College / Twenties

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Dave

When we left Joe and Judy's, Bob came with us to help carry in the presents. That was good, I didn't think I'd be able to carry the cookware he'd gotten me. I grabbed what I could in one hand and went to unlock the door. Sarah and Bob grabbed more and followed me.

I clicked on the light and walked into my living room. I saw three Christmas presents sitting under my little tree. When Bob and Sarah came in I asked them about the presents. They both denied having put them there. We brought the rest of the presents in and took Sarah's into her house.

The Wizard Of Mid

The Wizard Of Mid
by Barbara Lynn Terry

On a sunny Monday morning in the small land of Mid, the king sat on his throne, his crown a little off to one side. He was deep in thought when when the wizard came in the throne room.

"Why so glum on a beautiful day, sire?"

"My nephew told me this morning that he can't be king of Mid when I die."

"Did he say why, sire?"

"Yes he said that he would rather be a princess married to a prince."

"Oh, dear! This is serious. But have no fear, your trusty wizard is here."

Under his breath the king said, "that's what I'm afraid of."

A P.I. Story - 3

Mark is not sure if he should be happy or sad. The truth comes but it don't sit well with facts. Still there is a plan for a happy life, But that life will truly have to change. For the better or worse you will have decide.


It had been 10 months now for Melody and I. We were still together and all seemed to be well or at least as far as I could tell.

Mike and I were recuperating from our wounds and I hadn’t worked a case in almost a month. It’s not like I was in any shape to be out working, but I sure had cabin fever now.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 7

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"...for chrissakes, girl, have a little modesty. Don't make it so obvious that you just grew those tits a few days ago."

Sands of Life-2 The Conclusion?

Sands of Life-2

Chapter 2

Present day….

My head snaps back as the gloved fist lashes out catching me on the right cheekbone. My head snaps back into the stripped box spring mounted on the wall like a torture rack.

“Fucking A-Rab witch! You’re going to burn in hell for your consorting with the devil!”

The Fugitive Part 1

I was on my way home at last. The bus was late, as usual and the London traffic horrendous. As I sat on the top deck of the bus, I wondered what reception I would get when I reached home...
The Fugitive
By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2011 Susan Brown

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 26 & 27

Chapter 26: Dave

Sarah invited me over to her place for Christmas Eve; I guessed that she wanted me to be able to open presents Christmas Morning. She showed up that morning to help me carry the presents over to her house so we wouldn't have to come back to get them tomorrow. It took us a couple of trips to carry them all, Sarah grumbling that we would have to just take them out tomorrow.

We added my presents to the pile of her presents for us to move tomorrow, it was quite a stack. "Wow, there sure are a lot of presents here."

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 42

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 42 Explanations

I was pleased to get the chance to go with Kate and wondered who we were going to meet for lunch but she just said it was someone who I hadn’t met before but who knew me.

Then we discussed about some of the work I’d been doing for her and my opinions on what I’d read. After that it was my chance to ask Kate anything that I wanted.

I asked how long had I got and she smiled and said ‘You are the PA how long have I got?’

For All the Pearls in the World

For All the Pearls in the World

by: Shalimar

The story of Mark/Marcy. This is a CD story that's not a CD story, a transition story that's not a transition story, a love story that's not a love story, a body swap story that's not a body swap story. Now that you are totally confused and intrigued read:

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 24 & 25

Chapter 24: Dave

A new week and more walking, I'm not sure if it's working yet, but I do feel better. Thor continued to follow or lead me, I'm not sure which. Tuesday morning though I was surprised, I got home and a committee was waiting for me. Bob, Judy and Sarah were all standing by my front door chatting. I slowed down, wondering what they wanted. Thor ran up to them once I got close, Bob reached down and scratched his head.

When I reached them, Sarah spoke up. "Dave the four of us need to have a talk."

A P.I. Story - 2

Mike/Maggie is back and ready to settle the score. He needs information and lots of it and the beginning of his plan to get it is revealed. Still all is not what it seems to be, even the girl that has entered his life. And for the moment there is love and happiness in life.


I had been back in Vegas most of a year now and things for the most part were going good. I had worked a few cases at the new agency, but nothing so far that I would call exciting.

You Meant it for Evil - 21

You meant it for evil - 21
by Maeryn Lamonte

Hot and steamy moments ahead, but nothing that nasty this time.

“You were wrong, and now I have the most delicious of revenges for you. You wanted to change me into a girl against my will, not let me do the same for you. Let me turn you back into the man you once were.”

