
I am ashamed

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As most of my long-time readers know, I try my best in this blog to be as honest as I possibly can, in part to make up for the amount of lying that was part of my life before. That isn't always easy, a lot of the time I'd rather talk about something "safe" than bring out the tough stuff that's going on. Like, for example, discovering I did the double-look at boys, that was not easy to write out for public consumption, to say the least.

Sadly, I'm faced with one of those moments again

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No Bike tonight

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Sorry folks, been up in Lunnun all day as part of my training for the Tour de France (I'm not riding it, just helping to make it happen). Walked miles around the Olympic Park and didn't get home until late evening, so I'm afraid I'm too tired to do Bike tonight. Hopefully if I can wake myself up by tomorrow, I'll try and do the next exciting(yawn),thought provoking (duh!) episode of BCTS own long (winded?)running soap. I'm sure you can't wait.


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Forced Vacation

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Well, yesterday, I got chewed out by my Human Resources manager because I hadn't taken any vacation time during my last year of working for Walmart, and she and my supervisor insisted on me taking it as soon as possible.

So I will be on vacation for two weeks starting June 8, but I have no idea what I will be doing with myself. I have no money for a trip anyplace, so it will be a "stay-cation", and it could be rather boring ...

Ah, well.

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Bad news about my foot

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well, yesterday I went to the doctor's about my foot, and my 2nd worst fears have been confirmed. My worst fear was that it was cancer, which it isn't, but my second-worst fear was that they would tell me there's nothing more they can do for me, and that's what's happened. Apparently, they don't think surgery is a good choice because the risks of nerve damage, so basically, I can try to stuff a pad into my shoe and hope that helps, and otherwise, I get to just live with it.

Ah, well. with my gender issues, I already knew I wasn't gonna ever be pain free anyway ...

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opinions needed please

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well, I have a rough draft of what I want to say in church on June 8, and I would really like some opinions on it. If you're interested, please send me a private message.

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I will be speaking at my church on June 8

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Well, I have been asked if I wanted to speak at my church during the Pride service on June 8. If you're the praying type, pray I do the community and my God proud with my words.

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Friendship hoooo!

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So I'm not going to go into too much Details with this on specific things. Simply because I tended to keep my nose out of those specific things for this one. This is my disclaimer, there may be reference to violence here but I will keep this as clean as possible.

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"But inside, I'm screaming"

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I just finished reading a book called "But inside, I'm screaming". Its the story of a young reporter who has a breakdown and ends up in a mental hospital, and the story is about her slow journey back to mental health.

You wouldn't think that would be a good story for me to read, especially as I have been fighting depression all week, but her learning how to love herself even if she isn't perfect was inspiring to me.

I can recommend the book to anyone.

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Seven novels completed

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The final part of Dancing Queen (Chapter 30) has just been posted - for those who do not like to start reading stories until they are completed. Please feel free to comment on earlier chapters or else at the end of the story.

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Sigh. The last few days have not gone well.

So, it all began a few days ago when my modem decided to limit my time on the internet, dropping the signal and kicking me offline. It did it three or four times in one 24 hour period, so I called my internet provider, Time Warner and informed them that my modem had somehow developed an overzealous and random sense of trying to keep me offline. They set up an appointment for someone to come and check the modem or replace it, if necessary. Pretty cool, right?

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A grab bag o' subjects

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Two subjects came to mind for this, my first blog entry in months. As the first is a bit too short to warrant its own entry, I'll include it here with subject #2, the main thing I wanted to discuss.

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Progress and a Thank You

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I know I haven't been too productive since Martin and I got Frank working but things have been a bit crazy around here. First, Frank doesn't always cooperate (sometimes the video card just doesn't want to boot with the rest of the system). Second I've been really exhausted for the past three weeks. A little over two months ago Martin and Francine were trying to work out a choreography for an ‘invitational spectacular’ that is held every year, it’s sort of a year-end party for the local dance community. Francine is Martin’s mom, fellow choreographer, and my other dance teacher.

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Goodness ! Life in the UK !

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OH, my goodness. I was doing some fiddling about, calculating the cost of Petrol in the UK ! Glory be, it it really about $8.25 per US Gallon there? It appears to be around 1.30p. My goodness.

