and experience the intimacy that their relationship might grow into, but now it was sister-to-sister. One heart comforting another; one kissing and hugging, the other laying still, weeping tears of sadness and unresolved fear and doubt.
Two hearts uniting as one in true, unmitigated and sweet love.
And with our love, through tears and thorns
Gli ostacoli e le maree delle avversita (dell'ostilita)
E ci sara anche per noi nel mondo
Un tempo in cui l'amore vincera
Un tempo in cui l'amore vincera
We will endure as we pass surely through every storm
A time for us, some day there'll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me
A world of shining hope for you and me
To be continued
Un Giorno Per Noi - A Time For Us - Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet
Words by Larry Kusik and Eddie Snyder and Music by Nino Rota
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two brothers
Brother Jerry sure was charming! Dismissive, abusive and belittling from the get go. I don't think I would've gotten that far in such a conversation with a sibling like that before giving up (in fact I know I wouldn't...), but maybe Jerry hadn't always act like that toward Todd, but there had been times when they'd had some communication. And now I'm thinking that maybe he was so hostile and resistant not out of a lack of concern, but because on some level he knew what was coming, and it scared the crap out of him! While Jerry may be braver than his "crybaby" brother about staring death in the face, Todd's being the one in the family to bring the hideous truth out into the open shows a lot of courage too; perhaps being better equipped to deal with scary emotional stuff by virtue of having a female side...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Or Maybe
How real is intuition? Do you finish sentences for people by looking at their eyes? Do we really have secrets from one another? Does one brother's feminine side scare the other because he also has feminine feelings he's repressed?
Could the wives write a book about the things their husbands aren't telling each other?
This story is filled with questions and ideas. I love it.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Actually ....
I was raped by my brother, and it took me 18 additional years to admit everything to myself. If it were not for my Family Doctor and therapist I would be dead. When I finally told my family what happened this year not one family member believed me initially. I had to defend myself and my actions against them. It was ugly for several months. My oldest brother finally stated that it was not as if he "buggered" me, and told me oral sex was common. I remember my laughing at him and crying ... I told him sure, being forced unto your knees and being strangled ... on the other end he was quiet, and then an oh shit it really happened. After that the family "accepted" the incident, and I was told to move on, be a man (how I hate that term)or later on be strong and close that door. I told them I would not bring it up to them again, but I dealt with it every day, and it would always be there, and part of who I am.
Additionally I lost a war buddy, my closest friend after we returned. He could not handle ... normal life and ended it violently. I miss him so much. PTSD is a bear to live with and can work as described.
Hugs and more hugs,
Telling that oneself has been raped is always hard after so many years.In my eyes this was sad chapter but beautiful ending about one person being there for other.
Sad but true rape in families is common and
can destroy everyone.
Where would we be without the love of our wives?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
There is not
'much to say ,Andrea,just beautiful.But dammit,I can't
stop crying,and you know why but it's not your fault.
Thank you my dear friend,for you understand.I wish
everybody could,but they can't,can they?
Much love,Alison.
You continually make us feel something, anything, and that's all really good. Feeling for others in the way that you, and only you, can makes us all get in touch with our own realities and that truly is a blessing. And, as usual, your choice of art work is wonderful.
May You Never Cease To Bless Us...
Your lil' Brat
Sentimental Crap
I'm not real big on sentimental crap. However, YOUR sentimental crap has the ring of truth and reality to it. There certainly isn't never enough of that! You do write very well and I hope there's more to this little story. Oh yeah, thanks for the graphics site.
Mea the Magnificent
Trust is a fragile thing; so slowly nurtured but so quickly destroyed. Losing the trust of family and friends is one of the most frightening things that can happen.
Many of us feared that our nearest and dearest would take sides against us; many have suffered trauma and pain at their hands.
Thank you Andrea for this beautifully-written but gut-wrenching reminder that with power comes the responsibility to use it with compassion and care. Abuse of power is largely responsible for the many problems that beset this world.
Todd's Brotherly Loves Price
Was paid by Todd, NOW the rode away from the hell he went through is another hell. But at least he can overcome with LOVE.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Love can overcome...
...in time. This family has been through hell. All three brothers were physically abused by their father. Craig just went through his own brush with mortality dealing with the possibility of cancer; both Craig and Jerry served in combat and are dealing with the fallout from that; Todd was raped by a relative and rejected for almost a lifetime by his mother, who in turn was raped along with all of her siblings by her own father. That they can actually function is a miracle unto itself, and all three sons have great supportive and loving wives. But even though these things are in the past, the hurt and pain evoked by the flashbacks Todd is dealing with are as if they were happening now...And Jerry is probably (yes) dealing with PTSD...he saw his best friend die...Too much pain and anguish to just dismiss so quickly...Animosity and anger and bitterness go deep and are only now being uprooted. Like the old saying goes...it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Love, uh?
The road away from hell goes right through the middle of hell and only truth and self-realization can lead the way. Though a 45 auto does helps! All love does is enpowers the guilty! Wake up! The sixties are dead!!! It's a new millienia!!!
Mea the Magnificent
Aha...the theme from Franco Zeffirelli's version of Will's tragedy.
IMHO a much better retelling than Baz Luhrmann's bizarre updating - and that theme was so haunting.
Oh yes, the story itself. Interesting opening, giving a brief overview of the principal characters and the tragic events underpinning the story. It'll be interesting to see how this develops...and find out about Claire, who hasn't appeared (in name, at least) yet...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I wish to offer my apologies. I read this story on FM and didn't read it here. I'll reiterate what I said on FM. This story was hard to read due to all the emotions it stirred up. I also reiterate that I believe this story to be as hard hitting and tugs at the heart strings just the same as my Peter did. But, even with all the gracious things you have said about my writing, I think this one beats me hands down.
I will read all the parts now as I should have done when it first came out.
All the Lonely People, Where do they all come from...
Three brothers, Each lonely and afraid, fearing to communicate and trust. Fear, pain and anger are the mind killers and numb the spirit.
At least they're loved. I hope that will bring them through. A tough story to read, but thank you for sharing it with us.
I hope all comes out well,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!