I was struck by paralysing terror as he moved in towards me, his lips parted slightly in preparation for the kiss I knew would shatter all the wonders and delights my new life had brought me.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 22 & 23

Chapter 22: Dave

I got up Monday morning and went through my usual ablutions. When I went to put my pants on, I noticed that they were tighter than normal, so tight that I could barely fasten them. That was not good, now why would I be gaining weight. I thought about it for a while, and realized that with Thor out there, I was not getting any exercise.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 41

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 41 Sorting out my mind

‘Well how can she get that position without help. It seems like she has no qualifications so somebody must be helping her. Who else can it be?’

I said ‘That’s just guesswork with no facts or evidence ‘

A P.I. Story - 1

Mark was a man with a past that seemed sure to catch up with him. But there were people in high places that were looking out for him, even as his life and his job seemed to be taking him in a very odd direction.


I was fresh out of college at twenty-one years old with my master’s degree in hand. I had done it in four years, but should have been there for six years. I had a perfect 4.0 average to boot.

Criminal science had been my study of choice and I had more than a few offers on the table as far as work was concerned.

What Light Through Yonder Shadow... - Act 1; 5

When the Angelus looks for a new vessel She is weak. The Darkness seeks to gain the upper hand.

I wish to thank Top Cow for such great characters and give them kudos for showing the development of a lesbian relationship in mainstream comics.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 20 & 21

Chapter 20: Dave

I had been worried about being near Bob, I thought that he was going to keep treating me the way he had the other night. When he wanted to talk to me, I had been worried. He sounded funny when he asked me to come and talk with him. I went with him, and Thor stayed with me and disobeyed Bob to do it.

Wishes Not Granted, Chapter 5

In case it wasn't obvious by now, I'm really lazy about writing. I haven't abandoned this story, but I usually don't feel like putting thoughts to type. If someone feels the need to write a rather long comment or otherwise get in touch with me, I lurk the forums at and can respond to PMs.


Wishes Not Granted, Chapter 5

Tim's Big Break

Tim was a reporter with an attitude. Smart yet likable with a plan to get ahead in the news paper Business. What he needed now was that big story that would separate him for the pack of other reporters he worked with. What a got was a story to big to print, and at a price he wasn't really ready to pay.


Trailer Park Baby Chapter 18 & 19

Chapter 18: Sarah

A knock on my door woke me up, and I felt horrible, I was still in the kitchen were I was when Dave left. I looked blurrily over at the clock and whomever it was knocked again. I yelled, "Go away."

The door opened anyway. I thought for a moment, "Judy is that you?"

"Yes, and I brought a friend."

I walked over and saw Judy and Dave. Dave leaped at me and I caught him up in a hug. He was crying and babbling, and so was I. We hugged and cried together for a few minutes. When we finally let go, I looked to thank Judy and she was gone.

Surreal Killer 4

by Laurie S.

Can a serial killer have a conscience? Conclusion to the story.

Warning: if you are under 19 or pure of heart or squeamish, do not read this tale. It is filled with gratuitous violence. Do not try the dangerous acts depicted in Surreal Killer at home or anywhere else.

Chapter 18

For Ukrainians, Easter is the big celebration on the calendar. Bigger than Christmas, it drew the Dobriansky family together.

What Light Through Yonder Shadow... - Act 1; 4


When the Angelus looks for a new vessel She is weak. The Darkness seeks to gain the upper hand.

I wish to thank Top Cow for such great characters and give them kudos for showing the development of a lesbian relationship in mainstream comics.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 16 & 17

Chapter 16: Bob

I left Sarah sitting there. I think she started crying again. I was about to do one of the cruelest things I could think of. I didn't want to do it, but right now there was only one person that could help Dave, and I wasn't that person. I looked down at Thor and whispered, "Well Thor, you have to help Dave, and he isn't going to be happy about it." Thor looked back up at me.

Defender's Dream - the Novella

Defender's Dream
the Novella
by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.

Crime Drama; Strong Warning:
Adult themes including recovery from incest and sexual assault as a child.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 14 & 15


Chapter 14: Dave

I was working one afternoon, when there was a knock on my door. I got up to see whom it was, and was surprised to see Judy and Ashley there. "Hi, what's up?"

Judy, looking a little harried, answered "There was a big crash on the Interstate. They need me at work right away. Can you watch Ashley 'til Joe gets home? He should be home in a couple of hours."

"Ummm, sure. But doesn't Sarah usually do that?"


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