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blog d'Isabelle

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For all the friends of Big Closet.I advice to read the article on Huffington Post today from senator ecologist Esther Benbassa following the victory of Conchita Wurst in the Eurovision song contest.Tomorrow I shall say you while it's very important for me.I'm a french transgender.Isabelle.

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Happy mother's day, everybody

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Well, happy Mother's day, everyone.

If you can, be kind to a mother. Your mother for preference, but you can pick another mother if you need to ...

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Jaci is gonna laugh at this one

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Well, Jaci is gonna have a laugh about this, but last night, I was talking to a co-worker about my transition, and I mentioned how nervous I was starting out.

Her response?

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Some Writing Updates

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I try to let people know what's going on with me, especially after I don't produce something in a month. I am hard at work on Phenom, the fourth book in the God Bless the Child saga. I finally got to the main issue and it should be smooth sailing from here on out (probably not). I am over 50k words and I already see areas that I need to do major reworks over, but I'm hoping for that random bit of inspiration to hit me.

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big closet fan page on Facebook

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If anybody is interested, I have created a Big Closet Fan page on Facebook

Here is a link:

check it out, and join, if you wanna!

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Have you not been told?

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Ok, so well I was talking with a half dozen trans-women today, at various stages in transition and one of then just had not come to the realization that the moment you put that skirt on you lose some of your privilege. Later when you get whacked and finally have the shovel handle insertion procedure administered, you lose all your privilege.

Yes, sure the more passable you are the better it is if you simultaneously load the feminine wiles and deportment routine. I have had the worst problem in tuning my approach to become sweet and endearing without actually flirting.

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623 story ideas

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After my group therapy session, I stopped at a local mall and looked around, including a walk through the bookstore, and I came across a book called "623 stories you can write". I took a peek inside, and it had story titles or questions like "you're an astronaut - describe one day in your life", or "describe the worst Thanksgiving day dinner ever".

I forgot to get the name of the authors, but I'm sure someone could find the book if they were interested in writing but have trouble finding good ideas.

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Needed: Web page developer - paid position

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I need someone who can develop a few web pages for me and I'm willing to pay someone to do it. I need a really good author's web page and another one that is to remain secret. I've tried to do it with Wix, but that leaves me wanting. I know what I want, I just don't have the tools or knowledge to do so. Please send links to pages you've developed so I can see your work and prices. Thanks.

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Wandering in fantasy land

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So, recently someone expressed interest in my stories, in editing them, and giving me advice on how to publish them. Those published will likely be Kindle or something like it, but I do want to publish a "dead tree" book just for my own personal satisfaction. That someone would show interest in my stories is a great surprise to me.

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2 weeks in the hospital

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I just spent 2 week in the Hospital . On April 12 I was working outside cutting some branches to get them higher from the fence and the bow saw popped back sending me off balance and off the ladder . I broke my left leg at the ankle about as bad as you can get the EMT's said a limb treating injury . The bones from my leg and ankle were outside the skin (lots of blood) a 45 minute ride to trauma center the test after test and surgery for 3 hours starting at 5 pm . I had a second surgery on April 25 again 3 or 4 hours .

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I think it's finally happened

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I think it's finally happened. So I was sitting in the main hall of the CC building at my college, just sitting and chatting with Cici and Zach, two friends I've made. Though at this point I was still keeping my guard up. I was still a bit cautious of any fall out that could ever happen. Cheyenne and Amber come up and Cheyenne grabs me going "hey come with me" and just starts pulling me away from the Table, Cici following behind as our stuff gets left there for Zach to watch.

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Some publishing news

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Just to let those who are interested know, Growing Up Jenny is now available in paperback and on the kindle. This is a re-release and highly edited version of the original. It is roughly 15,000 words shorter and is free of many of the grammatical and spelling errors of the original. It is a very powerful story of a young girl who goes through SRS and has to deal with the communities response as she gets adjusted not only to her new family, but also her new self.

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My brain confuses me

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Well, since I had talked about it briefly yesterday, I want to share a bit about the two dreams I had recently that have me wondering what my unconscious or subconscious or whatever is trying to tell me.

The first one took place in a crowded restaurant, and I ended up having to share a table with a man. Despite my initial shyness, he managed to draw me into a conversation, and when it was time for me to go, I gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek. The gesture was so feminine, and came to me so naturally, I woke up being jealous of my dream-self's confidence.

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